Don't Hold Me Up (I Can Stand My Own Ground) - HybridFire27 (2024)

Chapter 1: It's not the same Hope

Chapter Text

-In the werewolf cellar-

Landon sits in the blind corner of the cell he inhabited when he first came to the school. Listening to every sound he can. Trying to block out even the sound of his own breath.
With how the last couple years played out somehow small spaces seemed trivial. He hears three sets of shoes coming down the hallway and stands to address them as they turn the corner.

“So, are you ready to hear me out yet or is it still don’t trust the guy that killed the Hydra and Changeling spy day?” He raises an eyebrow.
Hey Jo, done with your masoch*sts tour of Mystic Falls High? Kaleb! Digging the new hair. And Dr. Saltzman, we have got to stop meeting like this. Am I not worth the full super squad press?

“Okay fine, let’s start with how you did all that?” Alaric hands him a water bottle through the bars.

“How is simple. The only f*cking rule of fighting a hydra is DO NOT cut off the heads and if you do, cauterize them. MG and his pet blood bag really screwed that one up.”
Landon paused to gauge their reactions. “Based off the tractor I heard earlier you finally finished burying it? The Changeling was tricky had to test DNA samples from all the new arrivals including the one with my face... I thought Hope would be the most challenging but surprisingly Gabby was way more elusive.” Landon trailed off and then asked. “Why are you surprised at my honesty? Or is it you were expecting me to... Ah blue calamus in the water neat trick Jo. But check this out.”

Landon pours the water down the drain in the cell. Before walking up to the door. He smirks at them and claps suddenly and he bursts into flames.

“No Landon!” He finally hears her voice.

“Relax Hope it’s purification flames. I finally cracked this Phoenix or fire elemental thing” the flames died down and he speaks. He smiles at her as she finally uncloaks herself, Lizzie, and Cleo.

“The gang I actually like is here, Dorian and Wade notwithstanding. Finally, we can get down to business. Ready to hear my tale or are you guys not done screwing around?”
They all exchange nervous glances before Lizzie pipes up. “Okay fine exposit for us mop head.”

"My money was on hobbit for your first insult Lizzie. But fine so first things first. My dad has the worst timing in the universe. He pulled me back into his dimension trying one last time to posses me, thinking I was still in the Prison World, but the attempt cut our connection since he pulled me over into the darkness from across the division in our realities. I was able to use a backdoor he left to taunt the Necromancer to escape the darkness. and was able to force a Psychopomp of my own to bring me back over here. Then I had to kill him so he couldn't bring any others over. Malivore is over in the prison world. But being a living pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension was trouble before he went and consumed the Necromancer and unleashed wild black magic around. Hope it wasn’t your fault. I’ll give you my blood to prove it.”

He bites the flesh on his wrist and starts bleeding into the water bottle. He screws the cap on and tosses it to Hope who's just finished blushing. Amused at her shock and Kaleb tracking the bottle the whole way. He lets the flames on the cut settle down before he continues. “So backtracking a bit, I finally got out of the darkness. I found him possessing a trio of my other mud-brothers and a sister he had spit out. Weird story short he doesn’t want to leave the prison world now that my connection has been severed.” He actually saw Josie's jaw drop at that.

"Yeah, when you aimlessly wander the world for non-trinity supernaturals to eat it gets kinda boring. But!" He says enthusiastically. "In a Prison world his hunger and compulsion don’t control him. They are bound to the earth itself. So, what does he want? Literally to enjoy his new empty world without anything to do. It’s surprising I know. But he released all but the worst world-ending monsters into the prison world as proof he wasn’t compelled by his original programming. That finally made me realize the reason he can only send one monster at a time is because it takes all of his concentration to release and program them for his bidding. So, is everyone still following me?"

To his surprise Kaleb asks the only question, “you said Phoenix fire elemental thing? Care to clarify”

“Oh yeah so the resurrection and wings aren’t the only thing I can do. Check it.” With a flourish of his hand, he turns into tendrils of flame and they very quickly dance through the bars and he reappears in human form behind Hope and plants a kiss on her cheek before turning around. “Walk with me people, time to see how the world seems to want to end at least once a decade in Mystic falls.

"Not so fast." Hope freezes him in place.
"Oh come on! if I were here to harm you I would have just now. or let the stupid hydra eat you all." Landon groans
"I’m not done here yet. How did you get your powers back?" Hope asked
"I knew I forgot something! I died." Landon drops deadpan.
Hope blinks as if he has three eyes and loses her focus on the spell “H-how?”
Turning around he looked in her eyes. Crushed in a landslide trap the first time, then starved a few times, dehydration a dozen or so times. Only killed by monsters a handful of times while I was getting the hang of my powers. But it passed the time. Turns out that arrow definitely killed me but the Necro brought me back in a pre-Phoenix transition like when you found me in the church with Raf."
"Landon you’ve only been gone a little over a month how did dying pass the time?" Josie asks.

Looking at the ground Landon reveals, “It wasn’t a month Jo, it was two years. Something happened to the prison world after the dark magic was released from the Necromancer. Its honestly a relief that it hasn't been 2 years for all of you. I only realized it when I was tracking a monster near the high school and saw the class year on the marquee" After a silence rivaling the Malivore dimension the floodgates finally open and he's bombarded with questions

Alaric- Two years what do you mean!?!
Lizzie- Are you sure how did you keep track?
Kaleb- How did time get messed up in the prison world?
Josie-Are all your powers fire based?
Kaleb- You still haven’t said how the monsters came back before you?
Lizzie- Why didn’t the Psychopomp bring this version of you?
Alaric- Why did you wait so long?
Hope-How could you not tell us?
Hope- Where have you been since coming back?
Cleo- Why didn’t you reveal yourself to me in the woods?

All their voices compounded by the echoing in the small concrete space was too much for Landon. He pushed them back with a wave of heat screaming, "ENOUGH!!!" He looked around with literal fire in his eyes before doing his fire tendril trick and disappearing into an air vent.

The squad sat dumbstruck before the fire sprinkler tripped to snap them out of it.

"Wow. I’m gonna go do a locator spell and speak to him. Alone." Hope states without asking for anyone’s approval.

-an hour later at Landon's secluded camp near the falls-

Landon is splaying his fingers, stoking and suppressing his campfire absentmindedly while he stares at the stars with his back against a stump. "I never really am that far from your sight huh?" Landon seems to ask the stars but Hope knows it’s directed at her.

"Not since it’s really you this time." She walks up to him tentatively.

"I don’t even know where to start this apology" she says earnestly. Her lip quivers. He shuffles over so she can sit next to him, but doesn't offer any other comfort. She sits next to him. looking into his eyes that were still turned up at the stars. "I shouldn’t have been so quick to accept the changeling as you. I’m disgusted at myself. I hate myself for not seeing it. I should have known. The signs were right there. It said it only remembered up to our night in the crypt. Then darkness, but I didn’t even ask about the note you left in the prison world or.” He heard her about to take a shaky breath and interrupted her. He unbuckled the leather armor he had fashioned slowly during his incarceration. He loosened the neck strap and revealed two necklaces, twinkling in the firelight.

“Or about these?”

And with that the tears broke through. Hope cried as hard as she did the first time she had seen him dead in the woods what seemed like ages ago. she couldn't help latching onto his arm. He let her cry, slowly stroking her hair until she got her composure back. She takes a ragged breath before she finally continues

"Landon I’ll understand if you don’t forgive me right now but please tell me it’s not impossible. I don’t think I could face a life as long as ours without knowing I can try. I'm not sure when I'll be able to forgive myself for being so blind. I don’t even know if I could have done what you did... please say something before I just cry all over again.”

"Hope I won’t lie to you. I will definitely be able to forgive you one day. It would be hypocritical not to. I’m a hypocrite as it is since I copied you and didn’t tell everyone I was back. But I was also scared of you seeing me like this. I've become... something else. And I don't mean my powers. I have had to be ruthless to find my way back. I killed without hesitation. I looked for answers all over the globe killing all manner of beings. I raided the New Orleans dark objects. Nothing useful there except a fireproofing one, kept me, my armor, and these," he bumps the necklaces. "Safe from dragon fire and my own powers. I’m never going back to Egypt by the way, long terrible story." He tried to joke but it fell flat.
She always saw right through him

"Landon why would that scare me? I have done things just as bad?" Hope tried to appeal to him

"It’s not the same Hope. You killed one human by accident. You have rid the world of literal Nazi vampire purists and the Hollow since then. Not to mention all the monsters slain and kids you've saved or helped find a place here"

Hope shivered not from the cold but from his tone regarding the worst year of her life. Almost as if admiring what she did.

"I killed nearly everything that moved Hope. Quickly when I could, sometimes slowly if they were particularly evil. Trapping and killing for practice. The monsters didn’t regenerate since they weren’t bound to the world, just released in it. It was the only way I thought I’d ever see you again. I’m scared that the next monster, or the next threat will set me off and I end up hurting the only family I have. I put on a strong devil-may-care face earlier for everyone... but I just can’t stand the thought of anyone seeing me like that. I also can’t stand you looking at me and seeing another monster." He let out a long exhale and the fire nearly went out.

She grabs his face with both hands, tearing his gaze away from the stars, and looks him dead in the eye. Tears seemingly run dry in hers. "I told you in that motel. You are a survivor. You are one of the strongest people I know. I cannot, and I will not give up on you for doing what you needed to survive. I’m sorry you had to face that alone. I don’t know if I could have and stayed sane."

Landon finally eased the tension hope hadn't even noticed was pent up within him under all the armor

"God, you have no idea how much I missed you," he deflates at the admission.
"I’m here now, and you’re stuck with me Landon. I love you." she says in a soft voice that she hopes still soothes him
"I love you Hope. I've been waiting two years to say that to you again "
They share a long overdue but short kiss. Landon then lays back and stares at the stars.

"We should get back before the rest of the squad gets impatient and track us down with pitchforks and crossbows." Hope says quietly

"Probably. Y'know I’ve slept under the stars, more stars than this, most nights for the last two years. I don’t know if I should go back just yet." Landon responded.

"If you want I can spell your room like the first time you came to Salvatore. Not quite the same but it's the least I can do" She said softly.

"I think I'd like that. Thank you Hope. For believing me, for loving me, for trusting me, for not giving up. And don’t start about the changeling. That’s not your fault it was made to take the place of those things desperately desired. I shouldn’t have let it go on that long. I'm sorry but I had to make sure it was the only one when MG and that human screwed up fighting the hydra I knew I couldn't afford to stand by any more." He reaches over and squeezes her hand.

He stands and starts packing his few things before absorbing the dying flames of the campfire. He helps Hope to her feet and turns her around.

"Before I keep an promise I made out loud to you, I should probably stay true to one I made myself. I know how much these mean to you, that’s why I kept them safe. So that when I found you again, I could give them back." He unclasps the necklaces and returns them to Hope’s neck, an amazing smile creeping onto her lips. "Oh, and you might want this." he hands her an obsidian ring and she looks confused.

"It's the dark object I mentioned, put it on and I’ll explain the older promise." She obliges and adds it to her hand and can feel it activate but can’t tell exactly what is happening. Just as she opens her mouth to ask Landon scoops her up in a princess carry and unfurls his fiery wings. Hopes eyes widen even as her blue eyes constrict their pupils to adjust to the sight.

"Wait right now?!" she nearly yelps.
"Why not? It’s a beautiful night and I’d rather fly navigating the stars than get muddy. Rookie mistake walking all the way out here." he teased.
"Well, when you put it like that..." She drapes her arms over his neck and mutters a charm to keep herself secured.
"Here we go." Landon says as he flaps his flaming wings downward and they are thrusted skyward. Landon is feeling bold being back on his real world so he flies high enough to where nobody can make out their bodies and does a lap around the town before gliding down to Hope’s bedroom window. Cleo hears the flames before the window opens and hardly believes what she sees. The same boy that’s a bust in the hall closet, in weathered bone and leather armor, with flaming wings, setting Hope on her feet as they slipped in the window. He gives her a nod before finally introducing himself. “Nice to meet you for real Cleo, I’m obviously Landon.” She shakes his hand slowly before he asks Hope. "Hope why don’t you go change before mud gets everywhere, I need to thank Cleo really quickly anyway." She agrees and goes to change in the bathroom.

"Thanks Cleo, for being there for her. I know she can be a lot but as much as she hates it, she needs people. And hey the last stranger she opened up to was me so take that as a massive compliment." He says with a friendly but forced smile.
"Thank you for saying that, Landon. Honestly, I did not know how I would react to meeting the son of the creature that wants to use me for what I can only assume is world domination." Cleo responds.
"Oh crap, did I not get around to telling you? It’s not my dad that wants to use you, it’s someone else. My sister. I’ll explain what we’re all up against tomorrow. You're safe for now. I'll brief the school at morning assembly."
Hope returns in pajama pants and a concert tee she had told Landon was her mom's, "Let’s go spell your ceiling." She says already in the hall. He follows her.

"Oh, Hope thanks but um, after you should sleep in your room." he says flatly.
"Oh, right yeah, totally, sorry. Why?"
"I don’t actually sleep on beds anymore... I sleep on my wings..."
"As in..."
"Yes, I can sleep hovering on fiery wings, the sound is actually quite soothing, like a tiny campfire."
"Oh... Okay. right I shouldn't have assumed"
"I’m sorry Hope but I’ll still need to adjust back to pre-apocalyptic life. I’ll see you after morning assembly. I need to talk to Ric first thing tomorrow."
"No actually its cool I understand"
"Thank you, for the spell and not pushing me too hard."
"Mhm." Hope hurriedly puts up the star illusion and goes back to bed after Landon kisses her forehead and says goodnight

Landon takes a volcanically hot shower, aided by his own flames and changes into clothes that weighed almost nothing. He welcomed the feeling back as he reclined back into the embrace or his wings and had a rare moment of true peace before sleep came for him.

Hope laid on her bed. Twirling the obsidian ring on her nightstand as she went over every word Landon had said to her earlier. She was kicking herself that she had so stupidly overstepped when she went to spell Landon's ceiling. It had been two entire years alone for him. She remembered how he reacted to being touched at the campsite. It must have been a couple hours before she finally grew tired enough to sleep.

-The next morning-

Everyone files into morning assembly taking their usual spots while Landon watches from the top of the steps. He briefed Ric about what he had to say and he actually believed him. He sipped on an iced cold brew he had deemed fair game from the teachers' lounge. Having pushed making anything remotely complex far out of his mind. He ran hot enough as it is.

After the general talking points Dr. Saltzman announced for everyone to give their attention to Landon. He glided down without using his wings, just a little fire under his feet for thrust.

"Hello everyone. For the newbies, I am Landon..." he hesitated for a split second. "Chelon. If nobody told you yet I am a Phoenix. Malivore created me to be his vessel. This," he held up a clover leaf. "Is blue calamus." He popped it in his mouth and swallowed it. "Okay. The threat we face is not Malivore currently, but another of my half siblings. I don’t know her real name but she came to be known as Pandora. She is the first being created from mud by him. She was sealed in an artifact sometime during the Renaissance. That artifact has since been in the hands of many of Human history’s most famous people, some good, some bad, some in the middle. Since she was the first, she has the strongest connection to the Malivore dimension and I believe she is who is bringing these new monsters over. Now this truth weed has another 30 minutes before I purify it so we’re gonna do this quick. Everyone who showed up gets one question. Take a minute to think then I’ll start going row by row." He turns to Alaric. "This is actually kinda fun."

The new kid he recognized as Gabby was the first to ask.
What was Malivore like?
Darkness incarnate, but eventually there was ice cream and I got to kill the Necromancer so *shrug*

Jed: So, he’s dead dead?
As far as I know he’s beaten to a pulp in the trippy ice cream parlor

Random Witch: What’s the biggest monster you saw over there?
A lion turtle taking up most of Crater Lake, Oregon

Wade: How did you get around without getting attacked?
Hot-wired cars before I learned to fly, I still got attacked

Pedro: When did you get your powers back?
After I died and reactivated my Phoenix side

Kaleb: How did you find the changeling?
Stole all the new folks' hair and tested them with silver nitrate, we might still have to test the rest of you at some point.

Lizzie: How are you a bigger monster nerd now?
Try living surrounded by nothing else for two years, you pick some stuff up in between killings

Josie: How was it safe to sleep?
It often wasn’t, but sleeping surrounded by Phoenix fire is a great deterrent

Random Werewolf: Were there other humans there?
If there were the monsters got them, I never saw any

Random Vampire: Did you meet any other phoenixes?
No but Malivore had to have gotten the idea for me from somewhere

Random Witch: How do you know these things?
I spoke to my father through a possessed group of 3 other half siblings

Hope thinking she’s tossing him a softball question: Why change your last name to Chelon?
Kirby was just the favorite martyr of the priest that found me at the church when I was abandoned. It means nothing outside of paperwork. I learned my birth mom died after she jumped into the pit. She had been shot and stabbed prior.They both winced. A lot of hands went down on that note, after a small pause he got another question.

Cleo: What does Pandora need to be inspired about?
I’m not sure. My best guess is how to not get re-boxed or fully take control of the monster dimension but I’m open to any theory. It does mean that there is likely no pit or portal this time around.

"Dr. Saltzman do you want the final question?" Landon asks.

"Yes actually. Would you like to return to school here?" he says with a smile

"Yes, but not as a student, I’d like to work here. I want to train everyone how to defend themselves. You’ve been talking and slowly integrating teaching offensive magic, but the vampires and wolves still need training. I’m not drafting anyone to the Squad but they should be ready for anything.

Alaric, Hope and several others looked surprised.
Ric leans in and whispers "Is that for the best?

"I’ve spent every day of the last two years surviving and honing my skills, if they're going to be here, they need to be able to defend themselves. We can talk about this later but we can’t be caught off guard again."

"Okay after this in my office."

"If that is all." Landon claps and purifies the last of the truth weed from his body with bright flames, much to the pleasure of the lower school students and newer students.

-In the office-

"I’m not saying you’re not qualified to show them I’m saying that you still should consider finishing school." Alaric seemed to miss Landon's point.

"Dr. Saltzman I appreciate that but don’t let the scruff fool you, I’ve barely aged a day since reactivating my Phoenix powers. I can get a GED or just go to high school any time from now to oblivion. There is always going to be time for that. Speaking of oblivion, I would like to have the golden arrow. I should be deciding where my murder weapon is or if it’s destroyed.

"Hope and Lizzie transmuted and destroyed it with Kol Mikaelson. Ask them for specifics."

"Well sh*t, there goes that idea. Okay so as far as teaching, is there a tryout, application? Did you bother to get me declared dead? And if so, why? Only Hope or you would report me missing and definitely not to the cops."

"Slow down you're still alive on paper and a tryout sounds good, meet me in the gym tomorrow before lunch"

Hope catches him on the way out. "Hey Landon are you sure about this?"
"Yeah, I’m sure Hope I’ve spent two years fighting; what’s a few hours a day keeping others out of them?"
"Oh okay” she looks up and sees is normally calming green-grey eyes flicking around the room. She gives him a hug, pinning his arms. She can feel him tense she quickly releases him. "I’m sorry for asking about the last name thing. I wouldn’t have asked if I’d known."
"It’s okay, I just didn’t want to pile onto our heart-to-heart at the falls. It was a long shot anyway."
"I’m gonna go to the Grill for lunch, wanna join?"
"That’d be nice. I missed real food."
"Wait what were you eating there?"
"Gas station food mostly. Tried different monsters occasionally but only if they were mostly animal. then it was all deer and ducks before the hydra fight." he says as if its totally normal.
Noticing the look on Hope's face after realizing he’s not joking is priceless. "I'll be right back then we can head out." He smirks and walks to properly greet Wade who was waiting eagerly nearby with Gabby.

Hope stood there stunned at the depths of what he had to endure. She left him inside to greet his friend and she briskly walked out to the garage to get some air and process just how terrible his ordeal had been

-To be continued in Ch. 2 You better have Answers-

Chapter 2: You Better have Answers


Landon finds a new supernatural in Mystic falls.
The twins ask a favor of Landon before his tryout.
Hope gets Landon to lower his guard a bit.


For continuity's sake this takes place in early November. This chapter is shorter since I wanted to start the next one with a fight.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

-At the grill-

Landon sits in the corner booth scanning the whole room while Hope puts their order in before joining him. They sit making small talk about what Landon may have missed in the world while he was gone for a bit before Finch drops off their drinks and fries.

"Hey! Five feet of trouble where ya been?" Finch greets with a polite smile.

Landon snickers at the name before Hope responds. "Family trip to Nashville. I’m sorry that I had to steal Josie away before. I wouldn’t have asked if there was anyone else."

"Why’s she needed so badly?" Finch asked

"Well..." She looked lost.

Landon cut her off. "Josie’s the only person the school knows fluent in Japanese. One of the more troubled kids reverted back to his home language during an episode and Jo was the only one who could reach him. It wasn't a fun time."

Finch looked shocked at everything he just said. "O-Oh well water under the bridge then." She stammered. She walked her section before heading in the back.

"Nice save Lan, I had nothing," she said thankfully

"No problem, but how did Jo meet a werewolf outside the school?" he inquired.

"A what?" Hope said with eyes wide.

"You couldn’t tell?" he inquired.

"What do you mean I couldn’t tell? Why would I be able to tell?" she said like he had accused her of something.

"You’re an alpha can't you like, smell it? I don't know." He continues. "She acts like you, Raf, and Jed do in a public space. Her senses are way too sharp for being in a crowded restaurant."

"Okay I’ll try when she comes back. And, I’ve told you a million times it’s an old bloodline, I’m not just alpha of everyone." she relents.

"Fair, sorry for assuming." he squeezes her hand in response.

Finch brings back their entrees and looks at Landon, "Thanks for telling me about Jo... I didn’t really think she had a valid reason to bail. I’m Finch Terrayo." She sticks out her hand.

"Landon, and five feet of trouble is Hope." he smiles and shakes her hand.

She gets flagged down by a much more crowded table before saying, "It was great to meet under better circ*mstances. I'll be right back with some refills."

"You are totally right, she does seem like a wolf, but I want to make doubly sure." They finish eating and Hope leaves her number and a note underneath her tip. It read, “I’m like you and would like to talk before the next full moon." with a line drawing of her birthmark.
Landon and Hope get into Walt's old truck and drive back to the school so she can get back to her classes.
They split for the day with a quick hug. Hope goes about her school day; while Landon works on his plans for training the remaining students. He finds the wolves and vampires are easy to plan, but hard to incentivize. While the opposite was true for the witches. They were always eager to learn and didn't need incentive, but he wasn't versed at all in the nuances of each of their magic. He makes a note to get a crash course on the specializations of magic from Hope. He's thankful the student body has shrunk otherwise he would be in way more trouble. Satisfied he had a decent lesson plan and regiment, Landon decided to do one final patrol before retiring for the night.

Hope gets a text from who could only be Finch as she’s getting ready for bed. Surprised he responded so soon, Hope reads what Finch has sent.

Finch- If you are like me, you better have answers
Hope- I have plenty of answers, but I will have questions in exchange
Finch- Fair enough, I’m off on Thursday where should we meet?
Hope- The old Lockwood mansion, 1 pm. Do you want Landon to be there too?
Finch- Is he like us?
Hope- No but he greatly respects wolves and our way. His foster brother was one
Finch- That’s fine.
Hope- See you then

The next day -Wednesday-

Landon is up at dawn; he dons his go-to weapons and his gauntlets, then flies a quick lap around the grounds. He lands gracefully back at his own window to find the twins waiting for him.

"Can't it wait ‘til I’ve at least had some kind of breakfast you two?" He questions while placing his weapons onto his desk.

Eye roll from Lizzie and scrunched face from Josie, check.

"We wanted to apologize and formally welcome you back." Josie hands him a cheese danish an sets a travel coffee on his desk.

"Thanks but no offense Jo, you should drink some first. I don't like being dosed into honesty."

An exasperated Lizzie finally speaks up, "Oh for crying out loud here." she takes a big gulp of the coffee. "Ask something I would lie about."

Landon shrugs. "Who was your first kiss?"

"None of your fire brained business. There happy?" Lizzie spits out at him.

"Yes, actually." he answers as he sips his coffee, "But there’s another reason you’re here. Spill." Then he takes a massive bite of the danish.

"Well, you remember the Merge, right? Our final plan if we couldn’t find a loophole was to flip a coin and the loser become a vampire, a heretic if you want to get technical. But since you’ve been learning your powers for so long... We were wondering if you knew if you had the ability to turn other supernaturals or humans into phoenixes." Josie asked in an unusually assertive tone.

"I suppose it’s a major upgrade from needing a daylight ring and blood." Landon ponders at the proposition.

"Our thoughts exactly. This isn't a Cleo idea either, this was all us" Josie responds with a smile.

"Well, there have been plenty of fights where creatures were in contact with my blood. but they weren't exactly human, or one of the big three. Did the sample I gave Hope turn up anything interesting?"

"Besides that you are in fact unaffected by Hope's blood. No, unfortunately it didn’t." Lizzie answers with a grimace

"Well IF, and it’s a big if, I can turn others I would assume it’s a more involved process than drink die drink like a vamp. I haven't really thought about it. I was born/created as a phoenix. I don't know if I can even pass it on genetically, but there are a couple people I could ask to look into it. They probably already took a swing at the merge too so no promises. Of course it falls on you two to convince your parents. I don't want my first meeting with your mom to be after you've died and come back in a burst of flames."

"Thanks Landon. We really appreciate you considering it, and it might not be for a while but we couldn't just keep this to ourselves." Josie stated, almost relieved.

"You’re welcome, now can I please have my room back? I have morning routines too." They leave and Landon showers and dresses quickly before seeking out Hope. Finding her on her way out of the cafeteria

Landon calls out to her, "Hope, got a sec?"

"Yeah, what’s up?" she responds

"The rest of your family remember you right?"

"As of two months and some very angry facetimes ago yes, they do." Hope cringes at the memory.

"Cool, could you set up a meeting between me, Freya, Kol, and Davina? Maybe Rebecca too but I’m not sure yet. It can even just be a Skype call."

"Uh yeah why?" Hope looked very concerned.

"I want to pick their brains about Malivore and Pandora. Older the witchy brain the better. Also, the twins wanted to know if I could turn others into phoenixes as a backup plan to the Merge." He stated directly.

"Oh, wow okay I’ll let you know. I should ask Keelin too, for the turning others into phoenixes part. She's a genius when it comes to magical biology. What did you tell the twins?"

"I told them its definitely better than one of them becoming a heretic. And that they have to convince their parents, if I find a way. Thanks Hope. Wait a sec, your family... They do know about me right?" Landon asks, realizing he might be biting off more than he can chew.

She purses her lips and answers. "My aunts do, I told them not to tell Kol and Marcel, I didn't want them to come to town and put your resurrection to the test."
"I appreciate that, I've gotta go beat up Dr. Saltzman to lock down this job. I'll come find you later." He says giving her a quick hug before taking off toward the gym.

-In the gym-

"I didn’t think you would invite an audience Dr. Saltzman" Landon notes, looking at the dozen or so kids that have joined the werewolves to watch.

"I didn’t, but I'm willing to bet Lizzie has Gabby running the books." Alaric responds.

That earned a chuckle from Landon. "If a job wasn't already on the table this would be a fun betting opportunity. Ready to do this?"

"Probably not, hand-to-hand or weapons?" Alaric inquires.

"Headmaster's choice, though a whip wouldn’t be great in a small space like this so if you want to do staves it’ll be fine my me. " Landon mocks stretching out.

"Staves it is, come at me". Alaric states as he takes up a defensive stance.

A small smile comes to Landon's lips he swings his staff at Ric, trading blows easily but just as they get a rhythm, he flashes his eyes in bright green flames and stuns Alaric long enough to trip and pin him on the mat. His staff pressing against the headmasters chin.

"Cheater. Did Hope tell you to do that?" Alaric groaned.

"You never said anything about powers, and that wasn’t even as bright as an actual flash bang." Helping him up they go another round with staves without Alaric landing a blow and several hits to his limbs. They then switch to hand-to-hand combat. After yet again going blow for blow and not getting hit, Landon lets him throw several punches unblocked before displaying his newly enhanced strength. He picks Alaric up and sets him to the side before punching the heavy bag halfway across the gym. Alaric finally admits he’s plenty skilled.
Battered and tired, Ric observes Landon hardly breathing hard and definitely not sweating. "Am I officially getting old, or are you freakishly not tired?" he manages to exhale.

"Oh, I totally forgot, here take this, it’s better than vampire blood." With that he holds out a small fireball about the size of a ping pong ball. Alaric looks tentatively at Landon before picking it up, the flames wash over his body in a small harmless wave before reaching his feet and dissipating. the ball he held slowly shrinking the entire time.
"Wow, I feel better than I have in months." Alaric exclaims, stretching out his hands and neck.

"Yeah, it’s pretty neat, came in handy when interrogating the sentient monsters over there. I promise to only use it for good, no intentionally hurting the kids. And if you think that I haven't thought this through. Check this out." Landon presents him with a small binder divided in three sections. "Lesson plans for the first couple months."

"If Caroline were here you'd be hired just off this." He claps Landon on the shoulder before continuing. "Well on that note I’ll go get started on your paperwork. It’s good to have you back Landon" and shakes his hand. Landon exaggerates a bow to the crowd that watched and then went outside to get some much needed quiet.

Hope was in the teachers' lounge making copies of important information to give Finch when Alaric walked in. "Well, your epic love is definitely an epic fighter now Hope." She shifted slightly at his tease before she responded.
"He seemed in control, right? He mentioned he was scared he would be set off and go into a blood rage or something. Did he happen to mention um... anything about me and him?"

"Honestly, he was a stone-cold operator after the first round. I believe his theory that between the dimension within a dimension paradox and a ton of black magic that time is accelerated there is true. I wasn’t exactly pushing him to his limits so I can’t speak to his control. And no, you and your relationship didn’t come up. But I wouldn’t worry. The only time he looks like his old self is when he’s with you. Give him time to adjust. He still loves you. Of that I have no doubt."

"I just keep feeling guilty that our pains aren’t equal. He was alone for two years and we were on the warpath for all of three weeks before we stopped looking and the Leprechaun came. And even after he found his own way back he couldn’t trust us. I just... I don’t know how to be around the new him."

"Hope, just take it one step at a time. You can’t expect everything to click back into place perfectly. For you or for him. He has been through enough to break most adults let alone a teen. Just be there for him, tell him you can get through anything together."

She lets out a heavy sigh, "Thank you Dr. Saltzman I really needed this talk."
She took her leave and went back to her room to file the information for tomorrow before heading down to the dock to reflect on what she should do. In her room she notices the obsidian ring still sitting there softly glistening in the daylight. It looked much more interesting than in the black of night. She tosses it into her pocket and begins her stroll to the dock.

She arrives to find Landon in a sort of flame hammock created by one of his wings while the other absentmindedly flapped and flexed as if it were ready to engage or flee at a moments notice. In her haze of seeing Landon like that she made enough noise for him to notice and in the blink of an eye he was out in the middle of the lake. Wings fully spread as he looked back at the dock. Realization dawned on him as he floated softly back down and landed next to her before sitting and dangling his feet off the dock beside her. An awkward silence growing that neither of them was familiar with. Hope figures she interrupted so she should speak first. Finally cutting through the silence.

"Sorry for startling you I didn’t know you were going to be here. I just came out here to think. I'm guessing you did the same?" She says with a half smile.

"No it’s fine just a reflex... And quite the opposite actually. I missed this place. It’s dried out in the prison world. I needed to clear my head from all the looks on peoples faces." Landon replied.

"You know if you don’t want to talk about that place. It’s okay. I understand needing time to process. I'm not the bastion of the concept, but I understand." she joked dryly.

"Thank you for that. But honestly I’ve been numb to everything but surviving and getting home for a long time, so it’s all a bit much being around... Normal-ish people right now."

"There had to have been things besides the night sky to keep you going." Hope nudges him.

Landon replies with a small smile, "Well New Orleans was overrun with giant frogs. That was a hilarious sight."

"Giant like a frisbee?"

"Giant like a pickup truck."

"You’re joking. Please tell me you’re joking. That's so gross." Hope crinkles her nose at the thought.

"I wouldn’t lie to you about your home. It was actually the funniest part of my first few months there. Took me a while to sift through the files and see if I could use any of the dark objects. So I would watch them from the roof of the Mikaelson compound before going hunting, they were energetic. The one in the courtyard of the Compound was particularly ornery."

"Well hey at least you got to see my family home. I promise to give you a proper tour of it and the city over winter break"

"I’d like that. If I can handle the crowds by then."

They both gaze out over the calm pond. Their long, reflective pause broken by Hope resting her head on Landon's shoulder before she asked, "Is it comfortable lounging around on your wings like that?"

"Incredibly so, it's easier than you'd think. I was worried I'd crack my head open once I tried to sleep like that. But it feels, natural almost."

"The way they were contorted looked like it might hurt." She said concerned, but not wanting to overstep. This seemed like a happy medium of small talk and learning about his new reality to her.

"They’re magical manifestations of fire, if they were real wings that would probably be true but no it’s just like a warm, levitating sleeping bag. Wanna try them out? Eventually I mean. Only if you want to..." he averted his eyes back to the water at that last comment.

"I’d love that actually. Cleo likes the cold and I’ve been trying to be an accommodating roommate but the fall chill doesn't help." Hope looks at her phone and realizes the time. "I have to get to class and turn in a project, but come I’ll come find you later."

They stand and she runs her hands through his curls before kissing him on the cheek. The scruff looks pretty good on you, but you might want to ask Josie to cut your hair. Or go into town if you're feeling up to it."

"Oh god I haven’t even thought about it! I’ve just been cutting it with a knife when it got unruly." Landon runs his own hands through his hair. They both laugh before Hope walks away. Leaving Landon back to his own devices.

-That evening after dinner-

Landon is laying on his old bed reading his journal from before he was pulled back into Malivore. Trying against everything to regain the clarity and faith he held years ago. He hears a soft knock at his door, “It’s open.” He calls out.

"Hey Hope. What's up?" Landon greets her.

"Not much just wanted to check in. So you do know how to use a bed still?" She tries to breach the awkwardness.

He half smiles, “Yeah it’s better than burning the last journal of my time pre-Malivore trying to float and read."

"Fair enough." She sighs while sitting by his legs. "How was the rest of your day after the dock?"

"If I’m being honest, not great. I tried doing a lot of stuff from before. I went to familiar places, tried familiar activities. Gonna need to restring my guitar... I even went and put the fear of god into MG about Ethan, the ascendant, and the Hydra getting way out of hand. But it all just felt so... hollow? Foreign? I don’t know." He looked down at his hands to gain a little composure.

"Landon nobody is expecting you to be the same, or be even close to okay in less than a week. Least of all me... Look at me." She shakes his leg before he meets her gaze. "The other shoe you are waiting on, that’s Pandora and the monsters. Not any of us. There is no other shoe with the people who love you. So please hear me when I tell you we will get through this. Whether it’s you and me against the world or us against whatever stands in our way, we can get through it together. I love you."

Landon finally breaks and sits up and pulls her into his arms. The tears falling silently but freely from his eyes into her shoulder. She strokes his long unruly curls until he finally composed himself to say, "I love you. I love you more than I thought possible. I'm sorry that I'm... this mess of a person now. But I'm going to try and do a little better everyday." He finally looks up and sees tears in her eyes to match his. They share a brief and emotional kiss before just enjoying the embrace. They lay back and after what seemed like hours Landon says. "It's been a while since I fell asleep not on fire, you might want to head back to your room in case I ignite in my sleep. If you want to try out sleeping on my wings I can go grab the ring from your room."

A wily smile appears on Hope’s lips. "Way ahead of you." and pulls it out of her pocket. Wiggling it onto her finger. "Razor sharp volcanic rocks are a girls best friend after all."

Landon's eyes go wide. "Wow the first jewelry I give you and it’s a magical object to not burn you to a crisp. I really am out of it."

Landon stands up and goes to the middle of the room holding out his hands to her. "Well nobody wants to be the four different necklaces girl so it’s perfect really. She teases while taking his hands.

At that he scoops her up and jumps backward, landing on the cushion provided by his wings. Earning a rare yelp of surprise from the tribrid. "Wow you’re right this is way better than any school bed." she looks around making sure the room isn’t on fire

"Yeah definitely a one of a kind perk."

"I thought it would smell... woodsy? Like a campfire. But there’s nothing but you. I love this. Thank you for sharing this."

"Anything for you." he kisses her forehead as they drift off to sleep for the first dreamless night they have shared in far too long.

-To be continued in Ch. 3 In the Face of Eternity-


Edited/formatted this morning while watching 3x13. No-nonsense Landon is a nice change. Hopefully I can get all I've written posted during hiatus 2. Comment monster ideas if you have them, I have a few already written but I like new ideas.

Chapter 3: In the Face of Eternity


A monster rears its head for the first time since the Hydra.
Hope and Landon go recruiting.
Super Squad games out the final fight.
Hope gets a texting buddy
Big angsty monologue

Chapter Text

-The next day, Thursday-

Landon stirs with the dawn to see Hope’s deep blue eyes gazing at him. “Good morning.” He half yawns.

“Good morning. Um how do I get down? I have to use the restroom.” That earns a hearty chuckle from Landon as he lowers the wing under her to the level of the desk. He stretches as he orients himself upright and goes about his morning routine of push-ups and crunches. Hope returns disappointed he is not still floating and starting his day.

“Well now I’m going to be disappointed sleeping in beds.” She jokes.

“They aren’t all bad.” he responds after burning the soreness out of his muscles. “Hey I’m gonna go patrol and shower before breakfast. Ric also wanted to talk before we have to meet up with Finch later but after that I’ve been working on a new theory I want to run by the super squad. Could you let them know?”

“Yeah, no problem. I’ll see you for lunch? You can fly us to the Lockwood mansion after.” Hope says with a smile.

“It’s a date.” He finishes putting on just the essential parts of his armor before he squeezes Hope’s hand before releasing it and taking an exaggerated swan dive out his window to patrol the school grounds.

Landon is just about to wrap up his patrol but on his final pass he spots something that doesn’t belong and flies closer to investigate. A half mile or so from his normal patrol route he comes upon a large nest built between 2 large twin trees. He hovers closer to inspect and sees bones of various wild animals. Just as he is about to land and inspect closer, he hears several branches snapping behind him, followed by shrill screech. He turns his body and catches the creature by its outstretched talons. He smiles with an idea. He flashes his eyes as bright as they will go. The feathered humanoid thrashed about blindly before Landon turns them both around and slams his fist into the chest of the creature. The force of its punch sends it tumbling into its own nest, dislodging it from the trees and sending what he assumed was a harpy or fury crashing to the ground with a heavy thud. Before it could even recover from the impact, Landon had it by the throat and was flying toward the front driveway of the school. His wings burning brighter the more speed he gained.

-Back at the school-

Hope sat in the great hall with the twins, Cleo, and Kaleb. The girls all sipping their coffees and Kaleb a blood bag. She was lost in thought about what to do next, she wasn’t used to being on the sidelines, not the one running point on protecting the school. Finally, Kaleb snapped her out of it. “Hope! Did thousand-yard stare get added to your tribrid powers or something?”

“Sorry was brainstorming what to do next-”

She was interrupted by a slam outside the hall windows and shouting she couldn’t quite make out. Kaleb popped out of his seat and chuckled. “Looks like Landon found this week's monster let’s go.” He vamps outside to see Landon with the creature pinned under his boot and his wings roaring flames onto the creatures own, causing increasingly desperate screeches from the bird creature.

“Finally, backup,” Landon says. “Go fetch Ric and ask him to see if harpies or furies talk, I've got this under control.” Kaleb looks dumbfounded but follows the order without a word. The rest of the squad splits to let Kaleb pass and they all give him incredulous looks.

“What? Is there something on my face?” Landon asks jokingly

“Uh dude, your eyes are green fire right now.” Lizzie blurts out

“Oh right, he shakes his head closing his eyes, the flames of his wings died down slightly and when he opened them, they were back to normal. Can I get a hand with this thing, maybe a sleep or binding spell?” The four witches snap out of it and comply knocking out the creature and locking its winged arms that were burnt and nearly unrecognizable. “Thanks for the assist. Landon says very nonchalant while shaking burnt feathers and ash out of his hair. I’m gonna go eat breakfast and get cleaned up, do you gals need a hand getting it to the holding cell?”

“Uh no I think we can handle it.” Hope states, somewhere between annoyed and concerned.

Landon thanks them and strides past as though he’s just coming back from the store. Once the creature is locked up the four of them are walking to class and Lizzie finally starts laughing to break their collective silence. Earning her side eyes from the other three.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just, last summer he’s self-destructing at the docks and now he’s capturing monsters before breakfast. I mean come on it’s hilarious!" Lizzie looks up and sees a clueless look on Hope and Cleo's faces and a grim one on Josie’s face in contrast. “Aaaand you didn’t know that. I really need to work on my timing... Bye.” She rushes away dragging Josie by the wrist.

Cleo puts a hand on her shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not right now, and not to be rude, but not with you. It’s just a conversation I need to have with only him.” She admits.

“Okay well after if you need to talk, I’m here.” Cleo

“Thanks Cleo, I will.” Hope regathers herself and goes to class. Questions still rattling in her head. She debated wolfing out before or after meeting Finch.

-Later at the Lockwood Mansion-

Landon and Hope land near the entrance to the grounds and sit on the fence to wait. They talked a little about what Alaric had told them regarding recruiting her. Don’t force it, be direct, but don’t overwhelm. Typical overbearing adult stuff. Then they simply enjoyed the quiet around them. Before Hope couldn’t take it anymore and broke it.

“How come you never told me about what you did at the dock while I was in Malivore? Lizzie blabbed after the thing you caught earlier...” A little more anger than Hope meant to let out came across in her tone.

“Why didn’t I tell you? Or why did I do it?” Landon inquired. Annoyingly neutral about it at the moment.


“As far as not telling you; I didn’t want to pile onto whatever you were already feeling with everyone remembering you. I didn’t want to burden you or add to whatever pain you were dealing with. After that, things just spiraled into a mess where there wasn't a good time. The old prison world, Demon-Jo, the Necro, then Raf, our fight, and finally me getting sucked into Malivore and a hellscape prison world for two years. When exactly do I drop the bomb 'Hey babe! I drowned myself dozens of times over the summer just to see a fragment of a memory of you? Want to go get a shake, maybe see a movie?!’ No thanks Hope. I’d rather enjoy the fleeting moments of peace we had!”

He hadn’t realized he had raised his voice.

Her heart dropped when he said dozens

“Landon... I don’t...”

“The why I did it can wait ‘til after we talk to Finch.” Landon cuts her off.

Hope spotted her moped rounding the bend. Gathering her composure to focus on their mission.

Finch parked and left her helmet on the seat.

"So why here? Trespassing isn't really my thing.” Finch asks to neither of them in particular.

“This is where one of the oldest Werewolf lines lived before dying out a little over a decade ago. It’s the closest thing to a wolf den in town next to the school.” Hope answered.

“Oh, cool. I guess. I’m not exactly sure where we should start this.” Finch admitted.

"Tell us what you’ve pieced together so far about werewolves. That’s as good a place to start as any.” Landon encouraged. He ushers her to start walking with them toward their destination.

“Well, I’ve turned on the full moon every month for the last 3 years. I’ve figured out chaining myself works best. Lately in the tunnels under the school. My third turn I got loose from a cage and tore through a herd of cattle. Silver doesn’t affect me, and I heal pretty quickly. Any book I find is more fiction than what I experience.” She looked at them like she had done something wrong.

“Would you like me to start from the beginning of the werewolf curse or just give you what is pertinent to you?" Hope asks.

"The cliff notes is fine for now.” Finch responds.

“Okay well the descendants of an ancient tribe of Native Americans are the only ones who can become werewolves. It’s in our DNA, our blood. It’s no longer a curse but a species. You activate the curse when you take a human life.” Hope paused letting Finch walk a few paces ahead. “So, before we get into who we are, tell us, who did you kill?” Hope put some authority into the question so she wouldn’t try to avoid it.

“My step dad... was an abusive ass. He was dragging his daughter upstairs by her ponytail one day and I snapped. I kicked him in the nuts and shoved him down the stairs. He hit his head hard. I called 911 but it was too late. He was dead way before they got there. After I got cleared by the police, I went home. The next week I was walking back from work when I started to turn. I was able to make it into a wooded area. It took an hour before I finished turning. Getting home naked was almost as bad. Luckily my family didn’t see me. My mom had gotten back with another sh*tty ex already so I left. Got emancipated, and I found a cheap room to rent here two years ago and haven't left.” Finch looked like a weight was taken off her shoulders.

“You were defending the weak, your family. People who go after kids are scum. We can help you with control. In and out of your wolf form.” Landon half-smiles to let her know they are genuine.

“So that’s my story. Just who are you guys?

“Landon Chelon. I’m a Phoenix, and this is Hope Mikaelson."

"My mom was the Alpha of the Crescent pack in Louisiana. From a line older than even the Lockwoods. My dad was the original werewolf hybrid hailing from the Northeast Atlantic pack.” Hope said, masking the pain in the admission.

“Hybrid of what? And seriously a Phoenix? You don’t look feathery”

“He was a werewolf/vampire hybrid and before you ask you do NOT want to know how to become one.” Hope warned.

"And yes, I’m a Phoenix. You should learn looks can be deceiving.” He activates his wings and Finch takes a step back. He lets his wings shrink into his back.

“I’m a tribrid, a born witch. With vampire blood permanently in my system and the werewolf curse. I’ve only triggered the wolf though.” Hope states and then makes some glowing orbs dance around Finch.

“Who did you kill?” Finch’s guard is back up.

Hope sighs before answering. “In wiping out a Nazi vampire nest I accidentally killed a human they had secretly stashed away. It was an accident, but I was out to kill that day. The Nazi part is a very long story.”

“Damn, well if they’re all dead then I won’t pry.” Finch responds.

"Thanks Finch.” Hope smiles softly at her.

“So, on not quite so heavy a note we are here. According to Ric these are turn cellars the Lockwoods used, historians claim they're slave quarters but they don’t know about supernaturals so they didn’t dig into them too much. We thought you should see that there are better options than the school tunnels if you don’t want to accept our offer.” Landon leads the way down the stairs.

“Woah these are way better than that smelly tunnel.” She says dangling the reinforced shackles on the walls of a cell.

“Yeah, I burned out all the overgrowth when I stayed here during the stormy nights. Another long story, this is about you though.” Landon gets back on track.

“What offer were you talking about?” Finch recalls.

“An offer for you to attend the Salvatore school. You could be around other wolves, but there would also be witches and vampires. We’re kind of oddities at the school.” Hope admits.

"I guess I’m a teacher now too.” Landon beams.

“Seriously? What do you teach?” Finch looks like he said he played professional basketball.

“Self-defense for starters, thinking about adding tracking and stealth. Maybe even fire safety as an elective.” Landon jokes and both girls roll their eyes at him.

“Is there a catch? This seems like a situation with a catch.” Finch asks anxiously.

“Kinda, you are welcome no matter what. But... occasionally a mythical creature will attack and we have taken on the responsibility to stop them. Another long story. We have a team in charge of facing them. The two of us, three witches, a vampire, the pack alpha, and sometimes a fairy. It’s strictly on a voluntary basis but it sometimes effects the whole school. You absolutely do not need to be involved with us and can focus on learning about your race and school itself.” Hope answers, ending on an awkward note.

“The fact I can tell you’re serious is concerning.” Finch is looking them both over now.

“You can take a few days to think about it. Here’s my number, I know you already have Hope’s. Text us anytime. Hope grew up in this world, but I grew up a lot like you so if we can help, we want to. Also don’t worry about tuition the headmistress has compelled, vampire mind controlled, several terrible people to donate whenever asked to support lone wolves, pardon the pun.” Landon handed her a generic Salvatore school card from his pocket with his cell phone number on the back.

“Um, even if I decide not to attend... could we still... be friends? It’s nice having people to talk to who really see you. Even if it's just in passing at the Grill.” Finch asked looking at her boots.

“I’d like that.” Hope says

“I think so too.” Landon agrees.

“Any questions before we take off? Literally and figuratively. Oh and here is some reading material.” Hope hands her a folder then starts back up the stairs. They reach the top before Finch asks her first question.

“Just a couple that are important the rest can wait. I’m used to turning, but are there ways to... help the pain?”

“There are magic rings that can eliminate the need to turn, but they are extremely rare and the spell to create them is lost. Hybrids like me and the wolves from the Crescent pack can control their turns, but the pain doesn’t go away without concentrated effort and several marathons of turning to become numb to the pain. If you want, I can coach you through your next turn.”

“That would be helpful. I don’t know what I was expecting, but thanks for being honest. Are there things I should be on the lookout for that’re like... werewolf kryptonite?"

“Aconite, or wolfsbane, will burn you like acid on contact, also you heal and are stronger, but wolfsbane will severely limit your power on top of the pain. You can still be hurt beyond healing without the wolfsbane though, you’re not all Wolverine.

That earned a genuine smile from Finch. “I knew we’d be fast friends LC. Logan and X-23 are my favorite characters.”

“Oh, just Landon is fine. I actually just changed the last name this week.” Landon rubbed the back of his neck.

“I’m sure that’s a long story too?”

"You have no idea.” Landon and Hope say in unison.

“Last question... Josie... she went to your school. So, she’s supernatural. Why did she transfer out? What is she?” Finch seemed the most nervous about this question.

“She’s a witch, but as to why she transferred out that is her story to tell.” Hope half answers.

A decent lull in the conversation passes as they approach Finch’s moped.

“Thanks for this guys, really. I’ll text you to swing by the Grill when I decide so I can tell you in person one way or the other.” Finch awkwardly shakes their hands.

She mounts her moped and drives off, leaving the two in awkward silence. A cold breeze passes before Landon speaks first. “That went pretty well for my first recruitment mission I’d like to think.” Landon says smiling.

“Yeah, LC it went great. Better than my last werewolf pickup.” She teases. “We should get back though. And we are finishing that conversation tonight.”

“I’d call that mission a wash after everything." Landon says sarcastically. "But I wouldn't change it. Raf is exactly where he wanted to be after all this time and my life is so much more than I ever thought it could be. Is that a hint of jealousy I heard? No cool code name for Hope? I never assumed otherwise about our talk."

“Not jealous, I just don’t like that I didn’t think of it first. I like the name change by the way. Fits your new fire-ninja skill set. If Seylah found her way back to the light after a life like hers and Malivore, so can you.

“Thanks Hope, that really means a lot. Ready to get back?” Landon extends a hand out and wraps her up. They ascend and Finch sees them fly off in the direction of the school before heading back into town.

-Super Squad Meeting-

Landon starts off the meeting, “So guys I wanted to run a theory by you for how to potentially kill Malivore and Pandora if we can’t just re-box her”

“Whadya got?” Alaric asks raising an eyebrow

“So, we only know three people that have gone into Malivore and gotten immediately spat out. Me, most likely because I was with Hope. Hope twice, and Kai. My theory that it isn’t just tribrid blood that’s able to destroy the dimension. I think if blood from each of the types of hybrids were to enter the dimension all at once, it would destabilize and be destroyed. We have our werewitch, Hope I’m assuming you can contact some of the hybrids you and your dad made pre-Hollow?”

“Their sire link was cut when I went into Malivore but I should be able to call in a favor," Hope affirms. “Oh, also none of you say a single word about me being able to make hybrids. Seriously it’s not something you want getting out. It could get you killed.”

“I forgot that wasn’t common knowledge. Sorry, but perfect. Then I guess the plan hinges on you Dr. Saltzman. What did you do with Kai’s corpse?” Landon looks delighted.

“Well, his head I had cremated, his body is in deep freeze. Didn’t want to chance it being an item needed to avoid the merge.”

“Wow I thought for sure that was gonna be the wrench in the plan. So, I guess I leave it up to you guys, start thinking how this can go wrong and we can start workshopping solutions.” Landon opens up his arms as he asks for questions.

Josie is the first to ask, “Why was Kai going to be the wrench?”

“Because if we didn’t have his body then the only way to get heretic blood would be to turn one of you two. Which is a non-starter.” Landon responds.

“Not entirely Landon, there’s still one more heretic out there. Luckily, she’s a part of Rebekah’s sire line so she’s still around. I’ll give her a call and call in a favor. Easier than bleeding a popsicle.” Alaric pulls out his phone and shoots off a text before turning his attention to the group again.

“Are we sure werewitches aren’t a thing? Or does vampirism not being activated in Hope's blood count?” Lizzie asks.

Hope speaks up, “The Crescents have shamans for unification rituals, I can see if they count as full witches. We can throw in blood from one as a redundancy. We should do the same with all the Big Three species.”

“Unification ritual?” Jed asks.

“It’s a political marriage between alpha bloodlines to strengthen the pack magically, it’s how the Crescents are able control their turns. My mom’s marriage passed that ability down to them.” She said, fiddling with her crescent necklace.

“Dope.” Kaleb, Jed, and Landon all say in unison before laughing together.

“Alright we’re off topic. Come on guys what else.” Alaric chimes in.

Cleo asks, “Are we just going to pour the blood into the portal? If there even is one. We could devise a delivery system to scatter the blood and make it harder for Malivore to expel."

“That’s a great idea. Ric, do you have the gear to make vervain or wolfsbane grenades still?” Landon asks.

“Not sure I’ll get used to you calling me Ric, but yes, it’s in my attic, I’ll bring it in the morning. So, in the event there is not a portal? What do we do to take down Pandora?”

“Well, we could bind the blood to a weapon, or we could inject her with it or shove it down her throat.” Lizzie answers. Shooting faint sparks at Jed to annoy him and to ease her boredom.

“Would blood bullets be doable? I’m actually a great shot” Jed asks after one hits him in the shoulder.

“I don’t see why not. We can ask Mayor Donovan or Uncle Jeremy for the machinery to make the cartridges once we craft the bullets.” Josie responds. They all nod in agreement before a screech from the direction of the holding cells.

“Well, I think that covers it. We’ve covered our bases. Cleo didn’t inspire us into a different direction which I’m going to take as a compliment that it’s already an inspired plan.” Landon smiles. “I’m off to kill the stupid harpy, but since the kitchen is closed, I’m thinking Chinese takeout. Anyone else?”

All but one raise their hands. Landon raises his eyebrows at Hope. “Fine but I get to place the order they always mess mine up.” Landon half smiles.

“Perfect, here’s my card and the menu for the local place. I’ll take the #17 with fried rice. Thank God the changeling didn’t guess my passwords. I’m off to slay a harpy, apologies if it screeches, I’ll try and be quick.” Landon disappears into flame tendrils down to the cells

“Hope does it concern you how he can change topics in the same thought like that so drastically so easily?” Josie inquired.

“He hasn’t had a human-adjacent person to talk to for two years Jo, you can’t expect normal Landon back probably ever. He’s adjusting. It hasn’t been very long since he’s been out of the prison world. And less still back here at the school. Cut him a little slack.” Hope pleads.

“Okay you’re right just thought I’d point out how weird it was.” Josie said

“Noted now let me order.” Hope starts reading off the sticky notes the had written their orders down on. Then reads off her own credit card number to pay. A habitual pattern she knew annoyed Landon, but it was for the squad so it was worth it.

Dinner passes pretty uneventfully without Landon ever joining them and they all retire for the night. Hope beats Landon to his room and sees a text from Finch.

Finch- I've got a question, but it's kinda out of left field

Hope- Ask anything you want. I could use the distraction rn anyway.

Finch - How do werewolf pregnancies work? Like is it just the men or women that can pass the gene? Can you be half-wolf?

Hope- Omg I’m so sorry I totally spaced over that in the folder, when a wolf is pregnant the curse goes dormant to allow the birth of more cursed but inactive wolves. Also, wolf pregnancies are typically longer than humans. Men and women pass on the gene, no you can’t be half-wolf half-human.

Hope- God I feel like a bad mom for not including that in the folder

Finch- no big, honestly just glad to have answers. Still not sure I want any but it’s nice to know I can. That doesn’t make you a bad mom.

Finch- so what’s up with you and LC? Does he take all the ladies flying?

Hope- no he doesn’t. We love each other deeply but we recently hit a snag and are slowly working our way back to almost normal

Finch- mind if I’m nosy and ask about the snag?

Hope- honestly no, it’s nice to have an outside opinion.

Hope- This is going to sound ridiculous and Sci-Fi but he’s been in a pocket dimension (copy of our world with no people and a LOT of monsters) for me it was a gut-wrenching month and then a monster impersonated him for almost another month and I didn’t figure it out. For him it was 2 years of hell and death. I accept him as he is now but a part of me still feels guilty since we escaped the pocket dimension together once, but then I let my guard down and he got sent back

Finch- Wow okay I’d call that a 7-car pileup not a snag. Give me a minute to try and wrap my head around this so I don’t rush this judgement

Finch- Point the 1st: letting your guard down with someone you love isn’t a mistake. 2nd: he’s obviously traumatized but puts on a brave persona to keep everyone at arm's length, but does he still let you in?

Hope- yeah, he lets me in but just barely. Like he says the facts of an event like it’s a mission but doesn’t really tell how he felt or deflects. And you’re right about the guard, it’s just a really sore subject and f*cked up series of events (please don’t be nosy about this one)

Finch- well the way I see it, you either start chipping away at the wall now and hope to someday see it all. Or you convince him to let you all the way in. I’m sure there’s a witchy way to do that if human ways fail.

Hope- you give great advice. Name pun notwithstanding

Finch- Thanks I binge watch 2000 era ‘teen’ dramas in my downtime.

Hope- any recommendations? I’m starting to fade on cutthroat kitchen

Finch- depends, any particular leaning towards sports? Love triangles: love or hate em? East or west coast gal?

Hope- no leaning but I’ve only played football. Love em on tv, not irl (survived 2). East coast but the New Orleans is home to me

Finch- hmm I’m gonna say One Tree Hill. Not basketball focused later in the show but it hits some really good emotions even if it gets ridiculous at times

Hope- I’ll give if a shot. Both things actually. Goodnight Finch, thanks for the talk

Finch- Goodnight Hope

Finally, Landon walks in wearing workout shorts and a green hoodie he hadn't been wearing before. He was still drying out his hair. A takeout tin of his fried rice in one hand while he was running a towel through his hair with the other. “Sorry, harpies are really durable. Turns out they don’t actually get killed in a lot of stories. Give me one minute to finish getting cleaned up and we can talk.” Hope only nods at him.

He returns and sits on his bed out of Hope's reach, lighting the single candle he has with his powers to try and stall for time. Hope waits for him to start before finally breaking the silence herself.

“So... why were you like that? Talk to me Landon.” Hope nearly pleads.

Landon sighs, “You would think I’d have forgotten that feeling by now, but I don’t think I ever will.”

“What feeling?”

“Soul crushing loneliness in the face of eternity.” Landon lets the words sink in. Before standing up and standing in the middle of the room. almost pacing before he speaks again. “I’m gonna talk for a while and I’m going to be mean at points but please just wait ’til I’m done before you say anything. I promise there’s a point.”

Hope nods at him slightly. Not used to him being this intense when they aren’t in a full fight.

“When you jumped... I was left behind, again. I could feel that something was missing in my life. Raf was stuck as a wolf. Ric was voted out and always away investigating Triad HQ. Josie was only there to keep tabs on her dad. Only by chance did she find me on the 4th of July. Who knows how I would have ended up if she had gone to Europe? She helped me get back to somewhat normal. Honestly, I think we were both trying to fill the void left by you in our lives. The part that was the most f*cked up was that for some of the memories you were just gone from them, and others were full on deleted from my mind. Penelope telling me about my mom? Deleted. I forgot my mom all over again. Waking up in the Triad field? Just Ric and I. My first resurrection? You were just gone. I was barely keeping myself from spiraling into despair after our fight at the pageant before MG’s mom took me. Seeing you when the horseman had me. You telling me you loved me for the first time. That snapped me out of the spiral. Having you erased from my mind broke me more than the rest of my screwed-up life. And then, I remembered everything! I was livid, hurt, and I wanted to hate you. I wanted to so bad.” Landon takes a shaky breath. Accidentally snuffing out his candle.

Hope stood and tried to reach out but he stepped back, not wanting to lose his nerve. He wiped away a tear angrily before he continued. “But I couldn’t. I couldn’t hate you because I would have done it for you too if the roles were reversed. I would have made my miserable life mean something. Then I remembered my mom. Finally, I had the only closure I ever wanted back. I had my MOM back. At least in my mind. So, I put my broken self back together. For her. So she didn’t sacrifice herself, for nothing. I ran away to do it and I’m not proud of that, but it’s all I knew at the time. I knew how to run and keep moving. The same thing happened once I got out of Malivore to the prison world. I ran and I put myself back together. For myself, for her, and for us. And every time I died not knowing if it would stick over there, I had to put myself back together again. I’ve been putting myself back together alone for so long I don’t know how to let you or anyone help. Honestly, it’s a miracle I figured out how in the first place. But I am willing to try and let you help piece me back not into who I used to be or whatever I am right now, but into what I want to be. What I need to be to finish this. I don’t want to be the guy doing parlor tricks on the way to execute the monster. I don’t want to be the killing machine. I want to be Landon Chelon, co-hero, protector, and epic love of Hope Mikaelson.” He was panting. Hope just waited with her heart stuck in her throat waiting for him to be done.

“That’s my speech, will you help me?”

She throws herself into his arms. Tackling him to the ground. “Of course, I’ll help. I’m sorry you went through all and I’m sorry that I caused it. You shouldn’t have had to go through that alone but I’m here now. And hear me when I say that you are worth it. I will fight every day to make you believe it. Because I love you."

"I love you too Hope. Thank you for walking into the grill all those years ago and stealing my heart."

After a brief kiss they enjoy holding each other. Both sobbing freely. Landon stands them up and lifts them up onto his wings, noticing that Hope never seemed to go anywhere without the obsidian ring warmed him to his core better than his own powers could. Hope fell asleep first, and Landon lazily floated them around the room before dozing off himself.

-To Be continued in Ch. 4 Terms of Endearment-

Chapter 4: Terms of Endearment


Finch makes a decision
Lizzie feels left out after a monster fight
Landon lets Hope see some of the Prison World

Chapter Text


Landon actually attempted to eat breakfast with his friends, but excused himself halfway through eating his bagel. He used the excuse that he needed coffee, but didn’t return. Hope found him staring at the coffee machine like he would a new monster, or a particularly tricky guitar riff. Hope says softly behind him. “It’s not an alien pod, it’s the only thing we splurged on after fundraiser day.”

Landon wasn’t startled as he heard her coming, but half-smiled at her attempt at sci-fi humor, “It’s not that, I genuinely forgot how to make a flat white.”

She took his hand. “Hey it’s no big deal. One step, one piece at a time. Right?”

“Yeah right, I think I’ll just go with the cold brew again.”

“Good idea, I’ll start myself some tea.”

Both their phones chime. It’s Finch.

Finch- Hey I’ve made up my mind, meet me after the lunch rush at the grill? Bring Jo too if she’s around

Landon- Sure thing. She’s on campus for a standing brunch thing with her dad. We can kidnap her and bring her along

Hope- We’ll be there around 2?

Finch- Perfect time actually. See y’all then

They go to find Josie and find her chatting in the library with Lizzie and Cleo over coffee.

“Ladies mind if we borrow Jo for a sec? Need her recruiting advice.” Landon asks.

“Sure thing, we were just about to go get a head start on a project.” Lizzie links her elbow with Cleo’s and walks off to the dorms with a head nod to Josie.

“So, what’s up guys?” Josie looked

“We’re gonna go have a late lunch at the grill and get Finch’s decision to come here or not. She’d like you to be there. But we won’t force you if you don’t want to."

Josie nearly spits out her coffee, then goes from stunned to a truly puzzling expression. “Why would my human high school crush come here?” Josie managed to cough up the question.

"You forgot to tell her yesterday?” Landon turns his head and co*cks an eyebrow at Hope.

"Umm yeah, so Finch is a werewolf, don’t freak out!” Hope added seeing Josie’s eyes go wide. “She triggered it in self-defense, the full story should come from her. But we spent the afternoon with her Thursday, she’s been alone with this for years and we offered her a spot here if she wants it.”

“Wow. That explains the extra weirdness yesterday. I sure know how to pick ‘em.”

“Hey!” Landon feigns injury before earning a hard elbow from Hope. “Whatever. She wants to tell you along with us. Worst case scenario she says no and we get some milkshakes.”

“Fine but Hope, you’re buying for not telling me ’til now.”

“I was busy rallying the Mikaelson troops, but that’s fair.” Hope relents.

"Cool, I’ll pull the truck up a little before 1:45 and we’ll head into town."

Landon liked the feel of Walt’s truck. It felt authentic rather than old. Well cared for. He made a note to take it for a tune up once he started actually getting paid. He liked how the breeze was much more calming than when it ripped at his face as he flew around. He glanced over at the girls. They were in a heated debate about some magical history subject he found tedious. As they are only a few minutes from the grill he butts in when their conversation dies down.

“Do you two think you could compile small list, like a pocket grimoire, of self-defense spells? I only know the words to some basic ones but you two actually know the feeling and energy needed.” Landon wonders aloud.

“I was actually thinking about something like that and had another idea. Werewolf packs spar for pecking order, so why not have the factions do the same? Odds are you’ll need captains to keep everyone in line and delegate.”

“I was just going to pick members of the squad for that but your idea sounds like a good team bonding exercise too. And I was always going to have the factions train together for most of the training I had in mind. I’m still keeping the most exciting secret close to the vest.”

“That hardly seems sporting. What will you be trying out for Hope? Witch or wolf?” Josie wonders aloud.

“Well as much as I don’t want to be anything like an alpha here, I don’t think I could beat you and Lizzie in a purely magical fight. Jed seems more composed since Raf has been gone. Hopefully he understands. Last thing I’m going to do is let him boss me around. Unless Professor Chelon will let me lead a faction of one, or just let me boss Wade and Cleo around.” She jokingly bats her eyes at Landon.

“Nice try, but no. I’m definitely not going by Professor Chelon either.” Landon grimaces as he says the title.

“You don’t think you could beat Lizzie and I?”

“You’re siphons. You can turn any spell around on the caster. I could still kick your asses in general, but you have the advantage in pure magic combat. Which I don't really do. You two are dynamite in what is essentially a rock, paper, scissors type of fight.”

“Oh, thanks I guess...” She doesn’t seem convinced.

“It’s true Jo, you two could be quite the force with proper combat training. Honestly if your dad wasn’t so... your dad, he probably would have trained you too.” Landon remarks. “If and when you decide to take your magic back and return to Salvatore full time, you’ll have a spot waiting for you.”

“Thanks guys. I’ve been debating whether it's been enough time to try and be a witch again. Depending on how this goes I could be spelling the Christmas lights up around the school.”

“Take all the time you need Jo.” Hope says and Landon nods in agreement.

They finally get to the grill and are situated at a high table. They order burgers and appetizers while they wait for Finch to have a free moment. Finch finally sits down with them as they are nearly done eating.

“Okay I’ve got an hour before I need to be back working. I have made a decision but first, thank you for coming Jo. I’m sorry I kept this from you but I never expected all of this.” Finch gestures at Hope and Landon. “I was in the dark about what I was and didn’t want to drag you into it so early in what I thought... I think. Is a budding relationship.”

Josie blushes worse than either of them can remember. She just takes Finch’s hand before replying. “That is exactly how I feel. We’re even on the not telling each other secrets front. Thank you for letting me be here.” She smiles at her.

“Before we leave you girls to your moment, what did you decide about our offer?” Hope sips on her peanut butter blast milkshake.

“I want to finish out the semester at Mystic Falls High, then transfer over the winter break. But I’d like to take up your offer for help with these next couple turns. If the offer still stands.” Finch asks nervously.

“I normally don’t turn on full moons so of course. We can pick you up and take you to the Lockwood cells, or the school if you're fine with that.” Hope offers.

“Thank you guys, really. And last thing, the folder you gave me. It mentioned pack hierarchy. Are you the Alpha at the school? Is that why you sought me out?” Finch inquires.

“No! Not the alpha, too much day-to-day tedium for me. But the current Alpha is graduating the semester after you start to attend. Provided he can pass English. You can throw your hat in the ring if you want to be Alpha after. We sought you out since we were the ones that found you. The fact you were already in Mystic Falls made you fly under our radar so to speak.” Hope seems embarrassed since it was actually Landon that had found her.

“Oh, sorry didn’t mean to assume. For what it’s worth I think you would make a good one. I guess I should be flattered the two of you were who found me.” Finch squeezes Josie’s hand for comfort.

“Don’t mention it. I know firsthand what a wolf who has no idea of their origin goes through when they are just starting out. It’s the right thing to do.” Landon offers her a warm smile as he finishes his last fry.

“Thanks Finch. Jo, I’m gonna take Landon to buy teacher appropriate clothes that don’t smell like ash and get some gear for his class, meet back here at 3:30?”

“Sure thing.” Josie is beaming in happiness.

Hope leaves a tip and they go about their afternoon while they leave Josie and finch to talk.

“So... do you have questions for me too? I’m sure there are more questions rattling around your head.” Josie nudges Finch with her shoulder.

“Yes actually, but let’s go for a walk before we get into it. I need a real break from this place.”

“I’d like that.” Josie replies.

They walk around the square for a bit catching up on regular school before Josie stops them in front of the family doctor. “Hey this is my aunt’s practice. She knows about us and she won’t judge if you have questions or need help. She mostly stays out of the school’s troubles since she’s human. You can trust her, just mention my name.” Josie is looking at the signage, proud of her aunt for leading the normal life she had wanted for so long.

“You have a human aunt?” Finch asked as even more questions got added to her list.

“Well... Dad’s first wife’s child she had in high school who is twentyish years older than my sister and I doesn’t really roll off the tongue so...” She smiled sheepishly.

"Now I see why Hope and LC are fond of the ‘it’s a long story’ line”

Josie chuckles at that, “You have no idea with those two. You call Landon LC?”

“Yeah. Why is that weird? It seemed more... him you know? That and it gets a little rise out of Hope so why not? I tried thinking of one for you but Jo and Josie fit too well”

“Careful she can be very jealous, trust me.”

“From experience?” Finch asks with an eyebrow raised.

They cross the street and sit on what Josie points out is her grandmother’s bench. “Yeah, it’s another one of those long stories but the gist of it is Hope got magically erased from all our memories. Landon and I dated for a hot minute while nobody remembered her. Then we got our memories back and we all ended up hurt. We’re all good now but there was a lot of jealousy to cut through before we could start to heal and be friends like now.”

“You and the Human Torch? Really?”

“He wasn’t all of that back then, just the immortal part. But yes.”

“Well don’t worry about it, he’s totally not my type.”

Josie raises an eyebrow, “You have a type?”

Finch slips both her hands into Josie’s before saying, “Oh totally. Tall, caring, deep soulful brown eyes, and a smile that can melt hearts. Kind of a magical vibe all around her.”

Josie is beaming wide before finally leaning in and kissing Finch for the first time. Finch kisses her back and they sit there with their foreheads pressed together before Finch’s phone alarm goes off.

“Oh, come on. I’m so sorry to kiss and bail, I’ll text you after my shift. Don’t be a stranger Jo!” She shouts over her shoulder jogging back to the Grill.

Landon and Hope walk up unnoticed by Josie before Hope quips, “Are we sure the benches in the square aren’t enchanted? We should get Lizzie to siphon one to check.”

“I- I thought you guys were going to be shopping for a while?” Josie is surprised by their appearance but nothing can ruin her mood.

“We are. We’re just crossing to get back to the truck to drop the clothes off before our next stop. Want to join? Or we could drop you at the school.” Landon reports.

“I’d love to join. LC.” He rolled his eyes as she and Hope chuckled.

“God not you too.”

“Lan was really more Raf’s thing. I still prefer just Landon, but LC is good too. Still kinda butthurt it was Finch’s invention.” Hope admits.

“That sounds like Finch. I’m glad you two like her.”

“She said we’d be fast friends when we briefed her on the supernatural and I’m inclined to agree. I’m happy for you Jo. Truly.” Landon says with a smile.

"Same here.” Hope agrees.

Josie hugs them both by the neck at once. “Thanks, both of you. Now what are we shopping for?” She asks after releasing them.

"We’ve got the clothes covered. Just have to pick up a few things for the first day of class.” Landon looked at a sticky note of things the school didn’t have on hand in the quantity he needed.

“Is a haircut on that list? Because no offense I did better with safety scissors in third grade.” Josie teases.

Hope bursts out laughing and he smiles at the sound of her genuinely happy. “Fine! Yes! But it’s the last I want to hear about my hair for at least a month.” Landon finally relents.

“Deal.” The girls say in unison. “No promises with Lizzie though.” Josie adds.

“Come on, we’ll get our nails done while we wait on you. My treat to you Jo.”

They wrap up the trip listening to Josie sing along to the radio when they park. Before they could even unload the clothes and gear a loud guttural roar rings out the three turn and see a tree with a massive gnarled face stomp the fence and advance toward the school.

“For crying out loud.” Landon groans. He sets his supplies down and unfurls his wings before gaining altitude and crashing down on top of the monster. At first it seems he hasn’t done anything other than slow the monster, but then smoke starts to billow out the top like a chimney. In the blink of an eye the creature is fully engulfed and screaming bloody murder eventually it finishes its death throngs and splits in two just next to what used to be its face. Landon steps out, his wings slowly receding into his back. Hope is busy containing the flames to just the creature and Josie is standing by in shock. “I am SO not going to be the one to tell Lizzie she missed the Ent.” Landon says while brushing off the ash from his now tattered tee shirt.

“Not it!” Hope beats Josie to the punch while containing the flames.

“Dammit.” Josie shrugged and went inside to let Lizzie and Dr. Saltzman know the news.

Landon finished unloading the truck and as he shuts the tailgate before taking it to the garage. Before he can start the engine, Lizzie turns the corner looking dejected. “You could stand to be ten percent less stoic monster slayer. Some of us want to be included in our only extracurricular.” Lizzie says feigning annoyance.

“Is that what you call it? Sorry but it was just too easy a target and I couldn’t let it get to the school. Next Tolkien-esque monster I promise to include you on.” Landon teases with a smirk.

“Thanks Landon.” Lizzie smiles slightly at the prospect of seeing more fantasy creatures in person.

“Finally, someone just using my name. Surprising it was you.”

Lizzie looks at him quizzically. “What do you mean?”

“Finch coined a new nickname for me, and while I don’t hate it, it’s just odd hearing everyone pick it up so quickly.”

“Well, nobody has called you anything or spoken to you, as well... you in two years. Right? It’ll take a minute to be your normal level of socially awkward.”

“That was... almost a kind statement. I missed you too Lizzie, and I learned to take your name calling as terms of endearment a long time ago. Seeing as I’m the only one you use them on. I know I’ve kinda been all over the place but if you need my help with anything, just let me know.”

“Will do Johnny Storm.”

“That’s more like it. I’ll see you at dinner Lizzie.” Landon parks the car and goes to dispose of the chunk of charcoal he left in the main entryway of the campus while Hope is magically repairing the fence.

After dealing with the results of his mini-battle, Landon goes to finalize his paperwork for his job at the school and for his name change. He finds having his official cover in the school as a fitness instructor amusing. He hadn’t thought about much career-wise since learning he was a Phoenix. With eternity laid out in front of him, he really didn’t see the point in stressing about it. He never thought his first serious job would be as a combat instructor.

After a pleasant dinner with Hope and the twins where they filled Lizzie in about Finch, Landon retires to his room alone and showers again to get the last residue of the Ent out of his freshly groomed hair. It’s still longer than before, but now it was at least all even. It had been a while since he shaved so he found it all right where it was supposed to be, it creeped him out to be honest. That a changeling used all his things and absorbed all his routines. Deciding to change that, he replaces the razor and dry shaves. Healing any nicks as they form. He steps out into his bedroom dresses in pajama pants a tank top and decides it’s time for an overhaul. He throws his sheets out in the hall before whipping them with Phoenix fire and disintegrating them, most of his old uniform clothes get put in a trash bag and are tossed out into the hall as well. He clears out almost everything in the room. His old decorations are stacked neatly next to his door with his guitar Hope had gifted him, freshly re-strung next to Excalibur. Landon wondered who had bothered to restring it. He was just about to call it a night when he heard several boots shuffling behind him. He turns to see Hope and Alaric calming down when they realize what he is doing.

“Hey guys, here to help?” Landon asks not seeing it as anything but normal.

“Not exactly.” Hope admits, “Pedro and one of the lower school students said you were torching your room so we came to see what the problem was.”

"Seems they were mistaken...” Ric says more than slightly annoyed.

“Not entirely. I did burn my sheets. The rest is just me purging what the changeling could have messed with. Uniforms are in the bags, posters down for reconsideration and now that you’re here Hope I could use a hand. Could you pick out any photos in this stack that are really of the Changeling? It’d be a huge help.

“I’ve got this Dr. Saltzman you can call it a night”

“Thanks Hope, see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah. See you later.” Hope waits for him to be out of earshot and closes the door. “Landon, are you sure you want this?”

“Yeah Hope, I need something that is entirely my own space. I haven’t slept in the same place for more than a couple days since I escaped Malivore. So, step one is clean slate, erase the changeling. Step two, is refill this room with things that ground me. Like this." He picks up the guitar and plays a chord. "Wait it’s in tune, did Kaleb stop by?”

“Actually, that was all me.” Hope answers with a warm smile.

“Since when do you play instruments? Let alone restring and tune them?” Landon asks.

“I don’t, but it was one of the main things I used as locator spell and astral projection material and I couldn’t let it gather dust. I learned to tune it on YouTube, wolf ears help. I tried to learn a beginner song but I can’t quite turn my wolf hearing down enough to play. If it’s not off then I hear too much. Does that make sense? Besides, it helped me deal with missing you... Just a little bit.”

“Makes a lot of sense really, but it feels good to hold this again.” Landon then sets the guitar down before hugging Hope. "You too."

Hope smiles up at him. “Here let me do something. He takes off her dark object ring and draws a small sigil on the neck, taps both ends of the guitar and blows a puff of air through the ring.

“I never told you how to do that... how?”

Hope cuts in, “This world’s original dark object is technically mine. It’s one of the more broadly useful ones. My Uncle Kol made it, and then it was confiscated. Then the collection you saw was passed to my mom and then to me. He texted me the instruction manual, of sorts.”

“Wow I really regifted you your own ring?”

“Yeah, I guess you did. It’s sweet though.” She reassures her boyfriend.

They both laugh for a short while before Landon begins re-pinning photos to his board above where his bed now was. The football game he bailed on, him and Raf fishing with Walt, a couple selfies with Hope, and even one with the twins at a bonfire. While he reaches to hang the board, something catches Hope’s eye. She waves her hand and seals the door silently. She walks up behind him and tenderly hugs him.

“Not complaining... but what’s up?”

“The scars... How?” Hope gingerly is running her hands over two very long scars where his wings normally emanated from.

Landon sighs and turns around to face her. “I didn’t learn the healing trick right away. I got captured by a monster. There were some other close calls. I’d rather not talk about them.

“Would you rather show me?”

“Now is not the right time to try and get me shirtless Hope.” He deflects.

Hope has an angry face on but still blushes at the comment. “Not that. I mean like us walking through your memories.”

Landon takes a step back. “No, NO. that’s a horrible idea. I don’t want you to see the pain and I want you to stop feeling guilty. And frankly some parts I don’t want to relive. Please respect me on this.”

“Landon you’ll never be able to move on from this if you don’t start letting me, letting us in. It doesn’t have to be all at once. I know I'm the last one to talk, but we can start small. Okay? Like you flying! Or the giant toads in New Orleans. When you are ready you can show me the ugly parts, but for tonight just let me in a little. One memory, no matter how small and I’ll let you sleep in peace.

“You’re right. But we need to do this at my pace okay? I’m not exactly an expert in head dives so it might take a minute.”

“It wouldn’t be a head dive exactly. It’s a dream spell. Essentially you will think of the start of the memory, and when we want to leave, I end the spell. Like astral projection, just into the memory and you are the pilot. This is one of the simpler, non-empathic dream spells."

"There are spells like that? Well, if we’re starting on the good points let’s do one of those." Landon proposes.

“Uh we could but...” her chest goes flush before she blurts out. “The spell itself is simple but it requires an... uninhibitedsexualactaftertoretainthememories.” She catches her breath. “And I love you Landon and as much as I’d like to pick up right where we left off... we both need to be ready. No offense but I don’t want our second night together, and the first you aren’t turned into goo, to be because of a spell.”

Landon takes a second to process before laughing at the awkwardness hanging between them. “Why did I never even entertain the idea of sex magic after all I’ve seen.” He chuckles.

“Not funny Landon.” Hope nearly pouts.

“Oh come on, fine. So, what do we need for the training wheels version?”

“I’ve got the materials in my room. If you don’t mind sleeping in a bed for a bit, Cleo can supervise us while we’re in your head. Just in case there’s an emergency at the school, we won’t be in danger.”

Landon opens the door after you then. He gives her a peck on the cheek as she passes and follows her to her room.

After drawing a sigil on his forehead and plucking one of his hairs to be added into a dream catcher they begin the spell. Hope opens her eyes and is greeted by an ocean below her.

“Uh oh, this one’s weirder than the one I wanted to show you first... but anyway, check it out.” He points over at a yacht in the middle of nowhere. Caught in repeating currents forever. Landon flew closer in his memory so they get a better look. Hope noticed humanoid creatures with shark teeth on the boat, just as they turned to look at Landon flying near, massive tentacles pulled the boat into the depths, only a few bubbles to hint at its existence.

Hope actually dropped her jaw

“Was that?”

“The kraken? You bet it was. Kept very close to any and all land after that. Let’s move onto a real happy memory.”

“But... how?”

“Occam’s razor I guess, it ate a ship carrying Malivore. Ready to go?”

“Yeah, what’s next.”

“Not the New Orleans frog army if you’re worried”

“Thank God.” After a brief second of darkness they are in a new location. Hope finds herself hovering high in the air overlooking a lone snowy mountain at sunrise. Landon is holding her hand smiling at the view.

“The peaceful days were few and far between but they still happened.” Landon admits. “If prison worlds weren’t such a hassle we could plan vacations in them, perfectly safe and no other tourists. Now I think time’s almost up. Yep, here we go.” They fly faster than Hope believed Landon could fly to a cherry blossom orchard. “Not only was Japan beautiful, it was home to the only non-violent creatures I found the entire time I was there. Dryads. They weren’t too happy about a lot of things, being disconnected from real nature for one, me being a child of Malivore for another, and definitely not every one of my powers being fire based. I didn’t stay with them for more than an hour, but it was a welcome reprieve. The other times I found peace I was simply alone, but it was nice to meet something not evil while over there.” Landon lets out a heavy sigh before continuing, “I think that’s a good note to end on for now. I’d even call this a successful date, but I would still like to see the world with you someday.”

“What should we call it? The ‘Malivore can Suck it World Tour?” Hope tries to make light of their insane situation.

“It’s definitely no ‘A Song about Hope (About Her)’ but It’ll do. Now let’s get back to our bodies and get to bed, I have an early day tomorrow.”

“I was just about to say that. Finite.” Hope said, ending the spell.

They wake up and barely an hour has passed. Landon kisses Hope goodnight and leaves her room.

Cleo rolls over after pretending to be asleep. “So, what is the damage?”

“Not quite sure yet, his first memory wasn’t violent on his part, but was seriously scary. Then he showed me the Japanese cherry blossoms and the dryads that were the only peaceful creatures he found there. Just scratching the surface for now it seems.”

“He let you in at least. I would call that a win Hope.” Cleo yawns.

“Me too.” Goodnight Cleo

-To be continued in Ch.5 I Don’t have that Other Shoe Feeling-

Chapter 5: I Don't have that Other Shoe Feeling


Landon begins his classes with a Tri-faction tournament
A new character is introduced
The Squad has a well deserved break at the lake


Kind of a short chapter, but the next 2 are going to be long.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

-Tuesday, Mid November-

Landon is standing in the gym. Addressing the now small student body seated in the small bleachers in the gym. Landon counted himself lucky that the school hadn’t lost its recruiters in ‘The Exodus’ as Alaric called it. He now was facing 16 witches, 12 vampires, 19 werewolves, and Hope. He had convinced the teachers that the twenty or so lower school students needed to grow into their powers so general PE for them would continue as it had.

“Alright class welcome to combat training with Landon Chelon. Do not call me Prof, Professor, or Coach. I’ll accept Landon or Mr. Chelon."

“This week we will be having a tournament of sorts. Each faction already had its popularity contest for the honor council, but today will be us selecting captains purely based on combat ability. Before I proceed, did everyone sign their wavers? Did everyone check their preferred healing method? Witches especially did you fill out the questionnaire? Good, looks like we’re all set.” They all pass the various forms Landon and Alaric had drawn up forward.

“For the tournament, each faction will split off. There are different criteria for each faction’s tournament. Why don’t we start with the fastest? Vamps, come on down and draw lots. If your card is an Ace card, you have a first-round bye. Witches, if you could please spell the rest of you safely behind a barrier on the bleachers."

Landon notices that besides Kaleb he doesn’t really know anything about the rest of the vampires. He was glad Kaleb had connected with Cleo since MG had skipped town. According to Josie he was going to try and get his family back and apply to a vampire only school.

“Okay vamps, you will be unarmed to begin, there are weapons along the edge if you feel you can use them throughout the fight. Victory is decided by neck snap, or by pinning your opponent to the ground or wall. None of these weapons contain any wood, but please avoid stabbing each other. Any questions?” Kaleb raises a hand casually. “Yes Kaleb?”

“Why isn’t removing their daylight ring a win condition?”

“Well mostly because these windows aren't treated to be vampire friendly. For another reason, not all vampires are daywalkers. It could be nighttime, or someone bursting into flames could draw undue attention to yourself and who knows how many people you will have to track down and compel. Good question. Anyone else?” Landon looks around at the vampires who are pretending to not be excited. “Okay let’s begin.”

After the first round of matches Landon realizes this is going to be more of a challenge than he thought. Most of the vampires haven’t been in an even fight ever. He chuckles to himself that most were probably recruited by Jeremy and Alaric. Both of whom were vastly more experienced than these young men. Kaleb turns out to be the winner to nobody’s surprise, he’s one of the few who has human blood without going out of control, at least since the day he took MG to the graveyard. “Alright good start you guys go grab a snack; I caught a couple impressive deer for you as treat. Kaleb congrats you are now the captain and councilman of the vampire faction. Everyone else, think on how you can improve I’ll give you my notes once we wrap up. Next up the werewolves.”

The vamps speed away at the promise of something different than rabbit blood as the wolves file into lines to draw lots.

“Now I know you act as a pack, but this is my class so respect the results even if it’s not Jed who comes out victorious. Everyone try your best. This is to strengthen the pack as a whole. So set it aside for all of your sakes. Hope, no magic and definitely no full shifts, sound fair?”

Hope nods affirmative and so do some of the younger wolves.

“The werewolf win conditions are. Pin your opponent, or they yield. You may not yield before you fight. You may begin with a weapon if you choose, packs should be prepared for battle.”

Hope and Jed get paired off in the first round. Landon curses his random method. Hope begins with Kali sticks and Jed opts for a staff. They trade blows for several minutes before Jed runs out of steam and Hope flips him over. Staff to his throat and he yields. Landon tosses Jed a recovery fireball. “That was pretty even technique-wise I’d say. If she didn’t have ridiculous combat stamina, I think you could’ve had her.”

“Don’t worry I’m not vengeful. Honestly, if she wanted to be Alpha, I’d step aside, I respect her line and the Crescent pack, but she’s right about us. This might as well be playing in the park compared to running a real pack.” Landon nods at him before watching Hope wipe the floor with the rest of the wolves.

“Valiant effort you guys but seriously, just because you know your opponent is strong doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to turn the tables, go get a drink, and see me if you want a fireball.”

“Witches you’re up. Start drawing lots. Your guys’ tournament will be slightly different than the others." Landon snaps his fingers and a large ring of fire appears and hovers in the center of the gym. "Last one in the ring is the winner. This should push your creativity and not just show who knows more spells. Only condition is this. No spells that effect your opponent's body, I don’t want any broken arms or aneurysms on the first day. Any questions? No? Let’s get to it.”

A surprise wizard excels in the tournament, knocking Cleo out in the second stage with a masterful trip combined with a wind blast to knock her out of the ring quickly. She had tried to overwhelm him with a blast of flames but he cut right through them. Everyone was surprised to see the resident Muse out so early. Her opponent's name turned out to be Travis. His coven were wind mages according to his questionnaire Landon noted. He was already creative with it. He beat Wade in the first round as well. Landon felt for his friend who was still mastering his magic that relied on dust. It wasn’t a great matchup against someone who can blast air with one syllable. In the finals he got co*cky though, he made the first move and tried wrapping Lizzie in a wind funnel to throw her out. She quickly siphoned it with a hand and hurled a loose punching bag at him, sending him reeling out of the ring trying desperately to regain his breath.

“Okay that was fun! Here are my notes on how each of you fight." Landon begins passing out pages from a notebook he had been jotting down critiques in. "If I say something you disagree with, I'm sorry but it’s just my honest assessment. I’ll be happy to speak with you about it any time. In general though. Vamps, you need to be more decisive. Wolves, you need to be more cunning. And witches, you need to learn to think steps ahead not be so reactive. I’ll see you in class on Thursday, but I will be here tomorrow between 3rd and 4th period if you want to discuss my assessment. Good job today. Dismissed.”

A tall blonde Gemini pulls him aside immediately in the hall. “What the hell do you mean I under-utilize my siphoning!?!”

“Just that Lizzie, you should never lose a straight fight with another witch. You were closer than you’d like to admit in the final. I’ve seen you siphon and cast at the same time. Josie told me you can siphon with not just your hands. Lizzie, you got lucky Travis hesitated. He beat Cleo because he knew he couldn’t win a drawn-out fight and didn’t hesitate. When he fought you, he gave you enough time to siphon and take him out, throwing the bag was a great move by the way, but if it missed, how much magic did you have left?” He sees he was correct that throwing the heavy bag wiped out her reserves. “I have two ideas for how you can be more effective. Would you like to hear them?”

She shoots daggers out of her eyes before nodding at him to continue.

“I want you to try and siphon with your entire body for one, it could be incredibly useful. Essentially an unbreakable magic sponge. Probably not the coolest way to word that... I can set up a situation for you to try it this weekend.

“And the other idea?” Lizzie asks.

“You can store magic into objects, right? You should carry something to draw power from in emergencies. It could turn the tables in a fight or let you fight when nobody is around.”

“Okay, I’ll admit those are really good ideas. I’ll try it out myself. Thanks Landon.”

“You’re welcome, but I’m late for a staff meeting. God did I really just say that? See you later Liz.” He smiles at her before he turns into tendrils of fire heading to the conference room.

He shares the results of his first class with the handful of teachers. They aren’t surprised with the results but are surprised that the witch finals wasn’t a longer fight. He gave his honest opinion of the general status of the students and shared his lesson plan going forward. They were pleasantly surprised at his knack for this. Before continuing on with the day-to-day school operations.

He gets a text from Finch and reads it under the table
Finch- Hope says you’re gonna run the rest of the students ragged
Landon- I magically heal anyone who wants it after class she’s being dramatic. Half the witches got KO’d by a breeze today so they're going to be dealing with Lizzie from now on.
Finch- wait really? Good for her. Hey I know Jo and I don’t go there yet, but could you train us? Just so we’re not too far behind.
Landon- I’ll have to check when I have openings in my schedule. Send me your Grill shifts and I’ll let you know. Weekly should be fine if it's just the two of you
Finch- looking forward to it LC

They wrapped up the meeting. Landon found Travis of all people waiting for him, absentmindedly tracing the tattoos on the backs of his hands. Landon noticed they were very realistic hummingbirds one hovering near a red rose, the other a black one. Landon reminded him to get the story behind how he managed to get so many while being so young. Landon had guilt tripped a former foster sister to get his simple forearm piece

“Hey Mr. Chelon, I just wanted to pick your brain about my combat notes.” Travis greets him.
“Okay walk with me I’ve got to go on patrol soon, and call me Landon outside of the gym please.” Landon states while slinging his pack with his armor and weapons over his shoulder.

“Okay sure. It just seems contradictory. I was raised on air elemental magic. How could I not lean on it in a fight? Also, I did so have a backup plan.”

“Well look at it like this. You showed precision against Cleo by cutting through the fireball she threw at you, but when you had Lizzie on the ropes in a bigger spell you seemed unable to get her out of the ring in time. Between your hesitation and her siphon time there was a sizable gap between you making your move and getting ejected. Ergo no backup plan. If it makes you feel better, she didn’t have one either. You listed you also specialize in illusion magic on your questionnaire, it could also be useful in combat. Look, you have good instincts; you just don’t have the experience yet. It’ll come, don’t worry." Landon claps him on the shoulder as they exit the school.

“Thanks M- Landon." Travis says trying to hide his smirk.

The wind witch jogs away with a small salute. Landon walks out onto the front lawn of the school. Wrapping his whip around his waist and buckling his armguards, when someone actually manages to sneak up on him.

“Authority and respect suit you, Mr. Chelon.” Hope teases

“Please don’t make this a thing, Ric is still cool with us as long as we keep it professional during school hours.”

“I couldn’t help myself Landon. It’s nice to see you in your element. And I don’t mean fire.” Hope plants a small kiss on his cheek.

“You mean that?” Landon blushes slightly.

“I do.” She smiles proudly.

“Thank you Hope, but you’re still not getting special treatment in class, and no you can’t pawn all the leader work onto Jed.” He quips.

“So close." She flashes her brilliant smile. "Hey after your dinner patrol meet me at the dock, I wanna show you something.”

“It’s a date.” Landon winks at the tribrid before flying off.

-Sundown at the Dock-

Landon lands gracefully behind Hope. Wrapping her in his arms and kissing the top of her head

“Hey babe, how was your patrol?" She strokes his cheek and tousles his windswept curls.

“Boring. I saw some ducks, nothing else to report really."

"Well no news is good news.” Hope almost believes her own words but hides it well.

“Yeah and I don’t have that other shoe feeling." Landon squeezes her hand.

"Even better news." Hope knew how much he worried for everyone but himself.

“My sentiments exactly.” Landon pauses and kisses her on the cheek. “So what was it you wanted to show me?”

“Well, it’s probably dumb... but in the 2 months you weren’t at the school I’m assuming you didn’t pop into the movie theater right?”

Slowly processing the question Landon realizes. “You didn’t.”

“I totally did.” Hope responded clasping their hands together before she uncloaked the surprise. “Happy early birthday Landon.”

She revealed a large movie screen suspended above the lake. The AV club projector, a couple very comfortable looking recliners, and a basket of assorted candy. Landon just stares realizing how much he's changed, “Holy smokes. I forgot what movies would’ve even come out.” He admits.

“Then it’s a good thing we have options. We have Eternals 3, Dr. Strange 4, and an original sci-fi alien movie I wasn’t sure you knew was coming out.”

“How did you pull this off?”

“Magic, a little cash, and minimal compulsion. All kicked off by Cleo’s power last night as we were going to bed. Also I invited a few people so this could well turn into a triple date.”

“You pulled this off in a day?”

“You doubt me?”

"No never... I just, kinda feel like I don’t deserve it." Landon looks down at their hands.

“Hey, look at me. This is the least you deserve. After everything, a couple hours relaxing watching a movie is certainly earned. Now the others will be here soon. Let’s go grab blankets.

They come back and see Wade, Gabby and Lizzie chatting about the Ent from the other day. They waved hello and once they arrived, they saw Josie and Finch walking from the direction of the gate, and Cleo and Kaleb walking from the school. As they arrived, Kaleb mentioned Jed hadn’t seen the MCU movies but he’d catch up in time for the next movie night.

“Wow thanks for coming everyone, it’s nice to all be in one place in a relaxed setting for once.” Landon greets as the apparent guest of honor before sitting on the arm of one of the recliners.

“Jo, would you like to make the introductions for everyone else?” Hope nods at Finch.

“Oh! Right sorry. Everyone this is Finch, she’s a werewolf, she goes to Mystic High with me, and we’ll both be transferring back next semester. Finch, you know Hope and Landon. In order we have Wade the Fairy, Gabby the witch, my twin Lizzie who's also a siphon witch, Cleo the Witch and Muse, and finally Kaleb the vampire. If my dad comes to ruin the party relax, he’s just human. Former Original caliber vampire, but human now. It’s actually a fun story involving our bio-mom. But I’ll leave that for date 4 or 5." Josie finally turns back to her to gauge her reaction.

“Quite confident huh?” She teasingly nudges Josie. “Sweet rouges gallery you’ve got yourself LC, good to see you again.”

“Likewise. You kinda took the Fairy and Muse thing in stride.” He chuckled softly as Hope draped her arms over his shoulders from behind.

“Dude you have flaming wings not exactly as earth shattering. No offense Wade and Cleo.”

“None taken.” Cleo smiles before taking Kaleb's hand, leading him to a pair of recliners.

“Same here, but for the record I also have wings.” Wade chimed in.

“That’s so cool. So, Josie explained our movie options. I’ve been pulling extra shifts at the grill to save up before the summer and transferring here so I haven’t seen any of them.”

“Well birthday boy what’s it gonna be?” Kaleb asked with raised eyebrows, secretly hoping it's not the alien movie so he doesn’t need to fetch Jed.

“Dr. Strange 4, but I better not here any critiques on the magic. If you’re that upset by it go work in Hollywood to fix it. Wade would you like to do the honors?” Landon gestures to the projector.

They all pair off and settle in their seats, there was almost a fight over Josie doubling in a seat between Finch and Lizzie before Hope settled it for them and moved an extra recliner so they could all sit together. A small growl and eye flash made Finch and Lizzie quit their bickering.

Noticing she was taking Landon's birthday very seriously. Lizzie asks before the previews roll. “Landon this might be weird to ask, but how did you figure out when your birthday was?”

“Well, I used to go off of the day I was left at the church, but it was one of the first trivial things I asked Seylah once I found her.” Landon smiled remembering their long car ride before Hope found them at the motel.

“That’s nice. What other trivial things did you learn? If you don’t mind my asking.” Josie asks, much to Finch’s nosy delight.

“She’s Israeli, her parents died a couple years before she started her military service. A complete stranger took that photo I keep of us. I was born in Nashville. Which is funny, since as much as I like writing music, I don’t really get country.”

“Well, that makes sense, and I don’t mean this to be mean. To you or country music; if the songs aren’t about tractors and dogs, they’re about family.

“Very true.” he responded with a chuckle to show he wasn’t offended.

“Alright quiet down y’all, showtime.” Kaleb warns as he vamp speeds to grab a blanket for himself and Cleo.

Cleo waved her hand and put the lights out, Lizzie reached over and siphoned Finch and clipped an errant branch in their view and it fell in the water. Finch kisses Josie on the cheek and they snuggle in like the other couples.

“Thank you so much for doing this, I love you” Landon whispers to Hope.

“I know.” She winks before pecking him on the cheek and turning to watch the movie.

After the movie Landon collects the screen from out over the water while everyone cleans up, and Kaleb vamp speeds all the chairs back to where they belong. After bidding Josie and Finch goodnight the rest head back to the school and split down their separate halls. Landon notices Cleo isn’t near when they get to Hope's room.

“Cleo is gonna have an honest talk with Kaleb tonight and probably stay over, if you were wondering.” Hope beats Landon to the question.

“Oh makes sense, good for them. I wasn’t sure Kaleb could even be romantic.” Landon jokes.

“Yeah, it’s part of his damage, hence the talk.”

“I see… Thank you again for tonight, best birthday by far.” Landon pulls her in for a hug.

“Should I tempt fate and give you your present?” Hope asks softly.

“Hope you know you don’t need to buy me anything right?” Landon worries about having another fiasco about how he doesn’t need to be bought things.

“I do, that’s why I made it.” She nervously smiles at him.

She motions for him to sit on the bed. He kicks off his shoes and complies. Hope puts a sleep mask on him to ensure he doesn’t peek. Hope then goes about rifling through her paintings, setting the correct one on her easel and facing it toward Landon. She kisses him gingerly as she removes the blindfold. His eyes open as she pulls away and he sees the painting. He walks up to it like it’s going to disappear if he touches it. It’s a beautiful oil painting of Seylah smiling at him from behind the counter of her coffee shop. He can’t seem to string together the right words. “How did… when did… you couldn’t have… shouldn't...” He tries to string together any of his thoughts unsuccessfully.

“When you were in Malivore and the Monster World. I read your journals from getting your memories back. I know it’s a violation, but I saw the sketch you did of the store and realized what it was. So, I started making your present a while ago. It wasn’t easy. Life portraits aren’t your forte, but between that, and doing a favor for Jeremy Gilbert. I made it work. He tracked down photos of the café from before Seylah went to Malivore. All I had to do was glamour over his Hunter’s Mark." She lets the silence creep in as she notices how enthralled he is with the painting. Landon pours over the painting for another minute before sitting back on the bed.

“I love it. Thank you Hope. I’ll cherish it always. I love you so much Hope.”

“Landon, I love you too. I’m so happy you like it. I was kinda worried you’d feel I violated your privacy.” She gently wrapped her arms around his neck.

“More like peeked behind a curtain. It’s perfectly okay. Now please, kiss me.”

Hope smiles and obliges, then after a long loving kiss they fall back onto her pillows to continue.

-To be Continued in Ch. 6 One Last Thing-


Next chapter will be split into 4 different POV's after the movie night. Fluff, angst, and maybe a little smut thrown in.
I needed an occasion for them all to gather relaxed and a birthday seemed perfect, Landon's is unknown so it seemed a good fit.

Chapter 6: One Last Thing


Josie and Finch go for a drive
Lizzie gets in a fight
Kaleb comes clean with Cleo
Landon and Hope still have work to do, but they're getting there
A lot of talking


Order of sections goes
I woulda quadruple uploaded these as short chapters but I suck at finding chapter titles
TW: Self harm and NSFW scene in Part 4

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

---Finch and Josie---

Josie starts up her shared Camaro and starts driving back to the home Finch was renting a room from. Once they clear the gates she asks Finch’s opinion of her friends.

“So what did you think of the Stallions?” Josie glanced over at the raven haired wolf who was jotting down a thought in her phones notes.

“It was a lot of information to take in at once, but I managed. Hope and LC being my friends already helped. Your sister was nice enough. Survived my first meeting with a vampire so I’d call that a win. Wade and Gabby seemed fun. I kept thinking about if Cleo was going to make us start singing and dancing.”

Josie laughed hard at the last point. “You should have seen the school musical. Cleo wasn’t here yet but there are some talented singers in that group.”

“That’s not like a requirement right? My voice is a bit odd when I sing… not to mention stage fright.”

“Don’t worry, there aren’t any talent shows or musicals coming up. They’re not mandatory either. You’re safe.”

“Thanks Jo, I had a great night.”

“Me too, but I need to have an honest moment with you… about why I was at Mystic falls high to begin with. Then I need to do something I’ve been putting off for a while.”

“Okay, not sure about this tone but I’m all ears.”

“Last year, I was tricked into doing black magic. I know you don’t get all the magic stuff yet, but it’s as bad as it sounds.”

Finch nods, “Take all the time you need Jo.”

“Thanks, from that first time it was a slippery slope. I thought I had it under control, so I used more to save my sister, then even more to return everyone’s memories of Hope. Then I was manipulated into almost putting a supervillain into Hope’s body. By that point I had put all the pent up evil and power away in a very fragile magical object. We almost got rid of it safely, but my family got sent to the same prison world it did.”

“Hope mentioned those… how did you escape?”

“I had to break the object and use its power to escape. Once we got back, I felt like myself still, but after a day or so the magic overwhelmed me. I burned down part of the school. I tried to kill some of the students, my sister and Hope included. I succeeded in killing one… We managed to resurrect her after but I still did it. The dark magic is now contained to the prison world Landon was in." Josie takes an exaggerated breath. "Getting back on point, the reason I was at Mystic High. I was in a sort of self-imposed exile. I put my magic aside. Into this coin actually.” She pulls the coin out of her pocket. As Finch takes it to inspect it, Josie parks at the curb of Finch’s place. “I was there to get back to being just Josie, and now I feel I’m in a really great place. And we’ll be back at school after winter break so now seems like the right time to take it back.”

“I’m sorry all that happened to you, I can’t even imagine… Look I may be new to this, but nobody at that movie night held it against you. I’m definitely not going to since you’re telling me now.” Finch slowly hands the coin back.

“It’s all just a lot, and now for the thing I have been putting off for a while. Lectos espiritox.” The coin glowed for a second before Josie left it in a cup holder.

“What did you just do?”

“I took my siphon magic back. Give me your hand for a second.” They lace their fingers together and Josie takes a small amount of magic from Finch’s curse before releasing her hand. “Invisiqué” Finch’s eyes widen as she disappears from the driver’s seat.

“Woah, that’s so much cooler than clipping a branch or floating a movie screen.” Finch reaches out to place her hand on where she thinks Josie’s cheek should be.

Josie leans into her hand before saying. “Invisique saeclum. Glad I could impress. Thank you for coming tonight. And for listening to my long story of how I ended up in your school.” Josie kisses her hand and closes her eyes.

“Hey it was a great night, thank you for telling me… I kinda don’t want to head in yet. Do you want to drive around for a little bit? I can tell you how I triggered my curse. Provided the dynamic duo didn’t spoil it.” Finch proposes.

“Only if you’re sure. Hope said it was self-defense, but I don’t want to bring up painful memories if you aren’t ready.” Josie offers Finch an easy out just to be supportive, but the question has been eating at her.

“It’s nowhere near as painful as the turn, I should definitely be honest with you about this since you just put everything out there.” Finch reaffirms.

“Okay, once around the square from here seem like a good amount of time?”

“Sounds perfect actually, thanks for driving too. This would be awkward over a moped.”

Josie just smiles as she throws the car in drive and pulls away from the house. “It’s the least I could do after presenting you to the Squad and my sister all at once.”

“They were pretty great, but I guess I should start my tale before I lose my nerve. My mom had me after her freshman year at community college. My dad was a deadbeat who skipped town never to be seen again before I even turned two. My mom dated around and eventually got married. Then divorced, then married again to a real monster. He had a small daughter that liked it when I braided her hair. One day a little after I turned fourteen I was in my room writing, and I heard her scream. He was dragging her out of her room by her hair. He was drunk and angry about her getting crayon on something insignificant and I just freaked. I went and wrenched his arm away from her, kicked him in the nuts, and shoved him away as hard as I could. He fell down the stairs and cracked his skull. I called 911 but it was already too late..." Finch paused to gauge Josie's reaction, which was more curious than appalled.

"Luckily the full moon had just passed. So by the time the police decided not to press charges, I was able to do my first turn in the woods away from anyone. I only managed to kill a rabbit on my first turn, and a few cattle once when a cage latch didn’t hold months later. I knew I couldn’t stay with my mom once she got with another sh*tty guy. I emancipated myself and came here. I still go and see her on the rare occasion she isn’t in a bad relationship. That’s actually the only reason I missed the big Necromancer battle you all were in oddly enough. That would have been a weird way to meet.” Finch ends trying to make light of the terrible subject. Taking Josie’s hand in hers. “Thanks for listening to all that. Like I said I can be a lot...”

“After I dumped my issues on you it’s actually a relief you're as comfortable with me to do the same. It definitely would have been different, but I wouldn’t change our admittedly rocky start for anything.” Josie added.

At that point they had made a full lap and were back at her house. Josie gets an idea and siphons a little magic from Finch that she barely notices. Finch gets out first and gives Josie enough of an opportunity to write a quick phrase down on a page of a notebook before going to walk Finch to the door. Josie kisses the wolf goodnight and Finch waits for her to get back into her car. Halfway back to the convertible Josie mutters a quick spell under her breath before turning back around.

“One last thing.” She paused for effect when Finch turned her head confused. “Check your pocket.”

Finch pats her back, then front pockets before discovering the note Josie spelled into it. She unfolded it before reading it aloud. “Will you be my girlfriend? xoxo Jo.” She just beams at the tall brunette before running up and throwing her arms around Josie’s neck. “I think I would like that very much.” She kisses Josie passionately for a while before they both realize they’re just standing in the yard. They kiss once more quickly, promising to see each other at school.

Josie drives away feeling like she might be glowing. She debates whether to go stay at her aunt's or to spend the night with Lizzie and gush about her night. She opts to see her sister, with a quick don’t worry text to her aunt and uncle she drives on back to the school. When she gets to her room she’s surprised Lizzie isn’t there. She quickly washes up and changes, settling in her bed and just as she goes to text Lizzie her sister walks in.

“Hey I was wondering where you were.” Josie greets with a wide smile.
“Thank god you’re here. You can keep me from committing murder.” Lizzie slams their door,


Lizzie split off from the insufferable couples before they even made it through the front door of the school. She decided to take a walk through the garden to calm her annoyingly addled mind. She shouldn’t need this and that frustrates her even further. She’s going through the mental steps she learned from Emma or any of the dozen or so professionals she’s seen.

She takes one step through the archway covered in vines and suddenly two small shapes she can’t make out are buzzing in front of her face. She swats at them, sincerely hoping she’s not stuck facing a monster alone again. The small things circle her head a few times before flying into the garden. She looks around still confused about what just happened. She continues on into her favorite section with its calming herbs and beautiful flowers. Standing over one of the planters was a dark form with something glinting in the dim light cast by the moon in its hand. Lizzie panics and immediately casts a spell to freeze the monster in place. The form must have heard her begin the incantation because it rolled out of the way and threw a small pot filled with topsoil at her. She was so caught off guard it connected with her shoulder. The pot shattered and got dirt all over her. “Oh you are so dead now monster.” She raises her voice while mustering all the energy she had left.

“Lizzie?” The form stands up from his combat stance and lowered its hood. “What the f*ck was that for?”

“Travis? Why are you lurking in the garden dressed like that? And why did you feel it was appropriate to throw a pot of dirt at me?” Lizzie's anger now had a suitable target and it helped calm her errant thoughts.

“Well for one it’s open to all the upper school students, I needed this aurora root for a drink I’m making. For two I’m dressed normal for a chilly night in the middle of November. And as for the pot that’s your fault, do you have any idea how many harmful spells start with phesmatos? I thought you were attacking me, which ended up being true.” Just then the buzzing shapes come back and whiz by Lizzies ears. “There you are guys.” He nods while they stay buzzing. “You could’ve given me like 30 seconds warning instead of getting distracted. I’ll let you guys explore somewhere also tomorrow just let it be tonight. Okay?” He waves a hand and the buzzing fades.

Lizzie realizes what’s going on. “Of all the wild animals you chose hummingbirds as familiars? That is seriously lame.” She sneers waiting to tear into him further.

“Familiars are actual animals, those were representational. Much more durable and useful. Actually you know what, it doesn’t matter. I’m done here. I’m going to bed. See you in training.” He puts the herbs he gathered in his back pocket before turning back to the school.

“Oh no you don’t, you’re going to pay for covering me in dirt.” Lizzie states as if it's a known fact.

“Oh yeah? How many spells do you have left in your little Gemini battery? One decent one? Two weak ones? Tell you what, I will clean you off completely with a spell, if you apologize for attacking me for no reason.”

His flippant tone and underestimating her power fed her rage. “I think the f*ck not. I’m going to kick your ass.”

“You know it’s normally the loser’s job to demand a rematch, but fine. Hit me with your best shot.” He stands with his arms wide and inviting her attack.

Lizzie cannot believe he’s letting her attack but doesn’t wait for him to change his mind. She launches a watering can that was still partially filled at him. She launched it with enough force to damage a brick wall, but it passes right through him. He disappears and reappears a couple feet to the side.

“Wow. Your best shot could use some work Captain.” Travis isn’t sure why goading her is so satisfying. He smirks at her anyway. “Are we done here? I have a potion to brew.”

Lizzie is fuming, desperately wanting to throw every cinder block in the garden at him at once. She knew she was out of magic so she just threw another pot of dirt at him with a scream. He caught it with magic and set it down on a planter.

“Yeah we’re done here. Just so we’re clear. This was all very avoidable.” He walks off after muttering a spell that traps Lizzie in a ball of intense winds.

After siphoning it to escape she storms back to her room now singularly focused on making his life miserable whenever she can. She throws her door open to see her sister back in her rightful bed.

“Hey I was wondering where you were.” Josie greets with a wide smile.

“Thank god you’re here. You can keep me from committing murder.”

After flinching from the door slam Josie responds “Okay. Definitely glad I chose to stay here tonight. What’s wrong? What happened to your hair?”

“Went for a walk in the gardens and got into a fight with that idiot from the finals.”

“Uh oh, how bad was he hurt?” Josie is mentally calculating the community service hours in her head.

Appreciating her sister’s confidence in her she answers. “I couldn’t even land a good spell, I was running on empty after the movie. As he was walking away he trapped me in another wind vortex thing as a middle finger. So that’s how murder made it on my agenda. Wait, what about you why’d you ditch the Salvatore fam? Actually wait let me get changed first”

Lizzie goes to wash up, she walks to her mirror to look up and see how much of a mess she is. Her anger turns to annoyance as she realizes the wind she got trapped in left her mostly clean but left her hair a knotty mess. She washes her face anyway and goes to change into her sleepwear, brush in hand.

Josie weighs telling her sister about her great night or just being supportive and listening. Josie decides it’s better to distract instead of letting her sister stew in anger. When Lizzie comes out and starts changing she speaks up. “Actually I wanted some sister time tonight, I kind of have something to tell you.”

“Shoot.” Lizzie is now taking a mental inventory of where her dad keeps guns and crossbows.

“I told Finch about why I left the school on the drive back to her place. She told me the full story of how she triggered her curse in return.”

“Oh wow, how did all that go over? Did she understand the dark side and temporarily killing Alyssa?”

“She was Incredible, didn’t judge, and we had a nice honest talk about our lives before we met.”

“That’s great Jo.” Lizzie settles in next to her on Josie’s bed. “I probably know the answer to this, but I do have one question.”

“Shoot.” Josie raises an eyebrow.

“Did you tell her about the Merge?”

The question hung in the air, what seemed like several minutes passed as the weight of it hit Josie. “No I didn’t, but I did ask her to officially be my girlfriend…” the brunette lamely deflected.

“Good for you Jo… I won’t tell her, but most of the people here were at the dark merge day. You need to tell her before she attends.” Lizzie gives her a hug for support.

“I know, but I didn’t want to scare her off after ending on a good note. She really needs the support this place can give. That, and I’ve never really brought up the topic to someone I’m involved with. Penelope told me about it and Landon knew beforehand… I just don’t know what the right time will be.” Josie buries her head un the pillows.Lizzie wasn't used to Josie being afraid of relationship steps, but this was admittedly a huge one. “Whatever you decide, I’ve got your back. I’ll make sure the gang doesn’t spill the beans either.”

“Thanks Lizzie.” Josie pulls her blanket up higher and tries to sleep, her sister trying to do the same in between thoughts of shoving hummingbirds down an obnoxious witch’s throat. They both eventually drift off into their dreams.

---Cleo and Kaleb---

Kaleb and Cleo walk into Kaleb’s newly single room now that he had shipped all of Mg’s stuff away. “I’m not sure if this is a good ‘We need to talk’ or a bad one but spill Cleo,” he plops down into his reading chair she sits on his desk, letting her legs dangle.

“Kaleb, did you have fun tonight?”

“Course I had fun, I would’ve picked the other Marvel movie but it was still a nice night. Why? Did I seem like I wasn’t having a good time with you?”

“Quite the opposite. You seemed like you were having more fun than any of the dates we’ve been on the last few weeks. I had a great time too.”

“So what’s the problem? That we had fun with something I barely helped with?”

“No, but tonight was simple, intimate, relaxed. All of our dates have been… great. But I do not need an over the top date to enjoy spending time with you.”

“You want to me slow down? I can do that.”

“What I want is for you to be honest with me for a change. Why do you try so hard? I am not the grand romantic type. I do not need to be impressed. Or shown your vampire skills. Or need a date to be a production. So please, what is wrong?”

Kaleb let’s out a long sigh. He stands and gets an animal blood pack from his mini-fridge. He takes a sip and walks over to Cleo at his desk. “You’re right. I’m not good at the ‘real’ part of relationships. It’s just, the last real relationship I was in ended in disaster.”

“I am sure it was not that bad.”

“Trust me it was. It’s the reason I got these.” He bared his fangs.

“Oh… I did not think that was how this was going to go.” Cleo averts her eyes from his.

“It’s not something I broadcast to everyone. Hell the squad doesn’t even know, Doc S. only knows the highlights.”

“You do not need to tell me if you do not wish to revisit the pain.”

“The pain I can handle, it’s the rage I don’t want back. You deserve the truth. I guess I figured it was better to crush the superficial parts of dating to avoid this part. Shoulda known you’d see past that.” He takes her hand. “I’ll try and be better about the real part, but for tonight how about I tell you how I ended up undead?”

“I think I would enjoy that.”

“Storytime it is. Guess I should start at the beginning. Couple years ago I was playing varsity football as a freshman, I was a little undersized so I’d get roughed up a little more than most. That meant a lot of trips to the trainers and that’s where I met her. Brooklyn. We flirted for a while during two-a-days and preseason, I asked her out to homecoming, we were a typical high school couple. I was happy, probably falling in love. Then after our last game in the playoffs something happened. Some shady dude was yelling at her in the parking lot, I ran up to her to help get this dude out of her hair. The second I touched her he snapped. And all of a sudden I’m on the ground. Choking on my own blood.”

Kaleb paused as he finished his blood bag before Cleo asks. “What were they arguing about that warranted killing you?” She puts her hand on his shoulder for support.

“I didn’t know ‘til I woke up and they were gone. I stumbled to my car and made it home. My moms was horrified. I looked like I just survived a horror movie. She was the first person I saw. I couldn’t control myself and I bit her. If Kym hadn’t been there to snap me out of it I probably woulda killed her… then I started to remember. Brook had been compelling me since the day we met. She would feed on me any time of day, heal me with blood in my sport drinks, and then compel me to forget along with other stuff. She compelled me to shave points. I had been underperforming, but within normal for a freshman, and my backups weren’t great either. Every little thing she had me do came flooding back. I ran and locked myself in the attic. Didn’t take a genius to figure out I was somehow a vampire. I was up there for two days starving, until the twins’ mom, Caroline found me and asked what happened. I told her what I remembered, and that I got killed by someone because I wasn’t in the game to throw it. Brook’s ‘family’ had been a compelled lie too. She skipped town. I ended up here. I could barely face my mom and the rest of my family, but between Caroline and Kym they were able to explain it wasn’t my fault. That I was still me deep down but I needed to go with her so I wouldn’t hurt anybody. They’ve honestly been amazing since then. So I ended up here. My first year was rough, I threw myself into being all the vampire I could be to replace being a star player, that didn’t work out so well. I basically kick started the chain of events to Landon getting killed the first time. Which sucked, because the dude didn’t deserve half the flak I gave him to begin with. So now, I’m stepping up. Helping Dr. S., being Councilman and Captain, being the only vampire on the squad. So I guess I’ve been avoiding the last part of getting back to me. All of which is just a lot of breath wasted to say; I’m scared to get hurt again, but I really like you Cleo. “

“Thank you for telling me all that, I am sorry for pushing, but I did not want to go on like we had been.”

“Well I can’t promise I won’t go over the top occasionally, but I’ll try harder to keep it real. Whew that actually felt good, I didn’t realize how bottling that up felt.”

“I am glad to hear it.” She leans up and kisses him. “Now we should go to bed. We both have class early tomorrow.”

“Oh right.” He is interrupted by Cleo slinking past him and uncloaking a pack of her sleepwear. “Oh you meant stay the night?”

“If that is okay with you, I would rather not sleep in a room with a ball of flame drifting around. Not to mention it seems a little lonely in here with just you.”

Kaleb walks up and lifts her up with his vampire strength. “That sounds perfect.” He kisses her lightly then vamp speeds into the bathroom to change. Reappearing in his shark slippers about of habit. He and Cleo both realize the situation and burst out laughing. They both make out on his bed before finally settling in for the night. Blissfully content with each other’s embrace.

---Hope and Landon---

Landon woke suddenly fully aware, looking over at the clock it read 2 a.m. Hope was draped over him. A familiar nagging feeling at the back of his mind crept in, it chilled him to the bone. He tried to slide out of the bed and leave as to not disturb Hope. She was too light of a sleeper, he blamed her wolf senses. She stirred awake, saying, “Where are you going babe?”

“Just getting a glass of water, go back to bed. I’ll get you one too.”

“Thanks.” Hope turns over and pulls the blanket up. Landon leaves and shuts the door quietly. Hope hears him go in the opposite direction and knows something is up. She gets up and throws on a robe and follows his scent. She can smell the anxiety he’s giving off increasing the further along the trail she gets. She gets to Landon’s room and finds him sitting on his bed holding Excalibur by the blade.

“Landon what are you doing?” He ignores her and tightens his grip. The blood flows quickly from his palms as Hope grabs the sword from him. “What the f*ck Landon!”

“I- I- I have to know…” His face doesn’t give away his pain. He is just staring at the ground. Despite it being so dark Hope sees his pupils are pinpoints.

Hope kneels into his gaze. He hasn’t healed his hands yet. He doesn’t seem to process her being there. She does the only thing she can think of. She slaps him hard across the face.

“Ow. What the hell-” Landon starts.

“Don’t give me that. You know what you just did.” Hope cuts him off. “Where did your mind go just now?”

“I… had to make sure I was really here.” Landon's eyes are now darting about the room.

“Where else would you be?” Hope was torn between anger and concern for his return to hurting himself.

“Doesn’t matter, I’m really here. Lets just go to bed” Landon heals his hands and stands. He walks past Hope like she's a ghost but is cut off.

“Of course it matters Landon! Look at all this blood!” She slams the door with magic. “Do NOT walk away from me.”

Landon clenches his fists and jaw before he let’s out a long breath and Hope can feel the heat roll off his body. “Fourteen.” He says without turning.

“Fourteen?” Hope repeated.

“Fourteen different times I thought I escaped." Landon let that sink in. "Fourteen different escapes planted in my head by fourteen different monsters. Fourteen reunions. Fourteen heartbreaks. I. Had. To. Know!” Landon finally turns with tears in his eyes. “This one felt too real. I had to make sure.”

“Landon you are here. I don’t know how to prove that to you.”

“I just proved it to myself.”

“By bleeding all over your room?”

“By doing something I genuinely believed would kill me, and imagining every single death of mine at once. Breaks any mind control. Only took nine tries to learn that”

“Why now?” Hope said with authority.


“You heard me. Why try and see if this was real now?” She emphasized the final word.

“Because I reached a tipping point. When we were in bed, I dreamt I talked to Raf. He reminded me I promised him to live all in. I had to be sure this wasn't another trick. Now I know. I’m living this one out, no matter what.” Landon felt his heart sank after not saying Rafael's name out loud in so long.

“Alright then. Now help me clean mess this up and we can go back to bed.” Hope orders and throws him a towel. They clean quickly and walk back to Hope’s room to avoid the scene that just happened. Landon is eerily quiet the entire time. They get back and Hope spells them in and gives them some privacy. She walks up to Landon and instead of talking, she pulls him forcefully down into a heated kiss. Landon is surprised at first but returns the kiss. Hope pulls back and speaks while looking directly into his eyes. “Don’t walk away from me like that ever again. Not like that. Never like that. Never like I'm not even there. I’m sorry this is still so hard for you but it’s not easy for me either.”

“I’m sorry I know I’m f*cking everything up.”

“Enough apologies. For both of us.” She pulls him in for another kiss. He returns it and wraps his arms around her waist. She places her hands on the long scars on his back, pressing herself into him. They came up for air for a second before getting lost in each other again. Hope makes up her mind. She bunches up his shirt and pulls it over his head. “Hope what’re you-” she places a finger on his lips to quiet him.

“Exactly what you said. Living all in. I’m done denying my happiness, our happiness; for the world. I want you.” She throws her robe and shirt onto her desk chair. She kisses Landon again before jumping up and wrapping her legs around him.

Landon finally caved to his own desires, he holds Hope up while he turns around and lays her on the bed. He breaks their kiss before pulling on the drawstring on both their sweats they both discard them off the edge of the bed. They attack each other, Hope pulls Landon on top of her needing to feel his skin on hers. He kisses her deeply before moving over and kissing down her neck. She gasps as he hits a sensitive spot. “Landon please…” she managed to breathe out.

He props himself up before asking. “Hope do you have anything…” he almost finished the thought but Hope already summoned a condom from her desk. She flips them over with magic and works his boxers down before he manages to kick them off, he leans up to kiss her and unclasps her bra, tossing it in their growing heap of clothes.
Landon slips a hand down into Hope’s panties to play with her. She closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling of his warm hand. When she opens them again they are glowing yellow for a second. Landon pulls her down for a passionate kiss. He takes the condom from her hand and while he’s putting it on she slips off her panties.

Hope straddles her boyfriend, leaning in and kissing his full lips, his neck, and collarbone. She slowly grinds her hips against his erection as she kisses him before finally leaning back and looking Landon in the eye for a final approval. The question passes without a word being spoken. “Are you sure?” Landon's eyes seem to say. Hope just nods at him. She reaches back to line him up before finally taking him inside herself. She went slowly while Landon stroked her cheek and played with her breasts. Once he was fully inside her, she took a second to just enjoy the sensation, she had loved it so much their first night. She missed it while he was gone, she could only imagine how he felt.
She started off gently, just enjoying being in control and close to Landon. Their moans mixed together as their pace picked up. Hope started to lose herself to the sensation. She took a quick breather from the motion and Landon picked up where she left off. He pulled her in for a kiss as he kept their rhythm, her body pressed tightly against his. Hope buried her face in his neck and moaned, “Yes baby, right there, don’t stop.” Landon wasn’t about to change anything so he kept his pace. Hope moved first and started kissing his neck and playfully bit near his collarbone, causing his eyes to flare up.

Landon groans out, “f*ck Hope.” She looks up and sees the change, he quickly gets them under control but seeing him like that set Hope off. Her attitude changed then. She took his hands in her own and pinned them at his shoulder level. Taking control, she begins riding slowly before gradually gaining momentum to the point they are slamming together. A couple minutes later Hope leads one of Landon’s hands to tease her cl*t. She puts her now free hand on his shoulder for support. Landon locks eyes with her. She lets out a moan so quiet Landon mistook it for a whimper and stops his motion.

“Landon please. Baby I’m so close.” she says, muffled by her face now being pressed against him.

“It’s alright baby, so am I.” He slowly starts back up. “Just let go for me Hope. I’m right here, let go for me gorgeous. I love you.” He manages to get out before she slammed their lips together. For another few seconds they kiss before he hears her breath hitch. She pulls away, letting the wave of pleasure crash over her, she could tell her eyes had changed again but this time didn’t fight them as she rode out her, and eventually Landon’s org*sms. She collapsed on top of him. They’re both panting, not wanting to let the other go.
They both catch their breath and kiss each other gently for a while before deciding together to clean up and dispose of the evidence. They get somewhat dressed and settling into each other’s arms spooning, smiling, and joking about how beds compared to crypts before either of them speaks seriously again.

“I love you Landon.” she squeezes the hand wrapped over her.

“I love you Hope.” he kisses the top of her head.


“Yes love?”

“Could we sleep on your wings? I can fireproof the room really quickly." Hope asks with a smile.

“Anything for you.” Landon responds.
Hope does as she said and Landon wraps them in his wings a few feet above hopes bed. Landon hums the tune to the songs he wrote her to lull them both to sleep.
They fall asleep in pure bliss.

-To Be Continued in Ch. 7. Perpetual Martyrdom-


I circled back to write these branch offs. A few random thoughts inspired them.
Why is the Camaro the community car? It’s the twins. That’s why I have Landon/Hope use Walt's truck.
Lizzie has probably never been the 3rd/5th/7th wheel I wonder how she’s dealing
How hurt was Kaleb when he turned (really took what I think is a decent stab at his backstory). Cleo feels weird to write for with how she speaks never using contractions, feels like writing a noble-person
I have no idea where that dark moment came from before they hooked up. Guess I had a little pent up darkness. (How many times would drive somebody insane?) I was also super torn on to put it before or after the sex
I needed a bit more tough Hope.

Chapter 7: Perpetual Martyrdom


Hope and Landon's morning is interrupted by a new monster
Freya and Kol come to town
Headdives and the girls become blacksmiths


This chapter would've been like 7k so I decided to crop it here at about 5k

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

-The morning after movie night-

Hope and Landon wake shortly after sunrise. Hope couldn’t remember when she had woken in a better mood. Landon lowered them back onto the bed and kisses her.

“Good morning.” Landon yawns out.

“Good morning handsome.” Hope looks up into his eyes. “I’m glad you’re still on our plane.” Hope hugs him a little tighter knowing they still haven’t really talked about the dark place he was in last night.

They gently kiss and stay snuggled up in bed for a while before Landon speaks again. “We should probably get back to the rest of the world. I’m going to go get some coffee, should I bring you back anything from the kitchen?” Landon asks before putting on shoes to head to the dining hall.

“I could really go for a beignet or two but a scone and some tea will do.” Hope pulls the covers back up, enjoying Landon’s lingering scent in them.

“If I could flash fire to New Orleans and back to get some I would already be gone.” Landon smiles at her. “Unfortunately I can’t. So, scones it is.” He kisses her one more time before he glides to the kitchen to get them breakfast.

He returns with coffee and tea in one hand with scones and a donut on a plate in the other.

“Perfect timing.” Hope says, putting her hair up in a towel after a shower. Landon sits in her desk chair, setting their breakfast down, she sits in his lap and ruffles his already messy curls before taking a bite of her scone. Landon smiles and sips his flat white. Luckily Gabby was some sort of barista prodigy. He’d get the hang of the machine eventually. The couple just enjoy their blissful moment before tones from both their phones at once snap them back to reality. It’s Cleo wondering if she’s allowed back and a slew of thanks for the movie night.

“Wow I was really expecting to have to go fight a leviathan or something.” Landon jokes flatly.

“Way to jinx it, I said the same thing about the cyclops a few times before one showed up.” Hope sips her tea.

“Whatever comes, we can handle it together. Co-heroes and their super friends.” Hope laughs at his lame joke before he gets a call. “Hey Dorian, okay slow down. Focus! Tell me, are there longer feathers that kinda stream off its tail? Crap okay thanks for the heads up I’ll handle it.”

“What is it?” Hope keyed into his worried tone.

“There’s a Thunderbird heading our way. I need you and the witches to soundproof the cells and insulate them from electricity.”

Landon frantically shoots a coded text to Ric before he makes an announcement over the intercom. “All students to the gym. This is not a drill. Please stay calm.” He repeats himself. Hope grabs the last spell she’ll need before kissing Landon and telling him to be smart. He finishes securing his weapons, opting to leave the armor. Landon flies out Hope’s window to intercept the new monster before it can wreak havoc.

Landon spots the monster high above the town in a holding pattern just below the grey morning clouds. He flies high up into the center of the ring and tracks its gaze. It’s hunting something besides him but it can’t help but notice his bright wings. It makes its move before Landon could come up with a game plan. It flies directly at him. Landon prepares to stab or slash at it before it can hurt him. When the bird is no more than a yard away a thunderclap rings out disorients Landon enough to where he couldn’t dodge. Talons sink deep into his abdomen and back. Landon can feel his eardrums regenerating as he re-centers himself. Landon decides he can’t let the bird gain any distance, so he grabs the joint of the foot dug into him and turns them into a free fall only he could control. The bird realized this and started clawing at him with its free foot and wings all while causing more thunderclaps in an attempt to free itself. Landon spotted the perfect spot for them to crash and adjusts them. A smile forming on his lips, Landon threw a fireball at the creature’s face as a distraction at the last second before they crashed. Landon tore himself free of the talons and stopped himself as the Thunderbird crashed into the middle of the lake. Landon hovered ready for a counter attack, trying to heal enough to stop the bleeding from the four gaping wounds. A massive bolt of lightning struck the lake and up rose the unconscious body of a tanned man with a long jet black braid. Landon fished him out and made sure he was still alive once he got him back to the dock. “Well this just got way more complicated.” He thought to himself. He hoisted the unconscious man over his shoulder and worked his way to the cells on foot. He runs into the twins and Finch at the school entrance.

“Isn’t the school on lockdown?” Landon asks while adjusting the man’s body.

“Super squad privileges Fawkes, and they don't technically go here so…” Lizzie trails off.

“Hey LC. Who’s your date?” Finch gets them to the important topic.

“And why is his hair braided better than mine?” Lizzie seems to be half serious.

“Wait let me guess! He’s a Naga?” Josie lights up.

“Kitsune?” Finch offers.

“Please tell me it’s not another mud-brother.” Lizzie’s eye roll was in top form today.

“None of the above. This guy is a Thunderbird.” Landon heaves him up to readjust again.

Their eyes widen before Finch exclaims. “Seriously!?! That’s so cool!”

“Yeah I’ve got to get him into a cell before he wakes up and makes the whole school deaf.” Landon says to excuse himself.

“Please hurry. We’re already taking enough languages without adding ASL.” Lizzie is preemptively covering her ears as Landon passes.

Landon deposits the man on the cot in the cell before returning to Hope and the rest of the squad. Finch has gone off to class and Josie gets a doctor’s note from her dad’s cover-up supplies so she can participate. “First off thanks everyone for helping with the lockdown and prepping the cell. This could’ve gotten very bad very easily, great job. I know it’s not how anyone would like to start their weekend, but with the current monster contained we can focus.”

Cleo speaks first. “How did you know what it was?”

“Over there I would see them, flying in and out of storms. I tried to kill or trap one once and got killed by a bolt of lightning. I gave up on that idea very quickly.” He winces at the memory.

“Did you know it had a human form?” Kaleb wrapped an arm around Cleo to let her know she could relax a little bit.

“Actually no. I was just as surprised. Actually Jed, this is gonna sound bad but most of the Native American myths were passed along orally, can you check with the wolves from the tribes and their families for any information. Really anything is better than having no information.

“It’s no problem but isn’t there anything in the library?” Jed asks while typing out a message in the pack group text.

“I already checked, other than it exists and has the powers Landon saw there’s nothing. Blame the Armory’s obsession over Reyna Cruz they disregarded the other myths.” Hope’s frustration is apparent.

“Alright anything else before we hit the phones?” Jed poses to the group ready to send out his orders.

“No but once we figure out a way to talk with it and not burst our eardrums we’ll interrogate him and find out what Pandora is planning. Any questions?

Josie raises her hand, unsure if she has a say in squad activities anymore.

“Yes Jo?” Landon says amused at her tentative attitude.

“If it’s a human with magic powers we could try to purge either Malivore’s or Pandora’s compulsion. You were in pretty rough shape still by the time you got him back to the school. Having another powerful bird on our side couldn’t hurt. You at least wouldn’t be alone in aerial fights.”

“Wait no you are not doing black magic again. I’d rather Landon vaporize the monster.” Lizzie stands as if to punctuate her statement.

“I actually had a plan about that, but I need to talk to Hope’s uncle. He’s an expert in creating dark objects. I was thinking we could make something that could purge minds like the Oni sword, but on a person by person basis.” Josie looks around to see if they think she’s crazy.

“You think you can do that? Safely?” Landon pokes.

“I’m pretty sure but if I talk to Kol I’ll be 100% sure.” Josie nods to project her confidence.

“Well he’ll be in town to check Landon’s theory about the three different hybrid bloods tomorrow. You can tag along, you should probably grab the sword from Kirruta’s gravesite. It’ll be useful since it held the spell once. Maybe don’t tell your dad… their truce is fragile.” Hope pleads.

“Good idea.” Josie agrees.

“We don’t need Josie to be the one to cast it. Do I have any volunteers?” Landon turns to the rest of the squad.

Hope, Lizzie, and Cleo all raise their hands. “We’ve got your back Jo.” Lizzie says with a smile.

“Alright on that note I think we should call it a day. Thanks everyone.” Landon dismisses the group gathered.

The next day at the foreclosed mansion the Mikaelsons held onto for when they came to town. Hope, Landon, Josie, and Lizzie meet with Kol and Freya. After introductions and Landon proving to Kol he’s a Phoenix with his wings they present their plan to destroy Malivore. Landon thought he was being pretty convincing but Kol’s attention kept being drawn back to the twins. “I’m sorry mate, it’s a great plan but I can’t help but be perplexed by these two. For two siphons to be twins is astronomically rare.”

“We get that a lot. Especially when we are traveling with our mom.” Josie informs him.

“Yeah, shame what happened to your coven. Heretics are not to be trifled with.”

“That’s our backup plan if we can’t find a way around the merge. That or somehow be phoenixes” Lizzie admits.

“Not a bad plan honestly. That or the new hybrid blood triad.”

“It was actually more a group effort for the blood part; no Muse spark required. Though I was the one to propose a new triad.” Landon admits.

“Wait you have a Muse at the school? That’s rarer than siphon witches.

“Yep, she’s my roommate.” Hope smiles at her family.

“Gods you are a Mikaelson aren’t you? Trouble follows you.” Kol teases.

“It’s not all bad!” She kisses Landon on the cheek.

That earns a smile from Freya who had been pouring over the spells and theories they had laid out. She finally speaks up. “Okay kids can we get back to killing the daughter of the eldritch horror wanting to consume the world?”

“Yes, my fabulous family that somehow continues to get worse. Pandora, she was trapped in this, spirally looking thing that really shouldn’t qualify as Pandora’s Box. And we need to put her back in it and launch this thing into the sun, or another prison world. Or kill/cut her off from the prison world with the hybrid blood Triad.

“I’ve wanted to launch something into space with magic ever since I learned of the moon landing, so I’m already on board.” Kol says with a wave of the hand.

“Hope did you manage to contact the hybrids or the crescent shamans?” Landon checks.

“The hybrids yes, but the shamans have been ducking my calls. I’ll try again while I get us some drinks.” Hope pulls out her phone and walks downstairs to the kitchen.

Landon nods at the twins to follow her with a fiery glint in his eyes when they tried to protest. Once they are out of earshot Landon turns to the thousand year old experts in the room. “Before they ask with making a different dark object, I’d like to ask you to make something to take me down.”

“Why do you need to be taken down exactly?” Freya questioned.

“If Pandora pulls something or my dad ever manages to take me over, I can’t let myself be a danger to the world. There was a golden arrow that would’ve done the trick but Hope destroyed it with Kol before I got back.” Landon’s voice had tones of his deep seated fear.

“No you don’t understand, I may not have believed in or have forgotten the monsters in Malivore, but Golden arrows were created to kill gods and demigods… Hope’s father destroyed every one he could find for fear they could kill us. The one we destroyed was incredibly rare. The spell to make them was lost before we were ever turned. Seeing as I didn’t want to die a third time; I destroyed it without hesitation.” Kol said proudly.

“All the more reason you guys need to make something to take me down, even if it’s a copy of Klaus’s daggers for a phoenix. It’s better than anyone else being in control of my body. Once Pandora is handled I’ll be the only child of Malivore on the planet. And he may get bored in the prison world and try to get back using me somehow. I just need to know that there’s a backup plan. I can get you my blood, ashes, or anything else if you think it will help.”

“We’ll look into it, and I’m never one to turn down magical ashes, especially from a phoenix.” Freya smiles at the ridiculous sentence.

“If the girls ask I was asking about making a dark object to bring back memories. They’ll explain better, they have the original spell, and the sword that contained the spell, they want to create a less lethal version, that way nobody gets overtaken by dark magic again” Landon is uneasy at blatantly lying to everyone but knows it’s for the best.

“That’s actually ingenious.” Kol admits.

“It was Josie’s idea, we’re thinking of using the monster we have trapped right now as a guinea pig.” Landon explained.

“What is it this time? A sea serpent?” Freya posits.

“Thunderbird actually. Dude was seriously hard to beat between the claws and thunderclaps. He reverted to a human form when I knocked him out.”

“If it doesn’t work can I eat him? You look tasty but last thing I need is to piss off Hope by killing you.” Kol’s devilish smile is on his face in an instant.

Freya slaps his shoulder. “Knock it off.”

“The only way I’m letting myself get drained again is if it helps Hope, but here to help take the edge off.” Landon slits his wrist over an empty tumbler letting a few decent gulps drain out before healing his wrist.

“Bit flashy for supernatural healing. But thanks mate. Cheers.” He drinks. “Never do that again or I might actually drain you. That was amazing.”

Now worried, Landon manages to speak calmly. “Loud and clear.” The girls finally returned.

“So what’d we miss?” Josie feels they interrupted.

“Nothing really, your plan is solid. Landon was just explaining you want to make a dark object for purging Malivore and Pandora’s influence from minds. Even mentioned you have a lab rat to test on.

“Yes we do! Would it be very difficult?” Hope asked excited about practicing magic with Freya again.

“Depends, let me see the sword and spell.” Kol demands.

“What do you plan to do if you can free creatures from Malivore/Pandora’s control?” Freya gets to the million dollar question.

“Well if they aren’t naturally malevolent, offer them a choice. Let them start a new life in this world, or join us in our fight. The thunderbird was the hardest fight I’ve had in six months, he could be a good wingman. Pun intended.” Landon’s eyes meet Hope’s.

That earns an eye roll from everyone but Hope. “Well if my ancient Japanese is correct, we can melt this sword into smaller blades and imbue them with a less powerful but more precise version of the spell. None of you were around to know about traveler knives, but it’s the same concept.” Kol casually states.

“That’s amazing! What do we need besides the sword and the spell?” Lizzie asks.

“The essence of Malivore itself…” Freya didn’t sound happy.

“Like blood of his blood? Easy peasy take however much you need.” Landon holds out an arm.

“No like the mud he is made of lad.” Kol corrects.

“Oh well I have that… kinda…” Hope is nervous about why she has it.

“What do you mean ‘kinda’?” Landon raises an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

“Well after you got pulled back, your body was turned to Malivore mud. I put it into a mason jar… and before finding the ascendant and psychopomp… CleoandIsculpteditintoabustofyou.” She said the last part hurriedly.

“How did I not notice that in the school?” Landon was amused at the situation and Hope’s embarrassment.

“Cleo stashed it in the hall closet after her fight with Hope after the Leprechaun.” Lizzie answered.

“Why am I still bloody surprised at all the things you have been fighting?” Kol shakes his head slightly.

“Hey we didn’t fight all of them! We freed Santa from Krampus! The unicorn was kinda a dead Trojan horse walking though. Puck was kinda just a chaotic good distraction.” Josie rambled.

“Can we please focus?!?” Freya spoke up.

“Sorry.” All the kids said together.

“I will go get the bust and Cleo while I'm at it. Wonder twins you can get setup with the new blade molds at the fire pit out back. Landon they’re about to get into the spell work zone can you keep an eye out for them, maybe be research assistant? Thank you again Aunt Freya and Uncle Kol for coming.” Hope deals out their orders.

“Ready break?” Lizzie looks ready to work.

They all nod and split up, Hope giving Landon a peck on the lips as she walked out. “Well now that we have some lasting privacy… Freya and I already have everything we need prepared on our end. We want to make sure you are really not under Malivore’s side. Especially since you want a weapon to take yourself out.” Kol walks around the large table to him.

“Is it really the time for a head dive? Last time Hope did something like that we were under for hours.” Landon admitted.

“We love Hope, but she’s not an Original caliber vampire yet. Kol can see your whole life story in 20 minutes and bring me along for the ride no sweat.” Freya states.

“Fine but the first 16 years are foster care hell, then a good year and a half, then 2 years of prison world monster killing hell. Just fair warning.” Landon’s tone doesn’t match his joke and the two notice. He pours himself a scotch from a nearby cabinet and throws it back before laying down on a couch against the back wall.

“I can assure you I’ve done worse.” Kol confesses.

“I feel for the rough childhood, and I don’t scare that easily.” Freya tries to calm him.

“Will you, or I, feel the emotion or physical pain? If so get ready to drown a lot.” Landon tries to offer them a way out.

“No, it’ll just be your memories condensed.” Kol reassures.

“Well let’s get this over with before Hope comes back and kills me again.” Landon says in a hurried tone.

“Right then. Here we go.” Kol takes Freya’s hand and touches Landon’s head. The images fly by so fast that Landon can’t process them all. He would see one, remember what it was, and by the time he finished processing they were already further along in his life. He just let the flashbacks pass him by washing over him. A smile reaching his lips the first time Hope sat in his section at the Grill. Meeting Elijah before he moved away and met Raphael. Meeting Raf. Reuniting with Hope. Then he started to brace himself for the whirlwind once he took the knife, before long he saw himself with a cinder block at the docks. Then flying with Dorian. Dying by the golden arrow. Fighting the Necromancer. Then his visions turned into fire and bloodshed before finally catching up to present day. He opens his eyes to find Kol and Freya are standing over him speechless. “I- I can’t even be a mad uncle at you for being with Hope. You’ve been through so much for her.” Kol puts a reassuring hand on Landon’s shoulder.

“I’d do it again too. She doesn’t deserve the pain that she’s already gone through. She deserves to be happy. Shouldn’t the karmic scales balance at some point?” Landon’s eyes turn watery at the admission.

“Look kid, you guys are absolutely in love. Anybody can see that. But you shouldering everything and being the perpetual martyr isn’t the answer. Love isn’t a strong one and a weak one. It’s a partnership. You trust each other. You have each other’s back, and you never. Abandon each other.” Freya’s motherly tone breaks through her badass demeanor.
“On that we agree. I’m sorry you went through all that mate. Nobody said ‘Always and Forever’ was easy did they?” Kol had a genuine smile on.

Landon scoffs at that. “I’m sorry I need a minute.” Landon converts into flame tendrils and heads to the roof for some air. He paces back and forth on the roof, his wings screaming to be released. He finally breaks down and calls Hope thinking her voice could calm him down. She answers on the second ring.

“Hey Landon what’s going on? We’re almost back.” Hope answers.

“How close are you? I kinda need to do my own version of wolfing out.” Landon’s uneven breathing picks up.

“Landon do not go drown or cut yourself I’ll be right there.” Hope orders to hide her panic.

“No not that Hope, I need to fly. Burn off all these thoughts. Literally.”

”We’re just a mile away. Wait for us to get there. Please Landon.”

“Fine just hurry before I can’t hold it.”

Hope floors it, quickly spelling them in a force field and opening the gate. She drifts to a stop and can hear Landon pacing on the roof. She quickly climbs up and tries to calm him, taking his hands. Hope tries to speak first but Landon beats her to it.

“Finally you’re here. Just watch after the place ‘til I get back.” He tries to free himself but she’s held on like a vice.

“Wait where are you going? Talk to me Landon. What’s happening?” Hope’s worry is seeping through.

“Like I said I need to do my version of wolfing out, just trust that it’s a similar prospect. Don’t believe me? Listen closely for the next minute once I take off.” Landon says quickly.

“What do you mea-“

“Hope, please. I need to do this or I’m gonna hurt someone. Please let go.” He cuts her off.

She releases him and a split second later he’s already airborne, flying north at a blinding speed before Hope loses sight of him, still she listens like Landon said and hears an ominous boom. She is confused by the lack of any dark clouds, and she hadn’t been alerted her spells on the thunderbird cell had dropped so why did he know what was… then it hit her, the sound was Landon. He was letting all his power out and had managed to go supersonic. She sits down in shock at how powerful he had become. Once she processed the insane speed she stood and made an educated guess. Hope went and got him water and a change of clothes. As she sat on the edge of the roof swinging her feet she heard him speeding back. He landed abruptly, breathing hard like just ran a marathon. “Here ya go,” she said tossing him a water bottle and drawstring bag of clothes that she knew would fit him.

“Oh wow I’m so used to doing that in my armor, thanks” Landon pants out.

“Okay now Goose you wanna tell me what’s going on?” Hope is tapping a foot impatiently.

Landon takes a few more breathes before admitting, “I kinda sorta let your aunt and uncle head dive me and see my entire life.”

Hope looked stunned. “And Kol didn’t rip your heart out? I’m surprised.”

“Yeah me too, hence the loss of control and taking off. Going all out makes everything else fade away. The pain and the rush help me get centered. Sorry if I freaked you out. I just had get away for a bit.”

“It’s ok Landon. Are you good to get inside? We’re ready for the spell now.” Hope says softly seeing him return to his normal mood.

“Yeah let’s get this over with. I’m ready to turn the tide against my family and figure out what to do with my life.”

She pulls him into a kiss. “We can beat anything, as long as we do it together. Co-heroes. Besides, you may have been joking but I’m holding you to that world tour.

He finally smiled, “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” She smiles back.

Landon glides them down to the backyard where they will create the ‘Purge blades’ as Kol deemed them. There was a mold with a dozen impressions. That would be more than enough. Half were talon shaped, the other half just small daggers. The spell wasn’t overly complex, just several steps.
Lizzie temporarily removes the binding spell still on the sword. Once she does Hope melts the sword and directs the molten metal to the molds. Cleo cools and forms the new blades, imbuing them with Malivore mud as she does. Lizzie reattaches the binding spell to the new blades. Once the blades are cooled and tempered with magic the three witches join Freya to cast the Japanese spell. The hilt of each blade is now adorned with a glowing kanji symbol. They all high fived and hugged to celebrate their success. All that was left was to test on the Thunderbird

After they finally finish cleaning up the spell, Cleo, Freya, Lizzie, and Hope seem to be having a hard time recovering so Landon tossed them all recovery fireballs. They perk up, but still feel the effects.

“Great work team, I say we call it a day, get some dinner. We can free or kill the Thunderbird tomorrow.” Hope proposes to the group.

“Yes please, where can we eat that’s not the Mystic grill? Kol isn’t exactly a welcome face here.” Freya admits.

“In my defense I was right the entire time about Silas. Stupid Gilberts.” Kol grumbled.

“Yeah we love them but they don’t see the big picture. Like ever.” Lizzie admits.

“I knew I liked you.” Kol flashes a smile.

“Not to sound cliché but how about Japanese food? The sushi place just opened a hibachi area.” Josie suggests.

A loud stomach growl from Hope and Freya confirmed.

“Perfect, I’ll go compel us a reservation.” Kol vamp speeds away before anyone can protest.

“Alright mortals and mortal adjacents, take a blade and we’ll send the rest to school.” Freya orders. Landon and Lizzie take a talon shaped knife while Hope and Josie take the dagger style. Cleo also opts for a dagger, saying she hopes she doesn’t have to use it.

They enjoy a great meal, Kol compelled the entire restaurant to forget anything they say or do not directly related to the food or service. Landon toyed with the flames that crept up, culminating in a small fire tornado spinning like a top all over Lizzie’s plate. Much to Hope and Josie’s delight. After eating, they walk out and bump into Finch getting off her grill shift. She exchanged pleasantries with everybody before Josie stole her away to see a movie, the rest walk back to campus after bidding the Mikaelsons goodnight at the gates, saying they would see them in the morning to test the blades. Freya gives both Landon and Hope long hugs before getting in the car and driving off with Kol.

The four go their separate ways at the dorms. Later Hope walks into Landon’s room to see him gently floating around his room while trying to relearn how to play his songs. Hope feels like she interrupted a deeply private moment and blushes. He lands to set his guitar down and kisses Hope on the forehead, noticing her anxiety.

“What’s wrong Hope?” Landon tries to meet her gaze.

“It’s stupid.” She tries to shake off the thought.

“I promise you it’s not.”

Hope sighs before asking, “Why did you let Freya and Kol see everything and not me?”

Landon realizes he overlooked how Hope would feel at that. “Besides the fact that they weren’t going to say no… They can handle seeing it, they’ve seen a lot. I made them promise that if I let them, they could only see, not feel what happened. Not just the monsters, but my early life. I needed them to trust I would never harm you. I know you already feel that way about me, but there wasn’t time for me to get them to see how I feel. If you saw it all that way it wouldn’t help you, or us.”

Hopes eyes are wide, “They saw everything?”

Hanging his head Landon answers, “Yeah. Everything. My whole life condensed into a 20 minute montage of misery, with truly happy parts thrown in.”

“Would… would you like to show me parts of it too?”

“My life before? Or the prison world?” Landon starts thinking of what he could show her without traumatizing her.

“Whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m here for you. Always. I love you and we are going to get through this. Together.” Hope hugs him as she finishes the statement.

“How about this, I’ll show you one good memory from my life before Mystic Falls, then one from the prison world. Then you can decide if you really want to know it all, or if some things are best left behind.” Landon offers as he strokes her hair softly.

“I can handle it Landon. But deal. I’ll humor you.” Hope says with newfound conviction.

“If you say so, prep the spell please, I think I left my dreamcatcher back in the Lockwood cells.” He jokes before they retrieve the spell materials and return to his room. Landon lays back as Hope begins the spell. His vision fading from black slowly into color.

-To be Continued in Ch.8 The Game would Never End-


I'm juggling writing and editing this into html which I'm still new to. Debating whether to just edit/post what I have and take a break to write ahead again or write one day edit the next :/ will decide soon.

Chapter 8: The Game Would Never End


Landon shows Hope some memories
Josie and Finch hang out at the school
Hope has a proposition from her family to Landon

Chapter Text

The darkness fades into a Christmas themed living room of a small house. “Here is the only decent holiday I can remember from before I was sent to Mystic Falls.” Landon tried to set the scene.

Hope sees a small boy, dark curly hair and familiar green-grey eyes. He tentatively unwrapped his gift. It was a couple books and a movie on Blu-ray stacked together and wrapped. The much younger Landon studied the books before looking up at an older teenager with dark brown hair with eyes to match. He runs over and hugs the tall teen. The older version of Landon sighed out the boy’s name smiling at the memory, “Sam.”

“What are these books for?” His younger version asked. Hope was very amused at how light Landon’s voice was compared to his current one.

“Well let’s see. This one is for teaching you chess, so one day you might be able to beat me. The other is the basics of guitar so you can back me up.”

“Why do you like those things?” young Landon looked pretty clueless at the books in his small hands.

“Because, chess teaches several things: strategy, prediction, reaction, and knowing the time to save or sacrifice.” Sam pat the seat next to him for Landon to sit and talk.

“Why would you sacrifice your pieces when you can save them?” older Landon shakes his head at his own young naiveté.

“Because then the game would never end silly. And the guitar book is so you learn to be creative and appreciate art. Once you’re big enough to hold an actual guitar that is. And this is my favorite movie. Back to the Future. It’s a little dorky at times but it’s a great movie.” Sam says with a smile.

Younger Landon looks at his gifts and throws his arms around Sam. The memory pauses before older Landon let’s out a long sigh before finally speaking again. “Ready for the bad?”

“Of course Landon. Hey I meant it. You’re stuck with me” Hope flashed a reassuring smile.

“Here we go.” Landon shut his eyes and focused on the next memory.

At first they are surrounded by darkness, then a minute passes and there are flashes of memories including Hope’s face. Then there are cracks in the darkness and Landon resurrects, breaking through the layer of ash. He looks around frantically and sees his weapons propped up in a corner of what looked like a small cave and rushes to arm himself. He could see miles of woods and a shimmering lake in the distance out of the mouth of the cave. He remembered he had driven through Lake Tahoe on his way to check the old Gemini archives in Portland that Dr. Saltzman had mentioned. Landon quickly grabbed his sword and daggers and skulked to the mouth of the cave. Below he saw an encampment of centaurs. They were tending to fires and talking in Greek. The way Hope saw his jaw set she could tell that he had resigned himself to having to fight his way out. She asks quietly, “Why didn’t you fly away?”

Landon answers simply. “That was one of my first resurrections… I hadn't exactly mastered my powers yet, this was about 4 months in.”
Landon checked his first attempt at armor before ambushing a lone centaur walking up to the cave. Landon slid under it before driving his short sword up into where a horse’s heart would be, then withdrew the blade and cut through the neck of the man half of the creature. It fell, gargling on blood. Landon took its spear and heaved it at a group of five standing near a fire. It buried in the base of one’s skull. The rest noticed what was happening and yelled out before charging him together. Landon managed to stay composed and calculating for a while fighting their small number, then something snapped. His wings came alive, his eyes became green fire, and then he turned into a killing machine. Cutting down every centaur he saw. Landon must not have fully remembered the carnage because the memory itself was flashing in between scenes from the battle. The centaurs must have regrouped because now a few dozen were charging at him in formation. The memory flashed to Landon launching himself with the aid of his wings. Screaming, he unleashed a blast of flame that hit everything within 50 feet, the centaurs tried to pat the flames off their bodies but the flames could not be extinguished. They must have been the vanguard, because the memory dimmed and twice their number appeared from the tree line. Landon screamed at them. “What are you f*cking waiting for?” No sooner had the echo died then a volley of arrows flies high above the clearing. Landon’s flames burn them to ash before they can breach his skin.

The centaurs realize they need to do this up close and charge at him before circling and trying to stab him with spears. He managed to dodge a lot of them before one manages to slice into his shoulder. The vision dims once again, Landon is more furious than ever, he unleashes another wave of flames but this time the flames are more intense, they burn so hot he can’t even hear the centaurs scream. When they finally die, Landon focuses and sends a fireball the size of an SUV flying into the forest, catching the centaurs galloping to reposition and incinerating them. Landon listens carefully for any movement, then sweeps the clearing for survivors. All he finds is a couple centaurs still bleeding out, he grants them a quick death, beheading them as he walked past. When he is finally sure he is alone again, he heads back to the cave and looks back at the aftermath of what he had done. The forest fire he inadvertently started was starting to spread faster. Landon looked at his hands, before willing all the fire to come to him. It changed directions and burned everything it could on its way to Landon. Landon absorbed the flames before dropping to his knees. Taking in everything he had just done.

All of a sudden Landon and Hope are thrust back to reality. Landon keeps his eyes shut, not wanting Hope to see the pain to go along with the tears in his eyes. Until finally she strokes his cheek and he looks back at her to see the same tears and pain.

“Landon, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Just don’t shut me out.” Hope says in almost a whisper.

“No, if I don’t talk about it now I might chicken out next time. Just lay here with me. Ask what you want to know.” Landon braces himself/

“Why have you never mentioned Sam?” Hope remembered the love in his younger self’s eyes.

“It’s a short sad story. Raf was the only one I ever told. He was the first person I saw as family that saw me as the same. He was 17 about to age out of foster care in the memory. That Christmas break was the last time I saw him.” Landon’s voice caught in his throat before continuing. “He was killed by a drunk driver when he went to visit a college that was considering giving him a partial scholarship for his grades. I couldn’t even get the satisfaction of seeing the bastard thrown in jail. He died before they got him to the hospital. Sam died on impact. I didn’t learn until the next morning. After that I shut down. Started acting out. Then the family I was with sent me away. I ended up in a group home. I eventually grieved and got better and sent away again. But none of them stuck. Obviously.” Landon sat up and rubbed his eyes and erased the sigil on his forehead.

“He meant a lot to you, I wish I could’ve met him.” Hope sat up and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah me too, he would’ve liked you.”

“Think so?”

“I know so.” A long pause goes by with just the sound of their breathing.

“Landon you were defending yourself in the forest, that’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Hope tries to comfort him before he cuts her off.

“I’m not ashamed I defended myself. I’m ashamed that I was so cruel, like my father. Ashamed I didn’t just escape once my wings emerged for the first time. That I might have just wiped out a sentient species. Ashamed I lost control. A whole village gone Hope. Mostly I’m ashamed that… that was the last time I let myself feel that way.” He clenches his fists over his knees.

“Landon… I…” then she was cut off again.

“From then on, I killed quickly and moved on. No room for doubt. If they moved against me they were dead. With the exception of the dryads everything there was out to kill me.
Hope kisses him to shut him up, before pressing her forehead against his. “I was going to say, while you may feel ashamed. Feeling ashamed is proof you are still good. You are NOT your father. You are a good man. You were in an impossible situation, a painful crucible, but you made it through. You will get through this too, it’ll just take time. I’m here for you. Everyone is here for you.”

After closing his eyes and exhaling Landon finally finds the words, “Thank you Hope. I love you.” The words seem too little to convey his appreciation, but it was all he could muster. He laid his head down on his pillow; emotionally drained from all the memories he had to relive that day.

“I’ll love you too Landon. Thank you for showing me, and letting me help. I haven’t decided if I want to see it all, or hear it all. I have decided that I don’t care either way. I trust you, you can tell me whatever you want, whenever you want.” Hope lays next to him, looking into his eyes that normally are hyper alert. She now sees the deep exhaustion behind them. They kiss tenderly before they both drift off to sleep. Not even bothering to get into his wings.

-Flashback to after Josie and Finch’s movie date-

Josie and Finch walk up to her moped before Finch asks, “I almost forgot to ask Jo, who were the older folks you were having dinner with?”

“Oh just Hope’s thousand year old witch aunt and original vampire uncle.” Josie said casually with a smile playing at her lips.

“I don’t know why I’m still surprised by the things that show up in this town.” Finch says shaking her head before putting on her helmet.

“You have no idea.” Josie chuckles before getting behind Finch on the moped.

“Where to? My place, the school, or your aunt’s?” Finch asked.

“The school.” Josie answers too quickly, hiding a blush from her girlfriend.

“Sounds good, always a better ride there than into town.” Finch doesn’t seem to process the nervous energy rolling off Josie now.

They pull up to the school gates, Josie punches in her passcode before they ride up to the main entrance. Once Josie dismounts she stands shyly next to the moped before Finch finally sees how nervous she is. “Alright spill, what’s on your mind?”

Josie shifts her weight between her feet a few times before answering. “Um well when you invited me back to your place I realized… I haven’t been with anyone… like that, in a while. I kinda panicked. It’s my issue not yours. Sorry if I freaked you ou-.” She was cut off by familiar lips pressing against hers.

Finch lowered herself back down before responding. “Sorry, you’re just incredibly cute when you ramble. I’d never want to pressure you. I really wasn’t thinking about that, I just didn’t want our date to end.”

“I felt the same honestly, you just surprised me.” Josie admits. “Would you like to come in for dessert? I know where Lizzie hides the good ice cream?”

“That sounds great actually.” Finch gives her a peck on the lips before weaving her fingers between Josie’s and walking into the main entrance of the school.

They walk into the dining hall and are cut off by a couple buzzing shapes in a dogfight. Josie panics and siphons Finch to trap whatever is flying around. She stands in front of Finch to protect her from what she assumes is a new monster before casting a spell, trapping the creatures in a magic bubble. She pulls the contained things closer to see what they were and just as they get within reach she hears a voice hollering out from the galley. “Wait! Don’t kill or maim them!” Just then Travis slides past the door, tripping to make it through the door.

“Oh great. Here to assault another Gemini Travis?” Josie’s mood is immediately soured at the sight of him.

“No I am not. Because A, Lizzie assaulted me first in the garden. B, I cleaned her off despite her still wanting to fight. And C, you are about to hurt my daemons which will won’t kill me but it’ll still hurt. So please don’t.” His tone faded from snarky to pleading by the end of his final point.

“I’m sorry you let demons fly around the school while you cook?!” Finch asks incredulously.

“I second that.” Josie adds. “There are enough issues to sort out without these things causing chaos.”

“Not demon, D-A-E daemon. They’re like familiars. They’re harmless for the most part. Look closely at them.” Travis steps up and ushers for them to look.

“What kind of birds are these? They don’t smell like birds.” Finch asks.

“They’re copies of my tattoos, I take knowing something like the back of your hand very seriously.” He held up his hands and only the outlines of the birds were visible. “I was using them to keep watch while I brewed my tea.”

“Why would you need to keep watch?” Josie asked.

“Do I really need to recap the monsters that have gotten into the school, or that Lizzie still wants to maim me? Maybe its past curfew and my tea isn’t exactly sanctioned strength for the school?” Travis raised an eyebrow at the pair of girls.

“Okay fair, but could you maybe just have them sit still and not scare people?” Josie suggests.

“Not really. They act mostly independently. They mess around but they’re pretty reliable when there is real danger.” Just then the teapot he left on in the kitchen starts to scream at them. “Can you release them now?”

Josie sighs and releases the spell. Travis then jogs back to the kitchen to take the teapot off the burner. Josie and Finch follow, noting the daemons now circling Travis’s head. He pours the hot water into a mug before turning around and speaking again. “Sorry about them freaking you out. Lucy and Nox like to dogfight to pass the time. If I’m not focusing on them they wander.”

“You named them?” Finch seems very amused.

“Yeah why is that weird?” Travis asked.

“A little.” Josie agrees.

“People name goldfish and stuffed animals, why can’t I name parts of my magic that are uniquely mine?” Travis postulates.

“That’s… actually a good question.” Finch considers before admitting. “You’re right it’s not that weird.”

“Thanks.” He mutters a spell quietly and the birds land on his hands before dissolving and turning into his regular tattoos. “With that, I will leave you two to the rest of your night. It was nice talking to you Josie and… I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.”

“Finch Tarrayo, werewolf transfer next semester.” She introduces herself.

“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Travis Sawyer. Warlock, but I hate how that sounds so I prefer mage. I’m off to drink this and sleep for entirely too long. Goodnight girls.”

They both offer a quick apology before saying goodnight and helping themselves to Lizzie’s stash of ice cream. They eat and laugh, trading cold kisses in between stories. When it is finally time for Finch to leave Josie offers for her to stay the night. Finch politely declines saying she has a check in with her landlord in the morning. After a chaste kiss goodnight they part ways.

-The next morning-

Landon dreams a pleasant dream of himself and Hope flying around before waking up. He looks over and sees Hope still asleep next to him. He notices he overslept and chuckles softly to himself. The slight motion stirs Hope into a half awake state.

“Hey baby, good morning.” Landon groans.

“Mmmm.” Hope responds before wrinkling her forehead. “Tell that to the crick in my neck.”

“Vampire blood doesn’t heal neck cricks?” Landon chuckles.

“It does but I still feel it in the morning. I wouldn’t object to some phoenix healing though.” Hope insinuates.

“I haven’t exactly aced the phoenix healing massage. Would pancakes ease your pain?” Landon teases with a kiss to her forehead.

“God yes.” Hope responds.

“Okay well you go get ready for the day, I’ll make us some before Kol and Freya arrive.” Landon manages to extricate himself from under the sleepy tribrid.

“Yeah good idea you do that.” She says snuggling back into her pillow.

“Come on time to save the school and probably the world.” He kisses up her neck to a spot he knows drives her crazy, then pecks the spot before rolling off the bed and gliding away to make breakfast.

“Not fair!” She yelled after him.

Hope realized he was right and showered and got ready for the day. Combat ready clothes, hair back. Purge blade tucked into her boot just as she’s fixing a button on her jacket with magic, Landon returns with plates carried like a waiter tray by his wing. “Fresh off the skillet, warmed by magic. Nothing better to start your day.” He greeted with a smile.

“I’d actually have to give it as a toss-up between this and a plate of fresh beignets and hot coffee.” She jokes.

“Well I guess we’ll finally have to go to New Orleans now won’t we.” He says before wrapping her in a hug.

“I’d like that a lot, add it to the tour,” she smiles and went to kiss him before smiling mischievously and plopping a pancake onto his lips.

After taking a big bite. Landon growls. “I’m so getting you back for that.”

“Good luck with that.” She teases, then pecks him on the cheek.

“So what’s on deck besides seeing if we can free the Thunderbird today?” Hope asks her boyfriend.

“Well I’ve got a training session this afternoon with Finch and Josie. Why?” Landon asks sipping on a coffee.

“My family, namely my Aunt Keelin who wasn’t able to make it yesterday, wants to take us out to dinner Friday night. She’s flying up with my cousin to take a family trip to DC.

“They don’t need to do that.” Landon tries to deflect.

“But they want to, and they like you so a family dinner is in order.”

“As long as I don’t have to wear a tie I will be there.” Landon concedes.

“Hey the Mikaelson’s aren’t that prissy, pants and a button up shirt will be just fine.” Hope says with a smile.

“I might even try to brush my hair. Just let me know when and where. I’ll make sure the truck is gassed up.” Landon teases.

“I wouldn’t unless you want Freya spelling it into Viking style braids after a few glasses of wine.” Hope ruffles his long hair to punctuate the point.

“I don’t know, might be more practical.” Landon kisses her on the cheek.

“You’re ridiculous.” Hope rolled her eyes.

“And completely in love with you. I’ve gotta go patrol before we handle the thunderbird. See you then?” Landon asks before he kisses her and starts toward the window.

“I love you too!” She shouts after him as he falls out his window.

-To be continued in Ch. 9 A Deal’s a Deal-

Chapter 9: A Deal's a Deal


The Squad deals with the Thunderbird
Hope and Landon spend some time with Freya and Kol respectively
Landon trains Finch and Josie helps out
Hope and Landon spend some alone time together


NSFW scene at the end

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

-Thursday Morning-

The squad, with the addition of the Mikaelsons gather in the cells. Landon the last to arrive after his morning patrol.

“Alright I think we’ve waited long enough, Landon wanna flip a coin for stabbing rights?” Hope proposes.

“Sure, but do we just need to cut him or stab him?” Landon asks

“I’d do both just to be safe. The next one can be the control of these blades work." Kol states.

“Alright call it in the air princess.” Kaleb chides before tossing a quarter in the air.

“Tails never fails.” Hope calls.

“Except just now. Ha. Alright so we’re sure the translation spells the wolves provided will work?” Landon looks to the witches for reassurance.

“Yep, Kol and Freya double checked. We should be able to talk easily, but he’s still old so don’t go nerding out on him.” Lizzie is twirling her own purge blade in boredom.

“Okay then. Could you siphon me in please?” Landon gestured to the shimmering veil over the cell door.

“Yeah yeah, but I’m leaving up the soundproofing.” She places a hand gingerly on the veil created by the spell. Her hand glows slightly before she backs away to allow Landon to enter.

Landon speeds into the cell taking a defensive posture in front of the taller man, they can’t hear what he says to the thunderbird but it’s clear he’s explaining the knife can free him from Malivore’s grasp. The man tentatively offers out his arm. Landon says a few words before placing a shallow cut on the man’s shoulder, then quickly stabbed him through the palm, the man barely flinches at the pain. Everyone can see his body language relax. He and Landon exchange a few words then Landon removed the blade and heals his wounds. He gives the signal to lower the soundproofing spell.

“Everyone meet Onacona the Thunderbird.” Landon introduced.

“Thank you all, for sparing me, and for freeing me from that cursed mission.

“My name is Hope. I’m glad to see that the knife worked. Let me make some introductions. But first, what kinds of supernatural creatures do you remember from your time before Malivore?"

"The neighboring tribe were werewolves, and I met a traveling witch and shaman once, before that monster came for me. I am still unsure as to what this warrior is that he managed to best me not just in combat, but in the skies.” Onacona continues to eye Landon up and down.

Landon shifts at the newfound attention before explaining “I’m a phoenix, I was made by Malivore to be his perfect vessel. I rebelled and am dead set on destroying him and his dimension.”

Hope takes over from there. “Well this might be easier to explain than I thought, but before we get into the recruitment pitch we should introduce ourselves. Starting over with…” she gestures to Alaric.

“Dr. Alaric Saltzman. Human, former Original caliber vampire, and headmaster of this school. Long story. This is one of my twin daughters.” He gestures to Lizzie.

“Lizzie, siphon and fashion extraordinaire. One half of the remaining Gemini Coven. The other half is currently canoodling at the human high school with her girlfriend.” She looks next to her to continue the introductions.

“I’m Freya, thousand year old witch and this is my brother.”

“Kol, Original vampire. Encyclopedic knowledge of all things magic. Malivore erasure notwithstanding. Hope is our niece.”

Hope chimes in, “I guess I never explained what I am. I’m a tribrid, witch, werewolf, and potential Original caliber vampire. This is who Malivore sent you after.”

“Cleo Sowande, witch and Muse. This is my boyfriend.”

“Kaleb Hawkins, baby vampire. Jed Tien is holding down the fort with the pack, he’s the alpha of the wolves here and they found the translation spell that’s letting us communicate so easily right now.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you again. I am forever in your debt.” Onacona gives a weird salute.

“It’s the least we can do, my father twists the minds of those he finds to be different than the original triad. Sorry for burning and hurting you so badly before by the way.” Landon says with a sheepish grin.

“Never apologize for being strong. I admire the strength it took to stop me without killing me. Tell me, how long was I in Malivore?"

“We’re not sure exactly. Do you remember meeting any white settlers? The name of your chief, or the land where you lived? Malivore was turned into a pit a hundred or so years ago. So if you met him as a golem it’s been at least that long. I’m so sorry.” Alaric explained.

“If what you say is true, then it means I failed to protect my people. I am who should be sorry…” A long pause passes between those gathered. Landon finally realizes he’s still alone in the cell with the newly freed man. He awkwardly exits before someone finally speaks.

“So how did you become a thunderbird? Like what exactly is a thunderbird?” Lizzie blurted out.

“Dude. Give him a minute, he’s processing.” Hope seethes at her.

“It’s fine, it is a power that is bestowed once in a generation to a small group of warriors. Those warriors pass it on to another worthy group and then train them to use it. While the new ones grow stronger strength is slowly sapped from the predecessors until they are just a men, the predecessors then become the tribe elders. Then the cycle repeats. If Malivore erased us then the ceremony has been forgotten, my tribe was likely wiped out. Long before Malivore was made a pit.“ Onacona hung his head low at the admission.

“Fascinating…” Kol couldn’t contain his curiosity and started getting tons of details from the newcomer before Landon noticed the fatigue on the man’s face. If the spell in its normal form knocks anyone unconscious he figured the toned down version of the knives could still be draining. Noticing they’ve been questioning Onacona for an hour.
He interrupts the lecture. “We should let you rest, but before we leave you alone to think. If you are willing, we would welcome your help in fighting Malivore, his daughter Pandora, and the monsters he sends our way. Just sleep on it, we are going to keep you in here out of an abundance of caution. I’ll be back to check on you tomorrow and run a few more cursory tests. If you want to be on your own, we’ll help you adjust to the 21st century and try and set you up somewhere you can live peacefully, maybe even find a successor.” Landon flashes a reassuring smile at the tan warrior in the cell.

“Thank you. I did not know what to expect after being captured, but you are kinder than I thought you would be after our battle. I will consider it.” The thunderbird responded.

They all file out, breaking off in groups Kol and Freya follow Landon and Hope out to the front yard before Freya speaks up. “I think I am in dire need of some girl time with my niece before dinner tomorrow. Think you two can keep out of trouble while I drag this one shopping? Maybe even get her a pedicure if I feel like torturing her.” Hope’s eyes go wide at the idea of Landon and Kol having alone time.

“I’ve got a training session later this afternoon, but I’m sure Kol and I can find something to do. I can probably keep him out of trouble... Probably.” Landon and Kol share smirks at Hope’s demeanor.

“No please don’t-” She starts before her boyfriend cuts her off.

“Hope, love. Please spend some time with the powerful witch before she makes me sleep for a century to have alone time with you.” He joked.

“I was gonna start with a decade and go from there.” Freya quipped back.

“You guys are terrible. I’m not sure how to feel about your humor lining up so well with theirs. Fine, but if there’s an emergency. Call us before you do anything hasty.”

“Same goes for you darling. A Phoenix and Original can do some serious damage if you need us to.” Kol offers.

“Will do.” She hugs Landon and Kol goodbye and hops in Freya’s rental car to head to town.

Once they pull away Landon has an idea. “As for staying out of trouble, would you like to spar with me? I don’t really have a comparable sparring partner and I can’t really go all out against Hope."

“Is mind reading in your arsenal too? I was going to suggest the same thing. That way when Marcel and Rebekah ask I can give an accurate assessment of your abilities.”

Landon smiles at the idea before saying. “There’s a clearing a mile north from here. Wanna race or would being flown be too emasculating?”

“Okay, you’re on. Get those wings out.” Kol has a devious smile.

Landon sets a countdown on his phone and they race there in less than a minute, Kol only winning because Landon lost time taking off and landing.

“You nearly had me mate.” Kol slaps his shoulder.

“If it were far enough for me to get to full speed I definitely would have beat you. Even then, it’s not something I can just do on a whim.”

“How do you mean?” Kol inquires.

“Occasionally the fire in me seems to run over, I can control it for a while but I have to get it out of my system and just take off.” Landon begins burning out the soreness in his joints to prepare for their fight.

“Do you actively suppress your wings? Or is their natural state turned off and you focus to turn them on?” Kol’s thirst for knowledge is showing again.

“Well if I focus I can turn them on and off, but it doesn’t really require active effort once they are on or off. I can sleep cocooned in them without falling, and sleep in a bed without letting them out. Oh before I forget. Thanks for making that obsidian ring dark object, it’s been very helpful not burning the school down.” Landon slips off his jacket and hangs it on a broken branch on the nearest tree.

“Oh that old thing? It was mainly to protect myself from a particularly temperamental fire elemental witch I was courting at the time. My wife’s grandmother’s best friend as a matter of fact.” Kol brushes off the thanks.

“I suppose there had to be some weirdness and drama in the 1000 years somewhere.” Landon chuckles.

“Yeah but back to the wings. Take them out and try focusing them into something smaller, if you can keep them contained you’d never need to waste time getting them out."

Landon tries for a few minutes with no success. “Okay this isn’t going anywhere. Can we get to sparring? My only ground rule is no ripping my heart out, that sucked last time.”

“I suppose that wouldn’t be sporting, same for me, and no going for my daylight ring."

“Deal, thanks for being so…”

“Not psychotic? It’s amazing what a couple peaceful and loving years can do for a man. You don’t need to mince words around me mate.” Kol says, amused at the shock on Landon’s face. “Well let’s get on with it.”

They trade blows for a few minutes, Landon occasionally getting tossed clear across the field only to swoop back to engage again. After Landon has managed to work up a sweat, Kol announces. “Alright, now that I’m warmed up how about we make this a proper match, win by neck snap.”

“I know we’ll both live but are you sure?” Landon is flashing back to the handful of times he’s had his neck snapped.

“I’ll even make a wager. You win and I’ll give you an original Les Paul I acquired after subjugating the vampires in my city so my wife and I could live peacefully."

“Great Hope told you about my guitar playing, not embarrassing at all… What do you get if you win?”

“How about a blood bag from you, and your heart. Only to be removed after I snap your neck?”

“Honestly that sounds pretty even."

“It’s a deal then. You ready to get serious?” Kol cracks his knuckles.

After igniting his eyes with green fire, Landon simply smirks and responds, “Deadly.”

Kol’s eye veins come out as he charges, Landon is able to block and is knocked away, he soars back to engage, throwing a punch. Kol catches his hand, crushing it, Landon goes for an uppercut with his free hand and that one is stopped by Kol grabbing his wrist. Just as Kol loosens his grip to snap his neck. Landon shifts into tendrils of flame to retreat. Kol rushes him again, but Landon shifts back into flames and wraps around Kol. Kol tries to swipe at the flames to no avail, eventually getting disoriented. When Landon regains his form his hands are on Kol’s neck, it takes all his strength to overpower the Original and snap his neck. Kol drops like a sack of potatoes. Landon relishes in his victory for a minute before healing himself and going to get Kol a blood bag from the emergency human stash he has set up for emergencies. He also gets a kit to make two bags of phoenix blood, as a way to assuage his guilt.

He is sitting beneath a tree in the shade in his tattered clothes when Kol comes to. Landon tosses him a human blood bag. “Great fight man.” He comments as Kol sips it tentatively, obviously mad he lost. “So I didn’t want there to be any weird air between us so I filled a couple bags with my blood, kicking a medical cooler with his shoe. You can hold onto the guitar for now, Hope and I can pick it up when we visit on our world tour."

“Yeah a deal's a deal, and despite my reputation I’m a man of my word. But that doesn’t mean I won’t send Marcel here to beat you senseless.”

“I look forward to it. Oh dang I have to get to my training with Josie and Finch. Will you be okay on your own?"

“Yeah go I’ll go research making a weapon to put you down, I now see why it might be needed.

“Thanks Kol. I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow night. Later.” He gives a lame salute and takes off toward the lake.

-Meanwhile with Freya and Hope-

Hope and Freya are in their third storefront buying clothes and art supplies at the mall, laughing and catching up on Hope’s new insane reality. They check out and are heading to the car Freya stops her before they leave the building. Arms weighed down with bags she leads her niece to a bench off to the side. Freya takes her hand and gives her a serious look. “Hope I have to ask you something serious, and then I need to ask something mom related. Okay?”

“Freya you can ask me anything relax.” Hope reassured her.

“Are you really okay with being here? It’s dangerous, more than it has any right to be.” Freya was genuinely worried and wanted to whisk her back to New Orleans, monsters be damned.

“Thanks for your concern Freya, but I want to be here. I was meant to be here. If our plan doesn’t work, I'll have to activate my vampire side as a last resort…” Hope trailed off at the thought of her current worst fear.

“How do you feel about that?” Freya asked.

“Honestly I’m less afraid about having to drink blood and more afraid of the unknowns. I’ve been casting magic with vampire blood in my system since I was a baby. I’m confident I’ll keep my magic, but that opens more… personal fears. Can we not do this right now? Today was going so good.” Hope averts her eyes to the doors.

“Yes, but can I ask my Mom Question?”

"Fine make it quick.” Hope snapped.

“Are you and Landon being safe?”
"Oh my god Freya! I know you said a Mom Question but that wasn’t what I was expecting!” Hope let out a quiet chuckle at the turn in the conversation. “Yes we are being safe.”

“I had to ask, and it’s better than Rebekah barging in wanting nieces and nephews that fly. Even if you’re still technically in high school for another semester.” Freya smiled at the absurdity.

“Oh god don’t even get me started on why I’m the most scared for her to meet Landon. “Can we go home now? I want to make sure Landon didn’t burn Kol to a crisp or drop him from a mile in the air.”

“Sure thing, you can drive.” Freya tosses her the keys with a smile and they head back to town together.

-One short flight after Kol and Landon spar-

Landon lands at the base of the dock quietly and sees Finch and Josie holding hands with their feet in the water off the edge.

“Not to ruin the canoodling, but I believe we had an appointment ladies.”

“Easy LC, just making use of my free time behind the gates. Josie wants to melt you. Actually poor choice of words; to douse you if things get out of hand when we train while she practices spells.”

“Honestly I thought seeing her fight might be fun. But if you hurt her I will bury you in avocados.” Josie jeered.

“And I’ll replace your bedsheets with seaweed.” Landon jeered back before focusing on why he was there. “Do you have any fight training from before? Are you able to channel your wolf strength at will?"

“No not any formal training. As for the wolf stuff I have no clue I kind of always assumed it’s been on and I’m just really gentle.” Finch looks nervously at her hands.

“Okay that’s different but not unheard of. Let’s just start with some jabs and basic technique, then we can work on your wolf powers. You’re smaller so you will be underestimated, that’s going to be very useful.”

They have a good session trading blows and checking footwork while Josie practices spells, occasionally coming over to siphon magic from them to continue her training. Finch can’t seem to draw out her wolf powers beyond her heightened senses at will while they fight. Landon suddenly has an idea to motivate her into wolfing out. He snaps his fingers and Josie is surrounded by a ring of tall flames, making her yelp. That sets Finch off and she flies at Landon, eyes glowing and pinning him to the ground by the back of his neck.

“That’s more like it!” Landon exclaims.

“Why would you do that?!?” Finch snarls and tightens her grip on his neck without looking up.

“Finch I’m fine! They weren’t hot and I siphoned them in like two seconds.” Josie rushed over but Finch wasn’t going to let up.

“I did it to see if you had a trigger. To see if you would freeze when put on the spot. A lame attempt I’ll admit, but Josie is the best witch I know when it comes to fire so I knew she would be able to handle it. You did great though, you didn’t hesitate and managed to use your powers.” Landon actually sounded proud.

“Jo you’re sure you’re okay?” Finch finally looked up.

“I promise, he may be a jerk for not warning me but I can handle his flame attacks.” Josie nodded to punctuate the statement.

“So are you going to get off of me soon or…?” Landon murmured into the grass.

Finch stands up after releasing her grip. “You thinking what I’m thinking Jo?”

“I believe I am babe.” She siphons Finch then brings a huge column of water from the lake crashing onto Landon. She manages to shield herself and Finch from the splash.

Coughing the water out Landon finally recovers. “Okay I’ll admit I deserved that, sorry Jo, but it had to be convincing for her. Not like we have moonlight rings laying around, she needs to know what she can or can’t do otherwise she could get hurt.”

“Okay but do it again and I’ll drown you myself. Kay? Bye.” She takes Finch’s hand and they head back into the school.

Landon flame dries himself before following after them and taking a hot shower in his room. He dresses in his casual clothes and after dinner with the squad he takes the rest of the night to relax and relearn some of his songs while lounging around in his pajamas. He gets so lost in the music and the memories he doesn’t notice Hope leaning against his doorframe.

He finally gets the chord right and looks up to see her smiling at him. He blushes

“Uh hey hope, how long have you been there?” Landon blushes slightly at being caught off guard.

“Long enough to see three or so failed attempts at the song you wrote me.” She said smiling.

“That long huh? Well it’ll be hard to beat the original rendition from after the talent show.” He shrugged and abandoned his guitar to its stand,

“Impossible to beat actually, that’s probably the first time I realized how deeply you felt about me.” Hope admitted.

“I’m glad the song got my feelings across.” He smiled and walked to embrace her. “You know we could do a duet for the talent show next time.” He teased

“Absolutely not. One public performance per school year.” She shook her head, making her hair fall in front of her eyes.

“Come on you can pick the song! We need to represent for the non-triad students we could totally poach Wade and Cleo. Maybe Onacona can play an instrument?” Landon’s eyes were brighter than they had been in a long time.

“I’m gonna pick the most embarrassing song for us just to punish you if you make me sing again.”

“Bring it on Mikaelson, but I reserve veto power over any song that mentions phoenixes and I am absolutely not singing Eternal Flame. I’d rather be sawed in half on stage.”

“You can’t put the genie back in the bottle Chelon. I agree to those terms.”

“I wouldn’t dare.” Landon brushes her hair behind her ear and sweeps her up in his arms before kissing her and setting her down.

“So how was your day babe?” Hope asked before taking a seat on his bed while he straightened up sheet music and lesson plans.

“Great actually, after you went off with Freya I trained with your uncle and Finch. So pretty tiring, but I ate and took a shower so I’m recharged now.” He winced at the memory of winning against Kol and Josie dousing him.

“Oh no, how many times did Kol kill you?” Hope raised a hand to her mouth.

“None actually. I won a sweet guitar off him since I won.” Landon beamed with pride.

“You beat Kol? Really?” Hope was astounded.

“It was hard, but barely yeah. It took a little fire trickery and a lot of luck. Not playing to kill probably helped too. We were deciding who won by neck snap.” Landon explained.

“He must have been livid.” Hope spoke full of concern.

“Maybe but I gave him a couple bags of my blood as a peace offering, and he accepted it. I think he was happy to see someone strong had your back.” He finally settled onto the bed next to her and she leaned onto his shoulder.

“That’s good.” She closed her eyes, just enjoying the moment.

“How was your girls’ day with Freya?” Landon asked.

“Surprisingly good! She didn’t make me get my nails done but shopping was fun. I missed just being a kid y’know? She got to practice some mom talk on me too so she was happy.” Hope explained.

"Definitely. I’m glad you got to have fun today, you deserve it.” He pulled her in for a half hug.

“She did show me a fun spell though…” Hope said before tousling his long hair out of the band he had put it in.

“Fun how?” Landon knows fun spells normally aren’t his kind of fun but humors Hope.

“Fun like,” Hope flourishes her hand with a few Norse words and Landon’s hair is pulled back and braided into two thick braids. “That.” She manages to say before falling away onto the other part of the bed laughing.

Landon feels them and goes to check them in the mirror. “These would look better if the sides of my head were shaved, but I definitely don’t want to do that. Could you please fix it back?”

“I don’t know, I kinda like it.” She teases before standing and walking up to him. She tugs on one to get him to turn his head to one side before she leans in and kisses his neck on the newly exposed side. Getting him to release the tension he didn’t realize was in his shoulders.

“You’re trouble you know that?” He sighs out before shaking out the braids most of the way.

Hope pulls back to look him in the eyes before saying. “Don’t you forget it love.” Her eyes flash yellow before she pulls him in for a passionate kiss. She pulls back quickly, spelling the door shut and making sure nobody can hear them. Landon picks her up, twirling her around as he kisses along her neck. He lays her down on his bed. Hope rips off his pajama shirt before he can even kiss her. Landon pulls her sleep shirt off. Her eyes glow yellow as she pulls him down into another softer kiss. Landon pulls away slightly before conveying an ‘are you sure?’ Look with his eyes. Hope nods and kisses him again as they both continue to undress, getting completely lost in each other. Landon presses against her as he kisses her collarbone. She manages to summon a condom from her toiletry bag she left by the door.

“Landon… please…” Hope breathes out softly while pressing the condom into his hand.

Landon puts it on quickly and props himself up, looking into her eyes as he lines up and enters her, her eyes flicker yellow once again. She digs her fingers into his muscular shoulders. He leans in and kisses her as he begins to increase his speed, slowly pulling away toward her ear before he whispers to her, “You have no idea how hard it is to resist pulling you aside for this every day.” At that Hope wraps her arms around his neck and begins to whimper, “Yes. Yes. Right there baby. Don’t stop. God I love you.” She squeezes her eyes shut before opening them and locking eyes with Landon, his own eyes now alight with beautiful emerald flame.

Landon shuts his eyes, willing them to go back to normal, he opens them again and responds, “I love you so much.” Just in time to see Hope reach and tease her cl*t before arching her back and digging her nails into his skin as she org*smed, he slowed and kissed from above her nipples up to her neck as she came down from the high. Hope finally realized she drew blood from Landon. Withdrawing her free hand as the flames erased any trace of the wounds Hope looks worried. Landon reassures her he is fine, actually taking it as a compliment he made her lose control. Hope brought a nearby hand towel to her to wipe the blood off her hands and his freshly healed skin, before curiously licking one finger. Landon pulls out before asking if she’s okay.

“So much better than okay.” She responds, “I was just wondering if my vampire blood would make it so I liked the taste. It didn’t. But enough about that.” She tosses the towel to the ground before using magic to flip them over. “We aren’t finished.” She leans down to kiss Landon slowly lining up and lowering herself onto him.

She takes one of his hands in her own as she starts to ride, Landon reaches down with his free hand to gently press and rub her cl*t. She leans forward and locks lips with Landon, muffling the moans he was letting out. He freed his mouth and cupped her cheek before whispering to her. “You’re perfect.” The words and the look in his eyes drives Hope wild but Landon picks up the pace first. He grabs her other hand and tucks them behind her back and begins thrusting up into her, she loves him taking control and begins to kiss along his neck tenderly before turning into playful bites. “Oh f*ck Hope that feels good." Landon moans into her ear. Hope switches to the other side before biting the same spot more forcefully. She can hear his breathing and heart rate pick up and knows what’s about to happen. Hope flexes her arms free before placing them on Landon’s chest. She begins matching his pace, moaning at the intensity rushing over her but not quite pushing her over the edge. Landon let’s out a long groan and gradually slows his pace before fully stopping and pulling Hope down to him for a tender kiss. They just press their foreheads together. Smiling and catching their breath.

Landon presses another passionate kiss to her lips before flipping her onto her back. He quickly discards the condom then returns. He leans down and kisses her jawline, down to her neck, then her collarbone before taking each nipple into his mouth briefly. He kisses down her toned core before kissing the inside of her thigh. Only after Hope breathed out his name, begging, did he begin to run his tongue along her folds and press against her sensitive cl*t. She squeals at the sudden movement but she was melting in his hands. She ran her hands through his hair, working out the remnants of the braids she had spelled them into. Hope locked eyes with Landon as he stuck one then eventually two fingers into her while he kept kissing her thighs and teasing her cl*t with his tongue, eventually he figured she had been on edge long enough, he pressed his tongue against her cl*t as he curled his fingers upward and began going much faster than before. All Hope could do was pant and say his name in encouragement until eventually her body took over, her legs clenched around Landon, and she arched her back as she let herself give in to the org*sm. Once she released him, Landon gets up and lays next to her. Hope pulls him in close, just needing the feeling of his warmth against her skin again. Landon kisses her on the forehead. Hope smiles softly to herself before looking up and locking eyes with the man she loves. “No wings tonight, just lay here with me.” Hope stated more than she asked.

“I wouldn’t even dream of defying you.” Landon responds before pulling the covers over them both. Hope curls into him and he slips an arm under her pillow to spoon her properly and they drift off into their dreams

-To be Continued in Ch. 10 Magic Babe, Magic-


Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I wanted to wait and see how the season was cut and see if I was inspired to change the ending I had in mind for this story or add something new. I don't know yet what will carry over if anything actually does. Decently long one to make up for it though.
Before I get roasted for Kol losing he got his neck snapped and killed really easily in TVD, and it was close.
I think that's it for OC'c because the introductions took way too long lol

Chapter 10: Magic Babe, Magic


Hope and Landon brave another Family Dinner
The Super squad unwinds while the danger magnets are away

Yes this chapter is all Fluff and a little rambly, but the next couple have next to none :)


Sorry for the long wait between chapters, Work and the 4th kinda took all my energy away from formating/editing this. I got a good amount written in the meantime. 3x13 and 3x16 kinda undercut the main part of my story but oh well, I'm 45k(ish) words in and I'll see this story out.

Chapter Text

-Friday late afternoon at the Salvatore school-

“You’re sure you guys can handle tonight without us?” Landon inquired to the squad at large. Landon wanted to check in with them before he and Hope stayed off campus for the first time in a long time.

“Believe it or not, we’ve actually done this without you before. Hope less so, but we can handle it.” Alaric reassured his former student turned instructor.

“I talked with Onacona too, he’s on standby if anything really nasty shows up.” Jed had taken an interest in the thunderbird along with the rest of the wolf pack. Whether it was because they all said he smelled like rainfall, or for stories of ancient werewolves, nobody could really tell. The pack had insisted on being introduced since they did a lot of leg work and their families had asked a lot of questions about the translation spell. Nobody saw the harm in introducing them; so they all met and took a shine to the new bird on campus which seemed to help Onacona feel less out of place. They still didn’t have a place for him to stay but they were still waiting for his decision for whether he was going to stick around for the long run.

“That actually makes me feel a lot better, thanks Jed.” Landon responded.

“Besides, you’re only gonna be a hundred miles away as the crow flies. You could be back in no time if it got really bad. Not to mention Freya’s new wards on the perimeter work great.” Ric added.

“Alright I’m convinced. Thank you all. Really.” Landon releases the tension he didn’t know was pent up in his shoulders at the admission.

“Don’t mention it.” Kaleb replies, glad he won’t have to drink vervain anymore once Kol goes home.

Landon says his goodbyes and goes and get dressed for dinner, he sees that he is a couple minutes ahead of schedule so he decides to wait in Hope’s room. He knocks twice before waiting a second and opening the door to see Hope finishing her makeup still in a towel. “I told you to wait downstairs.” She groaned and threw a compact at him.

He caught it an inch from his chest. “I had to make sure you didn’t chicken out on me.”

“Well now that you’re here… help me out and pick out a dress?” Hope flashed her brilliant smile.

“That’s a lot of pressure, but okay,” he selects a wine red medium length one and adds a cropped leather jacket to accent it. “So whadya think?” He turns and holds up the combo.

“I think that I love you and I have seriously doubted your fashion sense.” Hope pokes.

“Thanks babe, now hustle before I have to fly us to get there on time.” Landon pokes right back.

“Oh that’s a great idea!” She says finally shedding the towel and putting black lacy underwear on to tease him. “Let me do my hair really quick before we head out.” She ducks into her small bathroom after pecking him on the cheek.

“Okay but don’t blame me if the wind ruins it.” He called after her.

“Magic babe, magic.” Her voice echoes off the walls as Landon inspects a few sketches Hope had laying around. One of which looked suspiciously like his scarred back laying in a ruffled bedspread.

“Hopefully you can cloak and protect your hair at the same time.”

“Child’s play.” She walks over the dress is laid out and starts dressing before asking, “Could you zip me?”

“My pleasure.” He zips up the back of the dress then holds the jacket up for her to slip on. “Got the ring?” He double checks.

“Always.” She wiggles her finger like she got engaged.

After a brief break to cast some spells, Landon scoops her up and takes off out the window, Hope cloaks them as they cross the fence, but they are spotted by Finch and Josie walking back from their date. They wave and Hope waves back laughing at how normal it all seems.
They are in the city faster than any car could have gotten them there, and Landon had taken his time. Landon sets them down in the parking lot of the restaurant, Hope uncloaks them and they walk arm in arm to the hostess. “We’re with the Mikaelson party.” Hope states. The hostess looks like she’s been taken over by something before leading them to their table. They are lead back to a private room and are greeted by not just Kol and Freya, but a woman Landon assumes is Keelin and a small child as well who must be Nik. Nik was the first one to notice them walk in and tugged at Freya's hand. She turned and pointed at his cousin and the boy he didn't know.

“Hope! It's so good to see you. Nik was the most anxious he’s ever been. I think he missed you.” Freya greets Hope with a hug and Landon too, much to his surprise.

“I couldn’t pass on my chance to size up your boyfriend either.” Keelin says from a distance away with Nik holding onto her dress as he looks wide eyed at them.

“We’ve done that plenty, let the boy breathe a bit.” Kol chimed in. Landon was glad to see he was wearing khakis and an untucked but fitted dress shirt. He had guessed correctly for Hopes dress as well, it was the same level of fancy as her aunts were wearing.

Landon walks up to Keelin and Nik while Hope talks quietly with Kol and introduces himself. “Landon Chelon, phoenix and co-protector of the Salvatore school, along with your lovey niece.”

“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Dr. Keelin Malraux-Mikaelson and this is our son. Nik. He’s going to be as strong a witch as Hope one day.” Nik puffs his chest at that statement. Landon kneels to shake the small child’s hand. The bracelet Hope told him about rattles lightly at the movement.

“What’s a phoenix?” Nik asked after releasing his mother’s dress.

“Have your parents refused to read you the Harry Potter books? Or watch the movies? The originals not the remasters.” Landon can tell he’s losing the kid’s attention so he stops rambling. Nik just shakes his head. “A phoenix is an immortal bird that commands fire, wanna see?”

Nik nods, bouncing as he does so. Landon wills the flame of one of the candles over to his hand. Making it dance over his fingertips. Nik’s eyes go wide in wonder before Landon notices a scrape on the child’s arm. “Did you fall while running around?” He asks the boy. Hope finally noticed he was engaging well with Nik and walked to join them.

“Mhm.” Is all that he manages to muster.

“Freya and Keelin, do you mind if I heal it for him?” Landon glances at them ordering drinks.

“Knock yourself out kid. I just think wanted the sting to set in a little bit so he’d be more careful next time.” And Keelin nods in agreement.

“Thanks. Okay Nik. This fire will heal your scrape, would you like that? It’s way cooler than normal healing spells.” Landon holds a ball of flame the size of a grape.

“Yes please.” He looks at Hope and she gives him a reassuring nod.

“Awesome. Catch.” Nik claps his hands on it and the flames roll over him, erasing the scrape and energizing the child.

“Thank you Landon, but don’t ever walk into my trauma ward or I might not let you leave. We should sit and order.” Keelin suggests.

“A marvelous idea. Landon my boy, what’s your poison?” Kol calls from the door where he has just finished compelling the staff to forget anything they see them do.

“Not really picky I guess. Beer, wine, the occas-” but Kol cuts him off.

“Bourbon it is.” He flashes a smile that he can’t tell would be perfect for torturing someone or interviewing on a daytime talk show.

They sit and enjoy a wonderful family meal, Landon only occasionally getting questioned by Keelin and Nik, who desperately want him to show them his other powers.
“Tell you what, if you come visit the school for a tour while I’m there. And after we’ve handled my dad. I’ll show you my fire eyes. If you really behave I’ll take you flying around the school.” Landon smiles at how intrigued this witch child is with him. He guesses there aren’t that many newcomers to the inner Mikaelson circle so it’s only natural.

“You can fly? Like Superman?” Keelin asks before her son can.

“Not quite, I actually have wings instead of a fancy cape. Plus there’s this.” He turns into tendrils of flame and steals a French fry off Nik’s plate after rematerializing behind him.

Hope can’t help but smile at how cute Landon is playing and teasing her cousin, not to mention that Keelin seems to think the world of him as well. Freya and Kol had trusted but verified his intentions, Hope liked to see someone just talking with him.

Kol notices her looking at Nik before speaking so low only Hope and Keelin can hear. “Don’t go getting any ideas, until at least ten years after we handle Malivore.”

Hope shoots a look that genuinely startled the Original as only his family could. She then flashes a smile at Keelin and Freya’s conversation. They eat and laugh the rest of the night.

After they pay and set out to leave Kol inquires why they didn’t valet. Landon sheepishly admits he flew them there. Nik hears that and asks if he can watch them take off. Landon looks at Freya and she relents and says they can leave from the alley and she’ll cloak the alley from the muggles. Landon smiles at the fact she understood his Harry Potter joke from earlier. He hugs Nik and his parents and gives Kol a handshake before they all wrap Hope in a massive group hug. Freya recites her spells, then Landon brings his wings out before scooping up Hope, Nik stands there slack jawed like his werewolf mom as they take off, only briefly visible before Hope cloaks them and they speed back to the school.

They land in Hope’s room, startling Cleo who was reading a book with her headphones on. They apologize and Landon goes to change while Hope does the same. He opts for sweats and a thin white tee and when Hope arrives she is the opposite, in a hoodie he had left in her room and workout shorts, he smiles and invites her to lay in bed with him. She greets him with a kiss and snuggles up to him. “Today was the nicest long day I’ve ever had.” Landon admits.

“I was just about to say the same thing. I loved every minute of it.” Hope buried her face in his shirt.

“I could tell, you had your beautiful smile on all night.” Landon says as he strokes her hair.

“I can’t help it. Seeing you and my family somehow meld perfectly is amazing. And don’t get me started on Nik.”

“He was hilarious. It was great they were able to make it out. Sorry Davina had to miss.”

“Couldn’t be helped, she has classes to run. I’m just happy you like them.” Hope takes his hand and squeezes it gently. She kisses him gently and they lay there making out for a while, enjoying the quiet moment. Hope lets out a yawn before asking. “Do you have enough energy to sleep in your wings tonight? All the wind and weather has chilled me to the bone.”

“Of course. I was just about to suggest it.” Landon stands and they settle into the cradle his wings make. They fall asleep hanging there listening to the quiet crackle the flames make.

---Back at the Salvatore School---

“Alright everyone gather ‘round!” Lizzie announces to the Squad scattered about the great hall after dinner. “We have a once in a blue moon opportunity tonight.”

“Do you have spells that require a blue moon to practice here? I have never heard of such magic.” Cleo asks dead serious.

“What? No. It’s an expression, y'know what, never mind. The danger magnets are away until late, my dad is in town for the night, and Cleo’s location is now showing up in randomly alternating coffee shops for the next 24 hours to any form of magical tracking. Courtesy of Freya Mikaelson, we have a night to unwind. I suggest we make the most of tonight.”

Just as she finished her speech Josie and Finch walked in the main entrance with beaming smiles on each of their faces. “What did we miss?” Josie looked at them in turn with her eyebrows raised.

“I believe Lizzie was just getting to that.” Jed remarked before turning all their attention back to Lizzie.

“Yes I was. Follow me to the gym everyone.” Lizzie does a heel turn and they walk as a group to the gym, which has been fitted with Kaleb’s turnstiles, a keg from the werewolf stash, and lights strung up by magic. Finch looks around amazed by the floating lights. Everyone else was equally impressed.

“We were working out in here like an hour ago, how did you have time to set this up?” Kaleb asked her as he ensured his equipment was hooked up correctly.

“I called in a couple favors, a guilt trip, and siphoned a prank spell for the help. The gym is ours for the night, there’s not enough beer for a blackout rager, but enough to have fun. Now by all means, let’s party!”

After a quick toast they all put in their song requests with Kaleb; who queues them up before putting on a song for him to teach Cleo to dance to. They are all dancing and having a good time. Wade stops in for a while but since he doesn’t drink or dance he doesn’t stay long. After a few drinks Cleo and the twins are sitting in the bleachers trading parlor trick spells. Just as Cleo is sending up tiny fireworks, a slow song comes on. Finch and Kaleb rush over to hurry their girlfriends to the dance floor. Lizzie just hangs back after shooting a death glare at Jed who had started making his way over to her. She leans back on the next row before finishing her drink and looking out over the rest of her friends having fun. She only felt slightly guilty for throwing this without Hope and Landon, but justified that she would think of something for them later to make up for it. Once the song ended it seemed like the playlist was over and they all got drinks and headed to sit with Lizzie in the bleachers.

“Got you a refill.” Josie said, handing her a new cup with cold beer.

“Thanks Jo. I’m glad we wound down on our own otherwise Jed would’ve started singing.” Lizzie teased.

“Hey I’ll have you know being tone deaf is my dad’s fault, dumb human genes.” He defended.

The squad laughed at their interaction before Kaleb spoke up, “We should play never have I ever, we’ve got new blood! Since they’re new we can get to know each other more instead of our usual barbs at each other. What do y’all say?” He looks around to tentative nods. “Oh come on relax, we fight together it won’t be that bad. Finch you’re the newest, you should start.”

Finch looks a little startled to be put on the spot, especially by the only vampire she really knows. She thinks for a second before saying. “Never have I ever drank a substantial amount of blood.” She looks around and in addition to the expected Kaleb, Lizzie and Josie are drinking too. “Really Saltzman’s?” She asked.

“Well I needed to drink blood to not die, Lizzie got tricked and almost turned.” Josie explained. Finch tensed at the last part, she didn’t like the entire concept of vampirism before she learned of the supernatural world. Since actually learning what vampires go through and how they have to turn she has started to feel bad for them, but is still wary.

Josie goes next. “Never have I ever heard Hope sing.” All but Finch and Cleo drink.

Jed is next. “Never have I ever been to a theme park.” They all drink and tease him about being a sheltered wolf. "Hey I've wanted to plenty of times, my mom and brother were always too jumpy at the crowds so we never went. It's not like there's much like that around this small town anyway."

Cleo decides to go out of the box. “Never have I ever been possessed.” Josie and Lizzie drink.

Before Finch can ask Josie recounts the tale of the Oni demon quickly into her ear before Kaleb takes his turn. “Never have I ever killed or fought Landon.” Lizzie and Jed drink.

Josie hesitates before sharing a look with her sister and setting her drink down. “I’ll be right back.” She rushes down the bleachers and around the corner to a restroom and seals the door behind her. She splashed cold water on her face and looked up. The memory of what her dark side did to everyone bubbling to the surface. Josie tries shoving the memories and feelings down, running through all the calming techniques she's learned alongside her sister. Her breath evens out, her pulse drops back to normal. You are more than your worst moment, she thinks to herself while looking her reflection in the eye. With one final breath she straitens herself out and goes to rejoin the party. She can hear Lizzie distracting the group with tales from before they all were at the school.

"So there we are; running through the halls, like purple skinned mutated smurfs, and we bowl right over our uncle. He knocked his head on a chair and was out. Took him a better part of a day to wake up. Imagine. A hunter of the Five, taken out by purple ten-year-olds!" She paused waiting for their laughs to die down. "And that's why my dad is a stickler for kids running through the halls." Lizzie wraps after remembering the point of her story.

"Oh god I remember how distraught mom and dad were waiting for him to wake up." Josie chimed in as she settled back in next to Finch.

"Hey, you okay Jo?" Finch asked quietly while rubbing circles into her back.

"Yeah just an upset stomach, sorry to worry you." She responded with a half-hearted smile.

"Well we were just about to clean up and call it a night. You can head back if you're not feeling well." Kaleb says with Cleo resting her head on his shoulder.

"That sounds perfect actually, Finch needs to get back so she's not late to work tomorrow, and I need to show my aunt and uncle that I am still alive and staying with them." Josie stands with Finch they say their goodbyes.

Lizzie begins to spell down the lights into neat rolls while Kaleb dismantles his turnstiles and gathers the cords. Cleo spells all the trash into bags while Jed dumps the ice in the lawn and returns the empty keg to the werewolf hideaway. Once they are satisfied with their that all the evidence has been disposed of they all head to bed in their respective rooms. Lizzie double checks the map in her room and sees that the barrier around the border of the school hasn't clocked any unauthorized lives on the property before settling in bed after her nightly routine. The sound of fiery wings and Cleo being startled is the last thing she registers before drifting off into what she hopes is a restful dreamless night.

-To be Continued in Ch. 11 Here Goes Everything-

Chapter 11: Here Goes Everything


Everyone has a great and relaxing weekend... right?


Been a slow week of work and in the fandom overall, so here's ~5k on a fight

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


After everyone wakes up is a rare free day for most of them. Once he finishes his patrol, Landon helps the pack set Onacona up with a campsite in the clearing where Kol fought Landon. He agreed not to go into town without an escort and was welcome to attend meals at the school. They managed to spell his area to better protect him from the elements. While they all are welcoming, in the school itself, Onacona doesn't feel comfortable around so many young supernaturals. Frankly the attention is a bit much, so he much prefers the style of living he is accustomed to. The entire team pitches in and they all spend the night at the school except for Finch.

---One a.m. Sunday Morning---

An ear-piercing howl rings out across the school. Landon jolts awake, seeing his girlfriend in bed slowly waking up next to him eliminates the most likely scenario for the noise. The full moon wasn’t for another week. He jumps out of bed and starts strapping on his full set of armor, with the new addition of new combat boots he had picked up after his return. “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, please don’t be what I think it is.” Landon mutters to himself as Hope finally gets out of bed. He’s really hoping he’s wrong about what has come to the school this time. Hope doesn’t even question what’s going on and puts on a hoodie and running shoes.

Landon is out the door ahead of her, sprinting to the school intercom. After nearly ripping the door of its hinges he finally reaches the old microphone. “Attention all students, stay in your dorm rooms. Witches, this is a Code blue. Spell barriers on your assigned rooms before your own. Squad meet in the galley. ASAP. This is not a drill.” Before taking off to the galley himself with Hope at his side.

Hope finally asks, “Landon do you know what it is?"

“If it’s what I think it is we’re going to need a lot of help from everybody.”

“What is it Landon?”

“Pretty sure it’s a hellhound.”

“Great.” She groaned.

Kaleb is the first there due to his vampire speed. “What’s the play? What’re we up against?”

“I’ll explain what we’re up against when the rest get here. For now, get every piece of cast iron out. And all the salt. Hope, what are the odds the witches have holy water as an ingredient laying around?”

“I doubt it but I can check spell lab.”

“Do it, I’m not sure if it will work but we need to cover our bases.” Just as she sprints off the twins come through the doors with Jed, Cleo, and Travis for some reason. In various stages of readiness they file into the galley.

“What’s the monster?” Jed asks.

“A hellhound most likely, I don’t know of anything else with a howl like that. Travis what are you doing here? Go spell your assigned rooms and get to safety.” Landon ordered with a surprising amount of authority in his tone.

“I was in the library when the monster howled, I spelled my rooms but I want to help. If it is a hellhound I’m great at combatting fire. Not to mention your tone sounds like this is an all-hands-on-deck situation.” Travis said far too casually.

“Fine but you will follow my orders, we won’t have much of a window to finish this thing off.” Landon finally relented to focus on finalizing his plan.

Hope returned with two gallons in hand and Alaric with a third. “Hope filled me in, do you have a plan?” The headmaster asked.

“Yeah but it comes down to the witches to make the final blow, can y’all handle that?” Landon raised his eyebrows to all but Hope.

They all nod in unison before Landon continues. “Okay first things first. Hellhound’s are completely rabid. This thing will attack anyone it sees so ditch the purge knives. It’s also completely covered in fire so hot it can hurt even me if I don’t focus. We need to start breaking these cast iron pans into sharp pieces. Kaleb, Jed, and Travis get on that.” Landon takes a breath before continuing. “Lizzie and Jo are you two fueled up right now? If not start charging. Ric, I need grenades made from that holy water. Hope and Cleo, I need you to get a spell ready to pin a ring of salt around the hellhound and to send plenty more flying at it. It should be one the others can cast without you if you can. Hope, since you have the ring, you’re my backup if I get taken out.”

Hope nodded, a little apprehensive about what him being taken out would entail for the entire group, not just her. "That's still not a plan Landon." Hope pointed out.

“I know, that’s the prep work. The plan is for me keep it occupied while we see which of these three things actually can kill it.”

“You mean you don’t know if these will work?” Josie asked in Lizzie’s trademark tone.

“I fought one to a standstill in a fight that lasted hours. Heart ripping and neck snapping didn’t work. I didn’t have any of these things on hand. Anything I’ve researched about them came back with these three things as it’s weakness. I can keep it busy while you attack. And I have a plan B if none of them work.”

“Which is?” Travis asked while dividing a cast iron pan like a pie with a spell.

“Completely dependent on Onacona.” Landon admitted.

“And if that doesn’t work plan C is what? A Hail Mary?” Lizzie asked.

“Actually plan C just came to me, thanks Cleo. But essentially yes. Now you guys will be attacking the hound with the iron once I engage. Don’t aim for the head or heart just make sure they connect. Please, try not to kill me in the process. Kaleb, Jed, and Hope: the iron is your job to start. I’ll try holy water to get its attention to begin with. And once I engage it’ll fall to Ric to handle those. It’s too late to make him iron bolts. Once I manage to pin it, stop the grenades. Cleo, Trav, wonder twins: you guys need to pin us in a ring of salt before bombarding the hound with whatever is left. Iron too.” Landon looked at them for questions.

“Pretty solid plan A, care to elaborate on plan B?” Hope asks while screwing a top onto a holy water grenade, having written the spell down for the rest to learn.

“Well if I take off flying toward the lake with the monster; Then it’s time for plan B.” Landon elaborates. “Kaleb if that happens you’re the fastest go straight to the north clearing and get Onacona and tell him be ready to strike the lake with lightning. Unless one of our witches here can call lightning without a cloud in the sky?" They all shake their heads at him.

“Dayum, this thing is that tough?” Kaleb inquires.

“Yes it is. I leveled a decent sized village in Azerbaijan last time I fought one. Can’t be too careful, since it’s a bad matchup offensively for me. Between all of you we should be able to take it out. Everyone clear on the plan?” When nobody answered he continued. “I’m gonna go take a look and see where it’s at. I’ll be back then it’s go time.”

“Don’t engage without us.” Hope and Alaric say in unison.

“I won’t if I can avoid it, but if you hear a crash, hustle toward it. Be right back.” Landon dissolved into tongues of flame and went up the hood over the stove to the roof for a better vantage point.

Landon gives his eyes time to adjust to the darkness before gazing out over the grounds, looking for any light that’s out of the ordinary. The wind is gusting in his face so he can’t hear well. He notices a tree near the old mill go up in flames. He flashes back down to the kitchen to see everyone putting the finishing touches on their weapons. Hope and Alaric are filling a final holy water grenade. Jed and Kaleb are practicing throwing cast iron shards at a cutting board while the rest of the witches are practicing making small salt circles with the spell Hope wrote.

Everyone gathered turns to face him with apprehensive looks as he reforms in an empty doorway. “Good news, it’s not quite at campus yet. Bad news it’s at the old mill starting to burn things. Is everyone ready? Last chance to back out Travis.” Landon wouldn’t force any of them to fight. Especially not a creature as fearsome as what they were facing now.

“A little late for that. Plus someone’s gotta represent for the regular witches.” He said while brushing salt off of his tattooed hands.

“Alright. I’ll be taking point flanked by Kaleb, Jed, and Hope. Ric and Cleo you will be at the back. Jo, Lizzie, and Travis will be in the middle to take point once we engage. Please if you have any questions or better ideas say them now because we can’t let this thing run free very much longer.” They all look at him with determined expressions instead of answering. “Good. Let’s move.” Landon begins walking toward the front door while tightening his gauntlets and neck guard.

They arrive at the old mill slower than they expected. The roof of the structure is just starting to burn from the sparks carried over from the trees. Landon absorbs the flames that have begun to spread to the rest of the forest. Once the fires are fizzling out Hope directs their attention to the nearest hill, revealing the hellhound is stalking down toward them. It was easily twice the size of Rafael's wolf, and every pawprint it left in the woods burned for a few seconds after it had passed. The second Landon finishes putting the last of flames out, it’s bearing down on them at a full sprint. Landon darts out in front to intercept it; leaving his grenades behind. It leaps high into the air at him and he flies up to meet it. His shoulder connecting with the hound’s chest. He managed to twist them and accelerate their dive down to the forest floor. They slam into the cold dirt, but Landon can feel it didn’t damage the creature. He rolls off to the side, drawing his machete once he has gained some distance. The hellhound starts to try and circle it’s prey but Landon matches it stride-for-stride. To break their short dance, Landon begins to try and absorb the flames emanating from the beast. This causes it to charge at him wildly. He tries to block with the machete but the Hound just bit down into it; wrestling it from the phoenix's grip and tossing it aside. Improvising as best he can, Landon sticks his protected forearm in its mouth and claws at its eyes with his free hand. The beast is gnashing at his arm in its jaws, clawing at whatever it can reach, and turning up the heat while trying to free itself and ends up giving ground. Landon winces as a lucky claw gets up to his cheek and tears town to his chin. The pain offers a moment of clarity in the midst of the savage grapple. He knows this is his best shot, so he aims a kick at the belly of the hellhound. Once it connects, he rolls them over and manages to lock its head away from him as they thrashed about. At some point the creature lost its footing or one of the witches managed to help from their position.

“Water and Iron. NOW!” Landon calls out to his friends.

Kaleb and Jed start pelting the sides of the hellhound with the iron shards while Alaric is pulling the pins on the glass grenades and tossing them over. Hope is levitating a few dozen shards, trying to poke and prod for a weak spot.

Landon can see that while the Iron is connecting, it’s not making any major wounds. The holy water is steaming off before it can reach the body of the hound. Hope notices the same thing he did and managed to fashion a piece of iron the shape of an arrow and sends it into the creature, piercing its back leg. It releases Landon from its jaws and turns to her, but Landon is quicker than it gave credit. He flashed and reformed on its back in a headlock.

“Ric! Grenade! Be ready with salt.” Landon managed to bark out over the sound of the fight.

Alaric tosses one of the remaining grenades directly at him. Landon catches the grenade and pops off the pin with his thumb, shoving it in the creatures gnashing mouth. After what seemed like too long it detonated. Ripping Landon's hand apart in the process. It was worth it though. The hellhound collapsed under Landon. He didn’t even need to bark the order, the witches were chanting, quickly circling them in salt. Lizzie gave the signal for him to back off and he leaped back. Now focusing on healing his hand while the flames from the cut on his cheek obscured his vision briefly.

“Great job team,” he huffed while kneeling, “start burying it in the rest of the salt.”

Cleo and Travis were spelling more salt onto it, while Kaleb ran away and returned with bars from the wrought iron fence, he drove one through the hellhounds head and another through its heart to be sure.

“Girls, try and siphon it, see if it’s really dead, but be careful.” Alaric asked his daughters.

"Whatever is left is slowly going out." Josie reports, her and Lizzie's hands faintly glowing.

With that Landon sits down and let’s out a long exhale. Just as he goes to speak; Hope, Kaleb, and Jed whip their heads around away from the now growing salt pile. Before anyone can ask, another piercing howl takes most of the squad down to a knee, clutching their ears.

"f*ck." Landon panted.

Alaric pushes forward to the front of their group. “Son of a bitch. Looks like plan B is going to be needed after all.”

"Kaleb be ready to bolt and get Onacona. Everyone else, go restock on iron and salt. Even the road salt and meet at the dock." Landon ordered as a second, seemingly larger hellhound just created the hill.

“Landon you look exhausted are you sure you can handle this?” Hope asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I still have enough to get us to the lake. Plus I can absorb what I need from it." Hope offered her hand to help him up and he accepted it.

"Everyone else good?" Hope asked, knowing that they hadn't really engaged. "Lizzie, Jo are you charged?"

They all nod affirmatively before Landon takes charge again. “Okay. I’ll take our last grenade and draw it away." Once he's a decent distance away from the group he says quietly so only one person can hear him. "Kaleb, tell Onacona not to worry about hitting me.”

Kaleb nods when he notices Landon looking back at him. “I have to say I think I like this new brand of crazy Lan.” He shouts before taking off to the north clearing.

“Everyone else get moving.” Hope exchanges a worried look with Landon before running back to the school after them.

Landon walked slowly toward the second hellhound which seemed more cunning than the last one. It was stalking back and forth watching him approach. He was probably twenty yards from the monster before it stopped pacing and lowered its head to growl at him. The growl would have rattled any room it was in, and now Landon could feel it vibrate the bones inlaid in his armor. They stared each other down for a bit before Landon made the first move and chucked the grenade at the creature without pulling the pin. It sailed through the air and when it was about a foot from the hounds head Landon whipped it with fire, shattering the glass and detonating the charge in the same instant.

The blast made the hellhound retreat a few strides, and that’s all Landon needed to close the distance. He hit it full in the side with his shoulder. Not letting the distance grow, Landon locked his hands around the front of the beast and took flight.

Landon tried to focus on gaining altitude while moving his head avoiding gnashing teeth. He spotted a certain pale gold bird glinting in the moonlight. Landon managed to smirk as he angled them into a dive aiming straight for the middle of the lake. He absorbed the flames from the hellhound while blasting his wings and picking up speed. Just as he released his grip to pull away from the dive, the hellhound contorted midair and sank its teeth into Landon's arm where it was unarmored at the elbow. Landon didn’t have time to throw it off or stop before impact, so he opted to drive it deep into the water instead. He shouted out just before they breached surface, “DO IT!” It felt as though he slammed into a brick wall, then he felt nothing.

The rest of the squad sees lightning strike the lake three times on their approach. When they run up to the lake a minute later they spot their new Thunderbird ally standing at the edge of the dock patiently. Alaric manages to beat Hope to the punch and asks, “What happened? Did it work? Where’s Landon?”

Onacona speaks sternly, “I do not know if the beast is dead. But the boy’s body is floating in the middle of the lake. He told me yesterday if I ever see him dead to leave his body be.” He nods in the general direction.

“I’ll get him.” Hope states while beginning the spell and hand motions to bring his body over.

“No not yet Hope,” Alaric grabs her wrist, “You, Jed, Kaleb need to take a lap around the lake and make sure the hellhound didn’t escape. You’re the only one who can safely engage it now. Landon will be fine but we can’t let our guard down.”

“Fine, fine! But I want credit that I’m actually following your orders for once.” Hope spat out before she took off along the shore of the lake, in the opposite direction of Kaleb and Jed.

Alaric walked up to Onacona, “Thank you for coming to help. We had the first one handled but nobody thought a second hellhound would be in the cards. We saw the light show as we were running over. Impressive.”

“Thank you. I knew I couldn’t hold back if the fiery one was unable to kill it. He is strong. I believed he would endure the lightning strikes better. Why was I told not to worry about striking him?” The tone in his voice was truly concerned for Landon.

“Give it another minute and you’ll see why.” Alaric pointed out at Landon's body beginning to smoke. It was oddly eerie. A smoking corpse on a moonlit lake. A few seconds later Landon's body was fully engulfed. Turning into the ashen cocoon they were so familiar with. Onacona’s eyes widened at the sight before the weight of the ashes sent Landon below the surface. He was down a few seconds too long and just as Ric was about to call out to the witches to try and grab him he noticed something. A huge light flashed in the center of the lake, and came shooting out of the surface.

The bright orange ball of flames stopped about a hundred feet above the water, it hung in the air for a second before arcs of deep red flame started flying off of it in random directions. Most hit the water, a few on the shore, but eventually one was shot at the dock. Alaric yells out. “Everyone take cover!” Before he dives into the lake, pulling the thunderbird with him. Immediately after surfacing he calls out to his daughters, “Girls are you okay?!” He’s already swimming as fast as he can toward the shore near where they had been standing. Another blast hit a bush next to him. He looked around and saw his daughters hand in hand with Cleo and Travis, chanting an unfamiliar spell. Ric looks back and sees another wave of fire heading bright for them. “Watch out!” He screams in desperation. It was in vain, he couldn’t stop the attack.

To his immense relief, the wave circled them before flying back at the lake, fizzling out in a puff of steam.

“Dr. Saltzman!” Hope called out coming to a stop with Kaleb and Jed in tow. Alaric and Onacona start trudging out of the water as fast as they could to meet them. “We didn’t find any tracks or smell the hellhound on our lap. But we have a bigger issue. Landon is that giant ball of fire.”

“That’s what I was afraid of… Here get inside the ring their spell has made.” They all five duck inside the four witches arms and start to game plan. “Please tell me Landon told you how to stop him from doing this.”

“No he didn’t, this is his first resurrection since leaving the prison world. I’m in the dark just as much as you.” Hope glanced over her shoulder at the ball of fire, if it was running out of power she couldn’t tell. “The only thing remotely close to this he mentioned was he has to just take off to let it all out and get control. Oh crap.” She realized what must be happening.

“I don’t like the sound of that.” Jed looks more scared than she’s ever seen him.

“Best guess? He absorbed too much power and died before he could release it. There’s nothing you guys can do. You need to get back to campus and protect it. I’ll try and get through to him. I can’t be burnt. Once I get to the base of the dock you all need to run. Can you four keep this spell up while on the move?” Hope looked around at the circle of witches

“I can cover our backs by myself, this spell is mine.” Travis panted out. “Just give me a signal when you think you’re far enough away.” And went back to chanting the spell.

“Hell of a first outing man.” Kaleb said before turning his back on him as he went to look over Cleo and make sure she was okay.

"Alright, we should get on with this before they lose focus." Alaric orders

"Okay. Here goes everything." Hope says as she ducks under the arms of the circle. At the base of the dock she gives a hand motion and the rest of the squad makes a break for the school. Travis is able to deflect the handful of fire arcs that head towards them. Once they are at the main entrance of the school he pauses and throws up a barrier to protect the school from any direct hits. The effort nearly knocks him unconscious, falling to a knee in exhaustion. Lizzie manages to keep him from cracking his head on the pavement and lowers him slowly down. She siphons magic from her bracelet Landon had inspired her to make and began to levitate him. Just as she began moving him toward the school another arc of flames was heading short of the school and right at them. Lizzie prays Landon knows what he’s talking about. She doesn’t have time for an incantation so she spreads her arms and wills her entire body to absorb. The familiar tingle of the sensation was replaced by a pulsating warmth as she took on the blast. She blinked a few times, checked for any more incoming arcs, before finally levitating Travis into the safety of the school.

-At the same time back at the lake-

Hope walked out onto the base of the scorched dock. She screamed Landon’s name. She figured she had to try the easy way. A dozen possibilities of how to reach him physically or otherwise ran though her mind. Hope tried throwing things at him. First water jets, then rocks, then burnt boards. They all burned away when the got too close to the source of the flames. Hope decided it was time for her own miracle plan. She was sure that Landon still bore a psychic imprint from their trips through his memories. She sat and reached her mind out to his. Hoping that the minor side effects of the memory spell could be used to reactivate it. She focused on one sentence like a mantra, opening her mind toward Landon’s. “Landon, it’s over we won.” She repeated the phrase. When she finally breached his mind, the backlash of rage, panic, and pain broke her concentration and snapped her back to her mind. She stood and stumbled back a step from the intensity of the emotions. Looking up at the miniature star she screamed in frustration and tried to slam it into the lake.

"MOTUS!" Hope put the full force of her magic behind it, she couldn't remember the last time she had let her full power loose. The wave of magic caused the orb to drop to just barely above the water. Suddenly, the arcs of flame stopped flying off at random. Hope looked at the ball of flames expectantly, but Landon just shot even further into the sky. The light grew dimmer and dimmer until Hope couldn’t distinguish him from the stars. She knew he could end up anywhere and she couldn’t easily follow so she sprinted back to the school to see if she could track him.

She grabbed a tee shirt from his room and ran to grab a map of the state, county, and town from Alaric’s office. She barges into the office before explaining to the few squad members gathered there what had happened.

“I managed to hit him and stop the attacks, but he took off. I lost him, we need to track him. Where are the twins? I might need their help after I see where he ends up.” Hope easily took charge of the situation

“The girls took Travis to the infirmary, he’s pretty wiped from covering our retreat, what do you need them for?” Alaric explained, confused as to why they needed to be in danger again.

"I was gonna ask them to astral project to wherever he is with me. Landon connects with them too so if we all three project we stand a better chance at getting through to him in this state." Hope answered.

"Okay you do the locator spell I’ll go get them and the spell materials. Alaric storms off with urgency toward the infirmary while Hope begins her locator spell over the state. The pattern drawn in the map by her drop of blood was zig zagging all over the state at the moment. Hope figured he was burning off energy. At least that’s what she hoped was the case, otherwise her boyfriend was going to be a UFO on the evening news. Ric returned with the twins and Travis out cold on a floating stretcher covered in a thin blanket. Candles, chalk, and a crystal were piled in his arms.

“Don’t ask. But if he wakes up we’re gonna want his spells.” Lizzie explained.

"Whatever, Landon is still flying all over without stopping. Wait... He’s shrinking his radius to near Mystic Falls. Hand me the county and town map." Hope held out a hand as she inspected the path on the current map. Kaleb hands them over and moves the state map to a bookshelf, hanging it up by weighing the corners down with books. Hope repeats the spell for the county and shows Landon circling the area north of their town. Hope repeats the spell on the town map on their recruiting pamphlets. Landon looks like he’s going to the middle of nowhere but she realizes what he's aiming for. “I know where he’s going. Twins help me setup an astral chat spell so we can talk to him. Dr. Saltzman text the mayor to avoid the turn cells unless he wants to get burned.” Hope orders.

Alaric shoots off a few texts while the witches draw sigils in a ring and place a crystal in the center.

“Done,” Lizzie reports, “If Travis wakes up, ask him how long the ward he cast on the school will last. It’s the main reason he’s like this.” The rest of them nod in agreement. They begin chanting in unison with their eyes closed, and when they open them they are at the steps to the Lockwood cellars. Hope immediately starts down the steps with Lizzie and Josie not far behind.

Hope wasn’t sure what she had expected to see, but Landon chaining himself to the wall by his ankles definitely wasn’t it. “Landon!” she called out. The trio observed him in a more controlled state than he had been at the lake, but he was still a sight to behold. His wings had spread out as wide as they had ever seen and they noticed a second, smaller set being released from his lower back. His eyes that normally burned emerald color were white hot. Every breath he tried to exhale made his throat glow.

"Stay back!" He roared, and flames were coming out of his mouth as he spoke. The flames distorted his normal soothing tone into something demonic.

"Holy crap." Josie and Lizzie say in unison.

“We’re not actually here, we’re projecting into this room.” Hope walked through the bars and up to him. He roared again as he fell away from her image.

“Don’t touch me!” Landon roared again.

“Hope... he’s in no state for conversation, trust me.” Lizzie said in a soft tone. “He knew he would need time to ride this out. Like a detox or something. The more you push the worse it'll get. We should rotate monitoring him like this. I'll take first watch if you promise not to run straight over to see him in person Hope."

"No I should take the first watch, you’re probably drained." Hope countered.

"Actually I absorbed one of Landon’s fire blasts, I’ve never felt more charged." the tall blonde replied.

"Are you sure? You really don’t need to." Hope was apprehensive about letting her stay behind.

"Hope I doubt he’ll come to his senses in the first few hours. If you want to be there when he does; you’ll let her do this. Besides you’re monster slayer in charge while he’s like this. You can’t be stuck waiting around here if something else shows up. Lizzie's got this. We need to regroup and debrief." Josie said, finally coming out of the shock at seeing Landon in his current state.

"Okay okay, I’ll be back at dawn to relieve you, deal?" Hope offered.

"Deal. Now get out of here."

"Finité" As soon as the word is uttered, Hope and Josie blink away, leaving Lizzie alone with only the sound of the roaring flames from the chained phoenix.

-To be Continued in Ch. 12 More My Home than Anywhere Else-


Well this chapter was a doozy. Fallout/falling action from the fight and not very Hope/Landon centric is next. Random thought time:
I almost named this chapter 'f*ck' and left it as a cliffhanger, but a 5k word chapter (trimmed from 7k) seemed fine after last chapter's fluff
I kinda feel bad about the dock, but there are like 3 more
Idk the first thing about describing OC's but Onacona would be Blair Redford from The Gifted, I don't really have a face in mind for Travis
They must go thorough maps like candy for locator spells
Azerbaijan = Land of fire, seemed appropriate

Chapter 12: More My Home than Anywhere Else


Everyone deals with the aftermath of the Hellhound attack, and Landon's state


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hope and Josie stood up from the circle and briefed the squad on how Landon managed to contain himself at the Lockwood turn cellars. Josie went about lifting the lockdown and checking the new ward around the main building. Meanwhile Hope left to make sure Landon hadn’t set off a massive forest fire.

It took Hope less than an hour to put out the fires started by the monsters and Landon. Once that was handled she was able to retrieve the body of the larger one which had washed up and bury both hounds deep and beneath another layer of salt for good measure. As she was magically digging the grave she noticed something on the larger beast. It looked like a shackle on the hind leg with inscriptions covering it. When she tried to remove it, the band snapped in half like a ceramic dish. Hope made a mental note to have Josie or Lizzie analyze it later. All at once the effort from the night seemed to catch up with her.

She returned to her room and cleaned the stress of the night off before trying to get some sleep. But the look on Landon’s face she had never seen before haunted her. He had warned her yes, but seeing him out of control was still scary. Especially since he was doing so well adjusting lately. She contemplated what she would say, and what his state would be in the morning. At some point she must have drifted off to sleep. She dreamt of wailing away at Landon with everything she knew and him never breaking out of whatever trance he had been in.

She woke at dawn and threw on a hoodie before going to relieve Lizzie of her watch. She sat on the opposite side of the circle before saying the incantation and popping up next to Lizzie who was laying on the steps playing with a bug that had wandered down to the cellar. Landon still hadn’t cooled off yet it seemed. His four wings were still out and his neck still glowed with flames wanting to escape. On the bright side, he had regained his emerald green flame eyes.

“Not much has changed I see.” Hope remarked to her blonde friend.

“Not at all, didn’t say a single word he just growled at me if I wandered close. The eyes are only an hour old. Okay I’m off to sleep, I’ll come back later. Josie or Cleo will relieve you around lunch?” Lizzie offered, trying not to let her friend start spiraling into her infamous dark mood.

“That’ll be fine, thanks Lizzie. You were right.” She admitted. Hope sits cross legged with her back to Lizzie and begins to take mental notes on how Landon is.

Lizzie leaves the projection and stands up to go to her room, checking the infirmary on her way. She sees that it’s empty and makes a mental note to terrorize Travis later since she saved his life. She plops down on her bed, and remembers before she falls asleep to store the magic she absorbed from Landon’s fire attack into her bracelet. For all his quirks, that idea had been amazing for her lately. Now that she wasn’t radiating with excess energy, the weight of the night caught up with her and she was asleep in minutes.

Lizzie wakes up after lunch period and finds she is absolutely starving. She heads to the galley kitchen to make a sandwich to tide her over until dinner. She arrives and finds Travis zoned out listening to music while cooking for himself. One of his weird hummingbirds mindlessly stirring a whisk in a pot and the other is hovering near the oven window. He notices her walk in and gives her a nod before going about his tasks. Lizzie lets him be, prioritizing her own hunger over talking. She grabs a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and jelly out of the pantry but when she turns around she finds a levitating plate with scrambled eggs and biscuits in front of her. The smell alone made her stomach growl.

“You’re gonna need more than a PB&J to recover from a night like last night. At least if how I’m feeling is any indication. Biscuits literally just came out of the oven. Gravy is over on the range with Nox.” He nods toward the darker of the birds stirring a pot while plating his own food and stirring his coffee once he turns off his music.

“Uh… thanks, but nobody asked you to cook for me. I can handle it myself.” Lizzie said with venom in her tone.

“You’re right, nobody asked me. I made too much food and just wanted to show a little appreciation, since you… You came back to help me last night. But I see I’ve overstepped. Sorry. I’ll get out of your hair.” He turns to leave with his plate floating above his mug.

“Wait! I’m sorry that outburst wasn’t really aimed at you. Thanks for the food. And for the spell from last night, we would have been in way worse shape without it. Where did you learn to do that?” Lizzie took a bite of her scrambled eggs before she walked over to the pot and ladled gravy onto her plate.

After turning back around and accepting they weren’t going to fight, Travis set his plate down on the counter and pulled up a stool. “Long story, but I made it.” Travis begins massaging his tattooed forearm before he continues. “It’s to redirect elemental attacks. Fire and water it works great on. Earth not so much. I never thought I would need to use it on a phoenix run rampant.” He takes a long sip of coffee before asking a question of his own. “Normally it’s a one off for a single attack but I had to improvise it into a constant spell with you, your sister, and Cleo. Enough about me you already saw how mind-down I was. Are you good? Absorbing phoenix magic must different than other sources?” He redirected.

“It’s actually the first time I’ve siphoned magic like that from Landon so it’s hard to put into words.” Lizzie admitted.

“He’s been here how long and you’ve never siphoned him?” Travis doubted.

“Only really had the occasion to once, when we were hiding from the Croatoan. Josie did it once or twice when they were dating but never said anything weird about it. But after I got out of the video chat spell I could feel the energy escaping me. Like in waves. I managed to store it but it wiped me out. Hence the 2:30 lunch break.” She sunk her teeth into a biscuit.

“Interesting, I always figured a siphon was like a rechargeable battery walking around that had like a skeleton key to outside magic. My ‘coven’ never really ran into the Gemini so it was a brand new concept when I got to this school and learned about them.” He wrinkled his nose at the mention of his coven.

“What do you have against covens? Not that I’m one to talk.” Lizzie dug further.

“Nothing against the concept.” He says before taking his now empty plate to the sink. “I just hate how my coven… disregards it’s youth.” He carefully admitted.

“It can’t be worse than having to fight your twin to the death at twenty-two.” Lizzie tried to lighten the now heavy mood unsuccessfully.

“Not quite that bad, true. I still ran away as soon as I could. The only reason I made my way here is because a witch saw me swindling money off of some tourists outside a casino in Las Vegas. She told me to make my way here if I was tired of that life. I thought the weather would beat the Vegas heat and I was right.” He shrugged as if it was like picking what he wanted to wear for the day.

“If only it were that simple for us. I’m sorry for whatever they did, and again for being so on edge earlier. Why are you being so open about all this with me?” Lizzie inquired.

“You’re the first person to really ask about my past. Your dad took that witch’s recommendation without much of a second thought. We didn’t get into my past too much. Everyone is pretty accepting of ‘wind mage from a wind mage coven’ and stays out of my business normally. Which I prefer, but it’s nice to say the truth out loud.” He answered.

“I get that, believe me sometimes I’d rather be just another witch here. I meant why me mostly.” Lizzie pressed.

“Like I said, you asked. Plus, I’m not big on leaving debts unpaid. You took a direct hit from Landon for me. The least I owe you is honesty.” All of a sudden he was very interested in his coffee mug.

“Well keep it up, if you want to join the Squad they’ll ask a lot of questions. After keeping everyone safe with that tornado they’ll definitely want you on the team. Especially with Landon out of commission for a while.” Lizzie cracked a light smile at him.

“Does he know he didn’t actually hurt anyone?” Travis asked as his dark eyes met Lizzie’s.

“He’s still cooling off as of this morning, I was going to check in with Hope after this meal. It was delicious by the way. Definitely beats a lame sandwich.” She puts her plate in the dishwasher. “Before I go meet with them, did you want this to be a one time mission or would you want to join us on a full time basis?” Lizzie meets his eyes before getting distracted by the birds flying about his body before landing on his hands.

“αποτέλεσμα” he whispered to the birds before they melded back into the blank spots on his hands. “Seeing as this place is more my home than anywhere else. Yes I’d like to help on a permanent basis. Assuming we’re not fending off Landon so often. I do have one condition.” He smirked a little at his final statement.

“This should be good, what is your condition?” Lizzie crossed her arms and gave him a look, daring him to say something ridiculous.“I want a rematch. A proper match, as many or as few spectators as you want.” His smirk grew a little bit at his taunt.“You’re on. Can I ask why?”“Firstly, it was fun. And secondly… I’m mad I didn’t think to throw something non-magic from outside the ring. Impressive skills Lizzie.” Travis looked at the back of his hands like he just discovered a new detail in his tattoos.“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. Anyway, I should go make sure the world didn’t end while I napped. I’ll let them know you want to step up once we sort out what’s going on with Landon. You’re going to want to write those fire defense spells down and make copies. My dad will want to see them in case of another phoenix outburst. It was nice talking to you Travis.” Lizzie started for the entrance after hearing her dad talking to someone.

“Nice talking to you too Lizzie.” Travis tossed the extra biscuits into a basket and left them with the other food that would be served at dinner before going about the rest of his day as well.

-Squad Meeting after Dinner-

Everyone except for Josie, Cleo, and Onacona are gathered in the chemistry lab. Cleo is currently monitoring Landon through the projection spell. Josie is out studying at Finch’s after her work shift. Onacona is patrolling the town in his bird form, now disguised by Hope to just look like a hawk to avoid suspicion.

“First thing, is Landon cooled off yet?” Alaric asks Hope, who had been relieved of her watch by Josie after lunch.

“He’s getting there according to Jo. He’s not breathing fire currently, and the extra wings are gone. I’m going to check on him in person first thing tomorrow. Before anyone tells me no! If he dies if dehydration we’ll be back at square one” Hope looks for objections and finds none.

“Okay but don’t forget your fireproofing thing. Or finally get Travis to write that spell down.” Alaric suggested.

“Speaking of the tattooed tornado. He said he’d join if we invited him, and that he wants to be involved on a full-time basis.” Lizzie reported before continuing. “Dad he mentioned you didn’t dig too far into his past and trusted the witch that referred him. Who found him in Vegas of all places?”

“He’s been here a while. I’m not entirely sure, let me double check.” He rummages through a file he brought from his office knowing he’d be brought up. “Bonnie found him street performing and could sense something was different about him. If there’s one person’s gut I trust it’s Bonnie’s. So I admitted him. His grades are mostly low A’s and a couple B’s. Parents listed as Troy and Natalia Sawyer, both deceased. This kid basically didn’t exist until he showed up in Vegas at thirteen and arrived here a little over a year after that. His coven is named… dammit who here can translate Greek?” He posed to the group.

Cleo walks in, reporting that Landon has fallen asleep and his flames are slowly receding. Just as Kaleb vamps over and peeks over Ric’s shoulder. “It says… Not Applicable.” Seeing the looks from everyone he finally breaks. “When you can vamp read you run out of English books fast. So I started learning new languages. Witches aren’t the only ones needing them. I can’t exactly compel my way into the Parthenon in English next summer either.” That earns him a disapproving look from everyone.

“Well whatever that coven is we should be wary of them. Whatever they did to him messed him up and he left them behind as a teen. Either way we’d all be phoenix toast without him so… I’d like to nominate him for the Super Squad.” Lizzie looks around the room.

“Seconded, I don't really know him, but I can't be the only one responsible for containing Landon if this happens again. All in favor?” Hope asks the group. All their hands shoot up.

“Alright, Landon would definitely want someone that can defend against him after that episode. Josie shouldn’t have even gotten involved, and Onacona doesn’t technically get one but he seemed grateful for not being roasted. I’ll call that unanimous.” Alaric announces. “I’ll talk to him once we’re done here. Hope, I’d like you to Landon-proof the holding cell just in case Landon has another freak out in the school.”

“Looks like my plans just got moved up anyway, I’ll handle the cell after. Any other business I should be attending to?” Hope asks the room.

“No, go make sure he’s okay. Everyone else be on guard. With Landon out of the fight for now we can’t get careless. Dismissed.” Ric orders before they start to file out. Before he says, “Lizzie hold back a second.”

“Yeah Dad?”

“Travis spoke about his coven with you?”

“Not exactly. We talked over a recovery meal. He just said he hates how his coven ‘disregards the youth’ and he left as soon as he could. I never would have guessed it was at thirteen or younger. What’s got you worried?” Lizzie asked.

“I don’t know… just a bad feeling. Secretive covens are usually that way for a reason. I’ll ask Bonnie if she knows since she found him. Thanks Lizzie, can you find him and send him my way? It’s a little late for the intercom.” Alaric looked more exhausted than usual.

“Sure thing dad. Word of advice? Just ask him straight up, he said he answered me because I’m the first person that really asked. No shade but we kinda dropped the ball not noticing his talent until now.” Lizzie suggested.

“Yeah I know. That’s part of what I want to ask him. Plus I figured I owe him a thank you for the cover last night.” The headmaster admitted.

“Alright. I’ll find him and send him your way. Goodnight daddy.” Lizzie said with a hug.

“Night Lizbear.” Ric responded, hugging her back.

Lizzie wanders around the halls trying to find him and finally locates him sitting in an open window on the highest turret. “A wind witch who smokes and has tattoos, how positively cliché.” She teased.

“Good evening to you too Lizzie. For the record I don’t smoke, and cliché would be me living out of a van like a nomad. I just come up here to shoot the breeze when I don’t want to leave campus, helps me think. What brings you to my corner or the universe?” Travis asked without turning his eyes from the stars.

“I’m here to be the first one to officially welcome you to the Super Squad. My dad wants to bring you up to speed, and probably give you your own Purge Blade. Not to mention his litany of questions. He’d like you to meet him in his office.” She explained.

“Thanks, I’ll head down now.” As he passes Lizzie she grabs him by the elbow and before she can say anything he tenses and rips his arm away. “Sorry, I just- I don’t like people touching me.” He apologized nervously.

“No I’m the sorry one I- I just wanted to say. The vote was unanimous, we’re happy to have you.” Lizzie offered a weak smile.

“Yeah thanks I’ll uh, see you around." He rushed off down the tower steps. Leaving Lizzie thinking to herself ‘How could I have messed up something as simple as telling him to go see Dad?’ Lizzie decided to grab some dessert and put this day behind her for good.

-Headmasters Office-

“Hey Dr. Saltzman, Lizzie said you wanted to see me?” Travis greeted.

“Yes I did, please sit.” Travis obliges. “I trust Lizzie told you that you have been voted to be allowed to join?” Alaric inquired.

“She said it was unanimous actually which is good to hear. So what did you want to talk about? Is this where I get my code name, or a team jersey?” He joked.

“No. This is where you tell me how you managed to fly under the radar for so long at this school. You’re obviously powerful. Josie checked that barrier you put up, it covers the entire main building, that took some serious juice. She’s not even sure how you did it and she’s a genius at reverse engineering spells. So I am sorry I overlooked you when you first got here, but I need the truth if I'm going to continue trust you with the safety of this school.” Alaric finished.

“Fine. I’ll need your word that no matter what I say good or bad. Not one single word about my relationship to my past can leak to the school. Nobody should even attempt to seek out or talk to my coven either, or it would be incredibly bad.” His deep voice punctuated how serious the point was to the headmaster perfectly.

“I promise you. As long as it’s the truth nothing will get out to the school. This is, has been, and will continue to be a place where it’s safe to be yourself.” Ric reassured his student.

“Well I guess I should start at the beginning. How well do you know your Iliad and Odyssey?”

-To be Continued in Ch. 13 Tell Me You’re Joking-


If the Greek is off blame google

Chapter 13: Tell Me You're Joking


Hope tries to pull an all-nighter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

-Circling back to Landon and Hope Late Sunday Night-

Hope approaches the Lockwood cellar, a backpack slung over her shoulder. She adjusted the jet black ring on her finger and quietly stepped down. Landon was still passed out. Awkwardly laying with his arm up in the air since it was still shackled. Hope placed a large water bottle in front of him before settling across from him. She set up her laptop with its preloaded episodes and put her headphones on. She ran out of downloaded episodes after a couple of hours, so she brought out her sketchpad and a few drafting pencils. She tried to just sketch Landon as he was, but her mind kept being drawn back to how Landon looked fully powered up but chained. Hope remembered how she had painted a portrait of him before she had blasted him into it. She remembered the guilt she felt. For not being able to protect him, for keeping her lie going, for making him forget all over again. So she started drawing him. She was in the zone and nearly finished with her sketch when her phone vibrated in her jacket pocket. Hope noted that it was nearly midnight so there weren't that many people that would be texting her.

Finch- Hey Josie said LC can’t make our early training session tomorrow. She was a little light on details so I wouldn’t worry. Surprise, it didn't work, is everything okay?
Hope- yeah everyone is okay now, but Landon kinda lost control fighting the last monster, he’s doing better now. Passed out and chained in the Lockwood cellars, but better than he was.
Finch- he must’ve been in rough shape, what did he fight?
Hope- a hellhound, he kinda went all out and ‘died’ but instead of calmly resurrecting like normal he flipped out

Hope then texted a photo of her sketch, a faceless Landon chained with four fiery wings in his monster bone and pelt armor.

Finch- Wow. To how he looked and your art skills.
Hope- Thanks, I’m actually waiting for him to wake up at the cells rn. So it’s passing the time.
Finch- yeah I’d probably a page or 2 deep in poetry by now. Heavy stuff. You handling it okay?
Hope- Compared to staring at his dead body? This is an upgrade, but it’s still scary. He’s going to feel so bad once he wakes up. Luckily nobody got hurt, but it was close. Our newest recruit really came through for us.
Finch- who’s the new blood?
Hope- one of the few male witches at the school, Travis
Finch- tattoos? Works on a motorcycle on the weekends?
Hope- didn’t know about the motorcycle but yeah he’s got tattoos on both hands and up one arm.
Finch- seems like a decent guy, seemed like he was somewhere else the entire time I met him. I figured he was a lone wolf. He said he’d help fix my moped if it had trouble though. Couldn’t really get a read on him.
Hope- yeah those who stayed after last year aren’t exactly the *normal* crowd.

Just as she hit send, Landon stirred slightly.

Hope- he might be waking up I’ll text you later
Finch- I'll check in tomorrow. Night

Unfortunately, Landon didn't wake up after his slight stirring. Now devoid of entertainment and company; she decided to reach out to Freya and give her an update. After getting up and stretching she walked up the steps to stare at the nearly full moon. Once she sent a text along asking to talk it took less than a minute to get a phone call from her eldest aunt. “Hey Aunt Freya.” Just knowing she was on the other end of the line brought a smile to Hope’s face.

“Hey kiddo, how’s everything going?” Freya greeted in kind.

“Could be better. We killed a couple hellhounds last night. Learned that wind magic can be pretty powerful. And my boyfriend turned into a mini-supernova. What’s up with you?” Hope didn’t even try to hide how wild the situation was.

“Wait I thought they only came one at a time? And did you say supernova?” Freya was never one to like surprises, and that wasn’t going to change if recent events were any indication.

“They normally do, but one of the hounds had a weird ceramic anklet thing that I think is connected. I emailed you the photos of it. Don’t worry about the nova thing. It’s handled and he can’t burn me.” Hope answered.

“Pulling them up now… oh wow, this is old magic. This is pre-Renaissance era subjugation magic. Powerful, Pandora must have found a way to allow more than one monster out using it. This isn’t good. This could get out of hand very quickly. Did any of your tracking spells work on it?” Freya’s tone turned rough and serious.

“No nothing, I even tried using parts of the monsters that have shown up lately. No dice.” Hope sighed.

“I’ll see if there’s anything in our old family grimoires. I’ll even check Dahlia’s. If that doesn’t help I’ll cook something up. How are you holding up?” Freya spat out Dahlia’s name in disgust.

“Outside of my boyfriend being chained up in a werewolf cell? Fabulous. I’m sorry we can’t make it down for Thanksgiving by the way.”

Freya coughed in shock at Landon being chained up. “Hope be careful with him. You took a long time to get your powers under control. His are still being discovered. This may be a setback, but it’s not the end of the world. As to Thanksgiving, it’s not my favorite holiday. But we’re having Yule and Christmas in New Orleans if I have to come up there and kill Pandora myself.” Freya tried and failed to lighten the mood.

“I know Aunt Freya. He’s his own worst critic, but I’m here for him, we all are. It’s getting late I should let you go, give Keelin and Nik a hug from me.” Hope asked.

“Will do Hope. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Hope went back down the steps and decided to try and rest on the small cot on the opposite cell from Landon. She wondered if Landon or Finch left it there for the full moon Wednesday night. After setting up and alert spell to tell her when Landon finally woke up, she settled into the cot using Landon’s jacket she brought for him to change into as a blanket. An hour or so of tossing and turning finally lulled her to sleep.

Hope woke a couple hours later with daylight just starting to light up the steps of the cellar. She got up and stretched before going over to inspect Landon's condition. His breathing was more even. Without the shackles, Hope would have said he looked peaceful. Deciding it was worth the risk, Hope walked into the cell and gently stroked his cheek. He was normally a light sleeper. Even more so since his return. Hope started to curl a lock of his hair when he began to stir. She spoke softly. “Landon, it’s me. Can you hear me?”

Landon's eyes fluttered open before locking onto her own. He reached out for her before being held back by his restraints. He tore his gaze away and took stock of his situation. “Oh god it wasn’t a dream. Tell me I didn’t hurt anyone.”

Hope could hear his heart beat quicken and him beginning to hyperventilate. "Tardis Pulsatio. Hey look at me, breathe. Everybody is fine. Just breathe. Good. Just like that. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere." The spell to match their heartbeats slowly started to have the desired effect.

After a few moments of calming down he finally speaks again. “Please tell me I took out the last one before I lost it…” the look in his eyes pleaded just as much as his words.

"Yeah your plan B worked almost as well and Plan A, Onacona was happy to help. A surprise hero actually kept your damage to a minimum." Hope offered a small smile, wanting to lighten the mood.

"Cleo inspired one of you?" Landon guessed.

"No actually, Travis is apparently a pro at defending against fire attacks. We actually already voted him onto the squad while you were out. We assumed you wouldn’t protest and called it a unanimous vote." Hope reported sheepishly as she lifted the spell and brought both her hands to his neck.

"Thank god for that, and that I didn’t have to use plan C. Good call on the vote too." Landon sighed and leaned his head to the side into her arm before taking a deep breath. "Um, now that I’m not a rage monster, could you grab the keys? Your spells worked great. I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

"Oh yeah of course actually first." She pulls herself in closer before saying, "I’m glad you’re okay. I was so worried."

"Hey I’m sorry I scared you. I’m calm now, I’m just happy everyone is okay." He returned her embrace awkwardly with only one free hand. They stay in each other’s arms for a minute, before Hope comes to her senses and unshackles him. After another embrace they head back to the school in the Salvatore Jeep Hope had borrowed. “How long was I out for?” Landon started stretching out his sore joints as he asked.

"After flying around burning off energy for a couple hours you chained yourself up, then you fell asleep sometime during Cleo’s watch the next night after dinner and I took over in person after that. So all-in-all a little more than a day. Do you wanna tell me exactly what happened? Is that how your resurrections have gone since getting your powers back?" Hope was more concerned than curious.

"I’m not exactly sure. I’ve gotten used to being in combat mode once I resurrect, but never to that extent. It felt like I wasn’t in my body, all I know is that I definitely wasn't in control of myself. Man I wish there was a phoenix I could ask about stuff like this."

"Yeah and while we’re at it, can we figure out how all of a sudden you have another set of wings and breathe fire?" Hope turned her head to look at him before focusing back on the road.

"Breathing fire isn't as useful as it sounds so I didn't mention it. Hold on, what do you mean extra wings?"

"You couldn’t tell? You sprouted an extra set below your regular ones, smaller but still on fire."

"Please tell me you’re joking." Landon's eyes were wide with surprise

"I don’t joke about stuff like this Landon." Hope reached to the back seat for her sketch her eyes as she drove. Landon inspected the rendering of himself carefully trying to remember the feeling.

"That’s kinda disturbing that I couldn’t notice. I guess phoenix maturity is an ongoing process." He turned his head to watch the houses and trees fly by.

"Or it goes off how long you have your powers not your physical age." Hope suggested.

"That actually makes a lot of sense. It has been a decent amount of time since I resurrected last. Maybe it’s a build up thing. Either way I'll have to be more careful not to die." Landon pondered.

"My theory was you died with too much energy from the hellhound stored up. What matters now is you’re back to being yourself, do you feel back in control?" Hope looked him in the eye as they waited for the school gates to finish opening, and for Josie to pass them on the way to school in town.

"Yeah let me try something." He focuses and turns his eyes into green fire. "Yeah no flare up."

"Good to know, and just in time." Hope pulls up to the main entrance and most of the squad is waiting for them.

"I don't suppose there's a 'Sorry for almost destroying the school' flower arrangement I could buy is there?" Landon says softly without opening his door.

"If there was I would definitely know about it. You will however be making up for blowing up our dock. To me personally and the school." Hope gave him a lighthearted smile and squeezed his hand before getting out of the car.

Shutting the car door firmly, Landon walks up to his assembled friends and mulls over what to say first before he speaks. "First thing. Thank you all for your hard work. Thank you for being prepared and responding to my… episode appropriately. I'm sorry you all had to see me like that. Lizzie and Travis I’m sorry you ended up as drained as you were. I never meant to hurt anybody." After a nervous breath at their silence, he continued. "Great work and welcome to the team Trav. Told you that your instincts were good. I hear we were lucky you showed up." Landon holds out his hand to shake and Travis looks at it blankly before responding.

"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you. And uh sorry I have this thing about touching. I made an exception since our lives were on the line." Travis responds and smiles half-heartedly.

"Oh my god I’m so sorry. I get it. But seriously I owe you one for keeping me from burning the school down. Lizzie too, sorry you had to absorb a full blast." Landon continues his apology tour.

"I’m sure I’ll think of something." Travis responds.

"I got a neat phoenix battery out of it so I’d call that even. I may still call in that debt if I need to." Lizzie adds.

"Well either way, thanks again. So besides the obvious what’s with the welcome wagon?" Landon asks after several more apologies and thanks are given out, especially to Onacona.

"Mostly we wanted to see how you were doing and show support if you were less than okay, you good to teach today? I can have the captains take over for the day if needed." Ric proposes.

"Yeah actually, most sleep I’ve gotten at once in a long time." Landon responded.

"Good, because I’m sore and you promised your class a training day versus you." Ric grins with satisfaction.

"Super. Are they more, or less excited after the episode?" Landon asked the captains and students gathered.

"Honestly? Kind of a mixed bag. The squad members split up for the most part so it wouldn’t be so one sided for most groups." Kaleb answers.

"Well let me grab breakfast a quick shower and I’ll be ready.

Landon goes about his day with someone from the squad shadowing him just in case. Once he notices it’s Alaric in charge of tailing him he pulls out his phone and texts Kol.

Landon- Not to be pushy, but is it ready yet? I nearly burned down the school after killing some hellhounds. Hope and the rest were able to snap me out of it, but I don’t know what’s going on with my powers.
Kol- nearly there, but the spell needs an entire lunar cycle to set. so we’re going to start in a couple days and you’ll be getting your personal murder-lite weapon for Christmas.
Landon- thanks again, tell Davina I owe her one too
Kol- she might have an altogether different use for your blood. It’s still very early stages so I won’t mention it yet. You don’t owe her anything really. Just keep Hope happy and she won’t hex you (devil emoji)
Landon- loud and clear gotta get to class, sorry we can’t make it to NOLA for Thanksgiving.
Kol- blame the witches, I’d rather spend it in the town I was killed in. Besides you’ll have Marcel and Rebekah to contend with. Keep that a surprise from Hope for me yeah?
Landon- I’m actually kinda looking forward to it.
Kol- tell me how you feel after

Landon wraps up his classes and calls Finch to apologize for missing their appointment. Since she actually got cut early from work and Josie is busy with homework so they decide to meet up and train before having dinner at the school. While they are going through a fight tempo drill in the school gym, Finch asks him. “You're majorly on autopilot. You wanna talk about it?”

"Did Josie tell you what happened?" Landon asks.

"Her and Hope did. They said that you lost control after fighting a pair of hellhounds and chained yourself up at the Lockwood cells." Finch reports.

"That’s oversimplified, but yes. I died killing the last one. I nearly burned down the school and flew all over the state to calm down. Only reason I didn’t is because a new witch stepped up." Landon summarized.

"So what’s eating at you LC? That you lost control, or that your team couldn’t handle you without outside help?" Finch finally pauses their drill for a water break.

"Both of I’m being honest. I’m just. Not used to relying so completely on so many others. It’s been just me for so long, even before the school. I know Hope can take me down but I don’t want to put her through that. And now I need to lean on all of them but I can’t if they aren’t up to handling it." Landon sits down on the bleachers and drinks as well.

"Well my two cents is you are way too wrapped up in your own mind. There’s only so many problems a mind can handle. So either take a breather and drop some of them, or focus on one with not nearly as high stakes." Finch shrugs as she finishes talking.

"My life hasn’t exactly had low stakes since Raf’s car accident." Landon laughs at the notion.

"All the more reason to take a step back. Actually I have the perfect task. Consider it your penance for bailing on me this morning." Finch offers.

Landon rolls his eyes, "What did you have in mind?"

"I want to do something for Jo. A gift or something to really show I care about her; but I don’t know what to do." Finch furrows her brow at her helplessness.

"And asking the ex-boyfriend is your plan?" Landon jokes to cover how he tensed at his sudden realization.

"Admittedly not a great plan. But it's better than going to Belgium and facing Satan. You're much less fiery" Finch jeered.

"Actually it shows she means a lot to you. For the record: I care about her, but I'm not in love with her. If you need someone to talk about magical relationships with, I'm your guy. What are some ideas you’ve tried?" Landon asked with a smile.

"That’s just the thing, I’ve had a jillion gift ideas but it always comes down to the fact she’s a witch that can get herself basically anything." Finch groans.

"I had the same issue with Hope believe it or not." Landon admits.

"So what did you do?"

"I wrote her a song and performed it for her." Landon beamed at the memory.

"Cheesy, and I can’t sing or play an instrument. Next." Finch

"Well she definitely can. Okay I've got one good idea. You write poetry right? Ever try and write lyrics? She’d love trying to write music to them. I’m not saying profess your undying love and elope, but do something that lets her know you’re in it for the long haul." Landon can see the dread on Finch's face as soon as he mentions her poetry.

"No. NO. Way too mushy." Finch reinforces.

"Josie likes mushy. And she obviously likes you. So what are you afraid of? She doesn’t scare easily, and she doesn’t do anything halfway." Landon says confidently.

"Okay I’ll consider it. Thank you for this, I think I have the perfect idea. I’m glad you guys don’t hate each other for what it’s worth." Finch stands up offering Landon a hand.

"I’d be a terrible person if I hated her after what she did for me." Landon admits as he stands.

"What’s that exactly? Sorry... I blame my wolf half for being nosy."

"You heard Hope got wiped from all our minds for months right?" Landon inquires.

"Yeah. Not the how or why, just that it happened."

"My dad is the how, Hope's view that love means sacrifice is the why." Landon saw her attention solely focused on him before he continued. "Anyway, when the woman who makes your world turn. The first person you fell in love with; is just deleted from your mind, you end up in a pretty dark place. Back when all I could do was resurrect, I would see glimpses of Hope before I came back. So I drowned myself. A lot. Just to get a look at what I felt was missing. Jo helped me realize how crazy I was being. I stopped, and sometime after that we started dating. Just to highlight how terrible my timing is... The first time we kissed was the first time Hope made it back to the school." Landon shook his head at the memory.

"Oh damn. I’m so sorry... I didn't know." Finch obviously wasn't comfortable hearing about this long dead drama.

"It’s not your fault, Hope didn’t even know until the day we recruited you." Landon started packing up the gym equipment to escape the awkward tension.

"Thanks for this. I’ll let you know how it goes with her. See you next week normal time LC?" Finch asks.

"I’ll be there barring further hellhounds." He jokes with a smile as she heads on her way.

Once Landon freshens up for dinner, he decides to track down Josie before they all meet up. He finds her sitting alone in the library reading a history book. "Hey Jo, can we talk?"

"Uhhh yes? What’s wrong?" Josie lowers her book to look at him.

"Nothing, well... that depends on you." He pauses before continuing. "You need to tell Finch about the Merge."

The color drained from her face. “No, it’s way too soon. Why do you care?!?" She accused.

"Because everyone deserves to be happy Jo. And every day, week, and month that passes just makes it that much worse. Everyone at school knows, do you trust them to not ask the ‘what’s your plan when she turns 22’ question? Of course I care. You're my friend Jo. Take it from someone who has had to fight secrets for a long time. Tell her, just make sure she knows there are options. Your fail safe of becoming a vampire, or even better a phoenix. But it needs to come from you." Landon reaffirms.

Josie takes a calming breath before responding. "You’re right, it’s just, I’ve never had to tell anyone, neither has Lizzie… Penelope told me and you already knew before we were together... What if she freaks out and leaves?"

"Then you, me, Hope, and everyone else have seriously misjudged her. Be honest, and don’t push her away like you do, it’ll be just fine. She’ll probably need time to process, but she’ll understand it’s not easy on you." Landon explains.

"Thanks for coming to talk me into this, but why now?" Josie asks

"Both of you have been spending more time around the school lately, and the holiday break is almost here. It would be better not to have any of this come out in a family setting..." Landon raises his eyebrows to let her know where the question is leading.

"Oh god I totally forgot to invite her to dinner! Thanks Landon." Josie runs off before he can respond.

-To be Continued in Ch.14 It's Only Pain-


I finally learned how to do the horizontal line breaks :D
Good news: I'm going on vacation so should be able to get a lot written. I even have the next few things outlines out already (Full moon, Thanksgiving, etc.)
Bad news: it will all be written in my notes app and have to be edited once i get back
If you want a slightly shorter than normal One-shot compared to my chapters i wrote one in frustration mapping the rest of this story. Check it out

Don't Hold Me Up (I Can Stand My Own Ground) - HybridFire27 (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.