Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (2024)

Node Enemy Classes Enemies & Difficulty Notes
Prologue Story only.
St. 1-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (3) A new Monster approaches:
Three <6k HP Saber mobs in a single wave.
Mandatory Mash Ortenaus + Guest Support only.
Master Skills start sealed for 1 turn.

New Monster Information

St. 1-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (7) Same lineup restrictions as before. Two waves of five <21k HP Lancer enemies should make this a relatively simple encounter.
Master Skills start sealed for 1 turn.
St. 2-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (10) A mini-boss encounter with a Saber-class Servant of ~315k HP. Note their charge attack is just an Extra attack.
Master Skills start sealed for 1 turn.
St. 2-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (13)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (14) A new Monster approaches:
A mini-boss encounter again with the Saber-class Servant. This time, a fodder wave of three 50-70k HP Rider mobs will lead the fight, followed by the lone Saber-class boss in the second wave. This time, the 2-bar boss must be defeated (164k, 202k HP), and they will use their proper NP (deals no damage, but drains NP Gauge and buffs themselves). Their first break removes all debuffs and fills their NP Gauge to max.
Master Skills start sealed for 1 turn.

New Monster Information

St. 3-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (19)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (20) A brief callback to the previous Lostbelt's enemies, this encounter is just a single wave of two ~77k HP Assassins and a single 119k HP Berserker.
Master Skills start sealed for 2 turns.
St. 4-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (24) A straightforward encounter with two waves, each with three Lancer-class enemies (1st wave: 35-39k HP, 2nd wave: 78-100k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 2 turns.
St. 4-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (27)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (28) More wolves and giants in two waves, each with three Assassin or Berserker enemies (1st wave: 45-57k HP, 2nd wave: 54-110k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 2 turns.
St. 4-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (33)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (34) Lizards and Giants in three waves, each with three Lancer or Berserker enemies (1st wave: 22-37k HP, 2nd wave: 31-62k HP, 3rd wave: 58-110k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 2 turns.
St. 4-4 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (39)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (40) This time the Lizards and Giants are in a single wave, one after another, totaling 10 of them. HP ranges from 21-107k HP.
Master Skills start sealed for 2 turns.
St. 4-5 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (45)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (46) Two large enemies in a single wave, one a Berserker (270k HP), the other an Assassin (318k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 2 turns.
St. 5-1 Story only.
St. 6-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (51) A single Berserker-class enemy Servant (564k HP). Their charge move is an Extra Attack. Battle ends after first break.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 6-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (54)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (55) A wave with a Saber Servant (183k HP, 214k HP) and a Berserker Servant (605k HP). Prioritize the Berserker Servant, as breaking them ends the battle.
- Avoid breaking the Saber as they will debuff the party after break.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 7-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (59)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (60) Two waves, the first with Rider mobs (25-27k HP), and the second with two Rider mobs (48-50k HP) with a break bar Saber Servant (183k, 227k HP). Upon break, they will increase their own Critical Rate for 5 turns.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 8-1 Story only.
St. 9-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (65) A single Berserker Servant with 2 HP bars (330k, 362k HP). Beware of their AoE NP attack. Upon break, they will increase their NP Strength and grant themselves Mental Debuff Immunity for 1 time each.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 9-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (68)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (69) Two waves of enemies, with the first wave consisting of three Rider enemies (45-47k HP), and the second with a boss Berserker Servant (378k HP) flanked by two Riders (75-78k HP). Breaking the Berserker's first bar is sufficient to end the battle.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 9-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (73)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (74)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (75) Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.

Boss Information

St. 10-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (80) Cleanup for some generic Rider mobs in two waves, ranging from 38-88k HP.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 10-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (83) A mini-boss encounter with a break bar Rider Servant (257k, 331k HP). Upon break, they will increase their Critical Rate five times (unremovable), and if their second HP bar gets low, they can also charge their bar by 2 and buff their NP strength. The latter effect can be skipped by bursting the boss down quickly.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 10-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (86) Two waves of Rider mobs with two enemies per wave, ranging from 50-105k HP.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 11-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (89) Another two waves of the same Rider mobs, this time with three enemies per wave. HP ranges from 28-85k.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 11-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (92) Three waves of three Rider mobs each, ranging from 12-86k HP.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 11-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (95)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (96) Mini-boss encounter with the Saber Servant. The first wave is a set of three low-HP Rider mobs (10-12k HP). The break bar Saber boss appears alone in the second wave (136k, 183k, 236k HP). Upon first break, the boss will buff their own ATK for 5 turns. During second break, they will decrease the NP Gauge of all frontline party Servants by 10%, as well as debuffing Arts effectiveness for 5 turns.
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.
St. 12-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (100) A Mini-boss encounter with an Assassin-class Servant (672k HP). The battle will end after breaking their first HP bar. A field effect will apply Guts to all the Master's Servants every turn. Watch out for the boss's NP, which will be filled to MAX every turn, and deals AoE damage + Curse. See the drop down for tips on the encounter (Note: Spoilers).
Master Skills start sealed for 3 turns.

Mini-boss Information

St. 12-2 Story only.
St. 13-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (104) A new Monster approaches:
A mini-boss encounter with a break bar Archer mob (371k, 342k HP). Note the mob has a permanent DEF down debuff on itself during this encounter, which should make it a bit easier to dispatch.
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.

New Monster Information

St. 13-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (108) Bring forth the tanks! A single wave of eight Archer mobs (24-80k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 13-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (111)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (112) Three waves with a mix of Archer tanks (50-104k HP) and Rider puppets (10-15k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 13-4 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (116)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (117) Another three waves with more of the same Archer tanks (52-131k HP) and Rider puppets (15-39k HP).
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 14-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (121) A new Monster approaches:
Two waves of the new Assassin mob, ranging from 57-145k HP.
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.

New Monster Information

St. 14-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (125) More Assassin mobs in two waves, from 67-156k HP.
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 14-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (128)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (129) A mini-boss encounter, with a Lancer boss in the second wave. The first wave contains low HP Rider mobs (20-28k HP). The second contains the break bar Lancer boss (220k, 234k HP) flanked by two Rider mobs (56k HP). Note the boss's charge move is just an Extra Attack. The boss will apply on-damage effects after break, none of which are particularly threatening.
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 14-4 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (133)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (134) The Lancer mini-boss returns, this time with a first wave containing the Assassin mobs (23-36k HP). The second wave contains the break bar Lancer boss (236k, 249k HP) flanked by one Assassin (89k HP). The boss's charge move is an Extra Attack. This time, on break, the boss applies DEF Down when normal attacking, and removes buffs when landing criticals.
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 15-1 Story only.
St. 15-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (139)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (140) Bring Sure Hit or Ignore Invincible skills / CEs or sources of Buff Removal to this encounter! This encounter has a single wave of 16 enemies, with mixed Rider (60-61k HP) and Assassin (21-35k HP) mobs. Beware that all mobs start with a buff that gives them an extra 1 NP Charge each turn. The Riders will buff NP Damage of allies upon death, while the Assassins have Evade (3 times) and Guts (50% HP, 1 time), both of which are removable. Given all enemies are bronze-rarity, Instant Death effects also work quite well.
Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.
St. 15-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (144) Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

Master Skills start sealed for 4 turns.

Boss Information

St. 16-1 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (147)Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (148) Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

Master Skills start sealed for 5 turns.

Boss Information

St. 16-2 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (152) Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

Master Skills start sealed for 5 turns.

Boss Information

St. 16-3 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (155) This encounter is with a Berserker Servant with a single HP bar (675k HP). They have crippling debuffs on themselves, lowering their own DEF and HP every turn, as well as draining their own NP charge each turn (they essentially can never use their NP). As a result, defeating the boss should be straightforward.
Master Skills start sealed for 5 turns.
St. 16-4 Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (158) Boss encounter.
Click the Boss Information below for specifics.

Master Skills start sealed for 5 turns.

Boss Information

Lostbelt No.3: SIN Spoiler-free Walkthrough (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.