« Sound of Freedom », le film sur la lutte contre la pédocriminalité qui galvanise les sphères complotistes (2024)

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Le long-métrage d’Alejandro Monteverde sur la traite sexuelle des enfants est la surprise estivale du box-office américain. Inspiré de faits réels, mais contesté par les spécialistes, il est brandi par des figures complotistes proches de QAnon comme la preuve de l’existence d’un réseau plus profond.

ParWilliam Audureau

Publié le 12 juillet 2023 à 20h00, modifié le 14 juillet 2023 à 23h27

Temps de Lecture 5 min.

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«Sound of Freedom», le film sur la lutte contre la pédocriminalité qui galvanise les sphères complotistes (1)

Aux Etats-Unis, c’est le succès inattendu du début de l’été. Le 4juillet, date de la fête nationale américaine, le thriller à petit budget Sound of Freedom («son de la liberté»), d’Alejandro Monteverde, a rivalisé dans les salles avec le dernier blockbuster de Disney, Indiana Jones et le cadran de la destinée, de James Mangold. Avec 41millions de dollars (37,25millions d’euros) de recettes en une semaine, il se classait déjà à la 25e place du box-office de 2023.

Cette fiction peu riante −le film parle de la traite des enfants – est inspirée de faits réels et a bénéficié d’un bouche-à-oreille inespéré, entre autres grâce aux réseaux et aux médias proches de la droite trumpiste, qui ont fait de la lutte contre les réseaux pédophiles l’une de leur raison d’être – au risque de nuire au combat, ô combien nécessaire, contre la pédophilie.

Infiltration de réseaux pédophiles

Sound of Freedom raconte le combat de Timothy Ballard, un agent spécial américain qui, après avoir sauvé un jeune Mexicain d’un réseau de traite d’enfants, quitte ses fonctions pour tenter de retrouver et délivrer la sœur de ce dernier.

Tim Ballard, incarné à l’écran par Jim Caviezel (La Passion du Christ, Person of Interest), est un militant des droits humains connu pour avoir fondé en2013 OUR (pour Operation Underground Railroad, «opération “chemin de fer clandestin”»), un organisme à but non lucratif spécialisé dans l’infiltration de réseaux pédophiles en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes. Le film, qui n’est pas un documentaire mais une fiction, raconte de façon romancée sa première opération, son infiltration de la mafia colombienne, en2013.

L’organisation OUR est très populaire auprès de la droite conservatrice américaine, et le documentaire autoproduit par Tim Ballard, Opération Toussaint (2020), est distribué et promu en France par l’animateur Karl Zéro, très engagé dans la lutte contre la pédophilie. Pour autant, elle ne fait pas l’unanimité. Plusieurs enquêtes de presse ont épinglé la manière dont les opérations d’OUR sont mises en scène de manière flatteuse – l’organisme ayant même «une longue histoire d’assertions mensongères», selon Vice. Ces méthodes de justiciers alternant infiltration sous couvert et intervention musclée sont jugées parfois brusques et approximatives, voire d’«un amateurisme perturbant».

«Le problème est que c’est très risqué pour les victimes», alertait en2016 Anne Gallagher, fondatrice à l’ONU du Groupe interinstitutions de coordination contre la traite des personnes. Elle regrette surtout que leurs interventions spectaculaires, filmées en caméra cachée, ne s’accompagnent d’aucun suivi des victimes: «Ils entrent et ils repartent. Ils n’ont aucun moyen de suivre les victimes, aucun moyen d’évaluer l’impact de ce qu’ils font.»

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« Sound of Freedom », le film sur la lutte contre la pédocriminalité qui galvanise les sphères complotistes (2024)


What is controversial about the sound of freedom? ›

One of the primary points of contention revolves around the film's portrayal of child trafficking. Experts, including Erin Albright, a former fellow for the Department of Justice's anti-trafficking task force, argue that the depiction is inaccurate and sensationalized.

What is the story behind the sound of freedom movie? ›

Accuracy. The film was inspired by the life of Tim Ballard, who left the Department of Homeland Security around 2013 and founded Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) to work with local police in other countries to catch child sex traffickers.

How accurate is the Sound of Freedom movie? ›

“Sound of Freedom” was based on a true story but contains dramatized elements. Filmmakers took creative license in portraying the different ways that children can be trafficked, including in shipping containers.

What are the inappropriate scenes in the sound of freedom? ›

A woman wears a low-cut top that reveals cleavage, part of her upper abdomen and legs to the upper thighs. A man shows another man a photo of a very young boy and says that he will have him for the entire weekend (implying for sex). There are a few scenes that takes places in seedy areas including strip clubs.

What is the lawsuit against the sound of freedom? ›

The most recent lawsuit against Tim Ballard was filed by a Colombian woman who claims a character based on her was portrayed in a “defamatory and slanderous” way in the film “Sound of Freedom.” The controversial independent film, which features Ballard as the main character, was an astounding box-office success in 2023 ...

How does the sound of freedom end? ›

The Sound of Freedom ending is intense and wraps up the action thriller while raising awareness about child sex trafficking. Tim Ballard's determination to save children leads to a victorious ending, where he rescues 54 kids but continues his mission to save Rocío.

What was the special message at the end of Sound of Freedom? ›

As the credits roll at the end of the film, U.S. audiences saw a timer on the screen counting down to a "special message" which was actor Jim Caviezel, who plays Ballard, urging the audience to tell people about the film but also to "pay it forward" and buy tickets for others who might not be able to afford their own ...

What religion is Jim Caviezel? ›

Caviezel is a devout Catholic. In a 2017 interview, Caviezel talked about the importance of his Catholic faith, the lasting impact that The Passion of the Christ has had on his life, and his special devotion to the Virgin Mary.

Why did Disney block Sound of Freedom? ›

Putting to bed any ideas some may have that the studio buried Sound of Freedom intentionally, Monteverde explains that it was merely a victim of circ*mstance following the major deal between Fox and the Walt Disney Company.

Is the movie Sound of Freedom a good movie? ›

Sound of Freedom is an effective and suspenseful call to action against human trafficking, yet not free of issues in its depiction of the sensitive subject matter. Sound of Freedom is a powerful film with strong performances and an important message.

Is Sound of Freedom hard to watch? ›

It details what led former government agent Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel) to create the controversial real-life organization Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), whose mission is finding and freeing trafficked children. Expect scenes that are very hard to watch.

Did The Sound of Freedom win any awards? ›

Sound of Freedom won the Septimius Award for best film in Amsterdam!

Is the sound of freedom religious? ›

Ballard cast Caviezel because “I know [he] loves Jesus, and that's the only real requirement I have,” according to the Christian Broadcasting Network. It's not an overtly faith-based film, but it shows the clout of the faith community in Hollywood.

Is Sound of Freedom ok for a 12 year old? ›

Tim Ballard is trying to get the message out about the reality of what is going on and how we can be apart of ending it. He and his team put their lives on the line daily trying to save others. The movie is intense and the subject matter is sad but hopeful, I would not bring kids below 16 to see it.

What is the plot of Sound of Freedom? ›

What is the political issue in the sound of music? ›

Set in Austria during the years leading up to World War II, the musical accurately portrays the rise of Nazism in the region. While the show focuses primarily on the von Trapp family's story, it does include elements related to Nazism. These elements are vital to understanding the historical context of the period.

What is the problem in the song Sound of Silence? ›

In 1964, the American music duo Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel released a song titled The Sound of Silence. Garfunkel, one half of the duo and co-writer of the famous song, summed up the meaning of this song by stating, “this is a song about the inability of people to communicate with each other” (Patton, 2023).

Why was Sound of Freedom delayed? ›

There is no question that it was difficult to reach Sound of Freedom's success. After Disney bought 20th Century Fox, the company that was scheduled to release the film, there were problems. This purchase caused the movie to be placed on hold for a while until Angel Studios was able to secure distribution rights.

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