Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (2024)


1,288 reviews43 followers

June 18, 2017


I love JTG, really, I do.

Yet, sadly, I may need to (temporarily) step away from this book because Grace is now officially my least favourite heroine of all time.

I simply can not read one more page relating to her sexual exploits/sex buddy, it's all just silly and depressing. Hmm hmm, nope, sorry.

Talia (Red Hot Ink)

570 reviews129 followers

May 1, 2017

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

5 "Kong, the Knight In Shining Denim" stars

“Sin with me” surprised me.

It was different from the previous two instalments, with less angst and more hilarious banter and sweet dialogues. This is one of the reasons why it’s become my favorite by Geissinger.

I simply adored this book, especially because I’d been excited but wary before starting it. Why? Because in “Make me Sin” we’re left gasping and gaping, shocked by a hinter revelation which will continue to linger even in “Sin With Me” like a black cloud. Thus, I expected this one to be a darker read. To be sadder. For guilt to swamp everything else.



Instead Brody turned out to be such a good-natured, laid-back, hilarious character. He’s less possessive alpha and more goofball. I don’t mean to say he’s not hot or alpha in general, but it wasn’t a characteristic trait as it was with Nico. Or the way AJ was a broody bastard (AJ in “Sin with Me” is soooo precious. Seeing him interact with his baby girl was just… *swoons*).

Anyway, Brody doesn’t take himself too seriously and I loved his jokes and the genuine way he had of being with Grace. He’s the main pursuer in the relationship, but even when sherejects him at first, there’s not much angst, because it seemed more like a game of cat and mouse. Playful.

Grace is another character I loved. She’s a self-made woman robbed of her memory by an accident which killed her parents. We also learn that thanks to the accident she may forget everything again without a real cause in the future, which causes her to shy away from relationships and instead satiate her carnal needs (that girl sure loves the D) with an endless stream of one-month-stands.

Grace is the epitome of an empowered woman. She’s confident in her looks, she’s sarcastic, often caustic, doesn’t put up with anyone’s sh*t and will always tell you what she thinks whether or not it’s what you want to hear it.

The usual stereotypical roles here were kind of reversed, with Grace being so openly sexual and the first one to actually seek physical contact with Brody once they’re close. He’s trying to be a gentleman because of something which happened in her life. About this, I want to add that, if in the previous books there were lots of twists and turns, of push and pull between the characters, here the ride was smoother, and the greatest part of the book was dedicated to the couple being together, mostly happy.

“It’s because it’s like someone asked me for a list of all the things that would make up my ideal woman and then created you in a lab for me. It’s because you’re funny and smart and sexy and independent and strong and can have any man you want, but you look at me like I’m a Christmas present. Like I’m a kept promise. Like I’m your favorite song.”

I loved how their relationship grew steadily and without much angst, which was reserved for the last section of the book. It was kind of predictable what would happen, but it was still an entertaining journey, especially since what I’d given for granted at the end of “Make Me Sin” wasn’t exactly what had happened. All in all, it made Brody’s character more redeemable, if not un-condamnable at all in the first place.

On a side note, the heat level was off the charts. “Sin With Me” is hands down the hottest book of the year for me so far. Brody goes from laid-back surfer to sex-god when in the bedroom and Grace’s personality sure made for some steamy shenanigans.

The author also didn’t forget our other beloved couples. Both of them are going through some stuff, which also caused more angst and grief than everything the main couple was going through, at least in the first part of the book. Anyway, it was perfect. I love reading about past characters, catching up with what’s happening in their HEA. Nico, Kat, Chloe, AJ, Kenji, Barney.

Barney is consistently more present in this book and we learn a lot about him. He goes from being a non-descript side-character to someone I’d really enjoy reading about.
I hope we’ll get his story, too.

In conclusion, this book hooked me from the very start. I would recommend you read the previous ones before tackling this one, and not because you may not understand some of the dynamics or subplots, but because they’re just amazing.

Lastly, this book contained also less rock n’ roll, mentioned in passing and showed at a BBQ at the beginning, but it wasn’t a key part of the story. Anyway, I didn’t really feel like it was missing. This book was hot, hot, hot with a large heaping of sweet hilariousness and a great cast of characters I can’t get enough of.

    arc book-boyfriends broken-heroes

TJ *Book Twins Reviews*

1,101 reviews2,555 followers

May 1, 2017

This is absolute kindle crack! My favorite of the series! It's nearly perfect. This is my absolute favorite book of the series. Wanna know why? Brody!! He's sexy, sweet, funny, charming, witty, and a bit of a nutter. I'm adding him to my list of BBFs!

Here's the breakdown:Grace is a ballbuster who's determined not to fall in love. She's a serial dater and refuses to date longer than 1 month. Brody has secretly been carrying a torch for her since the moment they met. They have major issues and baggage, but decide to give love a try.

What I loved: Umm....Brody. You caught that right? He hit all my sweet spots! I'm usually a read 'em and leave 'em kind of girl, but Brody just stuck!

The setup, story, and plot effin rocked!! It wasn't mind-blowingly complicated or something I've never seen, but it just worked for me.

The religious undertones of the story - this ties in to the plot and execution I noted above. I'm a huge fan of religion themes in literature and the authors weaves them in beautifully. It's a very cohesive book.

Overall, I enjoyed this very much! There were only a couple very minute issues near the end that threw me off. I highly recommend this series to readers who enjoy Rockstar romances.

I rate it 4.75 stars!

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (4)

    favorites rock-stars romance

NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}

1,443 reviews85 followers

June 9, 2017

***4 "Knight in Shining Denim!!!" stars***

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (6)

By now, most of my friends know that I am a sucker for rock stars and this series is very like of my taste...
I liked very much the first book, i adored the second one and i had a good time with the third installment of the "Bad Habit" series... even though there were some things that had made my eyes rolling several times....
But except that, it was a very good story and the author managed to surprise us in a way...

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (7)

I was so curious about Brody's story because I was wondering what Mrs. Geissinger could hold against this guy!!! Brody was always so easygoing and carefree guy... He was very funny and the more approachable guy in the band, but Brody was keeping something inside of him that was a burden for his soul and the guilts were eating him alive...
His only ray of hope was tough Grace and he was determined to make her realize that she belong with him...

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (8)

Grace was a very tough woman... She was acting like usually guys are acting...
She was refusing to involve emotionally with a man, she was preffering to see a man top to a month and she wasn't allowing anyone to spend a night in her condo... She was guarding her heart very well, because she was afraid of tomorrow...

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (9)

You see, Grace was involved in a car accident when she was eighteen years old and she had lost not only her family, but her entire past...
And her greatest fear if she will fall in love with someone was that maybe one day, she will wake up and she won't remember him... and that unintentionally will hurt him...

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (10)

Grace's plan was going well, even though that Brody Scott had a made his mission to tear down her walls and find his way inside her heart... and that was the reason why she was trying so hard to stay away from him... Because she was feeling in her bones that this man could ruin her!!!
Brody was very persisted and lately, he wasn't taking no for answer...

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (11)

So what will happen with those two???
There is a future for them to be together???
Will Grace take the risk to allow Brody inside her heart???
Will Brody succeed to make Grace his??? For the right or wrong reasons???
And what will happen when their secrets will come out and realize that their instant connection had deeper roots???
Can they survive the truth and heal each other from the ghosts of their pasts???

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (12)

I really liked Brody and Grace together....
There was attraction there, even though that sometimes it was too much corny, especially from Brody's side... At some point, he was acting like a lovestruck puppy and it was a little bit tiring... I would prefer him to act less like that!!!
But I really love how good he was for Grace...

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (13)

Grace from the other hand was a tough chic... She had used to have the reigns of her life in her strong hands and she was refusing to let go and leave another person to help her carry her burden...
I liked when she let go a little bit in Brody's presence... It was refreshing in a way...
Also, I really understand her reasons why she was guarding her heart so much!!!!

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (14)

Before I close my review, I would like to say that i really liked that for once again we saw the previous two couples and how their lives were moving on...
And I'm very curious about the last two guys in the band... Something they were hiding and I'm wondering what was that!!!

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (15)

***ARC generously provided via NetGalley for the exchange of an honest review***

    arc music-rock-etc romance-young-adult-etc


2,229 reviews252 followers

May 25, 2017

4 1/2 "Knight in shinning denim" Stars!

Very funny, also very intense. I loved it. Brody is going on the favorite males list. I hope this is not the last we've heard from BAD HABIT. Barney needs a story.

“You two give ‘star-crossed lovers’ a whole new meanin’. I gotta say, Romeo and Juliet are lookin’ pretty tame in comparison.”

Happy reading!

    favorite-males kindle-unlimited


1,348 reviews252 followers

August 24, 2022

Reread 08/22- 08/23/2022
I finally read the first 2 books in this it seemed like a good time to pick this one up again. Grace's quick wit and no nonsense attitude probably make her my favorite of these three girlfriends.
4 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The only real regret that I have with this highly entertaining and sexy read is that I didn't read the first two books in this series prior to this one. Grace and Brody had amazing sexual chemistry, loved his nickname for her (Slick) and Grace's wit had me smiling while reading.
Really loved this book, I will be reading Bad Habits books 1&2 in the near future. I do recommend for other readers that you read in order though as revealing details of other couples stories are interwoven throughout this book.

    2017-four-stars netgalley quirky

Mindy Lou's Book Review

2,799 reviews731 followers

April 25, 2017

Grace and Brody picked right up where we left off in Make Me Sin and I have to admit I was on pins and needles throughout the whole book. I knew what was coming, but I just wasn't sure how it was going to come about. Turns out, I didn't completely guess it accurately from the clues in book 2. I love that this author was still able to surprise me.

I usually shy away from rocker books because of the potential of too much other woman drama. I am happy to say you won't have that in this series. It is on the high end of angst but the kind that keeps you on your toes and doesn't let you put the book down. I've really enjoyed this series and highly recommend it!

ARC provided by Netgalley.

    2017 own-paperback rocker

A Klue

1,503 reviews316 followers

April 21, 2017

This has been a difficult review for me to write, my fellow romance book loving friends. Having rated Make Me Sin, book 2 of this series 5 stars, I had high expectations for this book, as well. Though I loved Brody, the sweet, compassionate, guilt ridden, determined, patient, head over heels in love hero, I must confess I had issues with Grace and how this book began.

You see, I’m completely baffled why the author choose to start their romantic journey with such a crass, crude introduction to Grace, our “has slept with countless men” heroine. It would have been more than sufficient to have been told upfront she had past OTT naughty, bad girl behavior, I just didn’t need or want to experience her doing so firsthand with someone other than the hero. Color me crazy, but my idea of a romantic read centers exclusively around the main couple, not a sub-character, especially after they have met and even kissed. During the first 20%, I had so many “Oh, no, she didn’t just say that...or think that!” moments I’m not sure where to start. I wouldn’t condone Grace’s behavior/words if carried out by Brody, so role reversal is certainly no excuse. Rather than rant, let me just give you a few specific examples to demonstrate my point.

It all just felt wrong. Too crass, too crude, and trying too hard to come across sexy and funny. For me, it felt sleazy. It just wasn’t my idea of of a good way to set the romantic stage for this main couple.

Another misstep was Grace’s derogatory comments regarding religion/church (hypocrites, suppressed sexuality, etc.) felt inappropriate. I don’t care what an author’s faith/religion or lack of it is, but this reviewer does not like to see it incorporated in a romantic read. I certainly hope the last paragraph wasn’t a final parting shot at Catholics who do feel “blessed” by attending church in a beautiful cathedral, use holy water, partake in the sacrament of Communion, etc.

Referring to time spent surfing/on the ocean as a replacement for “church”, well, I’ll leave that for you to decide how you feel about that ideology. Billions of people across the globe will agree reflective, quiet time anywhere (whether as mundane as sitting in your car or at some exceptionally beautiful exotic location) can be restorative to the soul, but they will likely take great exception to making it equivalent, in this case implied far superior to a religious denomination’s traditions/practices. They would argue they are seeking something much more than just a feeling. For me, it felt the author was trying to equate two things that were totally different.

Religion and politics are slippery slopes for author’s to try to incorporate their personal views into romantic reads. There is a reason it is usually best to avoid such topics, even among family and close acquaintances. Here’s to hoping she meant “in addition to” and wasn’t faith slamming the Catholic Church. I couldn’t help but feel it was the latter.

When Marcus wants to keep seeing Grace, because, imagine this, after having lots of sex with her he likes her and would actually like to spend a night with her, not have her bolt for the door as soon as the deed is done, well, she’s not wanting any piece of that action. That is simply not part of her monthly catch and release, non-dating ritual. This coincidentally occurs after Brody makes a sweet gesture of his own, basically begging her to give him a chance. For someone not looking for love, she’s got Brody, Marcus, and even another sub-character infatuated with her. Even more amazing is Brody seems to love her enough for the both of them.

Marcus was proof alone why at first I felt this woman did not seem to deserve the loving of a good man, regardless of her rather unique but bizarre reason for pushing men away. He makes a heart melting, compassionate “I get you and just want a chance to love you” plea that left me thinking, “Brody, who? How could Marcus not be the leading love interest in this story!” Lol I guess it was good news for him he was written as a manho, as he reluctantly but readily did pursue multiple OW soon afterwards. But, guys, he was still making it quite clear she could have him back.

Though the delivery/initial presentation of this heroine did not sit well with me, a switch was flipped and a softer side revealed when she does start dating Brody. I actually began to like her. We finally get to see why Grace feels destined to be alone. Thankfully, romance finally surfaces as these two lovebirds start spending time together, in and out of the sheets. Btw, better brace yourself for the numerous OTT smexy, dirty talking scenes, which included BDSM and phone sex. I’d rate the steaminess as an “X, not just an “R”, folks.

One aspect I highly enjoyed were all the cameo appearances of characters from previous books. I loved seeing their HEAs/lives continue to unfold and how supportive they were of Grace and Brody. While I felt the beginning crossed too many of my personal book character rules of conduct, I am glad I finished the ARC and am keeping my fingers crossed the next book will feature Barney’s HEA. That handsome, protective, quiet, carries sadness in his eyes hunk of a man definitely has me wanting to know more about him.

Rating: If I let my frustration at being given such a crass/crude heroine in the very beginning and what felt like obvious knocks at a particular faith get the best of me, I would rate this book as a 1 star. However, I’m going to be generous here and account for the fact I really liked the main couple when they were actually being a couple so will bump it up to 3 stars.

Title: Sin With Me, Series: Bad Habit (Book 3), Author: J. T. Geissinger, Pages: 384, 4/25/17, stand-alone but part of a series best if read in order, crass/crude behavior by the heroine, trying too hard at first to come across sexy/funny, heroine does sexual stuff with OM, VERY steamy scenes with dirty talk, some graphic BDSM/phone sex, good guy hero, relationship angst, predictable big reveal near the end.

Book 1 - Sweet As Sin (Kat and Nico), 7/14/15, Pages: 386 - 3 stars
Book 2 – Make Me Sin (AJ and Chloe), Pages: 400, 1/12/16 - 5 stars
Book 3 - Sin With Me (Grace and Brody), Pages: 384, 4/25/17 Rating - 3 stars

(This review is based on an advanced reader copy distributed via NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased, fair opinion. No compensation was provided to this reviewer, nor is there any affiliation between the reviewer and author/publisher/NetGalley.)

    afraid-to-love-heroine anti-catholic-jab arc-ebook-review


2,190 reviews813 followers

April 2, 2017

J.T. Geissinger’s third book in her Bad Habit’s series was an amazing read! I have been curious about Grace and Brody’s relationship and how it would transpire since the very beginning. I couldn’t have been happier with the results.

Initially, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about Grace. She’s made no bones about the fact that she doesn’t do commitments and doesn’t believe in refraining from sex for any length of time. However, once Brody determines it’s time to find redemption from past mistakes, he begins to make his intentions known and Grace finds herself falling for the lead guitarist. As Grace’s personal struggles and fears are revealed I understood the decisions she had made in her life. Mrs. Geissinger kept her true to character throughout the whole book, a decision I respected and approved of.

Grace and Brody’s banter was so much fun to read and they just clicked on so many levels. I loved when Brody’s housekeeper Magda entered the picture and showed another quirky side to him. It is a hilarious scene and worth the read for that alone. The chemistry between the hero and heroine was intense, hot and had some serious steam. I knew that Brody’s original deal was going to be blown to kingdom come.

Of course they both have things from their past that they are struggling with and those problems strike them at a time when they are both emotionally down. The result is a nerve-racking journey that I frantically raced through to get to the conclusion.

Some of the scenes with Grace’s present boyfriend at the beginning of the book and the fact that a third party was the one to help clear the air between the H and h at the end resulted in the loss of one star in my rating.

I enjoyed seeing the characters from the previous books and getting a look into some of the things going on in their lives. There is also a great epilogue that leads me to believe we may have another great series on the horizon.

Dual POV
No abuse
Heroine in a temporary relationship prior to being with the hero

ARC provided for an honest review

    abcd favorite-author great-banter


647 reviews370 followers

October 11, 2020

I was really enjoying this book! Up until the point where I read this at 50%

Looking back, that’s the moment I should’ve known it was too good to last. Because in fairy tales with beautiful princesses, there’s always an evil wizard to contend with, a witch casting a curse, a dangerous dragon to be slain. But I never could have guessed that all those terrible things would turn out to be me.

And y’know what... I was too happy with the book to let myself be dragged down into some miserable angst lmao. So I’m getting out while the water’s still nice!


1,144 reviews5 followers

February 20, 2020

DNF 15%. Not my idea of romance, with unapologetically sex-crazed heroine enjoying video sexting current bed-mate of the month while simultaneously ogling the hero, who ogled her right back, despite knowing exactly what she was doing (because it was on speaker). If that wasn't bad enough, the author subjected us to further sexy time scenes with the current man-toy (≠ hero). I'm outta here.



418 reviews50 followers

December 3, 2018

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (24)

I'm officially a lump of mush for this series. Really. (Maybe excluding book one, though. Not my favorite.)

This might be the hardest hitting book of the series. So hard that it's left me emotionally wrung out.

All along, we've been treated to appearances by the girls' friend, Grace - the sexually confident one. The one who lets pretty much everything roll off her back, living every day as if it was her last because, as we learned in the previous books, she has retrograde amnesia. Meaning, in layman's terms which I had to research extensively, after she was in a terrible car accident, she lost all of her previous memories and had to rebuild herself as a new person at age 18.

Crazy enough, but there's also the horrible possibility that she may lose them again at a moment's notice.

So she has a wall built around herself. Only sleeping with men, never promising more than a month of physical connection. Until she meets Brody.

Let me tell you something about Brody - it's rare that you meet a hero as genuine and kind and funny and downright irresistible as him. He's the lead guitarist in Bad Habit, the band we've been following through these books, so he's been a part of the crew for going on 2 years now. Basically pining after Grace the entire time with this innocent puppy dog personality. In this book, we reach into his past and drag out his demons. And phew, it was genuinely tough to read.

Grace and Brody have a connection, whether they know it or not.

Things steam up pretty quickly between these two, and it might seem as if the love comes quickly, but they've known each other for 2 years. So, it's really not so bad.

This book made me sob in disbelief, smile uncontrollably over their just pure love, and clutch my phone in anticipation.

It's tough to say which book I liked more, AJ and Chloe, or Brody and Grace, because both are incredible. They're tied at the top of my faves list either way.

    2018-faves faves


1,123 reviews33 followers

April 5, 2017

I wish I had the opportunity to read the first two in this series, because this book is simply AMAZING!!! Seriously, call it almost a religious experience. It was THAT good. Humor was tastefully and cleverly interspersed throughout. Some of it made me laugh so hard I cried. Parts of this book were so sad the author got the same reaction out of me. I was a sobbing fool. Through it all, there was this tremendous love story. I will definitely be reading this again, and I recommend you do the same.

This review is based on the ARC provided by the author and/or the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

    favorites netgalley

❤️ Nanda ❤️

745 reviews404 followers

June 12, 2022

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (27)

🎧 Audiobook Review 🎧

Even with the predictable twist, considering how the last book ended and this one begun, I really enjoyed the star crossed love story between two lost souls, that were never interested in relationships before each other.

Their attraction was powerful and steamy!
I think Brody's sexual appetite was even better than AJ's!

This series definitely gets better after each book, and I'll miss this group of friends!
The friendship between Kat, Chloe and Grace is definitely the star of this series!

I missed the "rockstar" trope in this book.
It was like a long lost thought, that only appeared as paparazzis following them around, or a couple of recording's meetings mentioned.
Not one single show.

I really enjoy JT's writing, so I'm moving on with her backlist.

🎧 About the Audiobook Narration 🎧

Again, as the previous books on this series, this was narrated by Terry Clark Linden and Sebastian York, BUT they finally found their place in this series, and she stopped doing ranch boys as male voices.
So this one have the best narration, even if all of them share the same narrators.

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (28)

    audiobook cliche hot-as-f*ck

My Pink Fairytales

598 reviews81 followers

August 27, 2018

Ok, so I had my doubts about Grace from the previous books. I didn’t think I was going to like her very much as heroine. Thank you, Brody for “taming the beast” and making me love her as well. 😁

I knew “the big secret” even from the epilogue of the last book, so I wasn’t surprised. I love Brody with all my heart, almost as much as i do Nico.

This series is definitely a must read for those of you who like alpha males that have no problem recognizing their true love/soulmates, claiming them without shame, bad boys rock singer, strong female characters, funny, smart and sassy and plots amazing put together, full of surprises or twists.



232 reviews67 followers

March 5, 2022

why is someone in the hospital in every book?? and why is there so much miscommunication?

I wanted to give this book five stars but i can‘t, bcs the „twist“ was predictable and so annoying.

♡ Jeri's Book Attic ♡ Jeri the Romance Bibiliophile ♡

5,065 reviews671 followers

March 8, 2018

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (32)

WOW – that was a rollercoaster ride – I felt really emotional during reading Sin With Me by J. T. Geissinger. If you read her previous books of that series you will def. know what I am talking about.

I have honestly never experienced reading a book where I have been paying attention to the background characters almost as much as to the leading characters.

And really Dear. Ms. Geissinger – I need to have a word with you about that… (and no – you will not get any spoilers here from me as to why – you will all have to suffer on your own because that is the only way with this series)

Gosh – I am not even sure what I should or could tell you about this book. Well for one, If you did not read the previous two books – well YOU NEED TO and do not start with this one. It might be readable as a standalone but the background/secondary characters have too much “voice” to read the books in the wrong order, you would spoil yourself one hell of an experience.

And second would be – if you DID read the previous books of that series – you will NOT be disappointed by this one. It was worth the wait but #sigh – why does it always feel like it was to short?

I am really not sure what kind of Box this author is keeping her ideas in when it comes to this series, but opening a new book always feels like a book version of Pandora’s box. Just where that would have contained all the evils in the world J.T. Geissingers box contains gut-wrenching and heartbreaking (the good kind – but still they HURT). Well and what can I say ? I love it – every minute of it.

Opening her books is similar to opening a book of Colleen Hoover, you never know what will happen you just know for sure you will be surprised and it will hurt along the way but in the end you will love it.

I realize I am not telling anything about the story but really I can’t because I won’t yeah … you need to feel her books from beginning to end – no way around it.

So please enjoy!


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Alex ♈

1,568 reviews1,315 followers

Shelved as 'dnf'

February 12, 2018

I liked the heroine, had zero problem with her sexual history/attitude - why should I? They sell us OTT manwhor*s in every 2nd book and it seems to sell well.

But I couldn't stand h's friends - shallow - good that I skipped both previous books.
And then I guessed the main twist and H's part in her past tragedy...
Nope! No for me!

    strong-heroine unlikable-hero weak-hero


1,119 reviews67 followers

May 19, 2017

5 sinful stars!

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (35)

I haven't read the previous books in the series yet, but this book was ridiculously hilarious, steamy as hell and totally wonderful. I think I'm in love witb both Brody and Grace.

Believe it or not, I never heard of author J. T. Geissinger before.

Guilty as charged and should be punished... Spanking accepted especially if delivered by Brody :D

When I saw the cover of Sin With Me on Netgalley and read the blurb, I immediately fell in love with the whole package, but when I read the first page of the book, I knew I was missing a lot not reading any of this author's previous books.

Brody and Grace are two amazing characters that really blew my mind.

After eighteen months of eye f*cking, fate finally brought Grace and Brody together. Fighting their attraction was no longer a possibility, but while Brody's eyes were filled with a promise of a happily ever after, Grace's amnesia was always in the way between her and happiness.

But even that wouldn't make Brody give up on her..

“I said I’m in. f*ck it. If I can make you fall in love with me once, I can make you fall in love with me again and again. Every day if I have to.”

From the moment Grace walked into Brody's life, he knew that she was the one.

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (36)

Brody was determined to break Grace's ridiculous one-month dating with no feelings involved rule, make her his and show her how love was worth the risk.
But the moment Brody learned about the accident that took her family, her memory and nearly ruined her life, even the confessions at the chruch couldn't take the guilt and pain away.

Karma was a bitch because the moment Brody was about to show Grace how happily ever afters were real, it just took everything from his hands and left him heartbroken.

Was love strong enough to bring Brody and Grace together? And was it possible for Grace to know that Brody wasn't the monster she thought he was?

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (37)

“Love isn’t something you choose, Angelface. It chooses you. And even if it only lasts a little while, it’s worth it. Even if it ends in flames, it’s worth it. Even if it cuts out your heart and leaves you a bruised, bloody mess, it’s worth it.”

Sin With Me is about new beginnings, the art of forgiveness and the beauty of love. It's a book that would both make you laugh and look for tissues to wipe your tears.

Ps. J. T. Geissinger please tell me you have something in mind for Barney. That man was too hot not to be given a chance.

    arc books-to-review humorous

Under the Covers Book Blog

2,841 reviews1,353 followers

September 6, 2017

Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (39)The rock stars of Bad Habit is back in this third installment from J.T. Geissinger’s Bad Habit series. This time, Geissinger tells Brody and Grace’s story which I have been waiting for from the start. Geissinger did not disappoint to give this book the sexy factor that goes very well with the book cover.

If you’ve read the previous books, you know that Brody and Grace have been dancing around each other for some time. The sexual tension between them has been building up from the start. While Brody has been forthcoming with his interest in Grace, Grace has been in denial about their attraction. She’s focused on her career and only managed to only keep boy toys in short periods of time. The risks have been too high for her. With a very difficult past, Grace has decided, letting anyone in is just too much to handle. Though Brody has his own dark past and has his share of girl toys, he's more than open to exploring a relationship with Grace. I love his sleek approach to letting Grace know of his interest. He never pushed but when given a chance he truly gave his heart out.

I love Brody and Grace’s story. I love that Geisinger opted for a “player” for her heroine. She knew what she wanted in her life and she wasn't afraid to get it. Brody, on the other hand, was man enough to accept Grace for everything that she is. It made them a very hot couple and I thought it was a perfect match. They made me laugh with their funny banters and made me tear up with their very heartfelt past.

The only thing that prevented me from giving this book a 5-star rating is the mystery part of this story. Brody and Grace have a past in common and it got a bit complicated for them which I liked. Unfortunately, the connection was a tad bit predictable. I would've liked to have been surprised by it.

*ARC provided by publisher
Reviewed by Angela❤ ♡ Don't want to miss any of our posts? Subscribe to our blog by email! ♡ ❤


1,358 reviews63 followers

Shelved as 'no-way-jose'

April 3, 2017

Um enorme EEEEECCCAAAA. Que nojo.
I got info on this and I don't like a whor* -ish hero, hence I didn't like a whor*-ish heroine. Have some class..

now I have a review to justify not wanting to read this. I won't read it. Absolutely not. I don't like whor*-ish behavior for either male or female MC. Specially if they already meet and even kissed. I wouldn't finish this book in this first 20% and I would rate 1 star. My reason is, "if I paid I rate" no matter how little I read. Now adding the religion shame and criticism, that's completely disrespectful to other people's faith and believe. A writer should be neutral about such subjects because of the genre. She's not writing about religion or are about religious leader in a specific religion. I read a book with the same criticism and honestly I loved the story but rated 1 star because of this unethical and disrespectful personal point of view. This kind of book should not be used to spread your little seed of doubt or intolerance. There's a saying I read a while ago, and I think it stands for anything you believe, any fate, nor a specific religion "if your religion teaches intolerance and hate, something is not right ".

    awkwar-gross-weird disgusting judgmental


1,094 reviews7 followers

October 9, 2020

Not 5 stars because i didnt read it in one night/2-3 days.
I was reading it from july till... October
But im very glad finally ive finished it!!!

If you are tired of shy, virgin heroines, o heroines with no sex life, almost virgin or with 1/2 partners till their 30 years old.. This is your book!!

SHE IS a MAN-EATER!!! From 18 yo she havent had more than 30 days wihout sex...
A lot of partners, she wasnt a slu*t either, she had agreements for 30 days with men... Dominatrix, in control, smart, sassy... sexy


Possesive, smart, thoughtful, sexy, HOT, good with hands, with dirty talks... IDEAL MAN!


They knew each other for 1,5 year. They both had partners, although they didnt witness each other having sex with another person.

From the day they are together... ITS Explosion

Hot dirty talking
DRAMA, a lot of DRAMA

I liked this story a lot


1,933 reviews38 followers

Shelved as 'dnf'

August 21, 2017

I put up with Grace throughout the other books. But she is unbearable! I can't believe her friends put up with her. stopped reading at 15% It may get better, but i cannot read or listen to another word from this character. I hate that I can't read the last book in the series :(

Lisa Marie

133 reviews8 followers

July 16, 2020

I’m happy I pushed through my distaste of Grace. I reeaalllyyyy did not care for her in the first two books. However, once we got to see things through her eyes, I get it. And Brody...well I could read about him all day. 🖤


1,277 reviews57 followers

June 7, 2019

Yay, I finally got around to reading the last book in this trilogy. Brody and Grace finally get together in this one. Grace had a horrible car accident when she was younger that left her with no memory of her life prior to the accident. Because there is a possibility that the amnesia might reoccur, she has developed this "live for the day" mentality and refuses to get emotionally involved with any man. She even has a 30 day rule for any man she is sleeping with. Brody was attracted to her from the moment he saw her over a year ago but hasn't acted on it. At the end of Book 2, he finds out about Grace's accident and it stirs up his own personal guilt. Grace doesn't think anyone should live in the past and gives forgiveness easily. She is just what Brody needs on his quest for redemption.

I enjoyed this whole series. Grace wasn't my favorite FMC, but she was a feisty character. The conflict that she and Brody were going to have was very obvious from the start, but the author kept me entertained while I waited for the inevitable train wreck to occur. Of course, there was I'm actually a little sad that there aren't any more Bad Habit books. Thankfully, there is a spin-off series that I can start.

    challenge i-have-candy-stashed-in-my-closet series-to-finish-up

Sam I AMNreader

1,457 reviews311 followers

June 4, 2017

Quick and sweet read... I just find myself wishing one plot twist were cut out from the book. Given the relationship focus of all the books (really between MCs only), the "twist" was unnecessary and forced.

I'd give the entire series maybe a 2.75-3.25. The foreshadowing is weak and strange, breaking the narrative of the book, the plot twists are at least one too many, but maybe 2-4 at times...and finally, these relationships are a bit twisted. Being inseparable and needy isn't proof of love.

Ultimately- I enjoyed them, they were hot, and well worth the time and KU has them all if price point factors in.


2,664 reviews42 followers

September 10, 2017

copy for review
This story had me smiling and teary eyed from beginning to end. The main characters were great. Initially many people may be put off by Grace, but I actually liked her. Some people are put off by a female who loves sex and enjoys playing the field. Once you get her story and all that she continued to go through, you have a better understanding of her. She had a lot of lovers, but she was not slu*tty. She had her reasons for not getting attached. Once you hear it, it was heartbreaking. Brodie challenged and changed her rules. I loved the dialogue between them. It was both funny and sweet. In the middle of their teasing, Brodie would say some of the sweetest things. Their chemistry was off the charts with just a little kink. The angst and tension was strong the entire read. You knew their stories were connected just not how it would all play out . This is a very good book added to a very good series. I am anxious to hear Barney's story.



2,782 reviews334 followers

June 10, 2017

*Review Forthcoming

Just thoughts for now.
Hi5 to the author for having an overall storyline that goes well from book 1 to 3. Right near the end, I was thinking that this book was really great and there's no glaring mistake in it like the last one. Then it happened and I groaned cause I felt like I jinxed myself. The whole series is a solid 4 stars from me. Even though there are detail mistakes that I very strongly believe should have been caught in the beta reads, rough drafts & ARC's before release. I will have to check out the other books from Geissinger and see if I like them just as much. I'm not sure though. This batch had a particular mix that worked really well for my imagination.


2,255 reviews692 followers

July 12, 2019

Read this one on a whim, of a sort...and well, i didn't manage to write a review, and I won't either cause well, J.T. Geissinger's books are just about close to perfection as much as it's possibly do-able LOL

well, that's about as much as I want to say right now...

I do recall this story even if I have read it awhile ago, I remember feeling it, long after I've finished it...and it still lingers on...


1,390 reviews200 followers

March 1, 2023


Sin With Me (Bad Habit, #3) (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.