quick! there's something fishy in here (2024)

“Who is the guy on your post?” last week this question popped up in my (Ilze writes) DMs from curious friends after I painstakingly documented a long-weekend jamboree on my Instagram, involving a guy who happens to be single and a friend. This coincided with the online gossip of The Bear’s co-stars Jeremy Allen White and Ayo Edebiri having a fling, after they were caught showing physical affection in public [Tweet, khem, x with the video], reigniting the age-old When Harry Met Sally debate about whether straight men and women can just be friends, given the potential for sexual attraction.

Coming from a nation where men are outnumbered, fostering unreasonable competition among women, I’ve often struggled to secure a guy friend. But I found a solution. See, usually when friends enter relationships, they tend to drift away—especially the male pals, given that multitasking is involved. But, listen, 3rd wheeling can be wonderful if your friends make excellent choices, introducing you to some stellar new buddies.

quick! there's something fishy in here (1)


[Dazed & The Cut’s recent take on inter-gender friendships.]


In case you haven’t noticed The Bear’s season 3 trailer is out.

  • We’re in the era of 'smell-maxxing'! The self-care industry's latest obsession is all about fragrance. Bloom Perfumery is just London’s hotspot (see our older newsletter), but the fragrance craze is global. From everyone at the club reeking of Dior or Paco Rabanne, Amsterdam wafting with Le Labo Santal 33 (Ilze asked - when did everyone agree THAT’s the fragrance?), to the Diptyque home hype and hair perfume craze on the horizon.

    Fragrance influencers like Jeremy Fragrance, with his quirky reviews, Emma, a perfume school grad, and Luna, exploring themed and niche perfumes, have contributed greatly to the trend. There are even reviews of perfume bottle atomizers now.On top of that, celebrities are leaving behind making skincare brands, now it’s back to making scents - there’s Bella Hadid’s new line Orbella that just came out recently.

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    But with everything, there’s an ongoing uncovering of some really dark stuff in the industry - subsidiaries of L'Oréal and Estée Lauder allegedly used jasmine oil sourced from child labor in their luxury perfumes. Let’s try our best to make sure the brands we purchase aren’t involved in anything shady before securing the scent.

  • Croissant ice cream. Putting ice cream into croissants is the latest way Amsterdamers are pissing of French and one of the many croissant hybrids popping off lately - cruffins, croffles, broissants, not to mention how double-baked/flattened croissants - almond ones in particular - have become somewhat a staple in bakeries around Europe.

    We get it, there’s something lovely about hearing French swearing. Ilze sent the latest ‘damer creations to her French friends:

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  • A 'haute cuisine couture' moment. Food patterns and food iconography are gracing us everywhere now, from clothing pieces to posters to hang on walls. It’s not exactly the Warhol cans aesthetic, we’ve noticed a lot of cherry, sardine, and pasta patterns and pictures adorned by people recently. Almost like a revival of the ‘tomato girl’ aesthetic of summer 2023 - where Mediterranean food and that sun-kissed all natural look took over summer.

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  • Canned fish aren't just on our tees but on dining tables too. What likely began in Scandinavia now finds itself on the menus of every self-respecting wine bar across Europe.Opening a can might be the bare minimum these places can do, but we're not complaining, especially since it's encouraging more home consumption. The Guardian recently wrote how these tinned goodies are good for the planet (the lowest carbon footprint of any animal food source) and our health (hello B12 and omega-3)

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    Plus, you can make your meal look like a fancy wine bar plate. Here’s a slapper sardine recipe:

  • Belt bags or fanny packs are making a comeback, balancing the oversized bag domination we’ve been experiencing lately. Perfect for a festival season when our Health’s app is experiencing an unprecedented uptick in steps. But pick it wisely as it is easy to look like a drug trafficker.

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  • An ear-resistible accessory: earplugs are gracing the ears of concert goers and ravers more so than ever. We’ve all possibly fiddled with the tiny foam inserts at some event or the other, but ear protection at musical events has recently become really mainstream. It's not just for those with hearing sensitivities anymore—everyone's on board.

    Alpine Hearing Protection is still a classic, but every third person Ashe meets has Loops (thanks, marketing team). But Eargasm Earplugs are also gaining popularity, especially in the rave scene (maybe because they’ve now got glow in the dark and light up earplugs).

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    Of course, there’s a plethora of other brands more focused on ear protection itself - but whether it’s custom ear fitted plugs or one of these (or even the foams) protecting your ears is what’s truly in . And we hope that continues.

  • Forget minigolf, word on the streets of Vienna is that ping-pong makes for a great date. Most city parks boast a table, ideal for a lively after-work game or a charming date activity. Just bring your own gear and enjoy.

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See you next week in our first summer (!!!) season trendsletter! Btw we’re cooking up a summer reading list to keep you off-screen during tanning seshs. Hit us up if there’s a book you want to recommend at couldyoupassthesaltplease.yahoo.com

and don’t forget to use SPF.

quick! there's something fishy in here (2024)


What does something fishy here mean? ›

seeming dishonest or false: There's something fishy going on here. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Dishonest. artificiality.

What does it mean to be fishy in slang? ›

Fishy usually refers to situations that seem suspect or shady. A guy looking over your shoulder while you use an ATM is fishy. A student looking at her arm for answers during a test is fishy. Anything fishy is suspicious — somebody's up to something. Definitions of fishy.

What does nothing fishy here mean? ›

If you describe a situation as fishy, you feel that someone is not telling the truth or behaving completely honestly. [informal] There seems to be something fishy going on.

Is it fishy or fishie? ›

(childish) Diminutive of fish; alternative spelling of fishy.

What does it mean when someone says I smell something fishy here? ›

idiom informal. If a situation or an explanation smells fishy, it causes you to think that someone is being dishonest.

Is something fishy a metaphor? ›

You have a feeling that there's something 'off' about the situation, even though you're not quite sure what it is. This feeling is usually caused by the sense that something is being concealed or the truth is not being told. 'Something fishy' is an idiom. Therefore, it doesn't actually have anything to do with fish!

Why do we say something is fishy? ›

The meaning of 'there's something fishy' is something of doubtful character or of some shady deal where the motives are suspected. The term 'fishy' is thought to have arisen from the notion "as slippery as a fish".

When someone is being fishy? ›

Understanding Pushy Behavior

Pushy people often have a strong need for control. They strive to dictate the course of events and the actions of others to create a world that aligns with their expectations and desires. This need for control often stems from insecurities or a fear of uncertainty.

What is the other meaning of fishy? ›

1. : of or resembling fish especially in taste or odor. 2. : creating doubt or suspicion : questionable.

What does fishy intentions mean? ›

It can refer to a situation, action or person that is questionable or in doubt. For example, someone may feel doubtful about the accuracy of a statement, the sincerity of someone's intentions, or the likelihood of a particular outcome. Doubtful suggests uncertainty, while fishy suggests suspicion or distrust.

What does the idiom it sounds fishy to me mean? ›

making you feel that someone is lying or something dishonest is happening: His story sounds a bit fishy to me. (Definition of fishy from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

What does it mean when the story is fishy? ›

: an exaggerated story : a story that is so strange or surprising that it seems very unlikely to be true. He told a ridiculous fish story about a swarm of giant mosquitoes.

Is something fishy here? ›

“There's something fishy going on around here” is used to indicate that a situation is suspicious or strange. Something is not quite right!

What does "fishy queen" mean? ›

fish / fishy. a term used to describe when a drag queen looks like a cisgender woman. gag / gagging. another term used in place of "stunned"

What does sketchy and fishy mean? ›

Sketchy can mean 'questionable', but it isn't often used to mean that. Its primary and most recognisable meaning is vague, and you wouldn't use it about a person unless you were referring to something vague that a person had said, eg "he was a bit sketchy about the details". Fishy basically means 'suspicious'.

How do you use something fishy in a sentence? ›

There is clearly something very fishy in this business. I think that this is all very fishy. All we are out to do is to catch the "fishy" contracts. He suggested that if a man asked an exorbitant price for an article there must be something fishy about it.

Why do we call suspicious things fishy? ›

Its use to indicate a sense of questionable or shady behaviors or occurrences is from the 1840s, just as a fishy smell would raise suspicions about a supposedly fresh fish. This idea is well captured by Humorist PJ O'Rourke when he said, “Fish is the only food that is considered spoiled once it smells like what it is.”

What does it mean when something sounds fishy? ›

making you feel that someone is lying or something dishonest is happening: His story sounds a bit fishy to me. (Definition of fishy from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.