The Pleasanton Herald from Pleasanton, Kansas (2024)

confederate pensions, WHEN MY DREAMS COME TRUE. COMMERCIAL Why He Got Well So Soon. Doctor Well, my fin little fallow, you have pot quite well ag-ain. I was sure the pills I left for you would cure you. How did you take them, in water or in cake? I used them in my blow gun.

Have you your life preserver! sho timidly inquired, looking trustfully into the fate of her lover, as the little craft in which they were seated skimmed gracefully over the billows. "Oh, yes, he answered merrily; "see here, and he drew from his side pocket a bottle of Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup. Queen Victoria is very fond of potatoes boiled with the skins on. She eats a great deal of tapioca, and has been obliged to give up tea and coffee for cocoa.

Kansas City Grain and Market. Live Stook Grain Market. Kaxsxs CiTr. March. 1ST).

Wheat. Receipts since last report, 39,109 bushels: shipments, 23,0 JJ bushels. There Was about a steady market to-day on change. On the call No. 2 hard cash sold at 65Xc65c against 65V on Saturday; March sold at tioKc.

No. 8 bard cash sold at SQJTc yio lower. Marih sold at5959 lower. No. 2 red cash sold at 70 against 70c70o Saturday.

March sold at 70. Saturdays asking price when 70 wa3 bid. OoitN. Receipts since last report, 233,909 bushels, shipments, 22 ,693 bushels. The market on change to-day wax steady.

On the call No. 2 cash sold at 21c22c against 22c32c on Saturday. Oats. No. 2 casti, 7 cars 18.

comparative stirsiisvr. The following tblc snows tha cirt pricaj orbidsfor Wheat, Corn, Oats and Rye at tha close of change to-day in comparison with previous day snip -ev ois vaari: GRAND JUNCTION, COLO. Second Letter Fropv p. Helteratlag Affirming His I'Verioas Statements Abont ThI EemarkaJJr X1 rail and Agrirnltural Eegion; It Geneva Climate and Hcaltbfulaess An Inrlta-tln to Send for Description and Particular, fend a Good Suggestion for Hetfcod of Examination. Gbisd Jc.vctio't, Colo Mar 10, 1890.

Ed. Okanob Jcdd Farmek Since writing my letter of Jun. 31 lrom Grand Valley, many letters of inquiry have been sent by your readers to the Grand Junction Board of Trade, asking whether the statements therein sat forth were reliable. I now wish to rciteruti every statement made in iny farmer letter, the main points being that Grand Junction Valley, Colorado, has an all-year-round climate unsurpassed in the world; that it has no extremes of heat or cold, no clones or blizzards, very few cloudy days, neaily perpetual sunshine; is especially ad for tuose suffering from pulmonary trouble, and for invalids of all classes; is one of trie finest fruit producing valleys of the world, apd offers grand opportunities for invalids with a small capital to maze an eas and safe competence in raising fruit; that ten acres of land set out in fruit yield moie net cash per year than the average o0 a re farm of the estr ern States, and that too, with less than one-teD a of the capital or labor. In my last I spoke principally of fruit ra.sing.

Isow I sh to call attention to the fact that vegetables of all kinds yield abundantly, and that while the fruit trees are growing, suflfi'iaDt vegetables and small fruits can be raised between the fruit trees to more than pay ali expenses of taking Care of an orchard. A large Cannery will be built in Crttnd Junction, ready for next Summer crop of vegetables, and the mountain towns of adjacent mining sections ample markets at good profits. Sweet potatoes of a fine quality grow abundantly in i he sandy land, and sell readily in tbo adjoining towns at from one doLar and fifty tents to two dollars per bushel. 1 think that if the people who contemplate a change would pool together and send out small comm.ttees from among theirnumier to look over the advantages offered by tins favored locality, it would speedily result in turning what is now pract cally a desert into one of the most famous fruit valleys of the world. The Grand Junction Board of Trade have recently issued a circular that covers nearly all the points of interest here, and their secretary will gladly send a free copy to an one leeling sufficient interest to write for it.

W. W. P. Lire Stock Market. Cattle.

Receipts since Saturday The market to-day opened slow for dressed beef and shipping steers but Utter became stronger in fact stronger and in some cases higher for all classes. The followmg are representative sales: DRESSED BEEP AMD SHIPPING STEER3. If the heart of a man is depressed with cares the mist is dispelled, when a woman appears. The author of these lines had been suffering for some time with an attack Bf acute rheumatism, and tbe woman who entered such a timely appearance, brought a bottle of Salvation Oil. Importing Song Birds.

The importation of German song birds last spring has proved a success, says the San Francisco Chronicle, most of the birds haviug increased in numbers and many have lately been seen. The society for the importation of these birds has ordered $400 worth more oi thrushes, starlings, bullfinches, and W. S. Land, a banker, i nd C. J.

femith, a contractor, have ordered $100 wortn of larks, thrushes, to turn loose on their property near the city, I know the composition of, and have prescribed Bulls Sarsap rilla, and believe it an excellent preparation for producing an alternative effe.t upon the system. I consider it the best article of Sarsaparilla in use. When you think your ch ldren have worms, ask your druggist for Dr. Bull Worm destroyers and do not take any other. They taste good and are always sure.

Robert Louis Stevenson walk several miles every day, tabes long horseback rides, interviews no end of people abo it imoa, and is, altogether, in unusual health. If you are suffering from Malaria, ask your druggist for bhallenoergers Anli lote for Malaria. If he don have it, and tells you he has something just as good, don't believe him, but send one dollar to Dr. A. T.

fehallenberger, Rochester, Penna, and get the Antidote by mail. A few doses will restore you to perlei health. The medicine is in the form of pills, but is not a purgative It not only destroys malaria, but is an excellent tonic. The French papers have started a cry for electric lights in the museums of Paris now that they have he successfully installed in the British museum. Ckryenne, Wyoming.

In the Congressional report upon the admission of Wyoming, many facts were given going to show her as richer in resomces than any of her sisters, and no territory ever applied for statenood so thoroughly qualified, ibis report shows the capital, i tVtxsE, to be one of the wealthiest cities of her size in the world, as she is he most favored and prosperous. The Union cific Railway is now constructing shops there, to cost and employ men. ffhis fact, coupled with the early admission ot the state, is causing a rush to ciil-VJENNK, but her realty is still low. We have tbe bost residence propeity in the city, and offer liberal inducements to those who will build dwellings to supply tbe immediate demand, and which will net twenty-five per cent. To induce a quick response, we will, on a limited number of blocks, take two-fifths in clear lands or chatties, a small cah payment, balance in one, two and three years.

Call at our CheyeDne office, or address Interior Land and immigration Company, Department B. Denver, Colorado. The English Congressional Record (Hansards) will hereafter put after the report of each speech the time that was occupied in its delivery. For Scrofula, ImpoTerished Blood and General Debility, Scotts Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophospbites, has no equal in the whole realm of Medicine. Read the following: I gave one bottle of Scotts Emulsion to my own child for Scrofula, and the effect was marvellous.

O. F. Gray, M. White Hall, Ind. A girl in West Virginia has made enough money by trapping muskrats to buy gold watch.

Tlie Mother3 Friend Not only shortens labor and lessen pain attending it, but greatly diminishes tbe danger to life of both mother and child if used a few months before confinement. Write to The Bradford Regulator Atlanta. for further particulars. Sold by ali druggists. Avoid shame put do not seek glory.

Nothing fao expensive as glory. Sydney Smith. The market to-day opened strong and 2Tc higher, closing weak with the advance lost. Extreme range of sales $3.9 Jh4. 10; bulk at $3.954.00 as follows: REPRESENTATIVE ALE3 1 No.

At. Wt. Price No. An. Wt.

Price No Ac. Wt. Price. Americas Punch Cigar. A western man has discovered a process for making whisky out of beans.

For washing flannels, Dobbins Electrio Soap is marvelous. Blankets and woolens washed with it look like new, and there is absolutely no shrinking. No other soap in the world will do such perfect work. Give it a triaL God mnkes the glow worm as well as the star; the light in both is divine. The Pope Favors Convalescents from the Influenza with exemption from Lenten rules (1890).

Ayers Sarsaparilla Restores Strength and Vigor. Take it now. Prepared by Dr. l. G.

Ayer 8i Lowell, Mass. 6CVCHTCCW To cure Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation, Malaria. Liver Complaints, take the sale aud certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEAPJS SMALL.

SIZE (4 little beans to the bot tie). They are the most convenient; suit aU aea. Price of either 6ize, 23 cent per bottle. EC 1 55 PS at 17, 70; Photo-gravure, panel size of this pictuA ior 4 ents fcoppors or stamps). J.

F. SMITH Makers of Blle Beans. fet. Louis, Mo. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE fobN And Other Advertised Specialties Are the Best in tue World.

None genuine unless name anrt price are stamped on the i-oiioin OLD EVERY wi! ELK. if your denier will hpt supply you, send post ul for instructions ho to buy direct fmm fct rv witnout oxer large. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass.

1 UM A ofw method of compounding Tar. SURE CURE for PILES, SILT BKEUZ3 and all Send 3 for Free Sarn ie wuh Book 7Q Sold by all and by I Kandolph 6t, tlilcaffe, How to win at Cards etc. A bui sent free to uiyone on ree4pt of 4c. stamps toe Addivsa ore all in person Mat. Suidam, Zi Union bq.t JN'.

Y. Wbl of li li. ingtou. C. If vou want your pensiun without delay, put your Ci.

urn in tbe bamla ATkit, Att. Hush tions with which the public have long been humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the hings, as there is danger of doing in the use of such nostrums, but it produces pel feet and permanent cures of the worst cases of Chronic Ca tarrh. as thousands can testify. Cold in the Head is cured a few applications. Catarrhal Headache is relieved and cured as if by magic.

It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hearing, watering or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently are. Sold by druggists, at 50 cents. Manufactured by World Mebical Association, GG3 Mam Street, Buffalo, N. Y. a Few Who are Benoflclarles of a Generous State.

It appears that nearly all old Confederates in Georgia who lost a leg or an arm in the service of the state avails himself of her generosity. They feel that they have well earned the stipend to which the Crowder act entitles them, says the Savanna News and they draw it irrespective of their financial condition. Perhaps the most notable name on the pension list is that of Gen. Longstreet. He gets $50 yearly for a disabled arm, the result of a shot in the neck.

Justice Mark Blandford, of the supreme court, receives $100 for the loss of au arm; Judge Newman, of the northern district United States court, gets $100, and Dr. J. S. Todd a like amount. Maj.

Joe Blance, of Cedar-town, i3 another welL-known Georgian who draws his pension regularly, having left an arm behind him on the field of battle; Judge George N. Lester sustained a like loss and draws the same amount, and Controller General Wright gets as much for the loss of a leg. One hundred and firty dollars is the biggest pension paid, and perhaps G. C. Cadle, of Richmond county, is the most completely disabled confederate on the pension list.

He lost both legs and both arms, besides being wounded in the head and suffering other permanent injuries. R. H. Nations, of Whitfield, is also one of the worst crippled and best paid of the number. He received wounds which necessitated the amputation of boih legs above the knee.

E. B. Higgen-botham had both legs taken off below the knee. Among those who draw the maximum amount of $150 annually there are no less than fifteen men who suffered the loss of both eyes. The Onlr guaranteed Cure for all blood taints and humors, pimples, blotches, eruptions aDd skin diseases of every name and nature, is Dr.

Bierces Golden Medical Discovery. A certificate gu i run tee iron a responsiule business house warrants it to benefit or cure, or money refunded. Chronic Nasal Catarrh positively cured by Dr. Sagas Remedy. 50 ceuty, by druggists.

A Whiskered Ghost Story. A correspondent of a New York paper tqis this story: In Camden, on Taylor avenue above Fourth street a house in which I was born is haunted. There is a ghost which has beard on one side of his face and on the other nothing. Every night when you lock the doors the next morning you will find them open. Dishes rattle, the front cellar windows go up and down and you can hear the rattling of chains in the house.

One ight when my mother was sick ki bed this ghost appeared to her and told ner to follow him and nothing would arm her. lie then went to the door and disappeared like the wind. Every night there i3 a knock on the doors and you can see no one when you answer the call. rommata cnicaoans. Chicago (TIL) Arkansas Traveler, Mar.

15. In the February ilth drawing of Tbe Louisiana State Lottery two of our citizens drew cash prizes which have made them wealthy. H. A. Hulburd, of No.

38 Metropolitan Block, is one of the lucky citizens. To a Traveler representative JV r. Hulburd said, "I held one-quarter of ticket No. which drew the third capital prize of The cash, $.2,. .00, was received by me through the American Express company.

A.essrs. Charles Kozminski bankers at 1L8 ashington street, collected for a customer, thiough the btate National Bank of New Orle. ns, one-twentieth of ticket No. which drew the first capital piize ot $300,000. Mr.

Kozminski, in nswer to inquiries of the reporter, said: have no authority to eive the name of the customer for whom this oo lemon was made. It is a fact however, that the ticket was promptly honored und the 15,0 A less u9t of collection, is placed to the credit of he depositor. Where They Get Their A' se. The names of the pfi.icipal moun-Ains in ia world nearly all sug-estive or descriptive of their snow-oveied summits. The names of Show-ion, Ben Nevis, Mont Bli-no, the Sierra Nevada, SuafeT in Iceland and in the Isle of Man, the Sneeuw Bergen at the Cane of Good Hope, theSnee-hatteo in Norway, and the Weisshorn, he Weissmiss and the Tete Blanche Switzerland.

White Monntains in New Hair, shire, as well uj- the more rchaic or more obscure naaes of Lebanon, of Caucasus, and of the Hima-b yas, arc appellations descriptive, in arious languages, of the charactistic snow covering of their lofty summits. At a recent great ball at the Russian court all the ladies appeared in white, without any other ornament than diamonds, pearls, and their own beauty. The empress herself was present, and danced in nearly very dance. The scene Is sa'd to have been mirvelously beautiful. The white room in the Winter Palace, where the ball was held, is so large that persons lanced there with ease.

Deafness Can bo Cured ay local applications, as they can cot reach the diseased poition of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the lustaehian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed yen have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirtly closed Deaf ness is tbe result, and unless the inflammation an be taken out and this tube reUo.ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed foi ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by eatarih, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucrus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv Catanh) that we can not cure by taking Halls Catanh Cure.

Pend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY Toledo, O. tSold by Druggists, 75c.

Minnie Hauk has so her chateau ne'r Basl and bought, the villa Triebschon, on Lake Lucerne, whi was the residence of vVagner at the time when be composed Seigfried. Boils and Carbuncles. It seems strange that anyone will suffer with boils, carbuncles, etc Dr. Bull's bnrsaparilla will certainly prevent all such eruptive tendencies It is a sure und sale ant'doto for Llood poison arizing from whatever source, and its use when needed should not bo unnecessarily delay ed. Thousands who found extensively adv-rtised blood medic.nes to have no efficacy wnatever, are rejo cmg in tbe fact that Bulls Sarsaparilla is an exception, and that good health mvari loilows its use.

Syphilitic and scrofulous symptoms sappear. the skin ecomes clear aud free from pimples, the digestion is improved, aches and pains the weight of the body becomes greater, the fiesh more solid, ulcerative and consumptive tendencies the power of endurance is increased, weakness, dizzy spells and unn fatizue vanish, in a word the user of Bull Sarsaparilla becomes a picture of goof health and strength. Try it. Use no other. Day toa Enquirer.

Grease spots may be taken out with weak ammonia in water; lay soft white pa pet over, and. iron with a hot iron. King Milan of Servia is about to abandon pleasures of Paris for a commission ir the Austrian army. For Coughs and throat troubles use Browns Bronctiial Troches. The; stop an attack of my asthma cough ver; promptly.

C. 1'alch. JluanlviUe, Ohio. Domestic happiness, thou only bliss of paradise that has survived the fall Co typer. Wb sn Baby was sick, we gaTe her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Sfisa, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.

the charm of this golden-haired maiden with the wonderful gray eyes, and had almost made up his mind that life would not be worth living without her. He knew well enough the difficulties in his way. Lady Elizabeth would object and make a fuss, just at first of course but she would give in when she found out how firmly he was bent upon having his own way. And he was quite sure, in spite of that halfdenial to his friend that his only way was to marry Lily Blair he had no doubt it. He bad been in love before certainly two or three time perhaps but he had never been so much in love.

He certainly had not the least idea of denying himself the gratification of seeing Lily every day of listening to her sweet voice as she talked to him with such pretty fresh artlessnes, and of watching the sweet rose-tint which he knew he could easily bring to those fair cheeks of hers. No he was too far gone to draw back farther even than George Alleyn knew of so far that he cared little for Aaron Blairs determined ungraciousness of manner, which, in any other case, would have exasperated him quickly enough, and had even managed in his own mind to get over the reflection that he would make in some respects a decidedly awakward father-in-law. He troubled himself very little to find out what this gruff and curt behavior meant. If he assigned any reason to it at all, it was that the man was naturally a cross-grained and ill-conditioned old fellow. He was complacently conscious that he Lady Elizabeths relative and heir must be so much more than a good match for Aaron Blairs daughter.

If he had known that Aaron Blair had fiercely sworn to himself that he would sooner see Lily dead than his Owens wife, it would have astonished him more than he had ever been astonished in the course of his easy existence. But he had no such knowledge, and tc himself he almost confessed that after all, he was glad old George was gone. It had been exceedingly unpleasant to have his sharp eyes watching the progress of the sweet idyllic courtship among the roses. The Cot saw very little of Owen Ormiston during those sweet summer weeks. His horse learned to turn down the lane which branched oil from the road to Upper Datching, and to stop at the little white gate opposite to the shallow pool without any guid-iDg touch upon the bridle.

At The Cot, Lady Elizabeth grew cross and Millicent anxious and Owen, seeing both, cared not at all. He cared for nothing hut the lovely face that had bewitched him he was growing more infatuated every day. And to Lily the days were a dream a delicious dream which even her fathers clouded face and gruff words could not rob of sweetness indeed, likes Owen, she hardly noticed him at all. The girl had bad a rather strange life for, although she would soon be twenty, it was not very long since she had left boarding-school, and her father had left the busy town where his home had always been for as long as she could remember and taken the pretty Thatched Cottage, which lay a couple of miles from the tiny hamlet of Elowerdale, and six from the larger village of Upper Datching. Aaron Blair would himself have been quite satisfied wi.h the Cottage as it was: but his darling had been used to fine things at her hoarding-school, and it was solely for her pleasure that he had had the pretty little conservatory built, and the red-brick drawing-room with its French windows, its lace curtains its piano, its smart carpet, and its fashionable and frail furniture.

He did not care about them in fact, he hardly ever set foot in one or the other preferring his working-bench and his elbow-chair in the plain sitting-room but he seemed to have no doubt that they were the right things for Lily. There was something odd and almost touching in the passionate aifection of the grizzle-headed, hard-featured, gruff man for the delicate nymph-like girl. She hardly realised the depths of his devotion she was too used to it but until lately it had satisfied her, for until now only her looking-glass had told her her beauty and 6he had do lover that is, no one worth speaking of. To be sure, there was Edward Wedlake, the doctor at Upper Datching, whom her father had summoned to see her when she had not been very well in the spring, and who had got very fond of coming over to the Thatched Cottage when he could spare the time. lie was certainly rather nice-looking and very kind, often taking the trouble to bring her new books and music.

But, although her father liked him and 6aid that he liked him, still, a'ter the advent of Owen Ormiston, she was quite sure that she could never be Mrs. Edward Wedlfike. She did not confess so much to herself, but she began to hate the doctor. It seems to me that fellows always here! said Owen one evening rather sulkily, when he had ridden over after dinner from The Cot and found the young docter lingering about in Lilys drawing-room. He had taken a rather hasty departure when Owen appeared, and from the French window the two watched him go across the green slope to the gate.

He was a good-looking fellow enough; hut his clothes had not been made in Bond street, his hoots were country hoots, his hands were rather red, and so was his hair. Always here? Lily looked up innocently. Oh, no, h-e is not he Is too busy. He is not here nearly so much as he used to he. Isn't he? very sarcastically.

Perhaps he used to live here. He was here the day before yesterday, and two days before that, and twice last week. He must he a great favorite with your father. Oh, yes, he is. They have been talking for a long while until a moment since, in fact; he he had only just come in to say good night to me.

Owen's expression of severe and sulky condemnation relaxed sensibly at that; perhaps he was molified at the soft look of entreaty she gave him. There was nothing very objectionable in the mans coming to say good night, although it was an attention which might be dispensed with. He had never thought Lily so beautiful as he did to-night; standing tall and slender beside him in her long white dress, she was more than ever like the lily to which he was fond of mentally comparing her. He thought that her golden hair had never looked so rich and bright, or her face so sweet as it did with the little soft rings curling childishly upon her foyeheacL The shadowy twilight seemed to etheralise her whole figure. He was more desperately in love than ever, sd perilously near declaring it.

He might have thrown all remembrance of Lady Elizabeth to the winds in another moment had not Toss come bounding across the grass. As usual. Toss was in the best of spirits, and expressed himself in such a very frisky and loudmouthed fashion as he danced about his mistresss skir.s that sentiment was put hopelessly to the rout, tq BE COXTXXCED, When my dreams come true when my dreams coma trua Shall 1 lean from out my casem*nt in tha dew, To listen smile and listen to the tinkle of the strings Of the sweet guitar my lover's fingers fondle as he sings I a3 the new moon slowly, slowly shoulders into view, Shall I vanish frem his vision, when my dreams come true i When my dreams come true shall the simple gown I wear Be changed to softest satin, and my maiden braiaed hair Be raveled into bossy mists of rarest, fairest gold, To be minted into kisses, more than any heart can hold Or the summer of my tresses shall my lover liken to The fervor of his passion when my dreams come true When my dreams come true shall I bide among the sheaves Of happy harvest meadows, and the grasses and the leaves. Shall I lilt and lean between me and the splendor of the sun. Till the moon swoons into twilight; the gleaners work is done Save that yet an arm shall bind me, even as the reaDers do The meanest sheaf of harvest when my dreams come true i When my dreams come true when my dreams come true! True love in all simplicity is fresh and pure as dew The blossom in the blackest mold is kindlier to the eye Than any lily born of pride that blossoms i gainst the sky, And so it is I know my heart will gladly welcome jou, My lowliest of lovers when my dreams come true.

CHAPTER III fCOSTEfTED.) Milly looked really distressed. Tell me, she said, you know I have never seen her do you think she cares for him? I think she will if he gives her so much reason for thinking that he cares for her. There is no harm done yet. But there will be unless his visits cease. And, Mr.

Alleyn, they must cease. Lady E.izabeih is beginning to notice the change in him, and to wonder what it is that absorbs him so. Her father encourages him of course? On the contrary, he discourages him? He does? Most bluntly and plainly. Had Owen been well, less infatuated he must have seen before this that he is not welcomed by the father, whatever may he the daughter's feelings. You say you think he is infatuated? said Millie.

1 think he is more so than I have ever seen him. It must be stopped declared the girl earnes ly, the look of trouble upon her face growing deeper. If it goes on it may bring pain and sorrow to them both it can never bring happiness. Mr. Alleyn, you are so much his friend you have influence over him more than anyone else, I think warn him again tell him Now then, George look alive there, old man calledOwen from the dog-cart.

We shall lose the train if youre much longer George did not waste much more time. There was just a few more whispered sentences, and then he hurried out and got into his seat. Owen, glancing at him as they turned out of the low gates, saw that he was carefully fastening in his button-hole a deep-red rose; and, only half supress-ing an im oluntary whistle, looked expressively at the horse's ears. Then, recollecting that something like it lay in his own breast-pocket, he blushed a little and began to whistle outright. Perhaps this was the reason that neither of them spoke, and that the four miles to the Lower Datching fetation were accomplished in absolute silence.

I wish you werent going, old man said Owen, as they paced up and down the little platform, for they were early after all. I shall he like a lish out of water without you Take a run up yourself then, suggested George, Why dont you Layland and Bernard are both in town. We might do a round of the theatres and he jolly enough. No hardly care about it, replied Owen, yawning, Can hardly leave Milly and her ladyship a 1 to them-Belves either, dont you see. Havent let the Cot see much of you lately either, have you retorted Alleyn drily, What do you mean queried the other, coming to a halt, with an inquisitive and suspicious look at his friend.

Pshaw! You know well enough! Look here, Owen, old man, and dont be oilonded. I'm not easy about you upon my word, youre getting into mischief, you know Am I said Owen lightly, and with no show of resentment. Are you You know you are I should go away much easier in my mind if I knew you would not go near the Thatched Cottage and Lily Blair again. Look here, Owen you are not a scamp, and you must know that you have gone quite far enough to make the girl think that you want to marry her, Well Well, you know you cannot do any such thmg. Do I Do you not You know what your understanding is with Lady Elizabeth what her opinions are upon that sort of thing, and into what a fine amount of hot water such a marriage would involve you, passing by all thoughts of cruelty to the girl.

Well Well George repeated impatiently, beginning to get out of temper with these apethetfc responses, I say that your only sensible and honorable course is to let the whole thing drop, and at once. Dont go there again. If ou do, I forsec what will happen. What You will get so much involved that you won't he able to draw back. Well, rejoined Owen deliberately, after a pause which seemed a thoughtful one.

supposing that I dont want to draw hack what then "Do you or dont you queried Alleyn, stopping to look at him. I dont know. Upon my honor, George, I havent had time seriously to make up my mind about it thats the sober truth And you will go there again Of course I shall go there again. Well, returned Alleyn, with a last eTort, for the train was in, his foot on the carriage step, and there was time for no more, it3 pretty plain, I should think, that her father doesnt want you. Hang her father Good-bye, old man Drop me a line now and then, and look us up when come to town.

But Owen Ormiston, although be had opposed to the last anxious look of his friend a face expressive of perfect carelessness and gaiety, was yet grave enough as he drove back to the Cot. The fatt that the Thatched Cottage and Lily Blair had given him a good deal to think about during the last fortnight the last week especially for he had succumbed entirely to Cures Promptly and Permamextly R. II 12 XJ m. JL I ivr Lumbago, Headache, Toothache, NEURAL. GIA, Sore Throaty Swellings, Frost-bites, SCIATICA, Sprains, Bruises.

Burns, Scalds. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER Baltimore, MA New Hampshire Tire Ins. Co, lAncheiter, II. Grow Dm.

SI, LMJ, 4154 GrosiliabUit Dro 11, 1,233 JM lrovldenoe Washington Insurance Co, Prond m3, H. Cros 31, 1S39, 1,144 316 1 Grow Ubl itia, Deo 31st iSS, 1093.214 81 Security Ius. O', of New Haven. Conn New Cum a. Gres? Dee 3Ut, 1839, 660 433 62 S'es liabilities, Deo3lt, 1SS, M7 267 Of The Spring Garden Imuratioe Co.

432 Walnut St rhiladelphia, Pa. Gross assets Deo 31st, 1SS8, 1.37V83 99 Gross liabilities De 31si, IS9, 60,323 Oi The Standard Fire Insurance Company. Kansas City, Mii.ourl. Groas assets, Deo 31. 236 25 01 Gross liabilities Deo 3Ut, 1SS9, 266.

S70 1 VI ion Insurance an iranern'o, Cal 6an Francisco Western Denver, Cole. Gross asns, Deo 31. 189, 1,271 18 56 Gross liabilities, Deo 31st, 13S9. 250 8)7 04 VFiliiamsbu gh ty Flie lus. Co.

160 Broa Now Yo.k, Yi Ores as ets, Deo 9, I 303 ju 33 Gr.ssliabll't D-c 3lst, 13S0. 747,298 2ft Rrilirdi America Ansumnre Company, 22 Front St et East, Toronto, Caaada. Grci'aa us, UeoSl-t 1SW 702 741 TO Gross 1 abi a lea, De 31st, SI Commercial Union Assurance Co, (Limited) oi JLomion. 17 Braneh, New York City. Northwestern Dt envo1, Col, s.

J. Uolhaw, Pee. 8o. ros3 pssts ieo 3), lv). 2 0 Gnm liabilities Deo 3it, 19, 1,81 65 Nut surplus.

64 The Guardian Fire Fife Assurance Co. of I ond on. Branch office in United State, 50 Fina Street, New York cuy assets Deo SeS 1939, i 4U.S36 sjros liabilities Deodlst, IH39, 7 21 Lancashire Insurance Co. of Chester EiV'iun I. 8 Bran office 40 and 42 Pins New York Gross assets Deo 31st.

1,632,279 09 Gross lia 1 i.iee, Deo. 31, 1S39 94 Sun Fire OtUre. 30 Nassau SL, New York. Gross Aspei Dei 3lst 18S 1,90 911 06 Grors Li I es, Deo 3 1339, I 139.721 17 The Employer Liability Annurmce Corporation (Ltd,) of London, England. Boston, Mass, Kansas City, Mo.

James Uewson, General Agent: Gross assets, December 31st, 1939, 842,292 57" Gross ha I ities, December 31st, 839, Home Life Insurance Co Brco*klya, New York Gross aisets Deo 3 st, 1899, 6 6,79.443 96 Gross I aUhtiee Duo 31st, 1899, 5,011.975 4 National Life Insurance Couiptuy Montpelier, Vt. Montpelier, Yt Gross assets, Deo 9D4, 1599. 6, 71 V8 Oft Lr ss liabilities, Deo 31st, 1859, 4 7'4t4 4j Surplus, 67 Noithwesleru Mutual Life Ins. Co. Ml waukee, Wisconsin Poindexter State Agent, 601 Jaokson 64 Topeka Ks.

jross assets. Doc. 31l4 1839 97.107 990 40 Gioss liabilities Docembor 31st, 189, 81,476 922 93 btate Insurance Company, Des Moines, Iona. Gro asst Deo 31, 18S9, 479,917 09 bross lab 1 es. Doe 31, 1839, 16 Alina Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.

Branch ffioe, Cincinnati, Ohio: Gross assets, December 31st 18o9, 69 Gro3 liabiht ei, Dec 3t, 1889. 973, Si3 64 German Innnrinco Co, Fre port. 111. Gross assets, Deo 31st, 1339, Gross 1 abilit Deo 3Ut, 1839, 2,462.621 09 1 933.6i)7 The XnfiurHnce Company ol WatertoYvu, N. Y.

A Dar Gen Act W- De Chico. Suite the Rookery Cor La eal uro Ae 1 De Rlst 18 9 Gross Li 1 ties, Deo 3 It 1S39, 1 2, 6 til 1 817,676 24 American Central Insurance Company, 415 Locust 5t eet. fct Liuis. Mo. Gross aset, Deo 31st l8-9, I 1,14 SM 49 Gross I a i I ioe, De 31.

1339 110UB4 91 ho American Fire Iiisuiauoo Co, New Ymk, City, N. Y. Gross assets Deo 3s lV), 1,3094203 Gro. liabilities Dto.llst 189, 87u.67l.63 lioyUton I us ran 00 Company, Host on. Mass.

Gro Deo 81, 1SS9, 906129 29 roa lab 1 ea. Dec 21, 189, Th 2 9 Annual 8tt in nt the Biirmton lusurm ora 'sny, of Rnrlinttoii, Iowa Dtc iUt I 89, 3W826 hab 1 ties, inoluU a cnb 41 is1 ol 62 HU to 6 1 V). i 3 hi. Tn-s ittuu aM I able imauv fa ns siewiily. I a year iniw 1 41 it as 7 67 62, ts re ns ir-ance re we by 31 and iu suiplos as regards ijU cy holders is now 3o3.2 Commercial Ins.

Co. of Caltlpruia, Fan Fraucisco, Cat. Gross assets. Dot. 31 4 1HS9 406 P3 9t Uioss Uabilit es Docembor 31st, 1880, r) Continent-si Insuranoe Company, 10) Broadway, New York.

Gross ifses, December 31st, ioS9, 6,217,779 91 Gios ha 1 lues, December 31st, i8S9, 8.740,U7U The Denver Insurance Co. Deo er Colorado. Gross areots, Do 31st, I 89, 24,872 96 Gross 1. abilities, Deo 31st 1899, 262,606 78 Fire Association, Philadelphia, la. Gross aasets.

Dee 1839, Gross Labillt Dei 31st, 1939. 4. 67 3,093,101 46 Gr.etift Fails Insurance Co, Glens Fal a. New ork Gross assets, Deooml er 3ut, Gros ilit leo 3 ft, 1,791.770 06 788,720 76 The German Fire Insurance Co, peaia, Illinois. Gross assets, Eeo 31ft, 1S89, 433 22187 Gross liabilities, Deo 3ist, 1889, 4U2.4Q2 7fl The Long Island Insurance Co.

Brooklyn, New York. Gross assets, Dm Slit, l'vsft, 397,417 18 Gross liabilities, Deo 31st 1839, 391,191 99 Now York Underwriter' Agency. Now York City, N. Y- Hanover Inmranre Con of N. CoTOpodof Ci irons Ts of Y.

Omu ua U. Dm 31, 01 Citizens DS1; 13SJ -ll I-1 The Wahliigrton Life Insurance Company of Now York. Leri L. Higgins, General A-nt. Topeka, ansa.

Gro a-s-U, December 1 1889 It. 0 3,871.27 Gr gs 1 aul'lilm, December Slat, JRS9 I 096 150 88 The Manhattan Li Iouraooe Company 156 Bioadway, New York, City. Gross asset. Drccubcr3 st, 1RF9. 11,729,400 21 Gross 1 a' 1 Itles, Pec-nler 31.

1889 10 074 444.21 New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Pot Office 6q Boston, Mats. Gross raets, T)cv mber 38t. 189 20.642.249-03 Gross PaMlltlf. Pcccmb' 31st, 189 17 04 916.87 WILLBUY THE BE8f 5-Tcn Wagon Scale Tare Eeaa and Seam Box Tree.

Send for '-X-jf Jonet he Pavs the Freight. BINCHAMTON, N. Y. John EM 3 LP tvuBiriogion, o.c. Successfully Prosecutes Claims.

Irate Principal ExamlDer Pension bureau 3 yr iu last ar, 13 adjudicating cUuns, atty siuce i1tetsako peksiohsT mi Patrick oTakrkll, Atfy Jatw. vsniciu. D.C. OPiURl fotedDeii. euanoQ.

Ohio i ny A NTS Txamlnti our gory' btiforS fiSehew.efe. 99 rhe witn cTnr or frcJVfcaTV p.e. A yoipn, l-ll (fcrrr ns lM-re rM HeDo.aH rsfai A I NT SfUILufOlMi CM wkftWsU 14 retail la aUFAUTIBS KATE MALM 10 0eUwr Ei. Esas Cltf, nrvmi siouphimb natflT 1 1 Kill at home; no pain or ticdnvecleDce. Book Uft iUIil tree.

Meeaer Medicifio Chicago. BA, Tt. only cvrtiC nd ensy cure. Dr Ju, VftliUP UCUCeftrn Telegraphy and Railroad I UUflll ITlE.n Agent's UuenM here anrMecura good situations. rite J.

D. HliOW Pedalln, Mo. PATENT fl Wilson Arn.flJ Kft. V.W, liWrtNbiQHs! unlungton, I) Circului froft V--IL. C.

ISO, 1 -t- ,00 VO $3 In applying to any ot tna advertisers, do not forget to Bay that yOM tht td'TsrtlMonens la this 1 Nothing N'ew tinier the The speaking tube Is a contrivance mentioned in ancient writers, 6ays the Scientific American, and comes down to tis or survives just as candles and oil lamps have not been altogether superseded by gas and electricity. In 16o Robert Hooke, of London, described how he transmitted sound by means of a wire to considerable distances. Wheatstone described his telephone in 1821, and in 1851 Ch. said: Suppose a man speaks near a movable disk, sufficiently pliable to lose none of the vibrations of tue voice, that this disk alternately makes and breaks the currents from an e'eclrio battery, you may have at any di'tmce another disk which Will simultaneously execute the same vibrations. It is certain that in a more or les distant future speech, will ta transmitted by electricity.

jil i 1 ENJOYS Both the method and results when 8yrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gen tly et prom ptly on the Ki dneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup' of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in it3 action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the mot popular remedy known. -Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute.


N-Y. Sr's iyeured lj these Little They alio relieve Pis trees from DvRpepia. In digestion and TnoHeart Eating. A perfect rem rly Drowsiness, Bad Tast the Month, Coated rongue.Pain the 8ide L'OKPID UTEU. Thejf regulate the Bowels Purelv Vegetable, Price 25 Cents, CAETE3 Cl, NSW YOAS.

Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.L THE BEST REMEDY roa CHILDREN trrraniiro from COLD in HEAD SNUFFLES os CATARRH A partlrv i applied into each nntrl end Is asree-Sblew Pr ctm at Drusisr; by nv IU regis-tere 60 a ELY 56 WvrMt r. rw Yorfc, I preribe and Tally on-dorse Bis as jo only specific for the certain curd of this disease. G.

H. INC A II AM, H. Amsterdam, N. Y. have sold Big for tnanv yers, and it has siven the best of satis-faction.

D. K. DYCHK A Chicago, Ill, Sl.OO. Sold by Druggists CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH F'EririYEOYAL P2LL8. lied Crvs Diamond iirand.

Thaonlv reliable pill for tale. afr cure. Latliem aek for uc Olo- mnml rrd tac icboss walu who otueribooa. Takeaoethee. Sed 4c taruiH) for particulars tun! liollef fi LfttUeft Uttrr, hT mail.

A.nn Chichester Chemical MhuIsoj r-Q. ihiladu ASTHMaT KIDDERS PASTiLlS.jT Ad Cnaxlec-town, jftg Elkhart Garrisga C3 Harness filfg. Qo. For 16 Year bar tld to eeaaamrra ml WROLa ABE PTki Li, omrlnf thraa demurs profit. Ship anTwfeorg for n.

ipatiom Wor bcvlag. Pm fricht Charreo if ot mmtiltmciory. Warrmmtd for if years. 64par Utileff Addrosm fm PRATT eey Elkhsvt. Indiana.

WANTED who hotneitenled a on wT number oi acres than lKat J5 fj 1D I ERS7 tmia beforJnne 12 MOES A FERGLTbON, HOMESTEAD Ob Co orado. CV'f KKT PQTAXpgs katn Sent out to be sprouted on shares. ITo experience requireed. Directions for sprouting free. Address Tt J.

SXIMHPt, GsIurribuSj Ksnsat. Sheep. Receipts since Saturday Steady for good muttons. Sales: U4 muttons, 76 $170; 123 do, 73 124 70 126 63 $4.25. Horses and Mules.

DORSES. Draft extra Draft, Saddlers Mares, extra. 145' ct L75 Mares, good 80(110 Drivers 125(aj3)0 Drivers, good 10) 90 55 80 Streeters, good. Oregon Plugs Texas. KDfiES.

14 hands 14 hands 15 hands 15 hands, 15 hands, tM 80 90 100 115 150 IU75 UCkllUOt VZV U1 o. 15 to 16 hands lfiOlglSo Heavy plugs, extra 35 65 General Markets. Prices quoted below on country produce are for wholesale lots. On orders higher prices are charged. Eggs Fresh stock, 10c per doz.

Butter Creamery, separated, 21a24c; gathered cream, 1631c; farm dairy, 12 15c; country roll, lOtl-c; store packed, 5 (3! 10c; packers, 3c. Cheese Eastern quoted at 1012c; Kan-889 Live Poultry Chickens, 6(al7c; Broilers, per doz. Turkeys, ig 10c per lb. Ducas, 9c per lb. Geese, 5c per lb.

Pigeons, $1.25 doz. Dressed Chickens, 6c. Turkeys, Il12c. Ducks, 10c. Geese, 67c.

Game Ducks, teal, $1.50 per dozen; mixed, $1 per dozen; mallaM, $2.50 per doz en Brant, $1.50 per dozen. Jack Snipe, $1.25 per dozen. Lettuce, $ll-2o per buUhel. Spinuca 7ac per bushel. New Onions $1 per dozen bunches.

Beets 40o per busheL Radishes per box. Cucumbers per doz. Cabbages Caiiiorma, $3 per cwt; Northern, per cwt. Potatoes 2533o per bushel; Iowa, 27 80c per bushel. Beans Eastern hand picked, per busheL Lemons $44.50 per box.

Oranges Messina, $3 per box; Mexican, $3.25 per crate; Vemacia, per crate, Onions $1 1.25 per busheL Sweet Potatoes 60c per busheL Dried Peas $1 per bushel. Apples Common, per bbl choice, $2. 51X03. 50 per bbl; fancy, $3.50 4.50; Michigan, $3.504. Flour Patent, extra fancy, $1.60 gooU, choice $L25; low grades, 75c $1.

Corn Meal 47c per cwt, loose. Hay For car lots on track, $3 4. 50 per ton; fancy Popcorn At 3a per lb; flint or nee at 4a rags, la per lb. Broom Corn From lts3c, according to quality and condition. Tallow Fancy prime.

5a per lb; No 4c; No. 2, lower grades proportionately less. Country Brooms quote at $L25(3L50 No. 1, at Cider VV quote to the country, pure sweet sweet apple juice, $6.50 per brL Turnips 15 -0c per busheL Honey Dark, UCsLlc; light, ll13a. Old iron Light cast, 40o per cwt; heavy test, 6O0 per cwt wrought, 55a per cwt.

Furs quote consignments Rano oon 10(2 50c; skunk, 10,2 txlo; mink, 5(3 -30c; fox gry, 575c; fox, red, wildcat 5g40c; beaver, otter, 25c to $5 wolf, prairie, wolf, mountain. 25c badger, opossum, muskrat, 2gl0c; hcucecat, 5315c; civit, 5 10c. Wool Missouri, fine 1219c; medium. 1724c; low, 1-3 15c; coarse, 14lSc. Kan sas and Neorua, fine, luio, 17c fine medium.

HlSc; medium, 12319c; coarse, 103 13c. Texas (year's gTowth), fine, medium, 1532c; coarse, ldgloc. New Mexico and Colorado Medium and fine, 19 21 ccemmen, ll17c; black, 10(3149. So confident are the manufacturers of Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy their ability to cure Chronic Catarrh in the Head, no matter how bad or of how long standing, that they offer, in good faith, the above reward, for a case which they cannot cure.

SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharges falling into threat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid eyes weak, ringing in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing throat, expectoration of offensive matter breath offensive smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be present at once. Thousands of cases result in consumption, and end in the grave. By its mild, soothing, antiseptic, cleansing, and healing properties, Dr.

Sages Remedy cures the worst cases. Thi3 infallible remedy does not, like the poisonous irritating muffs, creams and strong caustic solu Dr. Pierces Pellets regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. One a dose. Sold by druggists.

WHOLE OR GROUND CHEAPERTHANCORN. port values bnd for cl ex- r. OIL OAK cular and price liata showing advantages of feeding Oil Cake. Kansas CrjT Lrssesp Oil Rigbth and Mill btreeta. Best Cough Medicine.

Recommended by Physicians. Cures where all else falls. Pleaqant and agreeable to the taste. Children, take it without objection. By druggists..

The Pleasanton Herald from Pleasanton, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

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