Hyperlactatemia and the Importance of Repeated Lactate Measurements in Critically Ill Patients (2024)

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  • v.71(6); 2017 Dec
  • PMC5770196

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Hyperlactatemia and the Importance of Repeated Lactate Measurements in Critically Ill Patients (1)

Medical Archives

Med Arch. 2017 Dec; 71(6): 404–407.

PMCID: PMC5770196

PMID: 29416200

Amina Godinjak,1 Selma Jusufovic,2 Admir Rama,3 Amer Iglica,4 Faris Zvizdic,4 Adis Kukuljac,5 Ira Tancica,6 and Sejla Rozajac7

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer



The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence of hyperlactatemia and emphasis on repeated lactate measurements in critically ill patients, and the associated mortality.

Materials and methods

The study included 70 patients admitted in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at the Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo, in a 6-month period (July - December 2015). The following data were obtained: age, gender, reason for admission, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, lactate concentrations upon admission, after 24 and 48 hours, and outcome (discharge from hospital or death).


Upon admission,hyperlactatemia was present in 91.4% patients with a mean concentration of lactate 4.13 ±1.21 mmol/L. Lactate concentration at 48 hours was independently associated within creased in-hospital mortality (P = 0.018).


Persistent hyperlactatemia is associated with adverse outcome in critically ill patients. Lactate concentration at 48 hours is independently associated within creased in-hospital mortality and it represents a statistically significant predictive marker of fatal outcomes of patients. Blood lactate concentrations > 2.25 mmol/L should be used by clinicians to identify patients at higher risk of death.

Keywords: hyperlactatemia, critical illnesses, fatal outcomes


In physiological conditions, about 1500 mmol of lactate is produced daily from various organs, including the muscles, intestine, red blood cells, brain and skin (1). Lactate is metabolized by the liver (about 60 %), the kidneys (about 30 %), and other organs. Normal blood lactate concentration is around 1 mmol/L (2).One of the most important metabolic changes due to lack of oxygen is the Pasteur effect (3). Due to oxygen shortage, pyruvate derived from the anaerobic conversion of glucose cannot enter the Krebs’ cycle via acetyl-coenzyme A to produce energy (3). The conversion of pyruvate to lactate allows energy production without oxygen (3). This is the most important adaptive mechanism to survive hypoxia (3).

Hyperlactatemia is defined as a lactate measurement > 2 mmol/L, and is common in critical illness (4). Lactate should not be regarded as toxic or harmful by itself. Although frequently used to diagnose in adequate tissue oxygenation, other processes not related to tissue oxygen at ion may increase lactate levels (4). Especially in critically ill patients, increased glycolysis maybe an important cause of hyperlactatemia (5). Hyperlactatemia has been described as a hallmark characteristic of shock states (6). The metabolism of lactate in critically ill patients has also been associated with cellular inflammatory response (7). Repeated lactate measurements over time may be more useful for clinicians rather than a single lactate measurement for risk stratification in critically ill patients. Although the suggested optimal timing of lactate measurements is not precisely defined, the importance of repeated lactate measurements in critically ill patients is based on a time window in which the hypoxic cells return to a normal state if oxygen is supplied. Some studies reported that 6-hourly changes could be a useful guide (8, 9) while other suggest longer time intervals of 12–24 hours (10, 11). his time frame is the opportunity for the patient to receive treatment to save the cells and organs from irreversible damage.


The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence of hyperlactatemia and emphasis on repeated lactate measurements in critically ill patients, and the associated mortality.


Ninety-four patients were admitted to the 7-bed Medical Intensive Care Unit, Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo, between July and December 2015. Of these, 12 patients died within 24 hours of admission, and another 12 patients were excluded from the study due to incomplete laboratory data. The remaining 70 patients were included in the study. The patients were admitted from the emergency department or from a hospital ward. The reasons for admission were grouped in to five diagnoses: sepsis/septic shock, cardiogenic shock, respiratory failure, neurological and other causes. When multiple diagnoses were present, the leading one with the worst prognosis was selected as the main reason for admission. For each patient, the following data were collected: age, gender, Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II, lactate concentrations upon admission, after 24 and 48 hours, and at the clinical outcomes. Based on the clinical outcomes, patients were divided into two groups: survivors, a) patients who were discharged from the hospital, and b) non-survivors, i.e. patients who died during the hospitalization.

Statistical analyses were performed retrospectively and anonymously. Routine collection of data did not interfere with patient care and treatment in any way. Data were tabulated for continuous variables as means and standard deviation, and for categorical variables as absolute and relative frequencies. Logistic regression was done with lactate concentration categorical variable as the outcome measure in a single regression analysis. ANOVA test was performed for repeated lactate measurements at 0h, 24h and 48h. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine a cut-off value for the sensitivity and specificity of lactate concentration for prediction of mortality. Statistical significance was p ≤ 0.05. Graphically, data were presented in tables and figures. Data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows, version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).


Out of 70 patients included in the study, there were 44 (62.9%) survivors and 26 (37.1%) non-survivors. Baseline patient characteristics and survival prediction scores are presented in Table 1. Hyperlactatemia (serum lactate > 2 mmol/L) upon admission was present in 64 (91.4%) of the admitted patients, with mean lactate concentration 4.13 ±1.21 mmol/L. The reasons for admission and lactate concentrations at admission are presented in Table 2. Mean lactate level values in survivors and non-survivors are presented in Table 3. By using Anova test, the statistically significant difference was established in the mean lactate values at 0h, 24h and 48h between survivors and non-survivors.

Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics and survival prediction scores

Survivors (n=44)Non-survivors (n=26)P
Age (years)59.1±18.266.5±16.40.094
Malespatients, n (%)16 (36.3)11 (42.3)0.766
SAPS II43.1±11.564.5±16.80.0001
APACHE II19.4±7.228.0±8.30.0001

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Table 2.

Reasons for admission into the medical ICU and lactate measurements at admission.

ReasonsforadmissionPatients, n (%)Meanlactateconcentration (mmol/L)
Sepsis / septicshock16 (22.9)5.01 ±2.19
Cardiogenicshock15 (21.4)5.91 ±1.94
Respiratoryfailure24 (34.3)3.42 ±0.7
Neurologicalcauses10 (14.3)2.72 ±0.93
Othercauses5 (7.1)3.61 ±1.44

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Table 3.

Comparisonofmeanlactatelevels at 0h, 24h and 48h betweensurvivorsandnon-survivors. LAC= lactate concentration

NMean (mmol/L)SDSEM95% Confidence Interval for MeanMinimum (mmol/L)Maximum (mmol/L)
Lower BoundUpper Bound
LAC 0hSurvivors443,641,60,243,15964,13591,108,10
F=5.608; p=0.021
LAC 24hSurvivors392,401,49,231,91692,8883,708,20
F=8.784; p=0.004
LAC 48hSurvivors381,50,52,081,32811,6719,602,50
F=25.649; p=0.001

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To evaluate the effect of the lactate values on the patient outcome, regression analysis was used (Table 4).

Table 4.

Effectofthelactatevalues on thepatientoutcome LAC= lactate concentration

BS.E.WalddfSig.Exp(B)95% CI, EXP(B)
Step 1aLAC 0h,131,207,4011,5271,140,7601,711
LAC 24h,108,283,1451,7041,114,6391,941
LAC 48h1,900,8035,6061,0186,6891,38732,252

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Lactate concentration at 48 hours was independently associated with increased in-hospital mortality (OR 6.68, 95% (CI) 1.38 to 32.25, P = 0.018). Further analysis showed that lactate concentration at 48 hours represents a statistically significant predictive marker of fatal outcomes of patients (area under the curve of 0.874, CI 0.769-0.980 p = 0.001) (Figure 1). The cut-off value for LAC 48h was 2.25 mmol/L, with sensitivity of 0.722 and specificity of 0.921.


In our study, the mortality rate of critically ill patients, admitted to the medical ICU, was 37.1%, which is similar to or lower than the mortality rate reported in previous studies (12). Upon admission, hyperlactatemia was present in 91.4% of critically ill patients. Previous studies investigated the impact of hyperlactatemia on mortality in patients admitted to the ICU, and reported cumulative prevalence rates of 10 to 70% (13, 14). Such a high occurrence of hyperlactatemia at admission in the patients in our study might be explained by the possibility that they were admitted to the ICU at a more advanced stage in their clinical conditions.

In our study, the mean lactate concentration upon admission was 4.13 ±1.21 mmol/L in critically ill patients. A previous study showed that an initial lactate level of more than 4.0 mmol/L substantially increases the probability of acute-phase death (15). Kliegel et al. showed that their survivors had lower lactate levels on admission than that found in our study (16). In our study, patients with sepsis/septic shock had a mean lactate concentration of 5.01 ±2.19 mmol/L. Haas et al. found that the degree of hyperlactatemia was directly related to the severity of the shock state and to mortality rates (17). Previous studies in patients with sepsis confirmed the impact of persistent hyperlactatemia on the poor clinical outcomes (18, 19). Patients that with cardiogenic shock had a mean lactate concentration of 5.91 ±2.40 mmol/L. Previous studies in patients with cardiogenic shock showed that lactate concentrations decreased more in survivors than in non-survivors (20, 21). Increased lactate concentrations may be due to other factors than just cellular hypoxia (22). Use of beta-adrenergic stimulation may contribute to increased lactate production (22).

In our study, there was statistically significant difference in the mean lactate concentration at admission, after 24 hours and 48 hours between survivors versus non-survivors. Our results are consistent with those reported by Mikkelsen et al. (23). In spite of prevailing evidence that the lactate reduction influences the critically ill patient outcomes, there are five studies reporting no predictive effect of a decrease in lactate levels over time on mortality (24, 25, 26, 27, 28). Although they showed no effect on mortality, the study by Manikis et al (24) and Billeteret al (25) suggested a relationship between lactate concentration and morbidity outcomes.

In our study, lactate levels at 48 hours were the independent predictor for mortality, with a cut-off value of 2.25 mmol/L, and sensitivity of 72.2 % and specificity of 92.1%. The study by Kliegel et al. also showed that lactate concentration at 48 hours was an independent predictor for mortality. In their study, lactate levels higher than 2 mmol/Lafter 48 hours predicted mortality, with a specificity of 86% and sensitivity of 31% (16). The measurements of lactate concentration were spaced 24 hours apart (0h, 24h, 48h). Several studies report that a shorter time frame, ie. every six hour intervals in lactate concentration, could be a more accurate clinical guide (29, 30). In the study by Haas et al, lactate elimination after 12 h showed a good predictive effect on mortality in the ICU. In that study, the ICU patients whose lactate elimination was at 32.8%, had a mortality rate of 96.6% (17). Our study was observational, and as such did not include the effect of therapeutic interventions on the lactate kinetics. An interventional trial by Jansenet al. targeted a lactate decrease of at least 20 % in 2 hours for the initial 8 hours of treatment in ICU patients with an initial lactate concentration of≥ 3 mmol/L. This strategy was associated with a lower mortality rate for the lactate-guided therapy (31). In another interventional study, the patients were managed according to the same protocol by reducing lactate levels to <2.4 mmol/L. Failure to achieve this target was associated with an increased risk of infection, length of hospital stay, and mortality (32). Measuring blood lactate to assess the efficacy of therapy has also been shown by Rivers et al (33). A rapid rate of lactate elimination and an earlier time of resolution of hyperlactatemia has been associated with increased survival rate (34). Although changes in blood lactate kinetics were clearly significant after 6 hours in many studies and after 12 hours in most, it is currently not clear what the best time interval between lactate measurements should be. A decrease in blood lactate following a therapeutic intervention is a major indicator of the efficacy of the treatment. This means that repeated lactate measurement may be used as a guide to therapy. If blood lactate concentrations do not normalize over time, the need for alternative therapy should be considered.

Limitations of the study. Our relatively small sample size and being a single center study were limiting factors.

Advantages of the study. This study offers several advantages, including an objective basis for repeated measurements of blood lactate concentration and its impact on the clinical outcomes, especially focusing on critically ill patients. In our country not so much research in this field.


Blood hyperlactatemia is common in critically ill patients and at 48 hours is independently associated with an increase in mortality in hospitals and it represents a statistically significant predictive marker of fatal clinical outcomes for critically ill patients. Blood lactate concentrations> 2.25 mmol/L can be regarded by clinicians to identify patients at high mortality risk.

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Figure 1.

The receiver operating curve for lactate measurements at 48 hours after ICU admission, for predicting fatal clinical outcome.

Authors’ contributions

Conception and design: AG and AK; Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data: AR, FZ and SR; Drafting the article: SJ and AG; Revising it critically for intellectual content: AI, FZ and SJ; Approved final version of the manuscript: AI and IT.

Conflict of interest

none declared.


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Articles from Medical Archives are provided here courtesy of The Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hyperlactatemia and the Importance of Repeated Lactate Measurements in Critically Ill Patients (2024)


Why are repeat lactate levels important in the monitoring of the septic patient? ›

Measuring lactate levels provides useful information about the progression of the condition and the effectiveness of the treatment [3]. For patients already suspected of sepsis, measuring the lactate levels provides useful information on the severity of the condition and enables monitoring of disease progression [3].

Why would there be an excess amount of lactate in person suffering from heart failure? ›

The main reasons for the increase in blood lactate levels in heart failure patients include a decrease in blood oxygen being transported to peripheral tissues or a decrease in the tissue's ability to absorb oxygen [70], activation of the neurohumoural system (the adrenal and sympathetic nervous systems) [71, 72], an ...

When should lactate levels be repeated? ›

As increased serum lactate levels, lactate kinetics are associated with mortality [12], the Surviving Sepsis Campaign has suggested that hemodynamic resuscitation should be guided by repeated assessments of serum lactate levels at intervals of 2 to 4 hours until lactate levels normalize [13].

What is the significance of lactic acid in sepsis? ›

Conclusion. Lactic acidosis is common in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock and strongly correlates with illness severity and prognosis. However, it does not exclusively represent tissue hypoxia. It may indicate an adaptive response to metabolic processes of severe infection and response to therapies.

Why is lactate monitoring important? ›

To detect high levels of lactate in the blood, which may be an indication of lack of oxygen (hypoxia) or the presence of other conditions that cause excess production or insufficient clearing of lactate from the blood; this test is not meant to be used for screening for health status.

Why are lactate levels important? ›

If lactate levels get too high, your blood becomes too acidic. This can lead to serious health problems and a life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis. Many types of conditions can cause lactate buildup.

What is the role of lactate in cardiovascular disease? ›

Lactate promotes angiogenesis

The promotion of angiogenesis to ameliorate ischemia and hypoxia is beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular function in myocardial infarction (MI), ischemic cardiomyopathy (61), a compensatory period of myocardial hypertrophy (62), and chronic thromboembolic PAH (63, 64).

Does high lactate mean organ failure? ›

This most often occurs in the context of illness. As your blood lactate levels continue to rise and pH levels fall, your cardiac output is increasingly suppressed. This can lead to organ failure and death.

Can a high lactate level indicate an increased mortality risk? ›

High levels of lactate are associated with increased risk of death independent of organ failure and shock. Patients with mildly elevated and intermediate levels along with sepsis have higher rates of in-hospital 30-day mortality.

What is high lactate an indicator of? ›

Unfortunately, an elevated lactate level is typically a bad sign, portending increased organ dysfunction and mortality. The blood lactate level has gained wide acceptance as an important marker in the diagnosis of sepsis and septic shock and is useful in evaluating response to fluid resuscitation.

What disease is high lactate levels? ›

Lactate levels greater than 2 mmol/L represent hyperlactatemia, whereas lactic acidosis is generally defined as a serum lactate concentration above 4 mmol/L. Lactic acidosis is the most common cause of metabolic acidosis in hospitalized patients.

What is the lactate level for severe sepsis? ›

Current guidelines for severe sepsis and septic shock resuscitation recommend that patients with severe sepsis or septic shock with an initial blood lactate level twice above the normal limit (≥4 mmol/L) should be promptly resuscitated (15).

What is the mortality rate for lactic acid sepsis? ›

The mortality rate of patients with both hypotension and lactate ≥4 mmol/L is 46.1%, septic patients with hypotension alone is 36.7% and lactate ≥4 mmol/L alone is 30% (10).

What infection causes high lactic acid? ›

Severe infection (sepsis)

Any type of severe viral or bacterial infection can cause sepsis. People with sepsis may experience a spike in lactate caused by lowered oxygen flow.

What is the sepsis 6 protocol? ›

Q7. What is the Sepsis Six Care bundle? The UK Sepsis Trust developed the 'Sepsis Six' – a set of six tasks including oxygen, cultures, antibiotics, fluids, lactate measurement and urine output monitoring- to be instituted within one hour by non-specialist practitioners at the frontline.

What is point-of-care lactate testing sepsis? ›

Lactate is a non-specific marker of illness severity in acutely ill patients. 1 Lactate is usually present in low levels in the blood, and elevated levels can indicate either a protective or a maladaptive response to shock. Point-of-care lactate devices enable rapid assessment and should be used whenever possible.

What is point-of-care lactate monitoring? ›

Rapid testing of lactate in the emergency department in line with the sepsis bundles can be achieved with point-of-care (POC) testing, allowing for the implementation of a screening protocol in patients with suspected sepsis. POC testing allows for rapid testing with bedside results allowing for immediate intervention.

Why is the lactate system important? ›

During high-intensity activities, such as sprint races, lasting up to about two minutes or for the first 40 seconds or so of less intensive exercise (before the aerobic metabolism has been fully activated), the body uses the lactic acid system for energy.

What is the utility of measuring lactate levels in patients with sepsis and septic shock? ›

Lactate versus lactate clearance in patients with sepsis and septic shockOther Section. Repeated measurements of blood lactate levels after quantitative resuscitation can serve as a surrogate marker of patient's response to therapy and may be more predictive of mortality than the initial lactate value.

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