Once I Saw Him - Chapter 14 - Anony_baby (2024)

Chapter Text

“In Greek mythology there were creatures named sirens, they were half-bird, half-woman. They lived near rocky shoals and cliffs of islands, and they had the deadly skill of singing so enticingly and so alluringly that they could lure sailors to sail their ships too close to the rocky shoals..”

The cold and distant words filter into Randy’s memory and muddle his thoughts while he shuffles slowly around his dim hotel room; making himself a cup of coffee before he goes on an early morning run to try and get rid of the disquiet that has beenweighing over him for the past few days.

“…because they were drawn in by the beauty of the music, and so they would dash themselves and their ships to pieces. Now, an actual spiritual danger that each one of us faces as Catholics in this world, the danger of temptation. We walk every single day on a path surrounded by various siren songs. Satan has crafted a world system and assaults us with the temptations of the world and his own crafty temptations…”

He absentmindedly stirs the dark liquid with a plastic spoon before he chucks it into the trash can and lifts the cup to his mouth to take a big swig; staring at nothing on the grey wall in front of him as that Sunday sermon he heard when his mom dragged him to church before he left to Camp Pendleton replays in his mind.

“And then we have the enemy within, our own lust.. for we are fish and there's a lure and there's the bait. There's an enticement, some kind of pleasure to reel us in..”

Hundreds of his tumultuous life choices begin to appear in disordered bursts and he shuts his eyes against them and violently shakes his head; attempting to will away the destructive memories.. to vanish the recollections of what he has no doubt would be labeled as egregious sin if he was ever to confess them.

“So let us never forget brothers and sisters, the prayer spoken in Matthew, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Pray that you may be lead away from temptation or testing..for temptation will come for you in its most enticing form..”

Randy has travelled all across the world at this point in his life and temptation has followed him nearly everywhere he’s gone. But he didn’t come face to face with the most enticing form until last year.. and it took shape of giant, brilliant, blue eyes.

It is something that fits your nature, your flesh, your lust.. and it is enticing..”

He opens his eyes as the foreboding speech continues to drill into his psyche. He drinks all the bitter coffee in one go and tries to swallow his futile guilt down with it as he lets the liquid scorch his throat. He stares down into the empty paper cup and turns it in his hand to see the remaining drops glide across the bottom as he thinks about who exactly awoke his nature.

There is a magnetism, there's a gravitational pull toward it, it attracts the eye..”

The pull was impossible to misinterpret the moment he laid eyes on the kid. Though at first he foolishly tried to deny what he invoked in him; he was captivated by Cody as soon as their hands touched. And the more layers they have both shed off of each other, the more absorbed Randy has become. There is not a single thing unattractive about Cody.. he was doomed from the start. He wraps his fingers around the paper cup in his fist and squeezes as he draws in a deep breath then extends his arm over the trash can and lets the cup drop out of his shaky hand.

“And more so than that brothers and sisters.. it attracts the heart..”

The verses echo in his head as he walks across the carpet and towards the door; with nothing more now but thoughts of Cody in the forefront to accompany the words the preacher spoke..

Cody and his kindness; his tender voice and his grounding touches.

His pretty eyes, his beautiful body, his sweet smile.. and the way his cherubic face lights up whenever Randy tries to impress him, makes him laugh and kisses him.

Randy knows he is sinful. He is vain, proud, hot-blooded, selfish and he can be unforgivably malicious. But for all the things Cody has awakened in him - things he has been warned his whole life are wrong - he can never consider him a sin.

His fingers are already wrapped around the door handle but before he turns it to step outside, he goes over to the nightstand and picks up his cellphone.. and the old sermon once again dissipates to near nothing as he types out a message to the one person who attracted his heart.

5:45 a.m.
[Sent] Rise n shine Codeman

5:45 a.m.
[Sent] Cant wait
to see U

He tosses his cellphone onto the bed before he grabs the keycard off of the desk by the door and makes his way outside to seek out the warmth from the rising sun. He runs as he thinks on what he’ll say tonight on Raw; he’s going to be facing off with Hunter in the ring and Tod is going to be asking them both questions. Well, he is really going to be asking Randy one question and it cut into his pride when the writing team first told him what it would be.

Randy was fortunate enough to be given a meaningful shot early in is career by Hunter when he gave both him and Batista a spot in his faction, and because of Vince’s belief in him; gave him second and third chances too despite his major screw ups until he finally got his sh*t together. Hunter has seen him at his lowest; he’s seen just how immature and reckless he can be and he never lets him forget it. And even though he is grateful for what he has now and he knows he owes large parts of his success to the men who have helped him; there are still times he feels insanely resentful.

He slows his pace down to a walk as he stretches his arms and rubs at the ache in his left shoulder; he got thrown out of the ropes during last weeks match and his left side hasn’t felt the same since his awkward landing. He rolls his shoulder back and forth carefully as he catches his breath and rounds the corner then resumes his running to get back to the hotel.

Randy tries to bring is focus back to the present and away from the convoluted mess of his past but he can’t seem to shake the trepidation that is following closely behind him like his own shadow as he runs. He is powerless to stop himself from thinking about the haunting memories of his fellow cadets; how they abused their power over the weaker kids just for the thrill of it before he starts recalling the way Holly used to stiff him in the ropes; and how Randy just accepted it as normal..until he wised up and realized it wasn’t. But it’s the knowledge of all the abuse that Cody has had to endure from Holly now that is making him brainsick.

He pushes himself to sprint the final stretch and it’s only once his feet touch the black tar of the parking lot that he throws his hands on his knees and gulps in air. His belly is full of acid and there is a nauseatingly bitter taste in his mouth as forces himself upright and strips off his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face as he walks across the lot then down the hallway to make it to his room.

The door slowly shuts behind him as he walks over to grab his cellphone off of the bed to check if maybe Cody has responded.. but a shock of dread hits him in the chest when he sees that he missed his call and the acid in his guts crawls up his esophagus when he begins to read the text messages he sent him over thirty minutes ago.

6:00 a.m.
[Codes] Randy?

6:05 a.m.
[Codes] Holly wants to
Meet up today

6:05 a.m.
[Codes] can you meet me
@ Training center please.

His fingers tremble around his phone as he hits the call button and shakily lifts it to his ear; the sound of his heart beating in anguish overpowers the line ringing as he silently prays for Cody to pick up. But the ringing stops and goes to voicemail and Randy doesn’t waste another second before he calls the only other person he can think of. He digs his nails up and over his skull and breathes profusely in attempts to stifle his growing panic as he paces around the room madly but he stops mid-stride when he hears the line connect.

“Hey Randy, how’s it go-“

“You with Cody?”

He demands as soon as Ted picks up as he walks over to the closet to grab his gym bag and starts gathering his things with his free hand.

“Uh, not yet. I’m actually about to head out to meet him. Holly was going to show us a few spots.”

Randy forces himself to take another deep breath; trying to control the rush in his voice before he responds.

“Alright, head straight there. If you get there before I do let Cody know I’ll be there soon.”

“Alright..is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks Teddy.”

He doesn’t wait for Ted to respond; he disconnects the line so he can order a cab and as soon as he does, he throws on a clean t-shirt then rushes back down the hall and to the parking lot to wait for the driver to arrive. The self-loathing that has been festering underneath his skin since he first opened his eyes this morning is impossible to suppress now.. and his hostility only grows stronger as the minutes pass.


As soon as the car stops in front of the center Randy jumps out of the back seat and runs like a bat out of hell. He hurries down the hall and shoves the double doors open with all his might once he reaches them and the jarring sound causes them all to freeze in surprise including Holly; who has Cody in a headlock in the middle of the ring.

He scans his eyes all over Cody’s face and he offers him a tense smile while he holds onto Holly’s forearm and Randy tries to keep his composure and smiles back as he walks further in, then turns to nod at Ted who is standing by a corner of the ring.

“This is a closed session.”

Holly barks out and Randy turns his eyes back up to him slowly as he lets his gym bag fall off of his shoulder and takes his place right by the apron in the center of the ropes so Bob can take a good look at him.

“It’s not anymore..” He calls back as he picks up his jaw. “Don’t worry, I ain’t here to steal your move set.”

He mocks and the sneer on Bob’s face is devilish as he tightens his grip around Cody and Randy has to do everything in his power to keep his fists down by his sides when he sees him grimace in the motherf*cker’s hold.

“Then why are you here? We’re working..”

Holly finally releases his hold then pushes Cody away, and Randy digs his nails into his palms to distract from the ire that is threatening to blind him when he watches him hang is head as he stumbles back.

He bites down on the inside of his cheek and waits until Cody peers up at him again from his bowed head before he looks back over to Ted; his mouth falls open as he darts his eyes between all three of them nervously.

Holly’s loud whistle cuts through the quiet room as he calls for Randy’s attention as if he were a damn dog but he doesn’t think twice about turning to face him or baring his teeth as he narrows his eyes.

“Well? Didn’t anybody wise you up? You’re not supposed to be around the rookie. That’s orders..” Holly beats him over the head with his remark as he points a finger Cody’s direction. “..or any rookie for that matter. Ya already proved you can’t mentor worth a damn.”

Randy can barely register the embarrassment that burns through him over the fact that Holly is airing out what was an unspoken rule in front of Teddy because it rapidly morphs into pure indignation.. and all he wants to do humiliate the stupid son of a bitch too.

He wants to shove his face in it. He wants to let him know that he is on the verge of being out of a job, out of luck and out of time. He’s got some unspoken knowledge of his own and the fact of the matter is Holly’s pathetic f*cking life is in Randy’s hands now.

He wets his lips as he glares up at him but before he says anything he glances back over to Cody; he’s scarlet red as he stares back at him while he holds onto his own bicep with a death grip and Randy can’t ignore the worry in his wide blue eyes. He won’t say anything stupid but he’ll be damned if he lets Holly think he’s getting away with doing whatever the hell he wants for even a moment longer.

Didn’t anybody wise you up?”

He asks through a smirk and Holly’s nostrils flare as he presses himself right up against the ropes to look down at Randy.

“What in the hell are you talking about?”

Bob demands as he throws his hands on his hips and Randy doesn’t hide his glee as he watches the way the bastard’s face contorts in confusion; he’s got no damn idea and he is all the more satisfied when he spots Teddy hopping up on the other side of the ropes and quickly entering the ring. Randy tilts his head to the side slowly and revels in Holly’s blatant irritation at his very presence.

“It’s a surprise.” Randy finally answers as he grins up at him and Holly scoffs in disgust as he backs away from the ropes.

“Quit wasting our time.”

Holly warns before he turns away from him to face Cody and Ted.

“C’mon, let’s run it agai- what the hell are you doin’ DiBiase?” Holly scolds him but Ted chuckles as he shrugs his shoulders.

“I’m hoping I could run it with you this time. I didn’t want Cody here to have all the fun.”

Teddy answers easily but before Holly can respond; the door gets pushed open again and Randy turns to see John walking in.

“Oh! We’ve got a full house today.”

John calls out to them cheerfully and Randy strides up to him to shake his hand before he steps any closer.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you here. Looks like I beat JBL.”

Cena talks as he claps him on the shoulder and looks over to the ring.

“Everything okay?” He asks quietly before he lets go of his hand.

“Yeah. Everything’s fine.” Randy utters as he nods but John frowns as he looks back to the ring.

“You sure?” Cena asks again but Randy doesn’t answer when he hears Holly ordering Ted out of the ring behind him. He turns around to watch as Ted reluctantly steps back out of the ropes before he locks eyes with Cody again who is trying to put on a brave face.

“You can jump in once I’m done showing him. Little piece of advice DiBiase, listen when a veteran asks you to do something. That’ll get cha far.”

Holly winks and Ted gives him a tight lipped smile before he hops off of the apron then walks towards them and Randy can only clench his jaw and watch as Cody and Holly resume their match.

John makes small talk with Ted beside him but he can hardly pay them any mind as he watches Holly’s movements like a hawk. Despite Cody following Holly’s lead and being careful like he always is, it is obvious to him the bastard is doing nothing to return the favor when he gives Cody a rough forearm and he loses his footing.

Hey-“ Randy bites out helplessly before he rolls his lips into his teeth and blows out a frustrated breath through his nose. He walks closer to the ring and lays his sweaty palms on the apron to steady himself as he follows their increasingly rushed movements; the more Cody tries to slow down the pace of the match the more agitated Bob seems to get and the harder he comes after him.

He hears the double doors opening behind him once again followed by the voices of John and Ted greeting JBL but he refuses to look away from the ring. He watches as Holly shoots Cody to the ropes and when he comes back for the clothesline the f*cker gets him right across the neck and all of Randy’s pent up rage boils over at the sight of Cody gasping for air when he lands half way across the mat.

“Hey! Stop f*ckin’ stiffing him!”

Randy shouts loud enough that the other guys stop talking but he can’t hold back anymore. He grabs onto the ropes and begins to pull himself up and Holly immediately stomps towards him. He jumps back down as soon as he gets close enough then swings his arms open in invitation; daring Bob out of the ring as he walks backwards but he backs right up into Cena’s chest as he does so.

“The f*ck are you goin’ on about Orton? I wasn’t stiffing the kid!”

Holly shouts as he comes after him but JBL pulls him back by the shoulder and John places his arm over Randy’s chest when he tries to lunge forward.

“Fellas calm down.” JBL urges as he holds onto Holly. “There is no need to get worked up over this. It’s an honest mistake.”

Bullsh*t! This punk is trying to paint me in a bad light and I ain’t gonna stand here and let him do it.”

Holly shouts again as he points his finger in his face and Randy grinds his teeth so hard in anger that the cords in his neck bulge out. He cranes his head down to get as close to him as he can while John continues to hold him back.

You lying son of a bitch-“

Randy grits out through his teeth as his chest heaves with towering adrenaline and he doesn’t move an inch when Holly presses his sweaty forehead against his to try and goad him on.

“You better watch the way you talk to me boy.

Holly spews before he picks his head up again and Randy takes his eyes off of him long enough to see Cody roll out of the ring to stand by Ted. His face is completely pale but despite him being on the verge of tears, he shakes his head as subtly as he can; silently pleading with him to stop.

“This isn’t going to solve anything Randy, you gotta calm down.” John tries to reason with him again as he lets him go and Holly gives him a sh*t eating grin before he lowers his voice to a mocking whisper.

“Listen to your friend. Besides, Cody’s got a strong hide. He ain’t fragile.”

And Randy’s entire body spasms at his taunting words. He surges forward so fast that Holly lets out a yelp as he jumps back in surprise and it’s only thanks to Cena completely wrapping his arms around him and hauling him back that Randy doesn’t headbutt him right in the skull. He fights against his hold and spews out saliva from his clenched mouth as he stares Bob down and for once the bastards mask of hubris slips and he sees fear in his eyes.

Randy. Calm down man.”

John pleads as he squeezes him and JBL comes to stand between him and Holly and pushes them away from each other with his palms for good measure. And although John lets him go once Randy stops squirming, he keeps a hand wrapped around his bicep. Holly sniffs loudly as he takes another step back and wipes his mouth.

“We done with this bullsh*t? I’ll see you all back at the arena..”

Holly announces as he looks him up and down guardedly before he turns around then walks towards Cody and Ted, and John squeezes Randy’s bicep in implicit warning.

“Nice work today.” Holly mutters to Cody, he smiles at him listlessly in response before he purses his lips and looks over to Randy with uneasy eyes.

They all watch Holly as he grabs his belongings then pushes his way through the door without another word and it’s only once he is gone that Cena eases up his grip. Randy hangs his head against the tension that is permeating the room as he runs the back of his hand across his mouth to wipe away his saliva.

“Y’all gonna work through that? ‘Cause I didn’t see sh*t.” JBL cuts through the silence as he lifts his palms and looks around at all of them. “I’m just here to do my job.”

Randy picks his head back up and nods at him in understanding but says nothing else; he forces himself to take in a breath and expels it slowly as he rolls his eyes back over to John.

“You can let go now.” He says as he looks from John down to the hand that’s still around his arm and he finally releases him.

“Sorry man, but I didn’t want to see you do something that’ll get around to management.”

John says gravely as he stares at him and Randy holds his tongue; he doesn’t want to get into it with him too. John squints his eyes at him in question before he continues to speak.

“I guess this kind of goes without saying.. but we can all get a little hot headed at times. Nothing a little discussion can’t clear up.”

John tries to lighten the mood but it couldn’t be more evident to everyone that there is something glaringly wrong and to Randy’s surprise it’s JBL that speaks the obvious.

“Holly’s a tough son of a bitch, we all know that. You alright Cody?” He asks from inside of the ring and Cody clears his throat before he answers.

“Yeah..accidents happen..” He chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck and looks from JBL to Ted, then finally back towards Randy. “I’m sorry if I worried any of you.”

Cody juts his lip out as he looks at him with remorseful eyes and with the source of Randy’s unmitigated anger out of the room, he now thoroughly feels the singe of embarrassment. Like so many other instances before in his life, he let his temper get the best of him and is realizing all too late what his actions were an admission of. What more can he expect Cody to say that wouldn’t give it all away?

His outburst said more than enough.. it said too much.

He breaks is gaze away from Cody and his ears burn as John offers him a sympathetic smile then pats him on the shoulder before he rolls into the ring and he looks on silently as they start up their match.

He tries not to dwell on what a jackass he just made of himself and focus instead on the action going on in front of him but it’s hard to ignore how foolish he feels. Cody asked him to come, so he came but he cannot help but think he did a lot more harm than good in showing up. Maybe it would’ve worked out differently if he had gotten here on time.

He peeks at Cody and Ted out of his peripheral and watches as they speak in hushed tones with their eyes fixed on the ring and he starts to wonder if this could’ve been avoided altogether if Cody was sharing a hotel room with him and he wasn’t perpetually stuck following two steps behind the kid.

He knows he needs to wait just a little longer. They are so close to the end now; he just hopes he didn’t f*ck it all up for the both of them today.

He hangs around for a while to watch Cena and JBL work in the ring to save face, but he feels much too stupid to walk over and talk to Teddy or Cody; although he doesn’t look away from him whenever he spares him a glance. But as soon as JBL calls for a break he decides to leave. He stoops down and grabs his gym bag that he had left right in the middle of the floor and starts making his way towards the door.

“You’re not gonna practice?”

John calls out to him but Randy doesn’t want to look back.

“I don’t have a match tonight.” He answers over his shoulder as he walks out. He drags his feet towards the main entrance but the sound of the double doors slowly being pushed open resounds in the empty hall followed by quick footsteps and Randy stops mid-stride; hoping whoever is following him is the only person he wants to see.

He turns around to see Cody gradually slow his steps down as he makes it to him and once he’s standing close enough that he can smell the warm sweetness that wafts off of his golden skin; the dark cloud that was hanging over him rolls away and all he can feel is tenderness.

“Hey..” Cody begins quietly as he stares up at him from under his glossy lashes. “I’m sorry about that-“

“There’s nothin’ for you to be sorry about, it was all me..” He answers as he reaches out and runs his fingers across the underside of Cody’s supple wrist before he pulls his hand away.

“I- didn’t mean to worry you. I didn’t mean for that to happen.. I just wanted you here-“

Cody’s hushed voice cracks and his little chin trembles with effort as he tries to hold back his tears and Randy feels instant remorse for acting so callously.

“Hey, Cody..” He coaxes as he steps closer. “Baby, it’s okay. I just lost it..”

He whispers as he reaches out to cup his face; running the pad of his thumb over his furrowed brow as he stares into his sincere blue eyes.

“That f*cker is hurting you and I..” He sucks in air through his clenched teeth as he presses his forehead against Cody’s. “I couldn’t take it.”

He admits and presses a quick kiss against Cody’s temple, then picks his head back up to scan his eyes over the hall before he caresses the back of his neck.

“I don’t think he’ll be trying much of anything after that..” Cody responds before he bites down on his lip and glances off to the side.

“I think you scared the crap out of him.”

He remarks as he stares up at him again then darts his tongue out to wet his lips and Randy can’t help himself; he glides his hand down to feel Cody’s wetted plush lower lip with his thumb before he lets him go.

“Yeah well.. there’s a lot more I wanna do than that.”

He confesses quietly as he pulls his gaze away from Cody’s lips and back up to his giant eyes; he narrows them at him slowly but doesn’t say anything else then lets out a sigh and presses himself against his chest. And Randy supposes that is as close to approval as he’s going to get from him when it comes to what he’s got in store for Holly. It’s good enough; the less Cody is involved in his plan the better.

Randy squeezes the nape of Cody’s neck and runs his hand down his bicep, pulling him back just enough that he can look at his face again before he asks what he’s been meaning to.

“Listen, I’ve been thinking-“

He starts but they both get startled at the sound of the entrance door opening, Cody steps back and Randy immediately whips his body around but he huffs out a sigh of relief when he sees its only Jeff strolling in; with his headphones on and the muffled sounds of blaring heavy metal accompanying him up the hall.

They both stare as he walks past them but Jeff barely spares them a glance; he nods and flashes devil horns at them as he continues up the corridor until he makes it to the training room and swings the door open. He watches Cody watch Jeff disappear through the double doors as he crosses his arms under his chest before he turns back to him with pursed lips.

So, you’ve been thinking?”

“Ed’s probably gonna show up any minute now too..” Randy murmurs as he glances over at the entrance again and rubs the back of his ear; uselessly agitated at the lack of privacy.

“That’s what you were thinking about..Umaga?”

Cody snips out, pouting as he thrums his fingers against his bicep; he’s annoyed at the interruption too and Randy chuckles despite himself at his bratty stance.

“No.” He shakes his head before he lets out a determined breath. “I was thinkin’.. maybe you’d wanna stay with me from now on..”

Cody’s expression softens at his words but he raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow at him; signaling him to continue.

“I want you to come to California with me..and everywhere else..”

Randy admits quietly as he runs his eyes all over Cody’s face; searching for reassurance in his wary expression.

“..if thats what you want.”

He tries again and bites down on the fleshy inside of his cheek as he watches the shine in Cody’s eyes bounce back and forth as he searches his eyes for something too.

“I’ve sort of been looping with Beth..”

Cody answers hesitantly and Randy nods down at the floor as he releases asteadying breath through his nose.

“I know. I just..get worried about you..”

He glances back up and wets his lips; aimlessly scanning his eyes around the hall again before he moves closer to him.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about getting to sleep next to you again since Ontario..”

He dares to confess through a whisper and Cody’s sweet smile does nothing to hide the apprehension in his eyes or the way his shoulders slump as he lets out a somber breath.

“Randy, he’s in touch with my father.. they’re friends..”

Cody’s voice is strained; he bites down on his lip and briskly shakes his head as he blows out another dejected breath. He pinches the bridge of his nose before he glances up at him again.

“It’s not easy to talk about Randy, but my dad doesn’t like you.. although I don’t really think that’s news to you.”

Cody lets out a humorless chuckle and tries to gift him a smile through his painful confession.

And normally, Randy doesn’t give a single f*ck about who likes him and who doesn’t.. but it isn’t easy to hear that the person who he likes most has a father who doesn’t want him anywhere near them. But Cody is right. It isn’t news to him and although it might be a hard truth to swallow; it doesn’t disuade him from liking him or wanting him.

“That’s why I’ve been doing things this way.. so I’m not under his watch twenty four seven.” He continues defeatedly and drops his hand away from his nose down to his mouth; biting at his thumbnail as he closes his eyes.

The crease between Cody’s brow ridge is prominent as he tries to hold his own emotions at bay and despite how the combustible anger for Holly thrashes around in Randy’s mind, it gets drowned out by the hurt his heart feels for Cody.

I’m sorry- I didn’t wanna make you relive this sh*t.” He keeps his tone as steady as he can as he strokes his cheekbone before dropping his hand back down to his side.

“And I don’t want to make a wrong move..”

Cody answers back as he carefully takes Randy’s hand and turns his palm over and strokes it with a finger.

“..and it’s been working out with Beth. She understands.” He lets him go then tilts his head back up to meet his eyes.

“She covers for me.”

Cody whispers sincerely before he bites down on his lip and Randy nods slowly and steps close enough that he can snake his arm around him.

“I get that Cody. I do.” He starts as he softly rubs his lower back. “But in just a few more weeks he’s going to be gone.. and it’ll be kinda hard to hide me from your old man when he sees us on t.v. together.”

He co*cks up an eyebrow and gives him a little smile and an abrupt chuckle leaves Cody’s mouth as he looks away and runs his fingers through his hair.

“God, that’s true.. Teddy’s coming out after our match tonight to introduce himself. I’m sure my dad is going to call me to ask what that’s all about.”

He rolls his lips into his mouth to try and hold back his amused smile but Randy doesn’t hide his own and he has to force himself to not completely wrap himself around Cody and devour him with kisses as he watches the way the tips of his ears glow red.

“If you wanna keep looping with her I understand. I want you to do what you wanna do..” He continues as he reluctantly slides his hand off of the small of his back. “But maybe.. you can travel with her and stay with me?”

“I already paid for the week.”

Cody pouts up at him and Randy is quickly finding out he doesn’t give a single f*ck about anything else as soon as he sees that face. He cups Cody’s chin in his fist and puckers his lips at him.

“I’ll pay you back for that.”

Randy, you don’t have to do that.”

Cody scolds him but Randy is way too tickled by his proud scowl to take anything back.

“I’ll do anything for you.”

He whispers earnestly as he strokes his soft skin and leans his head as close as he can to Cody’s beautiful face; his golden lashes flutter the nearer he gets and his sweet suspire blesses all of Randy’s senses.

“Just think about it. Please.” He asks before he lets him go and runs his eyes all over his face; intrigued by the way the corner of Cody’s lips curl up into a flattered smile as he lets out a little hum before he nods.

“Alright. I should get back.. I’ll see you at the arena?”

He sticks his hand out for Randy to shake and he co*cks up an eyebrow at the gesture. They’ve gotten this far already; all thoughts of anyone else walking by are long behind him. He scoops Cody’s hand into his own and presses a quick kiss against it then throws it back to him and bolts away.. before he regrets his own childishness.

He only turns around once he reaches the entrance door and to his relief, Cody is still watching him from the other end of the hall.

“I’ll see ya!” He calls out as he throws his arms up and presses his back against the door; pushing his way out with Cody’s happy smile following him through the threshold.


Once I Saw Him - Chapter 14 - Anony_baby (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 6292

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.