The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

I T. THE DAILY CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN WORK PEAKER'S THEME steresting Address Made By Lewis Payne, Club Before Rotary Every business is the product human beings who compose: it, be greater than said Lewis Payne, general huger of the Virgiala Public Company, in address "Vocational Education," dellv. before 1 the Rotary Club Tues evening. business institutions suo 10 making.

futi- use el that, lie latent within the said Mr. Payne, the Arst suggestion I can ofto educate, Inform, trala develop Ni Virginia Public 1 Service company, said the speaker, has for somber of years, been carrying program which embodies tot these ideas a program care planned and, decidedly eduin character. These proare are designed, carried for on all em and by the with the moral Ancial support of the manage Edecational Moctings These meetings are held reguon every division of our com ay. and the programs are In that character Interest and is of constantly such Topics are assigned days prior to any meeting either booklets pertaining to subject assigned, or complete to it are riven the em "As 1 result of these meetings, employee things la' their relationship, biscome more stared, more emcient, more more useful. They come to that their responsibility completed with the routine to them in their Evidual jobs.

Rather they have responsibility to their company, their fellow workers and, to they serve a over and above what' they me paid to da This educational" program ties tato second program, ecational training. It encourages and women to take advantage their educational opportunities by so doing at themselves for of greater usefulnes hara more about the parti line of work they follow, others broaden thelf knowland for advance in other lines when oppor unity knocks Women Active Tor are our women overlook. 1 la this work. They bare an maination of their own and each month to study and all phases of the business many of them are just with rates and their the territory we serve, and capacity of lines, and sub stations as any. of A well da the men, de personal interest in the activities, whether.

it consciousness of home he pork, publio relations work, sales or stock sales. think this' fact to more than when I tell you that women of our organization. 70-day campaign conrecently, sold $55,000 worth Cachandise and approximately worth of the securities of company. Thrift Encouraged Company also encourages employes In thrift 'and'. has a plan under' which be a small percentage of I mage deducted, from each pay and invested in some ad atageous way, and employe on Christmas an parance policy in an amount on the length of time to Waterer our suocees has been, 14 Mr.

Payne In conclusion, can found by anyone in following trail of the Ca-Contact, Conmace, Confidence and Co opera "I feel that- almost every emwants to do his work right. -to measure up to what to Fretted of him, he is willing to almost everything in reason. don't want to be ridi and laughed at and a ataral leader is provided who will ay loyal to them they they must be to the Company. will automatically meet advantages offered by any, of vacational training. and factor in helping and to become a better business OUR COMPANIES (Continued from page One) Machester.

headquarters company, Picket Captain Anderson picket force maintained by unions would be Increased, unrength Present plans, to the full legal of 80 men within' the few days. At present a smallbours force a la on duty for Jess than day. Lee Mooref, newly ape I MISS 'AGNES D. RANDOLPH Miss Agues Dillon Randolph, native of Albemarie, died early this morning at her home la Richmond, where she had recided for the past thirty years. Miss Randolph was the founder of the outpatient tuberculosis vice in Virginia, and was national ty.

known for has tuberculosis work, having organised ciation in Texas la 1019 that similar to the one in Virgiala. Miss Randolph greatgranddaughter of Thomas Jetter son Representing branch of the eminent Randolph family of Vir ginia, she was born to Albemarie County atty Are year ago, the daughter. of William Lewis and 'Agnes (Dillon) Randolph. In the paternal line her ancestry runs back to Mana and Margaret (Smith). Ran dolph, her grandparents, Dr.

John and Judith (Lewis) Randolph, Thomas Mana and Ana (Cary) Randolph, and Anally to William Randolph, of "Turkey Her mother, Agues Dillon, caret vannah, daughter Ga. (Clunkey) of Micheal Michael Dillon, Dillon and to the United States tram Ireland Her father's mother was Margaret Smith Randolph, daughter Col. Thomas Jefferson Randolph, of and Jane Holing Nicholas, he being the eldest of Gov. Thomas Randolph and Martha erson, daughter of President Thomas of "Monticello." Miss Randolph is survived by two brothers- Randolph, of Atlanta, Ge, and Dr. W.

1 Randolph of this city. The funeral will be held from St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rich. mond, at 10.30 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. The procession will come by motor to this city and will joined at 3 o'clock by local family members and friends at the er of Lexington and High Streets, the old Mcintire home) and thesi to Monticello, where the interment will take place.

THEODORE EDWARDS Theodore died at 13:85 yesterday afternoon' at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jacobe, in Washington, D. C. after an itiness of two months. He eighty three years of age The funeral will be.

held o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Ivy Baptist church, and the Interment will be in -the church cemetery. Mr. Edwards is survived by three children- -Charles Edwards, of this city: Mrs. J. Jacobe.

of Washington, D. and Raleigh N. Edwards, of He also one granddaughter; Alice Jacobe, of Washington, D. C. FUNERAL OF THACKER The funeral of Mri.

Ola Thacker, who died Tuesday morning at her home near North Garden, took place from the residence yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Following were the 'pall-bearers: Hunter Gantry, Coleman Norfolk, Walter. Jones, Haden Farrell, William Graves. TANK EXPLOSION (Continued from pare tore away an 18-foot brick hurling debris on the Arefightera. The remaining tanks produced blasts as they caught fire and rock.

ed the area. The Uberated off flow ed into the river through sewers and over the ground. The blaze narrowly missed three brick warehouse tilled with 5,000 of naphtha land 600 drums of pale the oil. The fire boat New Yorker old er Vermont flamed up but saved. Several barges were caught in the inferno but a number were taken out in the river for salety.

Army Of Fighters Some 40 companies, comprising about 300 men, and four firebosts trained great streams of water and chemicals on the blame. Flaming oll was chased from manhole to bole in a sewer which ran through the plant into the river. In spite of the Intense beat and the falling masses of molten metal, no firemen were hurt. Rosa, Kart bocke, night engineer at the bouse, was knocked off his feet by the force of one of the blasts was otherwise walafured. ands of persons surround.

ed the plant and perched on nearby bulldings So watch the fireworks The heat was so great that police roped off space for block arunod to protect the enthusiastic from burning themselves. On the Manhattan side the dames risible from thousands of apartmenta. pointed commissioner of county police, said today he planned to have the special county "law forcement body organised. within the net. days.

He has been allowed Initial force of men which, be said, would be Increased if the troops are removed. He planned to Jugde Turner Clergent this afternoon. AT 'POSSUM SUPPER Prose Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York helps himself to Georgie's delicacies He to being served by Adelaide Tignor, daughter of Tigner, en wheee farm at White Sulphur Springs, day the 'poseum supper was served.

HIGH PRAISE IS. GIVEN STUDENTS. Have Keen Sense of Dignity and Devotion, Says President Alderman President Edwin A. Alderman of the University, took time today to comment upon the Thanksgiving football game and the publicity that followed the officers sending of State probibition to the University. "I think it might well be wise," President Alderman said, the part of state and federal authoritier, If they deemed necessary, to" make practice of sending otticers to all football games in Virginia on occasions when large numbers are gathered together, to assist the local authorities to protect the occasion from any lack of sobriety and propriety.

"I think this would be a wiser procedure than to base any action la sending such officers upon letters that may arrive, from sincere hut probably, excited gentlemen, however earnest and distingulshed they may be. Report Analyzed "We do all. that we can with our local forces to take care of. hose occasions, which owing to their size and the promiscuity of the great groups that rather. need.

Mention everywhere. "It has interested me to discover a report from Magistrate Cobthurst of Albemarle, who handled all cases of the following situation: No stagie student of the Valversity of Virgiala, nor anyone officially connected with the Uni versity, was for any offense. the "Eleyen magistrate canes out were of delt the with by group, three of which were from this community and eight from elsewhere. Only one of those arrested was accused of excessive drinking. I think probably that the Attorney General himself would regard port of that sort as indicating that violation of the law practically negligible.

Conduct Prateed gave a great deal of attention to the occasion, being present, beIng Interested particularly, and I am informed by many others who were in the same condition, that the conduct of the University of Virsinia was very tree from anything that could be considered Improper. "Our students hate a very keen sense of dignity and devotion to their University and it is not. dimcult to obtain from them voluntarily a standard of conduct that meets all requirements. I feel I owe to them' a great deal of gratitude for their eager and prompt response to the difficulties of the situation as far as their own conduct la When reminded that there is strong feeling bare among responsible citizens that the and, the University can be trusted take care of the situation satisfac torily Dr. Alderman said, "That may be true.

But- if the department of state government concernad with the enforcement of the prohibition law feels that a service could be rendered by sending number of their officers to assfat. personally see no objection to it. Sagrests Uniformity "But I do think." be added, "there ought to be some uniformity in the matter, based on the general need. and not based. if I may repeat, upon Individual communications from anybody to the responsible officers in, Richmond.

"I confess to a certain weariness that this matter comes up with the University in the front of the pio ture year by year, for it does not deserve any such placement." ZEBULON BANK CLOSES RALEIGH, N. C. Dec. 4-(AP)The Zebulon Banking and Trust Company, only bank of Zebulon, miles from here, falled to open for business today. F.

E. Bunn, vice-president and cashier of the bank, paid, the clos tag followed a series of withdrawins followed series of: with He said the directors bop ed to reopen the institution, -1. Sir Thomas Finally Will diet co*kien Cup Today HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 3- I just got word from a lot of my friends in Remo aud they say thee they will give you a guerantec with your divorce that you don't have to go back to hint any more no matter what New York does, kind of like a guarantee title. Today at noon York they give Sir Thomas Lipa ton that cup that you all mo generously subscribed to, and it was all sold.

We got the gold from France to bulld it out of. Knute Rockne sets the next one for being the bost-liked winner in the word. Yours, WILL ROGERA. Police Put End to Religious Racket WINCHESTER, Dec. 4-(AP) The vast majority of policemen, it seems, are "from Missouri." Three Negroes In clerical garb soliciting for "the Bible Christian Institute of Baltimore- home for colored children" obtained letter of recommendation from Mayor F.

A. Sayrock, but police asked that more credentials shown. The Negroes readily gave the address of their Institution, which George Henry, chief police Inspector of Baltimore, advised railroad freight yard. Convicted in city court of workIns "religious racket," the no were escorted to the city limits and told to 'move on." They save their names Rev. J.

Philmon, Rev. E. Smith and Rev. J. B.

Jackson. CHARLOTTE BANK SUSPENDS CHARLOTTE N. Dee. (AP)-The First National Bank, the oldest National bank in North Carolina, failed to open for today. notice, signed by H.

M. Mo Aden, president and posted on the dor, sald heavy withdrawals led to a decision to close the doors for the protection of all depositors. The beak is now to the bands of national bank examiners. Founded in 1860, the First Nohad a ospital stock of $300. 000.

a surplus of $400,000 and September 21 reported deposits of approximately $1.887,000. 110G WEIGHIN POUNDM 010 pounds. Winchesters H. 7. Drake, of Cro- uproar.

4 1 50 -DER'AL $3450 I SEEDERAL SEEDELCO AL FEDERAL 5 3 HOOSE your cleaner. 4. No matter what type of cleaner you want, you can get it here. You don't have to tire yourself out "shopping" from store to store, or from the se DL bay a particalar cleaner just because you are pressed to. Come in here--take your time.

Try a cleaner at $24.50, the Fedelco SPECIAL -another at $34.50, the Federal Suction Cleaner, the fastest, kind -and the Federal easy $3.25 Down- monthly balance payments. in casicat to handle and most thorough of its Moto-Brush Sweeper, which cleans with a beating and sweeping Call or write for free deme action and has the highest auction of all sweepers- -priced at we: $44.50 onstration. Each of these is the abeolate leader of. its type fully guaranteed. Come in and ace for yourself.

VIRGINIA PUBLIC SERVICE. COMPANY 1. ORCHARD OWNERS (Continued From First moth in Virginia, L. R. Cagle of the Virginia Polytechnie Institute I department of entomology, defend.

ed this pest to the extent of as serting it was unjustly accused of devestations in apple orchards. lie also declared that the Crozet peach failure of 1929 was subsoqueatly found to bave been caus ed largely by the curculio instead of the Oriental moth. For control measures he ommended the burying of larvae in the cocoons. cultivation of orchard soil, general cleaning up in the orchard, disposing of fallen apples, and the advice not to set out September peaches, declaring that these were not adapted to the soll of this region and are notorious pest bearers. Control Dr.

W. 8. Hough, of the V. 1'. I.

Winchester laboratory, suggested four measures for the control of codling moth. These ware: lead arsenate spray, banding of trees with chemical removal of culls, and the seraping of loose bark from trees. Due to pressure of the sessions, three lectures had to be postpobed for this afternoon's program. These addresses were to have been riven this morning by Dr. S.

A. Wingerd, A IL. Take and Dr. A. W.

ard, all experts from the Vir rials Polytechala Institute. Five other talks are also uled on the program this afterwhich to termidate the con vention. Annual Banquet The Society's annual banquet was held last evening in the social room of the First Methodist church. and was attended by members and guesta. D.

Nininger, of Roanoko, vice-president of the Society, acted as toastmaster. The Univeralty Hospital, Quartet rendered selections, cluding "Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny" and "Swing Low, Sweet phonographio record. "A Bar rel of Sunshine For by 'n' Andy of, V. P. was broadcast from Station APPLE, stop the Monticello Hotel, the announcer being' Verbon E.

Kemp, secretary. of the chamber of commerce. The theme' of the dialogue was, "Apples For Health sad Happiness." Drawings ware. then mado for four life memberships in the 'Hoclety, contributed by the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bu reau. Miss Sue' Kennedy, member ship clerk of the Bociety; drew the numbers from the bad, the.

winners being L. Anderson. of HIT AND RUN MEN RECEIVE 2 YEARS Negroes Who Killed Rolier Collier Sent To Penitentiary A jury in Circuit Court delibprated only thirty minutes late yea. tdny afternoon to bring in a ver oaf guilty against Allie Redmond and Joseph Craws. Keswick Nratore.

charged with hit and run in connection with the death of Roller Collier. middle dor. dunaville former, by an automobile on tha Jefferson Highway last summer. l'unlahment was Axed two years imprisonment for each defendant. Collier was fun down by an tomobile as he walked along the road near Keswick ut night and kined almost instantly.

Crews arrested later in the night by Deputy Sheriff W. Abbott Smith near Boyd's Tavern for operating an automobile while intoxicated and was charged with hit-and-run when bloud and marks on his machine identided it as the car reaponaible for Collier's death. Redmond was arrested three days later when Crews charged him with be Ing the actual driver of the car. Defense Redmond, represented by E. 0.

MoCue, save as his defense the fact that he was not certain he had struck anyone but when he wished to stop to make certain Crews Inolsted that he keep going. Crowe maserted from the stand that he was 10 drunk he did not realize what bad happened. He was repre canted by R. Watson Sadler. Two negro girls- Georgia Coles and Annie Bird -also of the death rac dectared Crews toslated that Redmond keep driving even though they thought had been struck by the car.

Crews recently Anished serving sixty jell sentence for operatJag an automobile while drunk. The yesterday were prose cuted by Attorney W. 0. Fife before Judge L. F.

Smith. sett son, R. and IL Walker, Munn, of Mt. Crosal. Jack of The diners were then entertain ed with.

a humorous lecture' titled, A Cargo of Fun and 1 couragement," by the Rev. P. Rowland Wagner pastor of the Central Baptist Church, Mr. topic was Apple" be endeavored to vitalise the vowels in that word. He predicted that Virgint would soon attain.

Aret rank in the apple industry In the United States. Mr. Warner's talk abounded in wit humor and his numerous anecdotes kept the audience in an SAYS NATEX IS WONDERFUL Charlottesville Lady Give Entire Credit to This Wonderful Prescription For Restoring Her Health Thirty-Six Killed In Dynamite Blast RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec. 4 (AP)- A dynamite- Ailed box car on siding at Porto Novo Cunha, in the state of Minas Gerses, espioded yesterday killing 36 persona and wrecking three buildings. Cause of the explosion was unknown.

The car was backed on the siding during the recent revolution, but no one in the city appear ed to know of the presence of the explosives. Among those killed were Major Manuel Lerao, revolutionist commander of this sector during the revolution and his wife and three children. Meetings BIKOTA CLASS The regular monthly meeting of the Bykota class of the First Baptist church, will be held ta the class room tonight at 4 o' clock. All mem bers are urged to be present. Group No.

2 entertaining with- Mrs. W. C. Gibson as captain. FOR CELEBRATION RICHMOND, Dec 4-IAP) Governor John Garland Pollard anticipates carly meeting with the Yorktown' celebration committee to work out plans for the necessary road construction.

to expedite the tratte of more than 25,000 automobiles pected daily for the tour day cele bration to be held at the scene of the Cornwallis surrender, next October. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT (By Asociated Press) BUFFALO, N. George Nickola, Buffalo, out pointed Charlie Belanger, Canadian light beavyweight champion (10), COAST GUARD BOAT LOST CHARLESTON, 8. Dec. (AP)-Coast Guard craft searched the waters off the South Caroline shore line today for the mosquito feet boat, U-11 and its crew.

of ten, lost at sea since Monday night. CHEMIST TO SPEAK ROANOKE, Doc. 4-(AP)-Pro feasor William McPherson, dent: of the, American Chemical Society will address the South west Virginia Chemists' Club bare tonight. A dinner will be served la his honor at the Hotel Roanoke, Immediately preceding the address. The speaker will deliver another address the 'Eastern Vin rials chemists at the Medical Cot lege of Virgiala," In Richmond Thursday night.

The dinner Thurs day will be served at the Club. RICHMOND LAWTER DIES RICHMOND, Dec. 4-(AP)-Wat lace F. Brown, Richmond lawyer and banker died at his home here late yesterday afternoon. Ha death cald by physicians to have resulted from heart attack.

Funeral services will be bald froth his home at 1 P. M. tomorrow. HOWITZERS SHOW RICHMOND, Dec. TAP)Ninety-six horses and twenty two pontes, a record entry.

will compete in the annual Howitsers dorse abow tomorrow and Baturday. Twenty-seven horses will go on the block at an auction sale, Saturday morning. large number of entries this year come from points outside of Richmond. EARTH SHOCK IN ITALY REGIGO DI CALABRIA, ITALY. Dec.

earthquake shock rattled the houses bere about noon today, putting the tnhabitants to Might, but causing little damage. PHILIPPINE PORT WASHINGTON, Dec. Hooved today nominated George Charles Butte of Austin Texas, to be vice governor the Pallippine Islands, "Before I started taking Nate suffered from constipation an nervousness," Sire. L. B.

Updik: 411 7 1.1 this city, declare In a recent conversation with th Natex man who is at Pence Sterling's Drug Store explainin the merits of Natex to local pee pie. "I lost a lat of bad pOO appetite and was In general rus down A condition. I was subject dizzy spells, and at times spot appear before my eyes. kidneys too gave me trouble would get pains in my back an was forced to get up during th aight. 8 "Since taking Natex however, am feeling better all around, am sleeping and resting throughout the night.

My appetit has greatly improved and bot constipation and nervousness hav disappeared. Those, diary spell have left me. and I am no longe troubled with spots before eyes. I do not suffer anymore wit those back paine. "I am very glad to bay that Ni tex in wonderful medicine, fa It has done me a great amount rood in restoring my health, strength." Natex la made from the juice of old-fashioned roots, barks, hart and leaves.

It acts directly on th stomach and vital 'organs. promptly telleves constipation, digestion, gassy stomach, bead aches, catarrh, diary spells, billow ness, backaches and all paint Joints. The Nates man la, al Peace Sterling's Drug More dally meet Jag local people. and explainia the merits of this great new scription. See him.

Laara how Na tex can also help you. HAULING Furniture a Specialty J. E. NORCROSS Phone 1033. W.

R. Withrow, who resides on the old Lynchburg Road, brought to the local abattoir yesterday two year-old bog that weighed 835 pounds. This is the accond heaviest hos ever brought here to be butchered. abattoir officials say. Two: years ago one was butchered.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.