The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

5 1 1: 1 -1 Deacons Meet Terps Tonight In ACC Tilt By The Amoriated Preme Wake Forest and Duke, hungry for chance, knock Maryland from atop the Alantic Coast Conterence basketball standings hope to toss one two punch at the Torys beginning tonight: -The-third place Deacons 17-27 vade College Park, Mid. tonight. They'll be followed -Tursday night by the second place Blue Devils $3-1). Forest could take over frat if; it beats Maryland (6-1) and if Duke loses to the Terpa. A win over Maryland by the high scoring Dukes would put them in Arst.

Maryland's only conference defeat was by Wake Foreat. 71-54! Maryland grts by the two, the irgular season title is theirs. Mary. land faced probably its toughest task of the year Saturday -when it defeated strong Navy, 61-60. The win gave the Terps 4 mason record of 19-4, the most basketball victories in the history of the school.

It also was the 11th pationally ranked Terps': eighth straight win. North Carolina (5-4) follows Wake in the standings. Then comes- North -Carolina State-13-31, Virginia 11-4), South Carolina 11-6) and Clemson 10-70, The rest of the achedule: Turaday Washington Lee at Davidson: at- North Carolina; South Carolina at Clemson: Duke at Maryland. Wednesday. N.C.

State. at Vir. ginia Tech. Thursday Virginia Military at Virginia: South Carolina a GeorTech: Georgetown at. Mary.

land. Friday Wake Forest at George Washington, Saturday Duke at North Carolina: Furman at South Carolina; Clemson at N.C. State and Wake Forest at William Mary. Basketball Saturday Fast 57, La Salle 5A Penn 65. Columbia 42 Niagara 67, St.

John's (Bkn) 64 Manhattan 74, Canisius 71 Dartmouth 68, Harvard 59 Syracuse 85, Colgate 83 71. 68. Seton Hall 83, Muhlenberr 63 Connecticut 102, Maine 61 Army 79, Wagner 54 St. Joseph's (Pa.) 71, Richmond Boston Univ. 66.

St. Michael's (Vt.) 65 Pitt 74, Penn State 62. 8t: Francis (Pa.) 86, Loyola, Chicago 70 Villanova 78, Boston College 52 Rutgers 87, Lafayette 70.: Rio Grande 115, Salem (WVa) 76 South Furman 149. Newberry 95 North Carolina 72, Clemson. 56 Kentucky 88, Mississippi 62 -Western Kentucky- 104, Murray State (Ky.) 68 Tennesace 97, Miss State 81 Virginia 85, Georgetown (DC) 78 Maryland 61, Navy 60 (overtime) N.C.

State 65, William Mary 48 Miami' Fla. 77, Florida Southern 70 Auburn 85, Florida 65 Duke 107. Virginia Tech. 54 Alabama 112, Georgia 76 West Virginia 81, VMI 56 Tulane 71. Vanderbilt 63 Dayton 75.

Louisville 71 Midwest Northwestern 100, Indiana 90 overtime) Oklahoma 63, 80 Wichita 79, Oklahoma City 65 St. Louis 86. Depaul .70 86, Minnesota 82 tovertime)! Xavier Ohio) 78, Eastern Kentucky 6f Purdue 64, Michizan State 50 Ohio 97, Michigan, minois: 70, Wisconsin. 64 (overUme at Missouri 96. Houston 62 Iowa State 64, Kansas State Southwest Rica 81, Texas 51- Arkansas 70.

TCU N. Texas 73; Southern Methodist 71 4 al, Mexico 102. Eastern New Moxico 58 Texas: Tech 60, New Mexico AS Arizona State (Tempe) 79, West Texas 77 Arizona 50, Hardin Simmons 53 Far West Denver 65; Regis 59. Washington 51, Oregon State 47 Idaho 79, Oregon 65. 58, 45 Colorado 77, "Brigham Young 76.

Santa Clara 77, Hawall.60 UCLA 71, California 62 Stanford 72. Soutbern California $7 St: Mary's Calif 63, Humboldt State 50 Coach Can Stop (Continued From Page 10) criticized rule awards A player second free throw attempt' if he misses his first. It also boots out the "threeminute" rule which awards two free throws for any foul committed in the last 180 seconds of game. Hickey's system retains the rules regarding fouls Against players in the act of shooting one if the field. goal is made, two it the shot from the field misses 5 THE DAILY PROGRESS; CHARLOTTESVILLE; MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 15, 1954 PAGE ELEVEN Shop In Charlottesville ORDER BY MAIL FROM ADVERTIsem*nTS IN THIS NEWSPAPER LINE 1.

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low -smooth out and mall No our readers and -our Progress mall. REPLY advertisers. 0101 ISL 0,701 CLIP IT NOW 7 BUSINESS Daily Virgiala USE IT ANY TIME' 'O'd END WE PAY POSTAGE 4 INNER MON. Regular And King Size MINLATURE SCHNAUZERS Ranked standard Phil Mars Lucy Lady, owned by Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Anspach of Elizaville, N. at the Westminster Kennel Club's Dog Show in Madison Square Garden. The small fry are Wilkern Point Pleasant, property of Lee Murray of Fort Worth, and Wilkern Ceneral' Staff, which belongs to Maryann and Aubrey of Barrington, Ill. Virginia Sports Calendar "Tonight's Contesta Basketball Richmond at Virginia Tech Union Theological at Richmond Professional Xwinuning Davidson and Washington and Lee at Virginia Military Saturday's Results Basketball Virginia 85, Geogetown 78 Roanoke 92, Shepherd 64 Randolph- Macon 10, Richmond Professional 54 Duke 107, Virginia Tech 53 St. Joseph's 71, Richmond 59 Emory and Henry 95.

Milligan 87 North Carolina State 65, William and Mary 48 West. Virginia 81, Virginia Malitary 56 Hexing. Virginia 4, Army 4 Wrestling. Virginia Military 18; Maryland 15 West Virginia 16, Washington and Lec 12 Gettysburg 16, Virginia 14 Duke. 16, Virginia Tech.

12 Pole Yale 28, Virginia 5 Indoor Track Big Six meet- Virginia Military Virginia Tech 20, Richmond 7, William and Mary Washington and Lee 0. Little Seven meet- -Roanoke 63, Bridgewater Lynchburg 13, Randolph- Macon 12, Hampden-Sydney 10. Education Report Calls For Sports De-Emphasis ATLANTIC CITY, Many. bouquets and few bets today greeted an education commission report calling on U.S. public schools to rut out the carnival aspects of their athletic programs.

The 116-page report- -three years In the making--was presented here yesterday the annual convention of the American Assn. of School: Administrators AASA. The far-reaching report carried an eight- point of the "bad practices that mar athletics in too many American schools today." Those practices include "pampering" athletes, whipping up student frenzy before games and exploiting athletic competition good show to be sold to the public as, vaudeville." Virginia Quintet (Continued From Page Teni freshman boxing star in 1940. clinched a tie by winning a 'decis. ion.

from Virginia heavyweight, Bill their travel out of the way for the season, the Cavaliers began preparations for their home Saturday, night. against defeated: 1 7:15 The starting time has been moved up because of the dances, Syracuse owns decisions over. Army and. Maryland, Virginia's wreathers went down' to their second defeat in six matchSaturday night when they lost close decision to Gettysburg lege, 16.14. This Saturday they journey to Lexington for meet-.

ing with VMI. WIBC Makes Progress MILWAUKEE, UP- Mrs. Jeanette Knepprath of this city. has been president of the Woman's International Bowling Congress for 30 years. Since she frat accepted the post the organization has risen from a membership of about 2.000 sanctioned bowlers in 28 cities to its present total of almost 700,000 members in 1.412 'cities.

The WIBC has almost 20,000 leagues throughout the country. Eligible Ice Men MONTREAL 4P Female hockey fans should know that there are only: 36 bachelors in the National Hockey League. The Detroit Red Wings lead the pack with eight single men. The New York Rangers and Chicago Black Hawks have seven each. The Boston Bruins claim six and the Toronto Maple Leafs five.

The Montreal. Canadiens list only three, bachelors. GET THE AD-READING HABIT VMI Easy Winner (Continued From Page feldhouse record.) Mile relay -1. V311 (Sway, kind, Svendsen' And Angle): 2. Vir.

rinia Tech; 3. Vaughan; 4 William and Mary. minutes, 38.1 seconds. (Now Big Six record.) Pole vault- 1. Evans Bruteid, Virginia: 2..

Greene, VAu; 3. Tie. Virginia Tech, and Young, William and Mary. Height 12 fret inches. Now Big- Six Big Six Freshmen Mile run --1.

Chukinas, Richmond: Jean, V.MI: 1. Harden, VMI: Armistead, Virginia, Time-4 minutce, 14.6 seconds. 60-yard dash Rigga, Rich. mond; 2. Moody, VMI; 3.

Pullman, William. and Mary: 1. Kneeland, Virginia. Time 440-yard dash -1. Minor, Virginia Tech: 2.

Drew, Virginia Tech; Smith, 4. Jenkins, Time sounds. High hurdice-1. MeGUl, Virginia; 12: Brown," Vir. ginia; Althana, William Mary, Time acconds.

sh*t put -1. Dalry, Virginia Tech; 2. Rinchart, Virginia: 3. Calvin, VMI; 4. Ackerly, Virginia.

Distance -40 feet, inthes. Big Six 880-yard run -1. Warren Chukinas, Richmond; 2. Wingteld, VPI; 3. Jean, vati, 4.

Waymuth, Virginia. Time-2 minutes, 47 seconds. 11igh Warren Gilbert, VMI; 2. Moore, a Virginia; 1. Tie, Whittle, VMI; Soasnar, VMI and Beenninghove, Richmond.

Height-5 feet, 4 Inches. 70-yard low hurdle 1. Riggs; Richmond; 2. Jones, Virginia; Brown. 4.

McGill, Time acconda. Mile relay 1. Virginia Tech Wingheld, Annelmo, Drew, Minor); 2. VMI; 3. William and Mary; Virginia.

Time-3 minutes, 49.4 onds. Pole vault-1. Tie, Johnson, ginia Tech; Pawley, VMI, and Althanxes, William and Mary; Vaughn, William and Mary, Height -11 feet. Santee Three Seconds From 4-Minute Mile EAST LANSING, UP. Three seconds is less time than' it takes the average' person to read just one in his newspaper.

Three seconds is about all that relay runner We Banter the fabulous Kansas miler from the equally fabulous dream of the four-minute This explains the intense Interest of track fans in a triangular between Kansas, Illinois and igan Stale here tonight, 'Santee ran the mile 'anchor leg of the distance medley relay In 4:02.6 at the Michigan State Re lays Saturday night. Ilis time was faster than the Indoor mile' record 1:05.3 by Gil Dodds, former IlL. runner In 1947. 'Santec's time won't. go Into the record books, however, since he covered.

the mile in and got off to a running start. "It he had started from the lation 'crouch," said Kansas Track Coach. BUL. Easton, figure ho could have covered the mile In. at.

ficast 4:03.0.4 Santer runs regulation mile. tonight as the star attraction of the triangular 'meet. Weekly Sports Calendar Tuesday Basketball- Wash. Lee at Va. 6:15 (Frosh Varsity); Albemarle at Manassas; Lane at Fishburne; Roanoke at Burley; 8 p.m.

Wednesday Swimming- VMI at Virginia, 3:39 Thuraday VMI at Virginta, (Frosh Varsity); Burley at ville. Basketball -Chester Friday at Albe LINE 'at VMI; marle, A p.m. VSD. at Lane, 8 p.m. Burley at Lynchburg; Fluvanna Madison.

Boxing Saturday Syracuse- at Virginia: DOTTED Swimming--Big 2:30. 8ix Meet at- Mom. 'THIS Are You Proud of Your Letterhead? If you're not, you 'should be because your letterhaed is your silent spokesman your business ambassador new prospects and old customers alike. Make sure -that it is: worthy of you. Let design and print a letterhead you CAN be proud of! PHONE 26-552 FOR COPY PICKUP King Lindsay Printing Corp.

202 Tenth Street. NW CUSTOMER PARKING BESIDE BLDG. Knicks Hold Lead Despite .500 Pace By The Awociated Press The New York have been playing only .500 ball the past month but they still hold two, Eastern and one.half Division game of the lead Na- in the tional Basketball Association ly because their nearest rivals haven't been able to put on a tained drive. "New York has won Eight while losing the same number since Jan. 19.

For period. the ond-place Syractine Nationals have 7.7 rerord. But Syracuse picked up full game on the Knicks last night by trouncing the Baltimore Bullets 111-91 the New Yorkers were dropping A 103-89 decision to the Boston Celtics, The Minncapolis Lakers, leaders in the Wentern Division, whipped the second-place Rochester Royals 105-77 while the Fort Wayne Pistons moved to within one half game of the defeating the Philadelphia Warriors 94-76. Beverly Hanson Beats Babe In Golf Playoff ST. PETERSBURG, 1A9- Making the most sparkling putting game, Beverly Hanson beat Babe Zaharias on.

the third hole of a sudden death play-off to win the 54-hole St. Petersburg Women's Open Golf Tournament. Miss Hanson, who plays out of Charlottesville, made a nifty second shot and. canned 10-foot putt op the 21st- hole yesterday for A birdle 3 and the victory over Mrs. Zaharias from nearby Tampa.

Miss Hanson and Mira. Zaharias wound up with on the 6.116- yard Sunset Country Club course. where par is 74. On the playoff, both has 4's on the first two holes. The Babe barely missed winning the match on the third hole when putt jirgled around the cup but wouldn't fall in.

-Miss lianson's victory gave her $875 in prize money. The Babe gained $830,. Hutchinson New King Of Baseball's Golfers. MIAMI, IT Freddie manager of the Detroit Tigers. is the new golf champion of major baschall.

spotted pitcher Lou Kret: low of the Baltimore Orioles an early 2-hole lead, then -came back, to defeat him in yesterday's finals of the National Baseball players Colf Taurnament. Defending Champion' Allie Rey-; nolds of the New York Yankees was beaten In the first round. Alvin Dark of the New York Giants, who went to the finals with Reynolds last year, lost in the second Found. 3. A E.

Address -A 41 6..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.