The Newton Record from Newton, Mississippi (2024)

PAGE SIX THE NEWTON RECORD, NEWTON, MISSISSIPPI JtSPAY, OCTOBER 11, I9S6 'II THE NEWTON RECORD Published Every Thursday THE NEWTON R1CORP, NEWTON, MISSISSIPPI JOINS MEC STAFF ENTERTAINS Newton Hospital PAGE SEVEN was given by Mr: Dy Women's organization, which held its business session separate from the Louisiana gtoup. The Mississippi group is offering a journalism loan scholarship to a college student, and a report was made nmcci. PI. u. CLUB PRESS WOMEN OF TWO STATES CONVENE IN I NATCHEZ OCT.

5 )ME end PlaiHc 1 and CARD OF THANKS WILLIAM C. MABRY Twenty-four Years from 1926-1950 7A Af7 )TES The Hazel Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. G. F. Wilson Friday, October 5.

"Name one of for several years. Mrs. Parker before her marriage was Miss Lillian Rainer of Newton. Mrs. Hugh Wilson of Houston, and her brother, Frank Ham-rick, of Jackson were visitors Sunday afternoon of their relatives, Mr.

and Mrs. Bob Gibson. This was their first visit in this area in some years. Other visitors in k. LIlnlMuvi at is spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs.

W. W. James, and her friend, Miss Sara Jane Banks. Mrs. Kathryn Lowry and daughters, Danny, Carla, and Louise, and her mother, Mrs.

W. G. Crane, attended the Fox Reunion at the State Park at Grenada Sunday. appreciate the beautiful flowers, and all sympathetic words, caVds, and the food furnished. May God bless each of you.

J. The Clif Steele Family Mrs. F. P. Bishop Ben Hinton.

Mrs. H. W. Clinton and Sara, and Thad Watkins of Jackson Mr. and Mrs.

H. D. Tatum, J. H. Wells and his daughter, Mrs.

J. C. Covert, all of Meridian were visitors Sunday in the Armstrong-Nichols home on Scanlan Street. Mrs. H.

0. Rainer and children, Jerry and Kathrvn. visiter) Sun. A joint session of the Louisiana-Mississippi Press Women was held on Friday, October 5, at the Eola Hotel in Natchez. This Fall Con We are deeply grateful to our many friends and relatives who were so kind and thoughtful of us at the sudden death of our loved vne, Mrs.

Nona Mae Kerr. We aooui me ioe-57 recipient, along with discussion of other important matters and election of officers for the next two-year term. An unusually interesting program, W. K. PglNCE Editor and Publisher ANNIE ROSE MABRY Associate Editor and Publisher Sir'' 'I aiTompiisnments of the year" was the answer to roll call, and this proved very interesting.

Minutes were read and finnrtitn4 The following have been patients at the hospital during the past week: Mrs. Rubie Stringer, Stringer Mrs. Miriam Miller, Downev, Calif. Harris co*ker, Newton Mrs. Lois Nester, Conehatta Mrs.

Annie Bell Carey, Decatur Mrs. Myra Bourne, Newton Mrs. Kathleen Barnett, Newton Earl McCord, Louin Mrs. Annie Ma.v. Lake freshmentc.

Jt TJ" W'cioi, hostess to hv. "jhuj jjjuvea oi vjue to all at iit I inHslpv is pmDlovtd Harry Kirby of Jackson visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Kirby, here Saturdav Dmp old business was brought up to date. IfJ VI.

11. Speed Dry Cleaners on South ference opened at 10 A. following registration which began at 9 A. M. Mrs.

Hazel Brannon Smith of The Lexington Advertiser, Lexington, presided ovtr the Mississippi Mreci. .1.. HI u.tV,. i. win Mrs.

William Denton of Houma, and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Thomas were guests Tuesday of their sister and daughter, Mrs.

Ollie Williams. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Mary Archie, Gibson home recently have been Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chancellor and two children of Laurel, one night last week, and Mrs.

Wall of Port Arthur. Mrs. H. E. Weller, of VirksWu SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Newton County, six months $1.50 Id Newton County, one year $2.00 Inside Mississippi, one year $2.50 Outside Mississippi, one year $3.00 tending, was presented at the luncheon meeting of the two groups.

Three Louisiana and four Mississippi women appeared on the hour's program. Friday afternoon the press women were Dermittpr) tn FOR SALE Every immh i. .9 Nwt Mrs DUliaing Vll ouuuj auoiu sent and Mr" "mti i being remodeJed. i ji with hPr une us ww. waggle Rush, and tmiir 'WIS uaines, wuu uuuci wciii Mrs.

Rome Kirby spent Wednesday with Mrs. Alvin Brown in Conehatta. Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss James visited her parents, Dr.

and Mrs. E. Lovorn, in Louisville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Buckley of Meehan visited with Mr. and Mrs. John A. May Monday. Mr.

and Mrs. H. fc Daniels day with the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Clark and baby son in Jackson.

Mrs. Clark and baby are at their home now on Route 5, where Mr. Clark is pastor of the Byram Memorial Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs.

Beamon Fanning, Mrs. Virgie Denton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simmons, Donna and Sidney visited with Mr.

and Mrs. wrv recenuy, is nuw aujc iu ue Mrs. Mary Hardy, Newton Mrs. Myrtle James, Newton Albert Smith, Decatur Mrs. Hazel Shimfessel and babv.

three antebellum houses. These at work at Mayneid Motor Mr. and Mrs. F. B.

Howell of Memphis, are guests for several days this week of Mrs. Howell's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

Morgan. Bonnie Rogers of French Camp business meeting at 10 A. while Mrs. Clarence Faulk, state president, presided over the business meeting of the Louisiana group. Mrs.

Smith was presiding as vice-president in the absence of Mrs. Lu Hartley Moorhead of Long Beach, who with her husband is spending the month of October in I V' When the attention of The Record is called to any misstatement of fact, or error concerning any person or thing, correction will be made. A modern seven room residence, every convenience, with tile bath room. You will have to see the inside of this modern home to appreciate its worth. On large lot.

If interested see tt W. HOYE NEWTON, MISS. 7,. oiner officers will be appointed at the next meeting. nf Tm wiJ1 bc in tfle home of Mrs.

Maggie Rush on October 29. All interested are invited to go and carrv a dish Thi liss Sue Kogers, wno nas Deen Coved at the Rainbow Cafe, is were ttmscourt, where the movie "Rain Tree County" was filmed recently, Lansdowne, and the famous Connelly Tavern on El-licott's Hill, historic inn of the Natchez Trace where Aaron Burr Milking Mcchin J. C. Brown, and Mrs. Johnny McMillan of Newton on Sunday.

Cynthia Louis Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Davis of 248 Rose Street, Jackson, are the proud parents of their first child a daughter, born at the Baptis' Hospital October 10. She has beer, named Cynthia Louise, and weighed seven Dounris is Mmt HHsHH.

HHs. Wmt hhhhhhhhh! mm icaaemy. and Wayne Rogers of State Colleee are nlanninu ir. he Old Ladies' hom*on' Jackson spent last Sunday with daughter, Mrs. Will Banks, and family.

Mrs. Max Connett is visiting with her dauehter anrl, Ken Lawrence and Kenny in Louisville Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence prepared a birthday dinner for her mother, Mrs. Fanning.

Mrs. Glen Wallev anH twin enne friends oi Mrs. T. O. Prince will Wad to Know sne is ax nome Blackwell.

native of Morton and former resident of Picayune, has joined the staff of the Mississippi Economic Council as manager of the Member Relation spend this week end with their aunt. Mrs. Milton James. Mr. and Mrs.

G. W. Brantley of Dallas, are visitinu with Mrs arm uiennerhassett met in 1807. Saturday morning's tour included Hope Farm, one of the most "livable" and impressive of the six Entered at the post office at Newton, Mississippi, as second class matter. Thursday, October 11, 1956 Riley's Hospital, Meridian, 1 r.

wringing In The Sheaves" wa sung, followed by the Devotional John led by Mrs. Th re sne spent several uays au-5vinp minor sureerv. Mexico. Mrs. Smith was elected as presi-dent of the Mississippi group.

Oth- er officers elected were Mrs. James Arringto'n of Collins, first i vice-president; Mrs. Royce Caugh- 1 man of Mendenhall, second vice- president; Mrs. Maurine Twiss of department. MEC President irem, rresi visited, Green Leaves, and Stanton weaves, ana siajlton birth.

Sharing honors as grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rayner of Newton, and Mr.

and Mrs. C. R. Davis of Houston. Tex Parts TIAT CUP LINERS MILK TUBES PULSATOR parts BRUSHES PUMPS COW TO CAN UNITS lie Junior Class of Newton High Hall, both mansions with elegant i of Ripley announce jopic, Of Jesus Randy and Dale, leave Saturday for Shelby, where they will spend a week with her brother-in-law and sister, Dr.

and Mrs. H. J. Gazelle. Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Holladay of are visitine he Newton Rasmus Read, Louin Mrs. Carolyn Massey, Louin Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald and I baby, Hickory Miss Christian Smith, Lawrence COLORED Rosie Mae Burks, Newton Helen Curtis. Hattiesburg Malcolm Curtis, Hattiesburg Malcolm Curtis, Hattiesburg Joyce Jean Norris, Sylvarena Queen Estes Tatum and baby, Louin Ida Mae Gray and Baby, Lake Mildred Lone and abv, Rose Hill Pearl Lockhart and Babv, Newton Millie Brown, Newton Mr.

and Mrs. Keith Breithaupt, in Ft. Worth, Tex. Mr. and Mrs.

Harley Craven and C. W. of Meridian visited with Mrs. Josie V. Fore over the week end.

Mrs. Maude Hunter hoi is sponsoring a nummage xurnismnEs. Ail thp MT. Blackwell snr-rrlt i Saturday, October 13, begin-i at fl-30 A. M.

in the iormer ola Bottling Company build- Six Times Cleaner C. A. Brantley, Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Norman, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Tidwell.

The Rev. and Mrs. Rupert W. Purvis of Potts Camp were guests last Friday night and Saturday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. G. Gardner, on South Main Street. Mr. and Mrs.

Claude Everett of Hickory, Mrs. Gertrude Gaines, Mrs. Jack Rushing and son, Mike, of Meridian visited Mrs Fnnire Yon North Main Street. Sneed. who resigned to enter private business.

The new manager was formerly an underwriter for the Allstate Insurance Company, with headquarters in Jackson. He is a veteran of World War II, and an honor orariii. some hemes were well preserved and depicted an ear of the South now The press women are grateful to the Natchez and Pilgrimage Garden Clubs for their courtesies in serving them, and to Mrs. Jear.erette Harlow, managing Mr.

and Mrs. B. F. Birdsong of Meridian are the great-grandparents. Mrs.

Davis is remembered here as Miss Jeanette Rayner. Miss Barbara Wagner and her mother, Mrs. M. E. Wagner, who have been residing at 202 New Ireland Street, have sold their lent frmce, iresnman at Mill- PARTS FOR SURGE AND Jackson, secretary; and Mrs.

Paul Phillips of Tunica, treasurer. At 12 noon a luncheon on the Eola Hotel roof was enjoyed by both groups. Mrs. W. K.

Prince of Newton said the invocation. At 1 P. M. the following program was given: College in Jackson, was a EDITORS' r-JCTES The International Sunday School Lesson for Sunday, October 14, is based on the Ten Commandments. Happenings within our srea over the past week point out the dire need for stricter adherence to these Divine Commandments.

We call your attention to the exposition on this Lesson by cur own writer this week. LAVAL i end visitor with his parents, id Mrs. W. K. Prince.

He at-1 the Meridian District MYF ate of Mississippi State College oidit voiiege. cunor Times, for auuco, iur this week with his brothers and other relatives. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ruble Jones Sunday were their children, Mr.

and Mrs. Bob Jones and daughter of Meridian, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Estes of Columbus. Other visitors were Mrs.

Jones's sister, Mrs. S. L. Robinson, and Mr. Robinson of Memphis, and their children and their families.

Capt. and Mrs. Charles Hollis and baby daughter, Eleanor Jane, of daughter, Mrs. Moran M. Pope, and family in Hattiesburg recently, Mrs.

C. C. Foley, Mrs. G. A.

Brown, and Mrs. H. W. McMillan oi Hickory were guests in the home of Mrs. J.

C. Brown Fridav. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Williams were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr.

and Mrs. Ollie Williams, at Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prince of Brookhaven soent the cast week AT day at Meridian Satur- for their free admittance, in several vpare anH i THE NEWTON RECORD auuuiuuicc io tnese ana received his ao you want To Own Your homes, and other Conference ar- Master Degree in education by Own Mrs.

Louise Lipp, attpnriina cnmmp, SI. rangements. attending summer home to Mrs. Douglas Brown and family. Miss Wagner and Mrs.

Wagner are domiciled temporarily in the L. G. McNair apartment on the same street and next door to the lot they purchased anrt nn Chapman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

L. J. Oliver and daughter, Jeannine, of Mobile, were week end visitors with BAPTIST WMU BUSINESS MEETING IS HELD of the local Methodist lisher of the Franklin Sun, Winns- Eh Fellowship that attended Meridian District MYF Tram- Hi Mrs. Oliver's mother, Mrs. H.

O. Thrash, and other relatives ere semesters at the This proved tc be a regular Gtorge Peabody College in Naafe-vacation" trip, and we enjovedvlIle-our stay in this old city on the Mr. Blackwell is a member of Missippt River tc the fullest the Phi Delta Kapp. educational i fraternity, a deacon in the Prpshv. Day in Meridian Saturday Joe McDonald, counsellor.

The W. M. U. of the First Baptist Church in Newton met in Newton in business session Monday, October 8, at 3:15 P. M.

Mrs. Doyle H. Waldrop, the president, was in charge. Rayner. president, and Riley end here with his parents, Mr.

boro, "Opportunities for Community Mrs. Nell Caugh-man, Simpson-County News, Mendenhall; "Highlights of Democratic National Mrs. Margaret Dixon, managing editor, Morning Advocate, Baton Rouge, "Advertising and Mrs. Courtney Tannehill and Mrs. which they expect to build in the immediate future.

Mrs. Brown and children moved into the former Wagner home Saturday, also. Their home near Clarke College was purchased by the College, it is re- The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, held this week, was well attended. Judging frcm the spirit at this meeting, the membership is giving serious thinking toward the betterment of Newton and Newton County. Our prediction is that we will move forward.

Ion. HUNTING SEASON Anniston, arrived Monday for a visit with Mrs. Hollis's parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Banks, Sara Jane and Captain Hollis has returned to their home, but Mrs.

Hollis and baby remained for terian Chnrrh tnri Sd i International Relations Dro- MSS NORA HARRIS aviivc III L'JVIC affairs. He is married to the for- TTlPr Thiimacirifl Fiixh i. j. a will be presented at the New- The W. M.

U. song, "From IB. P. W. Club meeting on Miss Nora Harris hr, I a I.

01 Greenland's lev Mountai was by actual laboratory tests. It's a new two-bath process. Your fabrics are cleaned in constantly filtered solvent bearing 76 times more active detergency than ordinary dry cleaning. Each piece and every garment is then given a separate rinse in fresh, sparkling, crystal clear, distilled solvent RESULTS the finest dry cleaning known today. A longer, brighter life for your garments.

SPEED DRY CLEANERS iday, October 16, at 7:15 P. her x. ouc jess rurr 01 nca- sung in unison, and the Watch Marge Williams, Neshoba County wmiams, Neshoba County Mrc rv ner Slster' 1 yune' Alr' Furr was a weekly news Mr a tr Slster' 1 MT- 1-urr was a weeklv Mrs. ana Mason Prince. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert B. Doolittle and Mrs. C. E.

Noblin of Jackson spent Tuesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bentley.

Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Galloway of Union spent Tuesday in the home of his sister.

Mrs. R. A. Carr, cn Scanlan Street. Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Carr of Jackson visited a lew riavs with Members are to convene at the news- L-crdon Holroya, died at the i Paper publisher at Picayune fnr Democrat, Philadelphia: "Editor Bbow Cafe, and those taking OPENS SOON Newton is indeed fortunate to word, "Laborers Together With was given, followed by i noriea. Ensign Frank May, who has been stationed in Alaska ior the past six months, arrived by plane in Jackson Thursday morning and will spend two weeks here with his family.

He traveled by boat to noircyo fiome 40 vears Wants a 40 years. Holrcyd home Mr. and Mrs. Zack Logan, and Mr. and Mrs.

C. W. Holyfield and Irma attended Homecoming at Rose Hill Sunday and visited their brother and sister-inMaw, the Rev. ana Mrs. J.

B. Holyfield. Sgt. and Mrs. Parks Wilson and family of Ft.

Smith, arrived Saturday for a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie co*ker, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

E. Wilson. Mrs. R. E.

Coit and Miss Smith of the Meridian City School system were visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Arm--trtng, here Saturday, while en-route to and from Jackson.

Btsor unable to attend are ask- i -j" uu -aiice Hill Mon- have such fine eating places as day evening, October 8 following on Nance Hill fnn. on Nance Hill Mon Hetoert, Jeanerette, Enter-! prayer by Mrs. Waldroc Minutes lo notify the Hostess Chairman "We welcome Mr. Blackwell to prise; and Use of Mrs. were read and approved.

Yazoo Cnnmv staff, and take this DO A. M. Tuesday. a longer visit with her family. Mr.

and Mrs. M. J. Wall of Port Arthur, spent the week end with Mrs. J.

C. Brown. Mrs. Wall had been here for two months to be with Mrs. Mollie Wall of Hickory, who passed away Thursday.

Other visitors last week end were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Weller, of Vicksburg, and W.

E. Brown of Memphis, Tenn. Among those attending the Ole Miss-Houston, game in Jack Reports of all officers and Mrs. John T. Thrash left "mini uui jxijuM.

inese places are clean, with an inviting atmosphere, and serve good food, which is well prepared. bom April erieJTa daughter of P5ff Isday ior Memphis, .7 i omim WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF SHOT GUNS me Jate John Rnhert stvI u. caii-l -i ire Mrs. Thrash underwent ma- nis base in California, and will turn there for six months after his leave is ended. Ensign May will see his baby son, Steven Eugene, who is three months old, for the first time on this visit.

Mrs. Frank May and baby are with her moth surgery for a defect in her ring at the Baptist Hospital AND SHELLS I relatives and friends in and near Newton last week. Jim Beacht, who is attending E. C. J.

Decatur, spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. Mable B. Beacht. Mrs. W.

C. Mabry spent Friday night and Saturday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. C.

McClena- I Jane Lamons Ham. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Miss Harris leaves five sisters Mrs. Mamie Lancaster, Mrs. Essie Seffel, and Mrs.

Nancy Baker, all of Sn Antonio, Mrs. Hazel icesday. lhey expect to return r.t this week end. Friends of PHONE A7 FRED SPEED Hi NEWTON, MISS. Juanita Hight, Winston County Journal, Louisville.

At 4 P. M. the group was privileged to visit three antebellum homes, Elmscourt, Lansdowne, and Connelly's Tavern. The latter is headquarters of the Natchez Garden Club, whose members served coffee, tea, and assorted dainties in this interesting house at the end of the afternoon tour. At 9:30 A.

M. Saturday, another tour of three antebellum homes was given the press women who a good beginning for the new Society year. The W. M. U.

accepted an invitation to visit the Philadelphia Indian Center on October 16. On October 23 a study clinic will be held at the church. Everyone is invited to attend and carry a covered dish for the lunch hour. A District W. M.

S. meeting was announced for October 31 at Harperville. I The meeting was closed with I Thrash are honine she will ins wum win carry mm into all parts of Mississippi in thp interest of the MEC." Rural Development Progrnrn Kms W'M't'i, benefitted greatly by the sur- We withhold our judgment of the New England editors who are now making a tour of the state of Mississippi, thinking that when they arrived in our state they would have an open mind. However, reports from places they have visaed point to the iact that evidently they were pretty well set and fixed in their opinions before their arrival in cur midst. Mr.

and Mrs. O. W. Nichols of Dayton, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs.

J. N. Nichols in Newton Friday and that night, and will spend Saturday with the Misses Nichols here. Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Prince have I returned to their home in Kansas See Us For Your Needs MUd Mrs. W. P. McMullan. son Saturday were: Mr.

and Mrs. Milton McMullan, Mr. and Mrs Paul McMullan, Mr. and Mrs. James Thames, Mr.

and Mrs. Pat McMullan, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McMullan. They were all guests of Mr.

and Mrs. W. P. McMullan at the Country Club for dinner. I of Xewton, and Mr.

and Mrs. Iter Spiva of Jackson are at- ortn ot Buchanan Dam Tex and Mrs. Louise Holrovd of Newton; one brother. J. R.

Harris, of Bentonia; one step-brother J. R. Sims of Austin, one step-sister, Mrs. Fonnie Tavlor of Middleton, and a sister-in-law. Mrs, Sam E.

Harris of Yazoo City. pg the Financial Public Re prayer Dy Mrs. T. B. Leavell.

STRATTON CLUB MEETS er, Airs. Annie C. Williams, here. He also will visit his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Johnnie F. May, while on Ieae. Kenneth Larry Fi2serald Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse F. Fitzgerald of Route 1, Hickory, announce the birth of a son at the Newton Hos-j pital on October 9. The baby has been named Kenneth Larry, and weighed six pounds, 11 ounces, at birth. Mr. and Mrs.

L. L. Hurst of Hickory and Mr. and Mrs. i Clyde Fitzeerald of Chun City, after spending several I ins Association annual conven- ti, remained over tor these visits.

i the Statler Hilton Hotel in Homes visited at this time were nomes visited at this time were uays nere visiting in the homes of his brothers, Ollie and Mason Prince. las, October 7-11. Mr. Mc- Club met FriHav 70 ftt it PtbC HPe Farm' the home of Mri. l.

M. at Stratton School o.m han and Billy at Lake. Mrs. Mills Turnage and daugh- ter, Ann, were week end guests of their sister and aunt, Mrs. Lewis Fancher, at Greenwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Barnett and daughters, Rose, Martha Ann, and Shirley, of Jackson visited friends in Newton and Louin Saturday, Miss Kate Williams of Gariand-j viile spent from Saturday until Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Mamie Brand. I Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Rounds am! HAILEY'S HARDWARE mn is vice-president and Mr. with a good crowd present la a Director of the Newtnn i Nl- 'I 1 I'll a Your Associate Editor and Mrs. Prince were privileged tc attend the Louisiana-Mississippi Press Women's Fall Conference in historic Natchez last Friday. Beth are members of the Mississippi Press Inty Bank in Newton.

Irs. Josie V. Fore acenmnanipri OAKLAND (By Mrs. C. V.

Rainer) This community was saddened to learn of the death of our beloved Mary Ann Rigdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gressett.

She was a devoted mother and loved by all who knew. her. She leaves three children ni Mrs. J. T.

Giles of Woodville, and Mrs. Dora Nichols Wells of Forest spent several days in the home of the Misses Nichols this week. Ray Nichols of Forest also visited in their home Friday. Mrs. Minta B.

Bassett was nleas- I Miss Jan Holmes of the University spent Friday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Holmes, and the? all attended the Ole Miss-Houston, game in Jackson Saturday. Others from Newton that attended the game were: Dr. and Mrs.

S. H. Hindman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphey, Mr.

and Mrs. J. F. Ford, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. Ruble Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert James.

Phone 100 Alice Harris to Yaznn ritv A prayer service was held at 3:30 P. M. Tuesday, October 9, at the Hutson Funeral Home in Newton, with the Rev. James W. Hol-ston, local Methodist pastor officiating.

The body was carried by-motor to Jackson Wednesday morning, then shipped bv train to San Antonio. Tex. Thp fimoi 1 the proud grandparents. Larry is NEWTON, MISS. Isday morning and they return- Demg welcomed bv a brother and hboys from Jackson visited Mr.

and Natchez Pilgrimage, and Mr. Miller, Green Leaves, and Stanton Hall. The latter is headquarters of the Pilgrimage Garden Club, and the tour ended at this point. The visitors were served coffee and tea biscuits by the hostesses there. Mrs.

Jeanerette Harlow, managing editor of the Natchez Times, was in charge of all local arrangements for the Conference and tours. luesaay night. Mrs. Harris with her sisters-in-law, Mrs. don Hoiroyd and Miss The meeting was called to order by the president, T.

L. Everett, and the group sang "Home on the Range." C. P. McMullan read devotion and iead the group in pray er. of the last meeting ere read and roll called by the' secretary.

Several matters of old nd new business were taken up It was voted by the Club members to visit the Experiment Station at Xewton on Friday, October 5. and David Lee: her narpntc- hm PS, the timp nf Misc Uarr-o Mrs. Winfred Bounds, and other relatives in Newton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Dennis L. Brown and son, Bill, were business visit NEWTON 11 THEATRE brother, James, Morris, Clarence, i five great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H.

McNeil, and -Mrs. Stella Gibbon, all of Chunky, Mrs. Bessie Hurst of Hickory, and Frank Fitzgerald" of Meridian. Mrs. Fitzgerald is remembered as Miss Margaret Hurst.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kee last week were Mr.

and Mrs Ih Monday night. She accom-ped the Hoiroyd family Wed- NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ed to have as guests last Satur- day her brother-in-law and sister, i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Lewis, and her nephew and niece, Mr.

and Mrs. Johnny Roy Lewis, all of Birmingham, Ala. Visitors in the Mason Walton was scneduled onJWday morning October 12, with burial in the lot in a cemetery in San Antonio. CAM OF THANKS We wish to express our gratefulness of the manv visits, the morninp fn Con tj Ttxatt KLENZO Make LOW-COST Financing cnaries, and Clay Gressett; six sisters, Lillian, Opal, Jewell, Martha, and Virginia, all of whom are married; and other relatives anrt ASPIRIN uu niltUlUU, where the funeral will be Mrs. W.

K. Prince and Miss An- Th cla MRS. MAUDE KOWINGTON program was turned over nie Rose Mabry represented The Turman, who gave the Newton Rernrri Jf rl i to mourn her passing. We furman. who psvp th Newton Record at this Fall Con I to me and Mrs.

Percv Wassnn and part of your Best nylon bristles. Medically approved styles. extend our heartfelt ors to Booneville Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Holley of Savannah; visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jesse Jones, -and Mrs. Frances Holley, for five days this week. Mr.

and Mrs. L. L. Combs and Bobby, and Mrs. G.

H. Bunch were visitors Sunday afternoon oi Mr. group some information on the pen, Jane and Car Walter, of ference. Mrs. Maude Eeeman Pure 5 grain tablets.

Quick dissolving, fast forking. 2 for 55c SOTTUS OF MS.27 11 new soil hank anrl and Sson were recent vicimrc H. P. Farrell of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.

O. L. Harvell and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Farrell and their son, Allen, of Jackson, Mr.

and Mrs. O. T. Farrell. Mr.

and Mrs Ed is 2 for 40c CHILD'S KUNZO TOOTHBRUSHES it-as 2 inn laif bflmp an. mm. FRI. SAT. OCT.

T2 13 WWTE FEATHER (Technicolor Cinemascope) Robert Wagner Debra Paget and 66. oi Daffee died Monday at 50 I eonrvatk A. at Laird's Ko SZ Vnln 1 kinds of ho Lnlon-; aJid Mrs. Allen Rushing. Mr.

65E5gP IP3? 1 baked pies and coffee were served, baked dips anrf pnffpp home this week end were: Mr. snd Mrs. E. A. Braley, and two sons, and Miss Frances Walton of Jackson and Mr.

and Mrs. Eld-red Walton and four sons of Stark-ville. Linda Ann Hinton of Jackson spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Royals. Mrs.

Royals returned to Jackson with her and scent a few davs with this bereaved family, the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Oakland. Jack McKee and Miss Dorothy Harrison of Chunky were married last Thursday night. We wish them flowers, cards, and all inquiries during the long illness of our beloved mother and grandmother, Mrs. E. M.

Wall, and for all the acts of kindness shown us and expressions of sympathy since her death. We especially appreciate the thoughtful attention and loving care oi the doctors, nurses, and all th: personnel at the Newton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. M.

J. Wall and Malcolm A. Blame, Mr. and David Miltnn tlloinn ,1 Sixty farm operators of the 106 contacted in six rural communities in Alcorn County were using one-half or more of the 12 agricultur atter which the meeting was 7vxatt PRO-CAP pd Milton, of McCool were al practices reeommpnH CHICAGO SYNDICATE Denris Kteft Abbe Lane 32SM Mi31 ANTISEPTIC EEs 2 for 90c guests of the Rushings. Annie Conk nf Kr.tnb.

and Mrs. Kobert Bunch at Mt Olive. Mrs. Dudley Stennis, who has been visiting relatives in Pulaski, ADHESIVE TAPE Waterproof 'A" 10 yds. 2 for 40c Experiment Station and the Ex- nappy tsmnjervice AttPnd ChuTcb9 I sue naa been receiving i treatment for three weeks She I had been in ill health for the pan 10 years.

Mrs. Howington lived in the Duffee community all of her life, and was a member of the Liberty Baptist Church. Her funeral was held at this church at 10:30 A. Wednesday, October 10 the Pev PTarlr r. 1 horie with the Blaines, aft-ispending two weeks in the wards Henry and their daughters.

Lynn, Sherrie, and Betty, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrell of Greenwood, Ethel Bullin and Miss Marguerite Farrell oi Grenada, Mrs. Peyton H. Dunning of Eupora, and Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Farrell and their daughters, Judy and Frances, of Memphis, Tenn. All enjoyed this family get-tc- epthpr in thp snarinns anrl altrar- her and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. is spending this week with her daughter.

Mrs. .1 Rnr-helle nome. fcaU AEROSOL SCANLAN CLUP MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Scanlan Rural Development Club was held in the club house Tuesday night, October 2. Fourteen families were represented, and John Sones, sponsor, was pre- i bbm si i tmmmammmi Md Mrs. Julian PcrVor OCT.

14 THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN (Technicolor Cinemascope) Maggie McNamara-Louis Jourdan LOWEST PRICED StM6 PANOVITE Detroit. Mich have tra. eir fiome. after vicitino READY-SHAVE 2 for 99c Linnatr fttrosol. mtntht-latcd er bruililisi, 10 u.

SJf. IftrlK lllf' -'J carroiiton otfi- nt ciatme. Tntprn-ct sent, also. Pother, Mrs. W.

H. Parker, of iei.Vio 2 fCR 3.11 mm Rca Victor Jrch cemeter-, tive Kee home on West Church Street. uu witn her mother, Mrs. pe Davidson, of Mewtnn and family at Clarksdale. Mr.

and Mrs. H. Palmer of New Orleans, were visitors over the week end of Mrs. Palmer's sister, Mrs. W.

E. Farish, and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Posey of Philadelphia visited here during the week end in the home of Mrs.

Posey's brother, W. T. Taylor, and with other re'atives. Mrs TC PrinrF and Miss lflsc enjyed seeing his f. Mrs.

Debra Gibson, from RUBBING ALCOHOL TV ORIGINAL in Rich Console Styling Annie Rose Mabry attended the Press Women's Conference at wnom he hadn't seen 1 fOMPOIINn a Albert Smith, president, called the meeting to order, and Irvin Mowdy led in prayer. Mrs. Spur-geon Stamper, secretary, read the minutes of the previous meeting "nd gave a financial report. Both old and new business ws.s discussed, and plans were to visit some of the other clubs. Mr.

Smith presented Mr Snnpc Elite Crushed Rippl found nm III ENVELOPES 50's, iwer or envs. tt 2 FOR 90c Bint Baa I. The body was carried Monday afternoon from Stephens' Funeral Home in Meridian to the family residence, where it remained until the funeral hour. Mrs. Howington leaves her husband, Russell Howington, Duffee; two daughters, Mrs.

Gertrude Gallant of Meridian and Mrs. Robert pan Mil lass IR MATINEE DAILY DOORS OPEN AT 3:00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs.

Guice Kirby and children of Hattiesburg spent Sunday with their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Kirby. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Kirby of Jackson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs Rome Kirhv here Safnr. ESI the speaker, who told about the THUR. OCT. 11 12 rooi oi west Foint; two sons S3 CHIIS1MAS CIFT WRAP PAPER Deluxe.

S-sfteet pack. log. .25 2 tor .21 V1CT0IIA HOT WATEI POTTLE, 2-heat style. e. 3.31 2 tor 3.40 ADIIENNE BEAUTY CREAMS.

ull.Piirnnaa TnlH a. mo ci Duffee and Paul Howington f.A-.b?oths that are to of Jackson: at 'he Mississippi State Fair. HELEN OF TROY (Warrterceior Cinemasceoc) Just as important as the structural plan of your new home is your financing plan. Both must be sound if you are to enjo the fail satisfaction and security of home ownership. If you are going to build or buy a home, come in and let us work out the financing plan that is right for yu: ONLY Enjoy the exciting new "LIVING IMAGF picture RCA Victor's new Eaton brings you 261 square inches of viewable "Living Image" picture bright, clear, steady I Balanced Fidelity Sound adds extra realism.

"High-Sharp-and-Eaey" tuning lets you three great-eranrichiWrp; J.acks' October 8-13, stating the Podesta Jack Sernas tacts there were only four booths we only tour booths sisters, Mrs. nj. 2 for 2 for 2 Mr Cleanslno. fach let 1.00 II (ALL STORK NUISER. Complete t-oi.


Meridian, and Mrs. N. Tatum i thfK and Newton County 0NCET PC TABLETS. 2S's ej. 33 2ltr .94 100's lu.

7 2 lor .10 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES, adults' or infants', 12's R. .41 2 tor .50 CHRISTMAS CARDS, Deluxe Box of 20 with envs. Re( 1 2 for 1.20 CHRISTMAS CARDS, Cascade Tall tin. II with envs. Ill il 2 Mr .70 ADRIENNE INDE10 LIPSTICK, lanolired.

7 shades Rat. 1.D0 2 Mr 1.01 BATH POWDERS, Adrlanne, Garden Spice or Lavender let. ISO 2 fori si RESALE COS LIVER OIL. Hlli potency. Pint.

Rat. 1.4 2 for had one of each. He thpn mHp VS iraln. lOOO's lei, 1.21 2 tor 1.27 SAT. OCT.

13 ABILENE TOWN Randolph Scott and URANIUM BOOM oi cross City, and five bothers, Arthur oi Morton, Everett of Chunky, Curtis of Cross City Chester of Duffee, and Beeman of Detroit. Mich. very informative talk on the Egg Market Kraft plans to open in the near future. Following this he made a brief talk on the Soil Bank Program. Delicious cookies and iced drinks were served by Mrs.

Irvin Mowdy Vt train, lOOO's lot 1.00 2 Mr 1.SS 100' Rot- .39 2 far 1 train, lOOO's Re. 1.41 2 Mr 1.10 100's Rot. .59 2 tor Ploi Federal Tax on tout Item. day and attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Wells, at Union.

Mrs. D. W. Rayner was in Jackson Wednesday to welcome her new granddaughter, Cynthia Louise Davis, who was born at the Baptist Hospital. Mrs.

Judy Wade and her sisters, Mrs. Adkinson, of Wing, Ala and Mrs. Holloway, of Crestview, enjoyed a two-week trip into Texas recently. Miss Fran Avery of Alamo, Hm gas tariff tMt gtts papular volt Jl tvtr America because it gives greater heating ability with its amazing Hi-Crown Burner gives outstanding safety with its famous COOL SAFETY CABINET dial standing up! Come in see the Eaton today! Dertnit Morgan Patricia Medina SUN. OCT.

14 kVktm in I A kton. In A mortgage loan that is eipressly arranged to meet your requirements as to down payment and monthly payments at the lowest possible cost to you Make this bank your first stop in the road to sound home-ownership fV KW-Nt. High 70 UHF iW mohogony groined or Electrex 1 HEATING PAD limed oak grained fin. Model J1T73S. OptiMal, extro.

et taw CM. WEATHER FORECAST COURTESY OF WEGA Week end forecast for this area-Temperatures near normal, normal minima 50-56, normal maxima 72-81. Mild days and cool nights. Precipitation moderate to locally heavy in scattered showers about the week end. ON THE THRESHOLD OF SPACE (Technicolor Cinemascope) Guy Madison Virginia Leith aim mm.

Aioert smith. Score cards were passed out for members to study and be ready to fill out at the next meeting on Tuesday night, November 6. Visitors are invited to attend and enjoy a supper. AH members are urged to be present. 1 Medford I FACIAL TISSUES I I NYLONS I Pint quality.

51 aut, 19 denier, plain or dark seam. Natchez last Friday. They motor ed there Thursday afternoon re J-speed wetproot i.s.ts 3.88. fiBMi Fluorid I TOOTH PASTE i turning home Saturday night. In $28-95 A )L WISM ft FIRST NATIONAL BANK oSSbF vv a i or.

tudet I MON. TUE. OCT. 15 16 FRONTIER WOMAN (Technicolor Cinemascope) Ann Kelly Lanca Fuller A In 1.51 l.47Vale FOR WC 1.47 Vain FOR TTPfJ NICHOLS REUNION SCHOOL SUPPLIES We handle White Crown Phnll- audition io me conierence sessions, they enjoyed tours of six homes which were opened to the press representatives free of charge. They were accompanied to Natchez by Mrs.

R. E. Skinner, who enjoyed a visit Friday with her cousins, Mrs. Janie Drake "1st Founded For Service" pen- Watch Her As Ste" Opens Her Flowers light in her eyes her delicate excite-right teIls that the gift of flowers is nnr rcer yur flowers for all occasions from ur assortment of green house fresh flowers. MURPHEY FIORAI AARnFN The annual Nirhm.

I i is' frasers. clips and iuijn.j.iiTi.rKtiigm.iftiiji.'i.ttfVii WED. THUR. OCT. 17 -18 ho h.u r- wm pencil snarpeners, graph and ditto paper, wMaj, at tnetRoadside Park nr October 14, a nrtfl SEE OUR NICE SELECTION OF RADIOS AND RECO'D PLAYERS.

For a limited time only get at $24.96 Glenn Miller XritLe-fCh ReCrd for ony .00. TROTTER'S RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE nSfiNn STREET ACR0SS FR0M NE 177 NEWTON, MISS. DEPOSITS INSURED UP TO MkS Phone 770 PARDNERS (Technicolor Vittavision) Peaw Martin Jerry Lewis 11 est. All relatives are urged to be present for this all-day affair, and visitors will be welcomed. Everyone is to carry a basket of food to be spread at the noon hour.

grapn stencils, ink and correction fluid, mucilage, paste, rubber cement, Scotch tape, brass fasteners, stic files, typewriter ribbons and carbon paper, etc. Look over our stock before you buy. The Newton Record McBEATH DRUG STORE "Your REX ALL Store" J. C. McBEATH GEORGE E.

NICHOLSON PHONE 160 NEWTON, MISS, NEWTON, MfSS. Union Church, and Steele Drake of Bay St. Louis, who was visiting I his sister and brother. Mrs. Skin-her also made the Saturday morn- ing tour of three antebellum I homes in Natchez.

Phon 762 kuw. Mi i.

The Newton Record from Newton, Mississippi (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.