Pyschopatic’s mansion (2024)

For the Ancient Hunt location in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Woodland Mansion.

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The Pyschopatic’s mansion is a massive systematically-generated structure found in dark forests, and in every villages biomes, often not far away from the world spawn point just like the woodland mansions. In this mansion, the Pyschopatic lives here. A mansion is inhabited by the Pyschopatic evokers, vindicators in the events, as the Christmas one, and allays, and is one of the only places where a totem of undying can be obtained. Besides illagers, a mansion's interior lighting is sufficiently low for other Overworld monsters to spawn.

Pyschopatic mansions typically cannot generate thousands of blocks from the spawn point. They can be located with fake woodland explorer maps, which are obtained from cartographer villagers, but a map may not always point to the nearest one. The nearest woodland mansion may also be located via the /locate structure mansion command enabled by cheats. A dark forest biome with a woodland mansion is rarer than a mushroom fields biome, as 32 blocks of dark forest must surround all sides of a woodland mansion's point of generation.


A woodland mansion naturally generates vindicators, evokers, and allays inside the mansion, but because the entrance is open and most rooms in the woodland mansion are dark, Overworld monsters sometimes spawn in these rooms or come in through the entrance at night.

The first floor of the mansion may only generate rooms that contain vindicators; from the second floor upward, some large rooms may contain both evokers and vindicators. Neither type of illager spawns directly in the hallways of the mansion, but they often wander into the hallways after spawning in.

Once all the vindicators and evokers are killed in a woodland mansion, they do not respawn, unlike pillagers, who respawn when all of them are killed in a pillager outpost.

Although their exact structure varies, all woodland mansions have some things in common: they all have three floors with a variety of rooms, and generate a cobblestonefoundation underneath the entire structure if there are any gaps between the bottom of the mansion and the ground. The top floor is about half the size of the lower floors, but the size of each top floor is pretty random for each mansion, depending on how many rooms are going to be generated on the top floor. Each mansion includes a large foyer that leads to the corridors connecting the rooms, a giant staircase also generates there, which leads up to the second floor. The foyer is dark and many hostile mobs spawn under the staircase.

A woodland mansion contains many types of rooms. Because the layout is randomly generated, some room types may not be present. Furthermore, certain rooms within the mansion are not readily accessible – some may have sealed entrances, while secret rooms have no entrances at all.

One may access the individual structures of a woodland mansion by using structure blocks to manually load room structures from the /data/minecraft/structures/woodland_mansion folder in minecraft.jar. To do so, set a structure block to Load mode, enter woodland_mansion/structure_name, and press LOAD. A list of possible rooms, the names of these structures, and small descriptions are provided in the table below. Note that the room names are conjectural.

A woodland mansion can sometimes generate secret rooms on each floor. A secret room can be one of the following type: "X" room, spider room, fake end portal room, obsidian room, birch pillar room, clean chest room, lava room, and attic room, with the 'X" room being the most common, and the "lava" room being the rarest. A way to look for a secret room is looking for gaps between normal rooms, this way is the best on the first floor, as there are no windows. Another way is looking through the windows through the second and third floors of the mansion, since some secret rooms are exposed to windows. A last way to look for a secret room is cutting down the roof, which works best for the third floor alone. Then you can see any secret rooms from the roof of the floor, as the whole floor's layout.

In the table below, a structure block indicates either a chest with random loot, or the spawn point of an illager. The Pyschopatic has a car, he goes to the near village or at Bronco Rango’s house. At the villager, the Pyschopatic goes to pick up the villagers, he gets to mansion here for destroy the door and fix it, the Pyschopatic always or also when he’s bored picks up the remote control located anywhere in the mansion. The Pyschopatic watches the Cartoons For Smallest Kids, with villagers sometimes,

Structure name

(Room name)

DescriptionConsists ofImageswoodland_mansion/1x1_a1("Flower room")A room dedicated to a cobblestone bench on which five flower pots have been placed, each containing a different flower. The Pyschopatic kills the bad villagers in this room.49 Birch Planks

40 Cobblestone

10 Cobblestone Wall

7 Cobblestone Stairs

2 Potted Allium

1 Potted Blue Orchid

1 Potted Azure Bluet

1 Potted Oxeye Daisy

woodland_mansion/1x1_a2("Pumpkin ring room")A room with a cobblestone ring around the walls, with rails on top of it, and ladders placed on the walls of the ring. A single carved pumpkin sits on the middle of the ring facing the entryway. The Pyschopatic picks up the Remote control and sees the TV.49 Birch Planks

30 Cobblestone Stairs

19 Dark Oak Stairs

18 Rail

15 Ladder

12 Cobblestone

1 Carved Pumpkin

woodland_mansion/1x1_a3("Office")A room with two cobblestone tables of different heights and chairs to go with them. There are some flower pots and carpets on the tables. The Pyschopatic makes the villagers do the Homework’ except for Niwits and not job villagers.49 Birch Planks

10 Cobblestone Stairs

8 Cobblestone

3 Oak Stairs

3 Potted Red Tulip

3 Light Gray Carpet

1 Oak Planks

woodland_mansion/1x1_a4("Checkerboard room")A room with a checkerboard pattern on the floor, slightly resembling that of a kitchen, and all the walls are lined with oak fences. A loot chest lies hidden above the door. With the 25% The Pyschopatic plays with villagers at Chess, the late afternoon or in the Evening. Only for taiga’s and Snowy Plains but there a 59% that he goes to the Games RoomPlay, and he breaks the chess box and everyone plays.68 Oak Fence

49 Birch Planks

40 Dark Oak Log

15 Gray Carpet

13 Light Gray Carpet

1 Chest (random loot)

woodland_mansion/1x1_a5("White tulip sanctuary")A room with an indented cobblestone structure against the wall, and a single potted tulip situated in the indent. The Pyschopatic waters the tulips in the summer biomes.49 Birch Planks

46 Cobblestone

22 Dark Oak Stairs

9 Cobblestone Stairs

7 Dark Oak Planks

6 Cobblestone Slab

1 Potted White Tulip

woodland_mansion/1x1_as1("X room")A secret room with cobblestone “X” patterns decorating the walls. A chest sits in the corner. These rooms may generate on any floor. In this room, you can enter the TV, it works while Pyschopatic watches TV. If Pyschopatic sees you, the Pyschopatic picks up the remote control to shutdown TV. He smashed the wall of ur room with keys and kills you.120 Cobblestone

49 Birch Planks

1 Chest (random loot)

woodland_mansion/1x1_as2("Spider room")A secret room packed with many cobwebs, with a spider monster spawner located in the center. These rooms may generate on any floor. The Pyschopatic unboxes the presents from the best friends or from some villagers. From 4th October to 28 March, sometimes villagers or rarely only the Pyschopathic plays the Virtual Boy. From 4th October to 19 March, the music was low, but from 20 March, music changes to good.95 Cobweb

49 Birch Planks

1 Spider Monster Spawner

woodland_mansion/1x1_as3("Obsidian room")A secret room with an octahedron-shaped mass of obsidian concealing a block of diamond within. These rooms may generate on any floor. The Pyschopatic picks up the TV Games, and plays the PS4. With villagers (55%), alone 1%). Pyschopatic does this (work 100% when they are bored so badly, 59% after playing chess, 40% Before the chess, 1% when he comes home instead of watching other TV49 Birch Planks

19 Obsidian

1 Block of Diamond

woodland_mansion/1x1_as4("Birch pillar room")A secret room with four birch plank pillars erected toward the ceiling. These rooms may generate on any floor. The Pyschopatic rarely, picks up the Remote HDTV Control and watches the Cartoons For Little Babies on the HDTV85 Birch Plankswoodland_mansion/1x1_b1("Birch arch room")An office-like room comprising a desk with a flower pot on top, as well as a prominent arch in the center, made of birch fences, slabs, and stairs. The Italy Remote Control spawns here.?80 Birch Planks

39 Birch Stairs

9 Birch Slab

6 Birch Fence

1 Potted Azure Bluet

1 Pink Carpet

woodland_mansion/1x1_b2("Small dining room")A room with a carpeted table accompanied by chairs made using dark oak stairs. The upper parts of the walls are decorated with chimney-like structures. There also in loots a photo about Brongo Rango mad at Boris for NOT making the Saint Patrick’s Day! In Late Evening, the Pyschopathic plays with villagers some table games.49 Birch Planks

14 Oak Stairs

10 Dark Oak Planks

10 Light Gray Carpet

4 Dark Oak Stairs

2 Black Carpet

2 Dark Oak Fence

2 Oak Planks

woodland_mansion/1x1_b3("Single bed bedroom")A cozy room with a wool bed, a cobblestone fireplace, and a bonsai made with a fence and a block of leaves.

In Java Edition, the block of leaves is not persistent, and eventually decays due to not being connected to logs. The Pyschopathic sleeps here

49 Birch Planks

13 Cobblestone

7 Cobblestone Slab

6 Oak Slab

4 Red Wool

3 Cobblestone Stairs

2 White Wool

1 Dark Oak Fence

1 Dark Oak Leaves

1 Oak Planks

woodland_mansion/1x1_b4("Small library")A small study room with the only things of interest being the several bookcases in the corners. The School for bad students it’s here.49 Birch Planks

24 Dark Oak Stairs

20 Oak Planks

12 Bookshelf

9 Oak Stairs

7 Oak Slab

1 Potted Allium

woodland_mansion/1x1_b5("Allium room")A room with a vine-tangled oak stand, on which sits an array of potted alliums. A full cauldron and a chest containing more alliums sit nearby. The roof is built from oak fences. Villagers can go in

Currently does not generate in Java Editiondue to a bug.

55 Oak Fence

49 Birch Planks

16 Oak Planks

6 Vines

5 Potted Allium

1 Chest (8 Allium)

1 Cauldron

woodland_mansion/1x2_a1("Gray banner room")A room with an altar-like construction in the middle, made of cobblestone and cobblestone stairs that delimit a short, narrow passage with a gray banner at the end. There's a chest hidden behind the construction.Long windows always generates here. This rooms can be used to play table games.105 Birch Planks

82 Cobblestone

12 Cobblestone Slab

11 Cobblestone Stairs

1 Gray Banner

1 Chest (random loot)

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_a2("Wheat farm")A room with a wheat farm and a small table with a chair in the corner. The water in the farm is covered with lily pads. Some, or even all of the crops may be missing. The farm resembles a farm found in a village, but uses dark oak logs instead. Farmer Works here.105 Birch Planks

32 Farmland

32 Wheat

30 Dark Oak Log

8 Water

8 Lily Pad

6 Torch

6 Dark Oak Fence

4 Dark Oak Planks

4 Oak Stairs

3 Dark Oak Stairs

1 White Carpet

woodland_mansion/1x2_a3("Forge room")A room with arches made of polished andesite. Located at the end of the room is a damaged anvil and a lava pool encased by polished andesite to prevent the surrounding planks from burning. Mr. Nino generates here. The Pyschopathic cooks for each times and times. Lunch: Salmon and Cream Pasta, Ragout Pasta, Chopped Pasta, Potatoes, and Cod. Dinner: Meat, Chicked Breast, Salmon, Spinaches, or Pizza.146 Polished Andesite

105 Birch Planks

55 Smooth Stone Slab

15 Double Smooth Stone Slab

2 Lava

1 Damaged Anvil

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_a4("Sapling farm")A room with two layered rows filled with dark oak saplings, connected by ladders reaching the ceiling. A chest containing dark oak saplings lies near the entrance. It send you to a very scarier caves than Minecraft ones not pixel. the Backrooms level “The Deep End or Level 8.129 Oak Planks

105 Birch Planks

58 Dirt

58 Dark Oak Sapling

42 Ladder

39 Green Carpet

1 Chest (28 Dark Oak Sapling)

woodland_mansion/1x2_a5("Wool room")A room with a messy pile of assorted shades of blue wool.105 Birch Planks

56 Light Blue Wool‌[Java Edition only]/ White Wool‌[Bedrock Edition only]

46 Blue Wool

19 Cyan Wool

woodland_mansion/1x2_a6("Tree-chopping room")A room containing an artificial tree on a dirt platform and a chest that always holds an iron axe with Efficiency I‌[Java Edition only]. This room’s entrance is sealed off by a wall of dark oak planks.105 Birch Planks

79 Dark Oak Leaves

20 Dark Oak Planks

20 Dark Oak Log

9 Dirt

1 Chest (1 Iron Axewith EfficiencyI‌[Java Edition only]) (1 Leather Cap or 1 Leather Tunic or 1 Leather Pants with Efficiency I‌[Bedrock Edition only])

woodland_mansion/1x2_a7("Mushroom farm")A room with a mushroom farm, as well as a table, a chair and an empty chest.

In Java Edition, due to a bug, no mushrooms generate in this room.

105 Birch Planks

71 Oak Planks

24 Oak Stairs

21 Coarse Dirt

20 Oak Fence

20 Dark Oak Log

11 Red Mushroom

10 Brown Mushroom

1 Chest

woodland_mansion/1x2_a8("Dual-staged farm")A room with a two-tiered farm, with the lower one growing pumpkins and the upper one growing melons. A vindicator always generates here.105 Birch Planks

42 Dark Oak Log

40 Dark Oak Planks

32 Dirt

32 Farmland

20 Oak Planks

16 Water

16 Pumpkin Stem

16 Melon Stem

16 Pumpkin

16 Melon

5 Oak Slab

1 Torch

1 Oak Fence

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_a9("Small storage room")A room with shelves housing many empty single chests. A vindicator always generates here.117 Oak Slab

105 Birch Planks

66 Oak Planks

42 Chest

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_b1("Redstone jail")A room with a large cobblestone jail accessible through a lever-connected redstone circuit that opens the jail’s two iron doors. Inside the jail is a small table constructed with cobblestone stairs, some brown carpets and a cauldron. A vindicator always generates here.211 Cobblestone

71 Cobblestone Wall

42 Birch Planks

6 Cobblestone Slab

6 Cobblestone Stairs

5 Redstone Dust

4 Brown Carpet

2 Iron Door

1 Lever

1 Cauldron

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_b2("Small jail")A room with a cobblestone jail containing a cauldron and brown carpets. Located outside the jail is a chair and table, near which a vindicator always generates.213 Cobblestone

105 Birch Planks

8 Cobblestone Wall

7 Oak Stairs

6 Cobblestone Slab

3 Cobblestone Stairs

2 Oak Planks

1 Lever

2 Brown Carpet

1 Iron Door

1 Cauldron

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_b3("Wood arch hallway”)A room with several arches made of dark oak logs, as well as a loot chest at the end. A vindicator always generates here.105 Birch Planks

65 Dark Oak Log

1 Chest (random loot)

1 Vindicator

woodland_mansion/1x2_b4("Winding stairway room")A room with a one-block wide, walled-up spiral staircase that leads to a loot chest.289 Dark Oak Log

105 Birch Planks

50 Oak Slab

1 Oak Planks

1 Chest (random loot)

woodland_mansion/1x2_b5("Illager head room")An otherwise-empty room containing some illager pixel art.105 Birch Planks

26 Light Gray Wool

14 Dark Oak Planks

5 Gray Wool

2 White Wool

2 Green Wool

2 Black Wool

woodland_mansion/1x2_c_stairs("Curved staircase")Some stairs leading up, curving toward the left or right at the base, above which hangs an illager head made of wool. Each woodland mansion generates either one of two rooms with staircases. Only one staircase leads to the third floor of the mansion if there are more staircases in the mansion.135 Cobblestone

105 Birch Planks

60 Cobblestone Stairs

26 Birch Stairs

26 Light Gray Wool

24 Red Carpet

14 Dark Oak Planks

14 Dark Oak Stairs

5 Gray Wool

3 Cobblestone Wall

2 White Wool

2 Green Wool

2 Black Wool

woodland_mansion/1x2_c1("Medium dining room")A room consisting of a table made of oak stairs and decorated with a potted flower, near which appears to be a serving counter in the corner. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling.105 Birch Planks

19 Oak Stairs

19 White Carpet

13 Dark Oak Fence

6 Oak Planks

5 Gray Carpet

4 Oak Slab

4 Torch

1 Potted Oxeye Daisy

woodland_mansion/1x2_c2("Double bed bedroom")A room with pink and purple beds at the end, as well as a table with a flower pot in the corner. Two vindicators always generate here.105 Birch Planks

12 White Wool

8 Purple Carpet

5 Oak Stairs

4 Pink Carpet

2 Vindicator

1 Potted Allium

1 White Carpet

woodland_mansion/1x2_c3("Triple bed bedroom")A room with three blue beds and a desk. Three vindicators always generate here.18 White Wool

12 Blue Carpet

6 Light Blue Carpet‌[Java Edition only]/ White Carpet‌[Bedrock Edition only]

5 Oak Stairs

3 Vindicator

2 Oak Planks

1 Potted Azure Bluet

woodland_mansion/1x2_c4("Medium library")A lounge-like room with many bookcases, swing-like seating structures against the walls, and a table in the center with four flower pots on it, the flowers arranged by height.105 Birch Planks

48 Oak Stairs

24 Bookshelf

16 Oak Fence

14 Oak Planks

1 Potted Dandelion

1 Potted Poppy

1 Potted Red Tulip

1 Potted Oxeye Daisy

woodland_mansion/1x2_d_stairs("Straight staircase")A straight staircase leading to the third floor, above which hangs some illager pixel art. Each woodland mansion generates either one of two rooms with staircases.117 Cobblestone

112 Birch Planks

61 Cobblestone Stairs

35 Birch Stairs

26 Light Gray Wool

14 Dark Oak Planks

14 Dark Oak Stairs

12 Red Carpet

5 Gray Wool

2 White Wool

2 White Carpet

2 Black Wool

2 Green Wool

woodland_mansion/1x2_d1("Master bedroom")A room with a regal four-post bed. Gray banners hang from an ornate wall decoration above the doorway.112 Birch Planks

26 Oak Slab

17 Oak Stairs

16 Oak Fence

13 Oak Planks

12 White Wool

9 Red Carpet

4 Birch Stairs

3 Light Gray Banner

1 Potted Birch Sapling

1 Potted Oxeye Daisy

1 Bookshelf

1 Light Gray Carpet

woodland_mansion/1x2_d2("Bedroom with loft")A two-tiered bedroom containing a closet made of birch planks and dark oak doors on the first tier. A ladder near the entrance leads above to a loft with a loot chest and a wool bed.105 Birch Planks

78 Oak Planks

18 Oak Stairs

18 White Wool

9 Red Carpet

7 Oak Fence

6 Ladder

4 Cyan Carpet

2 Light Blue Carpet‌[Java Edition only]/ White Carpet‌[Bedrock Edition only]

2 Dark Oak Door

1 Potted Red Tulip

1 Chest (random loot)

woodland_mansion/1x2_d3("Ritual room")A room dedicated to a complex altar-like structure with single prominent elevated block draped under black carpet. Cobblestone benches run down on both sides, and an overhead structure constructed with cobblestone and decorated by two black banners hangs over the altar. Two vindicators and an evoker always generate here.105 Birch Planks

101 Cobblestone

27 Cobblestone Stairs

9 Cobblestone Slab

6 White Carpet

2 Black Banner

1 Black Carpet

2 Vindicator

1 Evoker

woodland_mansion/1x2_d4("Cat statue room")A room dedicated to a large black wool cat statue situated in the center.143 Black Wool

105 Birch Planks

12 White Wool

2 Lime Wool

woodland_mansion/1x2_d5("Chicken statue room")A room dedicated to a large wool chicken statue situated in the center.105 Birch Planks

98 White Wool

11 Orange Wool

2 Gray Wool

woodland_mansion/1x2_s1("Clean chest room")A secret room with a lone loot chest surrounded by four torches on dark oak fences at each corner of the otherwise empty room. These rooms generate only on the first floor.105 Birch Planks

4 Torch

4 Dark Oak Fence

1 Chest (random loot)

woodland_mansion/1x2_s2("Fake End portal room")A secret room with a platform of orange wool in the middle and a ring of green wool above it, giving it the appearance of a strongholdEnd portal with lava underneath. Cobblestone stairs and infested cobblestone allow access to the ring, which has a trapped chest containing two Ender pearls flanked by two TNT blocks. If the trap is sprung, the TNT breaks the infested cobblestoneand reveals silverfish which swarm the player. These rooms generate only on the first floor.
Pyschopatic’s mansion (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.