The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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'a THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER MONDAY DECEMBER 30 1885 SHIPPING taU rt cOarad twaaatoaa tar th badmUafatir eeaaaataw NOTICE REMOVAL aaffp CWriStB The JOHN IMNUL The eosrth eost trsdea prvreri moderate aad I bat the lwood ipMitty thntIter food Meaning perwd the Gtpe nt Good I ported to pnsMM taal cuuM be wittita ferry mike cm Dteamhre 7 1 pert dating the current imim hr ESTABLISHED 1SSS TRADE AND INANCE BeUrowL 1 5 0 OLD TIME MEMORIES THE HOLIDAYS A BAND PIONEERS She llcgidfer NOW READY THS ROT AL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN Adelaide Monpay Dec 30 1805 MILITIAMEN AND BOLDIERS ho TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC Cuja iiiidcr MPaHTANT AHN8UNCEMEJIT BORING OB WATER TWratoher 33 117 KifcG SflKTOl WILLIAM STREET aft er ba pateat by thtotuM fl £0 1 Ifl 6 Jfe'H STfel Broker Paatora The pohbcatMMi erf the JStemmy JawMt will be omitted TO DAY and on New Year Day COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO LIUTBL TOL ffOARTEL ru vvji gOUTH A7BTBALUN RAILWAY! EXTRA TRACTS OB! TICTOR LINE fitfijje des rn 310 lin men onio () onio METORnUKSir AL REPORT una PhRKum coxmcrn innoir ciadeks Kb wthwi ai ru i tfwgty reeaptorf ly 5 The finaaeul cristt in America baa no doubt had some efiert upon the Loodoc money market whjch bas hardened aoomwhat during the past week the quotation for three months bills having advanced from pre cent discount to 6d The Bank erf England returns diarloaa decrease in the quantity rf gold Co the extent of £904000 a fall on tbe banking reserve of £L49O and a withdrawal erf deposits to the amount of £2OffiOnfi On the other hand the public depcaite have £1)04008 and the Bank has obtained additional securitiea to the value of Colonial tneka have fluctuated but aa a rule no more than is usual st tbe done erf the year the untt noticeable feature erf the week being a drop of £2 in South Australian throe and a half and decline of £2 10ri to MELBOURNE SKfavltiS Strict IKlBNHE HENLEY BEACH TRAMWAY BY SIMPSON NEWLAND Author ferrite Way" Ac A Sfeet'R of the Satflemaa Baeoantar Ray iro by tbe Bev Xearfaad sad Party Mark Twain writes the NEW YEAR NUMBER THE ackeowfedgvd expert in die varies bnurteaf ths nruwwwa: is cdd atoppiag be a smdaUK awl esroMMosl ad taateget offroad in tb yaUIr ta tU direMtae Mean EtKUA 4 Tirmuau see la a imitioe to snke vis pan rata aad com Mn iblisatioi tf NEW STORY By MfT'Twvs RGSJ Apollinabis ('The Quan of Table Wnrere') Al IHSHEADor ALLTHCWaTBRS EXASKfiD PUBHY wo REEDOM non Disease ifarifi" JOltufc Tat OLD rsrasusiiED Doinn ESXELL and The NEW YEAR NUMBER of tho AddiHe tXarrptr ptrirfiehed on Saturday affl'Kig other interesting items esavisUy adapted for holiday reading coataina a abort ttory LIE EAST AND WEST THE THAMES A Tale or tre Geest mbt or Bt Soul axd Damoe Kctb Agmaior WaaHy Mwfaly nymnea bebecrihefs may begin at aav date and wait tar the begiMtag of a (femme 4qr wTwjsdsi'tty ta Adfetni ar M4Me Pevr rfbemd to taumdiaitly eaiurf to pterom modern tayrommnta in deck gmr croud i'uaeroe aad W7 NerricR Mn Capper aad Mim MansfleU tn tbe salon December 5 Marloo steamer (AitaiaMto SS Coapanyk 1W7 tnus Thomas AUea from Sydney Decsmbw 3 Jlelbiurne Xih Mr ilgaAPurr' Adelaida Steuddp CncrpMy City at Port apmta Paa Neadamm Mateo Undell Gfbm aad DONALDSON ANDREWS COMPANY Mtns Gms Mss Vaneiy OUB ESTAIUSKUn WILL OPEN UTE On SATURDAY lYEXING 21ft December On CHRISTMAS EYB 24th December On SATURDAY EVENING 28th December AND WILL CLOSE Oi TIE B8LIBAIS On LIONDAY 30th December On TUESDAY 31st Deeonber on ik January Muth CmW at lrt with asthaity (MMtbveat anu rMi) winda btii wimu grattti11y tenUnc and rnrh whb fine lrigtU and warmer weather the boikky ou Monday GsycxAt Rlmahks Ibe lov iMrmiHer wv ytruenfay lyias ever thia coluay but pd to the Maih eaatwaid aM aow oners Ti'aauU and the restro part of the eas tern Inrancrrie gradient being wAwuth steep Iwwva Unhert 1293 and Ade laitie (mi rodi tme neat and wutb west wladaaro 'ilmrint along ttoecoMt with rwbiai A expofted little or an mfa srenmmafed Urie depfeminn A metarule kith prnwwri two or tbe Bint and there ara Lxht iadMiMae ef new tow dm Leemte CVauer Toon Bmmmuat AfirsaHmnr Tbe JkKdw ma be otnaleed from Ageuta fa all parts jrf thia Cotouy sad throughout Aetmlia all tbe ariacfpd BaOw 1 price of 0NE OARS WILL RUN THE STOCK AND SHABE MARKET The Mtewtag Yiminsa oa Katorday Weetrna Asatralian Stocks oou Throe Sal to ntitar Nnnh Store la Cd la iiX No Gnat Xaraemae Wales Ud Greet tales Gnat Boolder Nonrtaaa Rak to a Greet Bonlden Rato and bayer 12a tauten LWltaock MLVER Jwetiaa Nottto Sale and bvyar IX sd THE AR 09W UTUna steamer Inn Sttn toaster for EuyTMUB Biv aasr Mnt aad ML CneiUy Mn Summera Meam Storrie Hamil rwi Lewis tally A Pirkfn McKenzie Smith Norrie rith aarf ftrar on Wallace lienster White jo tho aaiooa and 10 in tbe second cabin SPECIAL NOTICL AiutMtMTMcn'a Jirtfa XervvmHV It is reengnued the the srch fir warxr By mams of haring should bo tha future fw mnro than it his ltta in past special feature cf rir public works policy The presence erf few suarwvrfu bares in the moro Mcd distrirtx would prove invaluable whilst the opening up of the ran met of country in the depends very largely ujion whether per manent supfiltes of water can heohtAuicd It been too much Uie practice in South Australh tn cndiirt boring pim tions in a hrtod way Nn a4rjuioe pnblie duty ebould and does bring with It is fortunate fr South Aatalia that the foren of those motives ha outlived 11 adverse influence for it surviTBl depends tho continum of our military esiablishiDeot It wee the doeire of Colonel aad of the GneRiojient that the passing of the nw Act should maih the nitmtioa ayrtaa under which able bodied men subject to certain exemp I would be liable to serve This I te unqwestiombiy the ideal method of Gqafaan an erwy defence The yang men erf the fitue should repud it being as binding them to qualify themselves for protecting their hearths aad honea against foreign as to fulfil other of the obligations of dtiffiniiliip It my be inferred how ever from the cl Parliament that the oouaky not yet ripe tor eo compre hensive a proposal Ihe thought of service albeit under tbe carc*mstaacee the phrase ia decidedly mHeadiag repugnant to (he free 1 born and so tho Bill had to be altered to bring it into barnrony with the I present state erf the law and tbe work in which all ahtebodied co*kmistA except those reasonably entitled to exemption should share ia stall left to men who have a keener than their fellows of their responsibilities as citizens or tho time being the new force will be Uttlo else than a rerival of the old The voluntary principle will still be in and although there will doubt less be some fra recruits experience teaches that the majority of those who enrol will be the militiaaMn and volun teers of the pmt As already explained in our columns those who enlist under the regulations to be framed under tbe Statute will have to incur a little risk seeing that those regulations will not be law until they have actually been laid befvue PkriiameQt but thia is a matter which is not likely to give them much etmeera Although the leading feature of tbe Act as introduced has been eliminated acme good result may be looked for from tbe new legislation It may bo hoped for instance that the Recerve will be established a an effective branch of tho new orpniielim It is provided that tbe term of service of tboee who enrol shall be five years two of which are to be spout in the active force and three in the Reserve The greatest blemish in our militsry system in the pobt has been that there ha been no proper for utilizing the trained men who having undergone a regular course of drill and instruction in the use of weapons have retired from the fores They have been allowed to drift into the general pepulatam and except that some of them have kept up a portion of their exercise through the medium of rifle chibs they have been loot sight of As a matter of fact these are the men who will chiefly have tn be depended in tbe event of a severe ttroggl with an enemy It will be a great advantage to keep them in hand for three years after they have ceased to be soldiers but some plan should be devised for obtaining their aid in an emergency even subsequent to Lbs lapse of live years One or two further benefits nave been secured through the passing of the Act It was not tn 1x3 expsned that rliament would tie its hands in the matter of the anuunl expenditure upon defence The outlay for the year is to be fixed by vote on the Estimates but bear ing in mind how near the orces were to being snuffed out a few months ago on the mere ip di rit of Ministers it is some thing gained that the Legislature has re enacted ehufos as hi tbe minimum number of drills and the minimum rates of pay By doing it has reaffirmed it convic tion to the noceerity of a looil army and of iMuitaining that army on footing of efficiency After all the chief safeguard oi the farces Kes in the good will and confidence of the public Ii South Australians generally realise that those who undertake to protect them are not only silling but able to do so they will not Ixigrudge the few thousands a yoarnoeded to keep them provided with arms and to make them a modest allow ance for their loss of time The best guarantee the country cn prusibly have of the locel army being a reality Mid not a sham is the presence in its ranks of good meo and true a ho have in past yenrs ack by it through all vicifsinideM of fortune aud there is reMin to believe that very many of such arc prepond to continue their connection uh it its slightly all and Mr EMmuhte im rrtwserf from vtom aud Iwna Whilrt Uim ta riaitod lae pritrlfto Kata! wpi'AlK Maxim vita am thu BewMt aad BM au rawful aiecteta xn! ijflhiwB far auAlna I'rias aad tRtentnx Anifleial Itetk Mr Laacu MONDAY ffiOth DaoBrnter 36M toB SALE HJUQRTDN PARK tatweaa Mesaa BMfar aad Ntorea AMELT K1 NCS With all Aasasstte fMuiaitM Stablro a'a II saae Ma ndUrtmm wmi iiswt Orsamal GMrfsa taw rdHne rirk i'r trau on Engltnd mr tta aia jh fwjft af Bai Cnvu BDCTitf On tb ISh taroiafxT at Yw atne tta wife of Ataxaatar Hay Tni ot a duuabMv ttEATWS Shipping ItczW virtvi Adelaida inai1 th" J'terr AtatnJix area Lidil at alvit 9 o'clock The Ana rrolui carry Vie ujuroukmial Lags on A KINGSBOROUCHHARKBROKKR Ns A BOYAL EXCHANGE Telsptawa MRM3e AoaiKlul iete adrorttoed WUVa Prat ostn ttuwn 1k SHEET ALMANAC 93 1898 PRIGS MXPCMCE THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER On January 4 the Sr insulmcat of a rvmarkahjy interoxtvjg wry of adwa turc from th'prn of ih wll knowii author Mwidock RGS will i published thu AJ 'atdc ulnerrer It ueutitled GOLDEN IDOL" Th wware are laid partly in Aiptraha and partly in th wnii krtul ulaadsof N'sw Ucixia and Nitv Harraix may at once that this tale don not deal with Wonua Who Woman with a nor with the corrupting and demoralizing ideas of the ifn 'e rt foU and cranks is a pure healthy invigorat ing thnihn? and breezy wy of bemto ad venture that old and youu ouy read with profit ani advantage aud rrou first to la there ie not a singlo Imo that any cue ne xi lMGCK AND SHABB BB0KEB8 rnaanwK ww uuam atrssck jin iav rfn CARRY ON THUR BU8CTEM in tto KS" tbe OOMMUCIAL UNION AWURANCt CO LIMITED UNI VREhAL BUILDINGR GBOnXBTBEET Glam Mteea Cotten Wright Jlacrow Smith lintaU Watwm oster Tnni and Wiuiaiu Da Corhea Captain Uuchet Mewna Butots Milter Marrow Manhall Artour Rdd Giuw Hnaking tTifebea CORRESPONDENCE II" and fcx omitted to send tbeir real namtw you inform me rf the aame dat and pl of meeting tb 1 firtt Oraiv Lodge opened in South Aiu tralia? puss*Uy one of your mibacribere eau supply tbe ONE PENNY The Bataa of Suhxicn throughout Austrelb aad New Zealand are aa foitow Melbewne and Stowtu and Inland Towns (da Nrered by any Newo Agawtl per wonk ur fa (XL pet quarter ueled direct tom ths ArywOOteototabaCTiLen Daily per quartet Ported direct from the Aerat Oflra two copteo in one address eetrr (thrr two copits tailr for we MbwTibere cue cap of euch day's mbuo oa altern'Uo days) for ana robaerfber fa per quarter far errt sahaeribw Onkre for tbe Aejiw receiredby BlttKti Ruodloetroto Uteiatde ended batuday Dt ccuiier at teflfl I CmreYI (ranklin 01W itO Ovi liW) otten MHO BAROMETaiCXL READINGS Tbe fnUia tible has hwn vo(niet'd fire otw rritiue reronlM thi offire e' ry rx boon dving I he las: ihnw days and tar due nxeu tug Height above tbe sea level riday Nrtuniay uindaT farotorter ron stnitfeaary ut 2 thh mnrtijjg fine THE RAINALL Tae fellowinc 'n tb quanaiws of rain repis tsrai at the aixknuditMoeJ station tr tbe twwii atxm Adelaide Cjiurn iire U'ilntui Melro NuriouCpa Ani 'n Taiuurli Lyndorh M'irpLett Vic Lnbfttei Wwtede Milmz Radix 11 mt Stan 1n YAjMn bare dfjped fate it srith the reenH that I wish it were ssweal voImms iastaad af a pam phlet" 8 WIGG A SON Pnrefld 'tSAre iih keeping them together officers almost without exevp hae had to spend much than they has been in the of reeriviug and the pay of the Winifred dmriy hwvrf yemiMt daiabter erf Ri bard aad Mary Tavbw asod fra yvur niENOWbAM rin tte Jteb Dur bre a Hwiky tafcije MetvUte tbe deatiy Iwlnred ten of rederick sad Cferrxflreth aged 7 aontte Another Hute bwi to Mesa In tenve pi GiL On tee sh Deeemhsr af typhtid torn st Smith's MilK Wuilti AWuilia Kclirnrd Pugh third soa of Thauu Pneh of Bsltaunwh aed 3 tearing a widow ami two children to mmre th ir ires Rreraefart by aU who keew hits On the 9th ttecetnber at birw dnne BssiUe stre eart Jaaire tee teloeil husband of Maria GBWrt spirt Prenrt sen Miller IL Kinxswcll JaRrey rueQe Bail A itremJd ord Bny Hannes Walbt Mummery Stirnnxrf Walkeoden latnnn Rankin Ctek Wilsos and Williams and Marten Ghmaad Sampson io the saloon and Stt to the second oabto tor aU porta knkET stunner 246 that ssatesr from Port Lfncoto Mr aud Mm White Mn A Onle Muaa Bear aad Macs Messrs Bmnr Crompton Milner and Harvey and taw children McDonald Pelton 4 Thtle and Itieharria in the saloon and 4 to the scro'id abuL Bag of o'ter empties and Bdriee Juts iaii keteb 54 toga John William Easter from llrerstcnc December Gtxv oy MCUCQ steamer Warden nuuter tram Sydney December ii and Muray City and Port Meat CLEARED DECEwirxa CEwa iMmr tor Staaabury Jawbs CtiMBiE Mesmer for Kangaroo Irlaod Wiaooci steamer for Edithbure TxvESTKroR steamer for Port P'rie 'Locotw ketch for port Wakefield PORTOvtay ketch for Monnta PoeTDor icteoaer for Arno Bav Tkril Blve liarnn M7iie J'G Ahier saarter for Qqml Pasauorfa Memw ScUink tongriou and nrmteJ Hma ah bwqoe KI tons NUlaaon matter fw Landon A pathetic interest attaches to the voluntary comp at Granite Iflhnd account of its being tbe last assemblage at the kind connected with the local forces as at piieetit conttituted The new Act row in operation and under its prortrioea those hitherto known as militiaman who by the way have no sarus at all until they have re enrolled ar to Mstime the more fannal and pretentious name of Tt Mxuewhat surprising that during the of the measure in Phrliv ment bo lictle was taken to the introduction of a term suggestive of the sangainary record of the battlefield but tbe is probably to be found in tbe fact thnt the Bill was pushed through the Houma with aueh rapidity that there wee no time far exhaustive analysis points of pre eminent imjxirtanee con nected with the enrolment organization and pay of th force so completely mono polized the few hours allowed for the critical examination of the cLvjsck that mere matters of sentiment and detail received little attenfma This is greatly to be regrttted The application of the to men wtove duties are confined to purpose of defence and have nothing to do with aggression i not per haps of serious cc nsequenec but there arc other respects ia which the Bill would have been the better of more careful revitioa before being finelly passed Thv taken as a whole it rt fleets great credit upon is framer (Monel Gordon mast lie acknowledged and die testimony borne io its merit by experts in th other coionies is well deserved but it has defect aad its excelleoriM tend to render these all the more conspicuous Seeing that it embodies within itaolf all the local military law it certainly should have been agreed to in a form rendering amendment unnecessary for years to come As it is this can handy bo said to be the case In its original shape it was fairly all embracing and Rolf coosistent but certain af the hoary allegkli'ius made in Parliament have not only varied ir scope but have marred it completeness and simplicity The aruon of the artillery in utilizing the holidays far the establishment of camp st Victor Harbour is quite in keep ing with the spirit which the forces have exhibited during Ute many year of their exu tenco The tribute paid to them by our Special Correspondent at Granite Island i well merited In the feec of discouragement misrepresentation and even derision they hare remained faithful to duty It emnot be suggested that mercenary considerations have barf much to do I Tbe tiou more habit men hns poorly rc iuited them for the time they have spent in gaining pro ficiency No diHibt there has been an attraction aud a charm to many in tbe parade and rfdat of military service but this would not have counted for tey much if they had not been sustained by a feeling of by the eeaae of satMfeetion which the toil dieehargof We bey to iafm tbe Public that th Jtartetrr cua be purchased at all tjo pnacipal Railway Station in the colour at the pnb I price of Ost Od ute Overland Lino at Spmeer stiere (Melbourne £4tarat Murray Bridge Mount Barker Junction nd Aldgata On the Southern lanes st Border Town Narrscxrta Mount Gembirr MiUic out Bex hport aad Kinmon uri st Mount SrnCiaihjT Milwg jhcidle ton 1'ort and Virmw Harbour thr Brokeo Hill Line at co*ckburn and I On the North Linet at Gawhr HnJoy I Bridre Rivort nu Termi Petevsburs Jaaww town Gbulston Lavra Crystal Brik Tort Pino Orronn Quoru Hanker Behan and arina tbe Morgan Lino at Kapunda Eudmda and Morgan On the Weetsre Line at Balaklava Port WMcftieH iaudina Wallaroo Moonta Hoyle ton Blyib Bute Brmkaxwth and Snowtnwa XV shall be gial if travebm wlx are unable tnobnin pap nat any of these titatiom wid eommuiucsto with ua Ains jj to cd pr tst umner kfn li to id ir ib wm41 sod interior lot il to Ji per lb Cietn matum and mixed in mid pack age ia worth its ro Ija per cwt badly made dark al lnv' 16 to 13a per on Miip ptas parceb oi vxl iruxeL Cl1 to 4IS per Ins Lan t'atil fat wo tb I nii roach tat Id pa lb Tnn ur offering £5 to Ao fa per tea fw best tUck witlie tetaerad at HinJaank: northern Uuk br ntnag from £3 to £3 I0t per lea This Almaatr ewtfeb tte fnltest ettetil tefw aantfoa corrected no frhr latest Lte afao a Ta He rf tlte biMMtch and Arrival rf Island Maitt Puttict t'onaeil Municipal Corj entrant CWmosm Tariff Stinp Durk Lurttte on VriiMdm Act Tkiattue No: ice tor 1OL Ac The Calendar alao ra taia tbe Ediva fee the year and ateowa tee Ri inx ad Set Ing of tbe feta and Mena afcototed to lie eearert aroed and earrarted Cur rsfracm aad horizontal panliax AGENTS AE RESPEULLY REQUESTED TO ORWARD THEIR ORDERri EABLY focekeeoen and Endnera penpie memDy ena hare th irNanwe and the nature rt tlieir BiuiaeMpe tally printed at tbe feeding of the Almanac the tent for which Wfll be mppBed oa epptica tita as practically hopeless fields far expert raent may if property tested ymld satisfactory results Thus even in ptate outside the Austnlian bartn erf utertAS waters as defined by the supplies may yet be struck Tbe dia ccrerey recently made in New South Wales eertiialy tend to encourage boring in what have hitherto been viewed aaunfavountUe localities In a rwent re port to the Department of Mines the Gotenuont Geologist of the mother remarks "The Cormamhif and Wwee bores and probably aim the Bourbal Gtl Gil and DolgeUy bore are proofs of the fact that the me of our cretaceous artesian water bearing country is supplemented by a durable area of water bearing rock of triaenic and jureaatege not prcriciuoly known tt exist Not only was a new source af artesian water thus opened up in the neigh boating province but the area from which the supply will he available of very extent Mr Cox in hia cm Artesian wells which we re viewed few weeks ago shows that in the United States a groat number of such wells have been faund in (he car btmiferous formation Indeed one of tbe Ltfgett items in tho expenditure upon deep coalmining in Great Britain is fee pumping and subduing the fresh water lying in the deep sandstone rock bekmging to that system The recent experience in New South Wales undoubtedly lends a new in terest to the development of our inborior country by means of artesian boring and we presume that the local authorities hqve given special attention to th matter It is further noteworthy that in Queensland vast tract of bod have been converted into habitable eountty by the tapping of store of water as great depths In a recent report to his Government the Hydanlm Engineer of that ookmy states that ch welb sunk number the eoart and the remainder to tbe eact of the main range Tbe average depth is L196 ft and 2M of them overflow with a djaly yirirf of 213573457 gallons The entire cost of thia work £860321 is a mere bagatelle compared with the actual value to the province of such a supply of water Queensland in thia matter baa oat ns an example well worthy of umtarton There has unfortunately been too great a disposi tion in the colony to ignore or not to pay mffiSmt bead to what has been dona elsewhere in tbe my of utilizu to tbo utmoet tbe resources of aeieoce and of machinery the tapping of attaman reservoirs Money will be well spent in putting down bores in settled district and along stock routes and following tb example cf New South Wales it will be desirable not to keep ton rigidly to the cretaeeoua formation It is not to be expected that every bore sunk will be a sucesas but to sui bas machinery been brought that deeper linking is now practicable and the chances of striking water are thereby grutlyincreMfed Itgnec without saying that in a dry elinare like ours the conservation of surface water and the discovery of underground supplies are erf vital important wa Sailoi M'lrm Bridge vi'O SJ'ed: Mriutisie Arri'M: tailed idtfe All the Ranks end many whcteaals surf twiproving warciwiMS ckaod taeir doors cs riday night until January 2 189S and thoe bousos romauung cmen during the morning found hish very slow except as regards retail orders The burnsem year 1835 ha dmxi and ail eomnwrcul tnen look forward to brisker timro and larger volume of trade during 1W CTiere is room far for while tbe commerce of tbe past year has been rcued and healthy opera bans have hrea circuwwrihed and internal trade doggish tram ritanabury EamuLp buqea 74s aw pedenra fam tatamal Aonat 24 taobbira City aitt PortiMiat Arsnuua rtmmra re and Uaet xm Ma Isaac fL eies msrttt beta Leadoo Nuitibae 9 Gibraltar Wtb Matra 29tb Brindiri Decembers Pert aaid tth ton Mb Aden Mb Cblonbe Mtb Etn Gencres Send 25th nuk Brktand parMa Elder Smith and Co City and ftn agema SLTORm atMeasr (Shire Lim) KOS torn Jeha CathlMrt firns totakm November Hk lUb and fowler city and Part adofted by tbo proiuincm liw rf An trjlian vnssets sad made sotse aood work orer tbe5rr1t SMthern Ocean On her arrival on Satanfey she waa at nucn awirdtri prati'ioe and being rtared fesamed ta aba Nrti Ann direh vae tbe dyaaoitc pctar to gotna to tbe berth at ibe Ctna aaay'a Wtiarf Dr Jmin tvfljino i tbe strenn ta charae sod tea intends to settle down tn tbe atatoreioay TbeTRt'S Birr wiv id not by the steam evtter Edith on Sautrdn evening and proceeded at enoe an asks asff fett tbe wind relight that sbe wu itin in Mabton anda moraine The Jous Lewis ke'rh bd fine wen'ber no leavina I'lrenrone till frid iy nibt when off Capo Jaffa ft blew very bard for a time aftrrwnrrtv becmifet wore moderate tana soatb wesi bcnbe had a slant np Tbe Msatxwv iv tad oy? S0 pMwnzere on board Bort of whoa avre bound Wests CiptJin Alien reports Itaring WUliaaurows on riday ith fresb gile and brad co to tbpe Nortbotnherhn'i where the breeze nudcrsteA and in arrival bad Hfiht winds and fine ratber The Gi lt op Mexico he is tn ebarra rf Captain Warden to has called fnr shoot bales of wtkJ to fill tb veweLMra baring already lane earpn on bnord from Sydnor Tbe wren experienced eoam svatbec down' the eart era enast and after Mfainp Cspe Jiwty fell in Wdi a hard snotfe wert prle darini? tbe wont of which the enrioes were slowed to three knots After a few bows the jale took off anil the vnyaae was cess feinted with toe wrtlhtT at fall sned BUXTXir LtGBTnc Tbe riramor Btrtrehire from London hniiijfht to bind on Mtnniav ahont ttw miles tf tefemphie rahlc tn be tired io net tag tbe Port Ejver Yean ipo au enorronus expense was incurred in laying down alonx the imr bank rod supplying and fewrons tn carry gaAlnnip jt was shortly fonnd to be a laikm and a wtooiemfe change wns made to kero sine Domination cbnnt which nohortv complained till tbe electric lirbt herame known There are nre at present half a doaen ships a wevk to wiuefa tbo tew liht will fe: of service ML'U'ELLANWKS The Extartt' tarque bav Iren a frequent rt ito to our port aiii in Sutnrdjy returned from Halite fen rimtsT bden tho Globe Ytrds aftc a rnMUenf Itadaya f'he tad bend winds to dra the Baltic aud fine wetbei over ilia North i draring Start Point on ta pi imlier with tine wmther doirn rhe North Atlantic Tbe eiurcr wts rosbed in 16' no Nmrtnbet and fine was the wutta dawn the south east rruie reykn that th royals ww never furled khe Vv Rocks and Tristan de were ptssed Ln due eoar in i kavttu: the tnerdi of th Gije she tad route Rod ramuife wanUseron a pirtlls'ot sfev it On facvtnher ntoridun of CijK tauwtn in ii Snndkrpt well to the reuthwnrd the tn when iprd a iiwthriy course axd nia te Cane Loria on ri by Ils VsrnLt of th (I Corapinvs Line (Art abvnj rub the raiiwav train jnd dropp h'r 3rrL i a minute mi Saturday tn Th were ninr Minv hies of Wiill hud here Th 7'0 hie th kt dooira wre left no bsinl to ta Liken na ir tlw 'reamer rar jo for bre eonsiM of lsi oii'i the rather hi'tnz tmnw derate it ww trui shij isd pclirii usp tle ater supply ts I imp on iir1 and after the vcr rtapcl down Gulf The rtjrt' the outward pisi lcfr ond N'ovrnfrer il with ift fi saloon jra usTs recur i i a full canro and a larjs navntil 'f Kuh weot' er wa eiperfsttrol 'nnaunel and arrow Bay Gibralur wre reach tin Mth A start stay aw mute mUI i he pteremreni cnple ritue for ritftinx tnte inten in lock ajtaiu at 5 pia which vr reached no tbe Jfeh After landingpfeeacr fl ctrjnvnd cnaUnx teft Kuo ro Brtjdisi sane dvr vririna thru ut the following iliy A''r hacinj embarked s' pusera'jerB who rrivrei vptu in tno nd and taken in of tnniK Ara left i tat port at 315 on De etnhr for Part taid where a hort 4 rde Wore etrteriac Catwl Th jStarigr ibmtb the TiivJ wj rntnpfeted Lt 1 i tnin Tbe depar ture a tton from Sue at mis am It A ei ntn was matte dtvwu ite RM the wrottar nc VT'thita ttait could al' jt''L Amredat Virai on the 'that KSpmsnd inuipiintltotnr fntnptnv's Mil nviih xm rarjp spe lor tndu teit agiin ('t Hnta nt LM KtC rei the 9th Ausin so qdd ms with the wind infe lipht rron tta iiorib va: Miuicoy pv S'd ce to ie pasrencer to ree wnethinz of this fer i 1 nd rotrtnta vt reached at Li na ti iwh Tbe toilt Mns dav puss*nxres cargo snecte and mi! fnr Chinv were twnifeiippM (omniflj Pe hiwur which that morn ins arrived from buinhny Utiiiting setcnl px xmfi ra for Aastnxli Another dc rniture Btuic at 2:5 ntu Mt the 15th for the 'relch to AJtauy ino wJw experienced 'be wh le wsv the arrath eAei rate fenng very liht a suworfb Alhuv wix imefaed on tbe iUh at 3 k' tn and Wiacun at noon the mom thy A tebi'le After torio Brindisi a ewnmittoe rnne for the nnrpoe of cunying cut ibe araiuetwnts during 'oyi8" Numerous eoc retu tfaarae and crickrt were ladulgad tat tta cufei eraat rf Ute rops van fa7 dim taU Mr Hwkint Chairman af the Nttata warn Branch of the Agricultural Bureau is at present ia Westers AtuXralta Ho has written an interesting review ni th prrepActa af tbe WeMern Australian tnarkwu providing en outlet lor booth Australian nroduon in the course erf his remarks Horking I have ne donfe yon are all interested fa what going ra in this rolauy and mThaps hoping ttat for some troe to curse it will he an oatlrf fnr our surplus stock ind produc I bare wo doubt that if increases ae it bas done nasally feere will be a denund Im hom recrle steep pia and dairy produce Jost at piroeat ttere are quite enough bes ratite and steep CMteng to supply tbetovket litili beef i hijrb for grt cuts witUou is selling at bi per lb by tbe siite hecou irorw (kJ to pir lb oy ths bams nd to tti rnsbera to Is Id per Ik of rte btonu sol I here remes trom Mrhmurne and Sydney Ttere is rouio from toutti Att Tjlix hut tk tbe qn intity itero at tie if it was well to the trout The only kind in dem tod is a eared and finisbed factory ahica ant i te really well got up that a rote is oilerwi sides wcfetLog tana 39 to Ih or tip to bi lb nicvly suiokof In fe none but tte factory shies aril readily lucre Is socjc rolled icoa the market which brings IPS whol ate fhcre is "xl per lh duty ou bac jo think mrwt of tbe regs faporurf rome from Souih Australia and are subject ii a daty of 2d per la )J are relling at from to per down wtatevnle but a gruU dvd rf wste tas rakea plaee through liad packing Egs suould ta jerked in a cidt in bran the large en ilowu koeptux all the eggs ou end and poking in eirete kcen'ng a sufftewut distance from the eig of the ca so to alio rte bran to settle tetwrea tte cask and the reg a the parking goes on the cuk should he well stakes down so to settle she contents solid ae tbe knocking ataut the casks get caasre tbe egg to net ite an I tteu shift a boot when tee 'ord thereby breaking ttttny an1 toiling orhre Tte uivantnge of bran to thu it is'swret and free hum iapuritfea feats people pock Li chaff but this is Uahle to gre dampitrf heot ind rots tbe eggs while die bran absorbs tte mutoMre andprewsu oar broken ecg from in juring anotthv The cask sixwid he stroi)) mm tn bumping A great leal ni the teller coies (rota ia oiare erf 'A lh in bulk ate in Uh puts rolled piper ia wfi lb eaaes feme eotnes ia blK tins There is a gtrad dnnund or tte Utter hqt it mast ta of ni qnalfty Tbit line to used by tbo peopte ou tbe rad iy lines and tte fields civff i likely he deurer this year ring to scarcity ia tte otter 4o aie of the farmers nroud vk and Norttarnarccuttinj ttefr crone for buy Milk is sbmi 1L per pirn hire deirierestd thadnir Potatoes nowaml local grown a sista iDtn tu perm at )irntjind I believe tte ccdouy can supply iisowu siutu nntd ebruary next There miy Im some imported from tbe otter cohries fo'aad in cas I tel'to thit wiM i be fxnitofa mil come ia cares tor future as sta te to loiv fa wartc owing being btiri Kwi in teippint Ae hi fact there are tea? old potatoes enodcsuie I and Riven away to people to feed pigi Duty 03 pototiMo 9W and freuiui Ifa wLirfie per too so ron see rani im money and cousiguets ml ant citar tbemselre thd market is sh*tted Uve pig are relling well at nhont AL to Sd per Ik Tte duly te there is to able ikigicx! farmnifann aci rhorc ran le tlut raimnar i Uvtrfy ridl have MTtd ytnpjiyi work at a when rerevcrnuie wan maoded There tt it tt ti bo fcarM jrevt a tendency tz lieooma rftthcartene I nvt to R'y w'pticaJ if water tt nnr ntntok a fev hundred tevr vlwra the history erf artcattn b'sr'n? shows that th irjcst nupplica are eneraUy faund at very great rft pths The revpcntihility for llii stare af rhiagr dw a we fcnl ratisficvi rest sr much with indeed they arc tn blame in rhe mitter a is with tW policy of the country in regard to geological ins eetign the one hand and the carrying out af adequate tts tire rther No nne would think of advocating lavish ex penditure but UQiUeatiinahly the provi for syatamtatic and thorough search hfei fallea abort of the requiruments erf theraae It MMt he edjftittcd that the determi natiem of the existence of artesian eon ditwa ia difficult and tbe meet promising geolcgMel formations are often misleading Tbe reveres rf this however is also true aad th seem i of subterranean atoree ffsr in th heart of tbe Sahara sug geffto thu vrhat have been regarded We take the followuw from Mmn Chambers monthly grain circular dated November 2K The lately unvarying teditre in exercised snrea effect ou pneee w1 tuna CYWWW7 mt dlutar tlva lit 4MAAOB tarair aweai re to warrant thu sdnuM fail valee cerfafnlyit ta sot bea ed as likely to cent is vfew ot tte 1 tree drlfofeney is tbe crop of witter wheat which has eutsod a rood demand for rrtr naU flour to he sect scuta Av in all pretabufty Au trelarts aad New Rmfaad wOl te able aitord liuto or notMn tte Argentite will ata teve taa to spare tbts warou tbn tart sret the rreprire encati Europe bring csrtstaly larmr ttaa tte preview year we think those Lurts stereld cause some iroproreiaut is value before tax There wTD no farther boiaaesa in the hrefafotnffs nsrhet anti) tbo new year Wheat pnv arc unchanged at the following: Wheat Jots of new wlieat 3 10XL grcs weizht on track Ifart Adatade anrf up to 3 outports aad equivalent rats at aouittrr station lovr Leading hrauds £3 lua to £9 ererarry brands 3 to lta Batx ll id Ud VinnxfiAL His ExrelWmcy tbe Gownnr will be present at tho CtKnmemwatiou Day at Glenelg today and on Wed nrerfaT wiO attend tbe SAJC New Year's Mreting at MorpbettvflJe Tux Tbe annual commeunratKn holiday almost taervd to the fteliritirs at Glenelg but there are a few other attrsetious which are likely to have a gtnd many patrons The North and South cricket match wiU be rontiamd oo the Adelaide Oval when Arthur Evans will reauiDe hia phnHOMual uuunga Races will be ocmtestml at Walkerville and the annual regui will I held at Milang Sohkr's axworks are to be open for infipxi tim all dxy In tin evening tte tinental" on the Jubitte Grounds Mr rank Clarks AU Star Company will produce a pro prunme tepetirily prepared for tteholidayatthe Theatre and Mr A Krtl nedy will enntunre his Maron at the Bijou AttUTXL or THS EVGUt 8 Th 4 st xmvr Atetraba from Locdou arrr fri at tte fe tnaphoro anotera st 't'cfack rei riatiuday morning after a smart ran nxty eight hours fron AUauiy She was teerdr hy tte lluiltb Otfierr Dr Toll who cuquiricr grnt pratique There wot 21 iiaeM iijftrs ou hoard from Emopu for all 7 far AdHajde and fr other ports from Albany 12 of wteui were far Adelaide Mr Irice Williams the well known railway entjimvr was ainoag ths psteensera this teing his fifivcmh trip to tte enfauie He i witinj Mel teuroe New Zealand and Nw Cate donia on profaesional basinet and will ta in Adelaide in alsait ix wra kV time The Albany passengers inrlufal Sir A Onslow Cbvrf Jiistice of Western Australia who tt m'Uife a holiday trip to the eastern rcfoctts Ifa is arcom pack'd hy lady Onsfaw and th' Miiees (2j Oinfaw Mr IJodaay the wrti kaown explorer returned from tte Wsrorn colnay and th ru were also aeveral mixng men mi board Ite Australia left (or aain is foe aftertoon taking tte na 'in auitt with Akkjvau vr Tin 0 Stx iner Air TRAXTa Ajuoo? tbo paiecagers hy the anrf ttratmr Australia wre or Adelaide Mr A Lowering Mr aud Mrs Patrick Merer Patrick fl) Mr NL Beale Mr Waterhourf ra Adelaide from Wretern Australia Mr Robert Mr land ay Mr llayncr Mr Amphlar Mr fl Trade and treaty in tte rocond ksIotm or ILdbourne from Atraha Mr and Mrs lamcfe Mr Mr Irexw Sir A Onrfow lAdy Onslow Mi'es (2 and tm in rocr nd sal ton or Sydney texn Woteru Mriv er Sir A Stepacv Mr tierr and fory two in sLm Tbe nutter wte it iw a veteran in tbe art of tory nerer so tappy a when dcahn with rfreds dann? His own career hat bi eu one of Mrano adventure aud he is then trav uuahni towritoa stirring stray of this kind for ta is aa equally at home on the se as in the wild of the Aus tralian tiish ra tbe depths cf tropical jirnrte We may brit fly ado that The iJolden Idol" is an onrrsoto fetish at lki gold It has two brads and in each forehead ia a diamond of fataion vatne This golden god tree stolen from cither an Indian or a Japan wo Temple by a band of pirar whor* msel an wrecked off the crust of Nra Guinea tte iruddle rf the seventeenth centurv The 'urates were rooked by the savage tan the gr idol was sennw! and its fame spreading tribe after tribe matie ear in tte hope of aeeuruut it and ultimately it fell mto tte hands ot a powrafnl chief of New briiain How tte adventurersrf the ory hwrd afexn thia idirf bow they went ewrii erf it and wbrthvr they re covered it or not most te Jefe for our rcadraa tbemsrlvre to And out Tte story is in tte nature of a nddk and we do not think any one will read the oret chanter without going steadily on to tte lxi What beiifhtoos tte charm of this powerful tale is that there is not a rinfle stram vi situation and not aa incident that exo be pronounced itniwotahlo MAIL NOTICED GlZaT January Via RMS Oreana Ala naapafe a toPort Adt terfa 813 a nerepapara 7 a tn late Iflttara (iPO Pl 15 Lb Adrfrida Hallway ftoBtMl 10V0 am Prat Affelabte Railway femeton inis am fata fetter fra Weateni Ausuxlta only ran ha ported as above wttfi late feea nt aad Sd respectively BntWi aad foreign pararis post per stave staaare will duos GPO Jaauarv 1 615 a tn January Via Marseilles Aastralfeu 1015 news papers 01S xm Jaxtasy 7 Via Torres Stnita pm per expresa January 8 PriM Rsfat Lwolrf fl am newvpaP 815 a a Janiury via Baa mnewco Sns Jaaaary OveriaiaL a to Mel tauroa ibeur per Therwinjybr irixUM sun WEixnojros Oreriand Rff) to Kydacy January OrcriMd SOp in tofifateey tiraoce per Airte KteEaaNCS January linders 1016 sm This Ovriard i30 Sydney the act per first apdortitnity onouru' sw vywva iMtaxn (lytroiy AXEirtil Janasr Overland a pm to nvdaey ttauM per Minwera New afstiulja (POLMii'an Daenmtar Via New Zealand 3 nni New This Orerland 130 pffl to Sdo ttaoec per tirM opp vtun'i) New 2elv Tm Owfonl 330 pm toMelbourne Samoa on ortiER So SE Islasos Tji Overland 3O pm to Sjdncy thence pr firi praiaiiiy WflsrERy ArTRXtl Dwemhcr SI 'Rockton Hjpi 1 RMs Oman 01 aia i nitar 4 Jlt si 7 4 EMTMiu Tbis U'aronka 7 a bsku Hahhot erret 615 sB ris 'lLitoi Kaauawoo teu5D January a Jmw Comrie Nranjty TERBrioar Tbij inrlaud 330 pm to Syuney thence per fir onportunii Pnrj JK nantar urret 145 ftm DeiWBter 7 am bXAAsacaj Jawar) Csvs 7am LeUra Ac nstoiwd Ira forwarded by this steamer mafa ba spartaUy amriuM rv oO to 70 lb tarter ijd per lb header wright fra ebnire stoat hides Cstf skins tro worth ife'Qt 3d pr lh ira woU fisyad kIud rit ad bsdly iyed kin lL to per Dimigr 1 bite are tioc ia demand and to rare tart to ta scented to dear such lets Kangtroo skiM sate were beM durinc the po 't wrt tart ttarv a private enquiry fra prim kins mnjhly dried netnc entirely neglected Ly liie export tayet We quotet Dark utted PILLS OR BILE co*ckLrS RILLS OR LIVER ZOCKLrS RILLS VP OR ACIDITY pnrirtvi rorUait wni vi'vr 9 itt IQ 1 prime ret furred np to la Al per Ib eecnnd quality fots uii extra toravt skins ata is pet IK 'vre negleried by tbe export buyers and are only bribgitir HL to Is per lb brush ktngan' up to Is per Ib for Mind Ums free from ahoth 'fi?) Hurfenr i Cnpe Boni Oto I (p ilkiuc'jby Or Victor irijo Lihue iui Kiaqsum OM Kota rtW I IkBctlporl w'l fr1) CtocSortbumbtT fnij I tiud triilrt Wofeek 'j3 ranre Xsnw wt Lociu'tifo ton 1'etkJj nit Miliicrtu iiiii I iunt Gjtnbier i v'elUMgn 1 swwa traatusa taachinff tbe BeU Buoy Captain Cuthbert a ill charge aad reports that Ufa wmttar througteat tbe royage was extremely fine After taring Lon don on November 10 the re rati anctarad ta tte Thames to taka la ataut 800 cases of dynamite Oa the Ufa she pBMtd thniurh tbe Doan aad shaped earns down Channel with fresh pie Mowing lari becoaiint asore moderate as she bonded sway south A NEW QUARTER WILL BEGIN Oi Wednesday Jinury master tor (taaldten Mr and Mn taunesr and three dsnghters Mr and Master Wicg Mr Pollock Mta MeKrauie in tbe saloon and 52 ia tbe mood cabin aad original passengers ea mtfe Dcczxvn 2r TKts Blvk hanpe for Guam Atrnuiu eteamer for Melbourne Decxnuui tBtitiL Keamet for Wmtera Australia WiRnnL steamer fra Loodoa rt nndPflan DsVIM bariue for Sydney Pt Kl ABGTLL huTfua for Quixulalup barque for Guam P90JKTED DEPARTURES ra Pnru Regent Luitpold January I Oldenburg ebruary or Ixmdtm from ort Adelaide Omnaa January 1 Oroya January Psrrunatto January Orient January 22 Aw tralia January SB fadstort during January Ormuz ebnury 5 Massilia ebruary li or Melbourne Sydney and queanelan'l Cintra Drram tar JI Bordnyntig January 4 Bulla January? or AuelnJtaB JaaaaryC Vifle da la Ci tai ebruary i ra ft rater Racktati Decanter Gsta Daeambra 31 Marlon December 31 Wsmonga January 7 Liddradale January 10 Rirksste Jaa'iary 11 Clooctury Jauunry fo' Lapetsnce Bay Uefea Nicoll Jamiar4 Yar41s January 7 IMPORTS PvrtULB from UA21 pre deals ami battens Jruto lrwiA from T'oy mlinrs JIrtSrtTrS MxfiUio feres Melteuina 3M too char hitta 23 raw 7 taJra 25 btis nil 2S raehags' 'aeks fl qr raAs 24 pkgs 4 vU wire mpa 38 roils wire 42 cares sewwg auriiinee 2 rratea 80 hiss wfc rodJrieraeM war 1 engine uod boiler 1 tal ib4 wbul 2no hides and through cargo to Western Aurttaiian prats EXPORTS Trit Blfe fra fcf pkg oil 5 bulls 1200) half eb tear 11 pkgs do racks bran HaL'aR fra rases ttnry sools 1 lua1 num 278 tales kin I M0 bags lark 710 taJra word and quantity of ore WsRRintu fra Loadou lfiw tar bullion 1 2D hfa Ill pitzcbeov I qr ei'L aed fi rasra wine: eatevera tab 3 crate poiltry 50b raws prw rtrori rar at tain flour bale ktn 2ffl6 tales xral cues wax Ui casks oleine to hags gum 5 ro eucalyptus oil 5tH bogabtfk 2 canes nataary0 lire brei 0LTPORT SHIPPING CAPE DORUA Dceemter 2 ikune pas i ng inward 0 Steamer Bt TEsaiRT puraing inw nl Dvratnbor 2S 416 Sleuner poising Inward PORT mi Arrired Decrtnter Bmrieu Ksvor tarqtm I M6 tretK Meyers master from ILttler Lam Carro UiOi tons euta Dtuem tar st Metropolis strip lt7 roes from Antwerp Vsreo 1713 tons eoka BraaMra nu' 16W treis ames uxa tter from Hambunt 1A67 teas co*ke Th Item res made aquxA pawvige re tevenfythrre itays tailed: December Blsro Hill 243) iis Jones master (or Newcastle In tallut Tiaib rteatnrr Eanou rukrter fra rtvtora pons via Pon Ang Maand tii mein toles wo 47M bushels wh at 773 tons etatT 519 do flour do feart tndqoantity of sundries LNTERCntOXTAI MELfiCCXSt Arriv ri: Dts moer iS azilka Nc*nteile Hexpcrjs fanton Loch Long Glugnw Congrs buiret fl Wroonga re mar It noneuny (iertldfua December Ppoh'e Mauritius Natal Queen Thames Btvra Ne Zrdanri: Ibnitas Portland Sailed fx cemher RMK (nvaub Lonten: Gatxs ro Mera Anstnlrin ports Adelaide: Rnrkutu fini anuts Ararattu and 'VarortJM Sytlm'v Cla iis Port Keahi AlagraiL i Mmnr Arrived Itevmbm IS bnta iji: Itourmahana Aurkland Atekiite Mid bourne Briaamr Tartwuun DccewfeT Katialui San rtccuco Estate Jarrubool Maranoo Bristanr Siikd: Divftnhcr JS ixmrrk uid ranklin Brfetoue Oouah tfofert IVregrine and Herron 'JelKrnnie AtnrtralfenMl miUc Rotomshtna New A'uwt NwCsrt feilcd: (Jccaohw Rrufirld and Kio rei ira Helena Kfo Urante tatted: Dert mter Era Mritourae HXLstuxu Arrtvvd: Ifecemtxr 23 Guthrie Hotigtong tailed: naermter Mararoa nttd Syrinev 4b i stesmer left Coofe "nn for New Gunite IM iTiivi' ArrircritDeramber 2s at isms ort unatmnnu OillWHS Kcgtok Sailed: Ivreaber Messrr Eidra Smith (' a Limited mdra date Adelaitp Dcramtar 23 report as faflqiwt un the lord (hi riday the iaQ we offered a Uro to a full attendance of burets fet ill rrerjueoce of tbo deline hi price which tr pl tee in Londoj the previous day rhe tale whs in a raareMfu! as rrf fate aad prices here declined a fcxrhin per lh for both full wool! jl and eboru k)E 'e Good conditioned Mtte ad to is ea rom fesr frotn eurly abm ftnefcs Is of to is ld vh tare pelts 4 to eavh ta Uy itoe1 it'd djmagt Io each A few full woi'lled skins rre still enmtm tn baaL and these sell freely' fl 9d ta to sd meh fre grail xne fw exrrs hearilr wa Ued sp to 5s fid fabt wnoUerfridna to to fid sir fa broken wl eevtl daisurad skins Id te 2d pt lh aroroli ij growth iw xraL 'tailed the saJe held last Monday there ww go! attcn law ef barer hat prices showed ra impro'TWrtil th reirel rates cst liJte ita previous We clewed nor eatatorae ai tbe feuowfii 1 te 47 IK hnur lurViie lri Srifal: Deremter nnie riTT RD ERS M1 RIUT RhrpGE Attired Dremter December 27 Drawn br Miiang fhn ra ing it I Ir liv'e tn ilk id a cows re vorth ataui £tn teed W'lnt fa the aewtl eLptrt of bringing ttica don know 1 Uiuk about Tb re is a great dm jd for fruit fa re and tte fields fmt the pure utikra it protufe rive Cberrici fast summer were Hiuc rwn for a penny Lra'infe are cowing oerty the saw ni'U'ty now kppteaud pis they will nxnU'win th ptrt nt tte eoTm IL I believe they uflow them to bn it 'iM: iu Tae ty fa ci ties have muned tro iuu tr tti' i'h xuLitirae brat car ritu fnu' hrtro zrca: risk ofbs kll fru his ta and tli euea dipped ia a rotui ro Lili 1 fiii tn kw it expensive Indipi cu he labour uttacteii 1 have not vet be st any dixi1 re fro noribhuribvrearefow pirdens trot sad i the which glow trees and vine ti i al 'Uiiilra well I believe tbo whitei star in tn cum by train! 'wt'in tri it bd cn: terr to tut 'iu 'tu' Lt is tly feepvjd at rand Perth and the rreftigo down a fong way i com what brown theim oinewjite and lror Aren and inr wne 4a ss Hear wfaif is dren yon bfce to co trena Io trofecr and taer'L ry oi tho Kri culturtl Department are ptouiin a rues orchard nt tiuddf rd about eight miles from Pertii here thero is efay mfeiil hope to sra it ioa dav ThrM err many mt tier of interest tta loftier hut nro tte way ef form ez I telJevo there on opMHuniii tuitr'd farming ten but tuny of the tinoers in tbs northern perai ar taring a bard time of it co*ckLrt PILL OR H6ARTRURIL PILLS OR INDIGESTION co*ckLrt PILLS OR SICK HEADACHE co*ckLE'S PILLS IN USE EVERYWHERE co*ckLrs PILLS REE ROM MERCURY OCKLES PILLS IN USE OVER 94 YEARS BROKEN HILI CHAMBERS Tumosb ltawfc A PLUMflTKlD A CO a fltareteuhm and Mrniac Agwta Mamba tiaaaaa Steck ftitmain 10 lMiawfe OPENCER KELLY KALGOOBLIZ (fare trf tte Bank ot AdefaMel taUKBBOKEB C0MMDK10X AGENT de CTB0CD A Van Cbam bmKWm at Th AURA tl femdtorWV nimimlm at fi 1H aa I Yfafle Manger waaufamarate ax gaaaaaar VOIICB or BBMOVAl (Aaatmlaafal Oa sad after wr S'.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.